Chapter 6

Dinner was a feast.
Bethany ate even more than the men due to her first shift taking so much energy.
The announcement to the Palace went even better than expected.
The staff adore and praised dragon Queen.
The news was quickly sent out and spread.
Orders were given to arrange a room for them all until they could find a proper solution.
By chance, a wolf shifter guard heard and told them he could acquire a bed they wanted.
But it would take a week since it had to be special made and brought there.
They quickly agreed and sent the man on the job.
The guard was beyond happy to have a special duty and quickly left.
The next job was telling the concubines who the king had been informed are growing restless.
“After we’ve told them can we go flying?” Bethany asks as they made their way to where the women are waiting.
“What did you have in mind?” Jelben asks knowingly.
“I was a little sore, but I’m not anymore. I want to play with the dragons… Maybe have a tongue in my holes and cocks…. I don’t know. I’m just so horny.”
They all became hard at the thought.
“As your first daddy, I request you let my dragon fill you in human form first?”
“No, Daddy Ben, you took my dragon, my virginity and mouth first. I love you lots but I want to be fair. Nizi and Darrus can take my ass and pussy first. They can decide between them which.”
They smirk.
“I want the pussy, you can have the ass.”
“That’s find with me,” Nizi agrees happy she was thinking of them. “You’re not mad, are you, Daddy Ben? I do love you.” She worried.
He smiled. “I could never be mad at you.” He picks her up. “I was just being greedy. I know I’ll have you just after. I am sorry for pressuring you.”
“Maybe, you and Daddy Raz could take me in dragon together?”
Raz agrees before his nephew had a chance to speak.
“We’ll see how you handle one and decide.”
She nods and they proceed up the stairs a couple of large men are guarding. They must have heard the news because they congratulate the group.
“Are you sure you want to come? We can tell them alone.”
“I’m coming because I’m going to hurt anyone who touches you.”
Pomraz smiles proud but the others are worried for the women, knowing they would touch them as soon as they enter.
Many are obsessed with mating. Especially the older women.
The guards accompany them, unsure of the women’s reactions.
As they enter the room where all the women are, the room fell silent for a moment and look to them.
There is about fifty women in the large room. All are very beautiful, between their mid-twenties and forty. Most are large chested, curvy red heads.
But there is other body types.
All wore a similar wrap dress.
But none are as young or short as Bethany, in fact, most seemed on the taller side.
They all seem to speak at once and move forwards.
But one warning growl from the King and all fall silent.
“You have all been dear to me over the years and I’d like to thank you,” He began to speak.
Some of the women are already looking at Bethany curiously, a couple even glaring.
But she decided to hold herself back for now.
“We all knew this time would come eventually. We have found our mate. Though you are no longer needed, I will not just throw you out. You will all be giving a choice to be relocated in this or the Human kingdom.”
Many actually appear happy for him, but they are mostly younger ones.
Bethany had expected the younger women to be brats and the older sweet. But it seemed to be the other way around here.
“Can’t we stay here?” One woman in her twenties asks, she didn’t seem bitter, more scared.
“You are welcome to stay. But you will be expected to work.” This seems to please her and many more.
“But if you wish to stay in the Kingdom but find work else where, you will be assisted.”
“But what of the other Lords, can we not stay for them?” A much older woman said hopeful, sending flirty smiles to the other men.
“My brother and uncles have all mated Bethany. And as you know, all my staff are also mated. There is no need for concubines anymore.” He was being patient and kind. A good king. But someone had to ruin it.
“That small girl between four men? She is a child!” One of the oldest women snaps and a woman of a similar age beside her nods in agreement.
“She will break the moment Lord Pomraz touches her. One of us should have been chosen, we are owed.”
Pomraz growls but the others try hard to stay calm. They had expected this.
“She is an adult and I assure you she handled me and my brother at the same time without so much as a scratch,” Nizi defended calming his brother.
“That doesn’t change the fact that we were tricked!” The same woman exclaims.
“No. We were always told the truth,” Another woman defends the king and his mates.
“The fact of the matter is we are already mated and extremely happy. Your anger changes nothing.”
“But she is a freak, a dwarf!” In a flash Pomraz is in front of now terrified woman.
Everyone backed up and look away as though already knowing what is about to happen.
“My lord-” He growls.
“You dare speak bad of my daughter?!”
He didn’t give her a chance to reply. He literally reached in her chest and pulls out are heart.
He calmly walks away with it in his hand as she fell to the floor.
No one seemed surprised when he began eating it.
But they were when he stopped in front of and offered Bethany some.
Silently she leans in and took a small bite. The way her tiny teeth sunk in and her little pink tongue licked her lips, it had not only him but the others aroused.
“It’s bitter.”
Darrus laughs. “She was in life too.”
He turns to several young beautiful women. “I want you to know I cared for you a lot in our time together. And now it is over I would be happy to find you work as nurses to a shifter adult or infant, if you wish?” They all seem happy with this and nod.
Pomraz ate the rest of the heart alone as his nephew addresses the crowd.
“I am sorry that happened. But disrespect will not be tolerated. She is a Queen through mating and birth. I will answer any questions you have.”
“Your highness, She is Lord Pomraz’s daughter?” A young woman asks what they are all thinking.
“She is all our daughter.” They look confused.
“Many years ago we had a concubine which took care of all of our needs. One day she decided to leave for the Human kingdom because we wouldn’t mate her. What we were unaware of was a miracle, a chance in a million had happened and she had fallen pregnant with our child.
“So yes, she is each our daughter. She is a true dragon shifter and she is our mate.”
“It’s alright to mate a family member?” She looked younger than the rest.
Most had been there years but a couple had been there little over a month.
“It is not like the Human world. To us, love is love.”
“I have a request for you then, your highness?”
He nods for her to continue.
“I was living with my younger brother and his wife. But she ran me out when she found he is in love with me. Could I return to the Human kingdom and bring him here to live as my husband? He is a skilled trades man and I can work.”
Many of the women seem shocked she is even asking but the king agrees.
“I had intended on returning in the morning. Can you wait until then or do you wish a guard to go with you now?”
“Thank you, my king. I love you. You are truly amazing. I will go in the morning with you, if that is alright? His wife will be at her mother’s while my brother works. It will be the perfect time.”
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