Chapter 5

“Not that I’m not enjoying this. But I’m super hungry. I need food…”

“Yes. Of course. Shifting takes a lot of out of you, especially the first shift.”

“Would you like to wash and change first?”

“I don’t have any clothes. Could you get me something? While I have a very quick wash. I’ll have a bath later, if that is alright?”

“Bethany, this is your home. Your word is law. No one except us can argue and we wouldn’t unless it harmed you,” Jelben explains.

“I will gather a gown.” Darrus rushes from the room.

“He was naked.”

“Don’t worry, the staff are used to it.”

“Let me show you the bathroom.”


A short time later and they are all redressed and Bethany is wearing a white wrap dress. It is the type of dress the concubines normally wear but she understood it is only temporary until she has her own clothes.

“Are you going to introduce me as your wife, mate or daughter?” She asks as they left the room.

Darrus holding one hand and Jelben the other. The twins are content just being near their mate.

“All three.”

“Won’t they be disappointed their king mated his daughter?” She asks genuinely curious.

“They won’t care. They’ll been surprised, but happy they finally have a Queen,” Jelben said honestly.

“Some of the concubines will be angry though. But they don’t matter,” He adds.

“Me and Bethany will eat them if they try anything,” Pomraz exclaims happily.

“Do you really eat people, Daddy Raz?”

“The first time was an honest accident. A concubine tried to seduce my dragon into mating her. But dragons will not tolerate anyone but their true mate. So I ate her.”

She walked and listened intrigued. “After that if I ever went into battle I ate my enemies. It sounds sick, but they taste really good.”

“Have any of you ate people?”

“No, but we’ve all hurt women by accident during sex.”

She nodds thoughtfully.

“This is a beautiful castle, but I haven’t seen anyone yet.”

“This is my personal wing. Only maids and Assom are allowed here.”

“Do you each have your own wing?”

“I do, but our uncles share a wing. The concubines and staff who live in are in the fourth,” Darrus explains.

“But I don’t want to be apart. I want to sleep with all of you. Can’t we have a giant bed and snuggle together?”

They all smile. “I’ve been thinking something similar. I know I don’t want to sleep apart from you, I’m certain the others feel the same.”

They all agree.

“We’ll discuss where later. For now, I will have a couple of beds…. Actually, make that three beds pushed together in a room until we can arrange something else.”

“The wolves often have group pairings. I will contact them and ask how they deal with it. Perhaps they build special furniture?” Nizi suggested.

“Good idea. Contact the felines too, the male always has several female mates,” Jelben said and his uncle nod.

They reach a set of stairs and start to descend them.

“Just curiously, why are you King and not the twins?”

“My father was a first born son and so was I. It always passes to the first son. The twins are my father’s younger brothers.”

“And neither of you mind?” She asked them.

“Not at all,” Nizi reply and Pomraz shook his head.

“Lord, I can just imagine Uncle Raz as king. No one would go to jail because he’d eat them,” Darrus jokes but Pomraz didn’t deny it.

Soon they pass a young but tall man. He stops and bows his head in respect to Jelben.

“Have all the staff brought to the great hall in a hour. I have an announcement to make. Have a journalist attend too.”

“Yes, your highness,” The man said and quickly scurried off.

“You have journalists?”

“Of course. Our land is large and we don’t have radio. News print is often the best way to get the message out fast.”

The second man they passed the King sent to have all the concubines rounded up and kept in the west wing where they live until he was ready to address them.

“How many concubines do you actually have?” She asks as they went in the direction of the dining room.

They had already sent message to have a meal prepared.

“About fifty,” Jelben answered nonchalantly.

“Fifty?” Her mouth hung open.

“Yes. But we all share them. Though some we favored over others.”

“How am I going to be enough for you?” She worried.

They all stopped her and surrounded her.

“They are humans, not our mates. Many we haven’t touched in years,” Darrus defends.

“And even those we have, none compare to you,” Pomraz adds.

“Mates are different. It’s hard to explain if you weren’t brought up knowing about them. Basically mates are like… Like the promised land. You look for years for the one and when you do find them, bliss, everything is perfect, sex feels different, better. It is like being reunited with a piece of yourself,” Nizi tries to explain.

“So you won’t bring the concubines back if I am not giving you enough sex?” Her eyes swam with tears.

They all growl but hold her between them.

“Sex is amazing, but you could never disappoint us. We understand that sometimes you may not want sex and others times you might want to do it nonstop. We just want you. We want our mate,” The king explains.

“And if they try, I’ll eat their legs,” Pomraz jokes making her giggle.

She looks up at him with tears on her cheeks but a smile. “I love my cannibal, my king, my doctor and my child, I love all my daddies. I never want to lose you.”

“You won’t ever,” They promise.

“Hang on, did you call me a baby?” Darrus asks just putting it together.

“You want to drink from my breasts like a baby.”

“I’m your daddy!”

“They’re my daddies too.”

“I’m a growing boy.”

“You’re over eight hundred. I’m seventeen.”

“You’re only seventeen?” Pomraz and Darrus seem surprised but not Nizi and the king.

“You’re a child still.”

“She was a hybrid until I mated her, meaning she aged like a human. She is a grown woman,” Jelben assures them.

“But then why is she so small?”

“I think I can answer that,” Nizi replies. “A study I read…”

The guys groan knowing how he like to go on.

“Fine, I’ll shorten it for you lot. Shifters need a lot of food growing up. If they don’t get enough they often continue to mature until of age, but don’t grow taller.”

“You’re telling me she was starved as a child?!” Pomraz growls his eyes glow.

“My mother fed me well…”

“But her mother died when she was six and the Nun abused her power…” Jelben told them what he knew.

All three men are ready to kill the mother superior. “I gave her a choice death or the desert.”

Bethany listened in surprise, this is the first she heard of it.

“She choose the desert.”

This seemed to cheer the men up.

“The desert? What is bad about that, apart from no water?” She asks curiously.

Jelben explains. “So you see, she will be hunted and eaten.”

“I’m glad I don’t have to eat her. She is poison.” She smiles and looks to Nizi, “If I start eating now, will I grow more?”

She is barely four and a half foot at the moment. But there is no doubt she is a woman.

He nodded. “You will likely grow some, but you’ll always be short.”

“But I can grow some?” She asks excited.

“Anywhere from a few inches to a foot.”

She jumps up happily, throwing her arms around him. He grins and held her up off the floor.

Being dragon shifters they are over seven foot tall in human form, triple that in dragon form.

“I want to be bigger. I can’t reach anything here.”

It is true. Jelben had to hold her up to reach the sink. He even lifted her onto the toilet.

“We love you at any height.”

“One of us will always be with you to help you.”


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