Chapter 12

Back home Leon was sat talking to Ross and James when the trio got home.

As was becoming habit Blaze carried her all the way and Garrek pinched her shoes and tickled her feet. Making her squirm in Blaze’s arms.

“Such pretty feet” he grinned as they entered the house. “And tasty looking toes” Garrek reached for them and licked his lips.

“Nooo” she jumped out of Blaze’s arms and ran away from Garrek, who was hot on her heels. Even Blaze was being playful, chasing her too and quickly catching her. “Mine” a deep playful growl escape his lips as he held her and she tried to escape his grip. But it was too late. Only seconds later Garrek had hold of her foot and started nibbling and sucking on her toes.

“Stop Gar” she laughed wiggling her toes as if hoping that would stop him.

“Blaze’s… Please.. Make him… Stop” she laughed out breathlessly.

He gaze down at a red faced Amy “Stop now Gar” he told him “We don’t want her to suffocate”

Garrek pulled back quickly, smirking at her and Blaze both.

“We will play again later” he was speaking to her foot.

“Oh Gar” she laughed, Blaze shook his head “Such strange mates” he said hiding a grin.

“Fine” Gar took Amy out of his brothers arms making him playfully growl.

“Then you won’t want to play with us” he comically went skipping further into the house. Amy had her head tipped back laughing uncontrollably.

“Come here you weirdos” Amy’s suddenly stopped laughing and her eyes widen. Blaze stood not even breaking a sweat carrying both her and Garrek.

“Blaze” she said in a breathy whisper.

“Yes love?” he stopped and looked at her face.

He felt proud to see her looking at him with awe and love.

“You are like superman” she chuckled.

She turned to her other brother “Maybe he should play superhero’s with us next time. He can carry both of us or just me” she suggested.

Garrek frowned “And what about me? I’m strong too”

“You can carry Yun” he frowned further, soon turning into a pout.

“This looks tasty” Amy moved her head forwards and licked her mates pouty bottom lip. Before she knew what was happening her and her two mates were giving each other very tongue-full kiss.

Cue a duel “Awe”

“Isn’t it cute?”

“Isn’t he going to drop them?”

“That would be funny”

Slap “Ouch”

The trio pulled apart and Blaze placed them on the ground but Garrek still held Amy and refused to put her down.

They looked to their right to see their parents, aunt, uncle and Leon watching them. Leon was frowning and rubbing his arm.

“They mom is mean”

“You are a evil little sh!t” Paula said to him, Ross laughed at his wife’s comment and wrapped his arm around her. Bianca ignored the bickering pair.

“You three are so cute”

‘Some of us are, others are just weird’ Blaze teased his mates through their link.

‘Especially Gar with his weeing and toe fetish’ Amy said causing Blaze to burst out laughing, earning strange looks from everyone else.

“I forgot about that”

“Don’t ask” Garrek muttered.

“Sooo….” Bianca drew out the word.

“Are we going to my parents or what? They are doing my head in. Literally. They…. Well my sisters and mom keeps linking with me” Leon complained.

“We will soon” Garrek told them.

“We need to feed our baby first” Blaze continued.

Leon gave them a ‘But she only just ate’ look.

“That was hours ago and I bet you ate not long ago right?” the older brother asked.

Leon wore a guilty expression.

“Plus Amy has just shifted. For the first couple of days at least until her body is used to the change she will be eating a lot more” James defended this time.

“What are you up to James?” Paula asked her older brother looking knowingly at his mischievous smile.

Only a second later James in a flash had snatched Amy from her mates arms.

Both Blaze’s and Garrek’s shifted colour they quickly took chase after the alpha.

“I see where Garrek gets it from” Ross chuckled.

“Sometimes I wonder if he wasn’t dropped on his head” Bianca jokes.

“Me too” Leon mutters.

She punches arm.

“Ouch” he rubs it “What with you women hiting me?” he exclaimed walking in the direction where the boys and Alpha went.

James stopped in the kitchen a giggling Amy still in his arms.

“Uncle James” Garrek chimed.

Both brother wore evil smirks as they stopped in front of the pair.

“If you wasn’t our uncle and alpha…” Garrek said distracting James whilst Blaze did is superman act and snatched Amy back and throwing her over his shoulder.

“Arrr put me down” she scream at the same time laughing.

Blaze as fast as a bullet was back beside Garrek.

“You are fast” their uncle said impressed.

“Yap yap… Yap yap” the younger brother looked at his feet to see Yun.

Amy laughed “Remember what I said superhero?”

Garrek frowned and picked Yun up “Swap you?” he held out the panting dog to Blaze.

He chuckled “No thanks little bro. I’m happy keeping this one”

Amy frowned “Are you calling me a dog?” she asked seriously.

Both men stopped laughing and James started watching in amusement with his arms crossed.

“No no no” Blaze quickly said moving her from his shoulder and placing her on the ground in front of him.

“I just meant…” Amy cut him off taking the dog from Garrek.

“It’s OK Yun” she cooed to the small puppy “I want you” the dog barked happily.

“After all us dogs have to stick together” she smirked and walked over to the fridge with Yun in one arm and grabbing food from herself with the other. Then placed a few ready made cold dishes on the table.

“Am I alright to eat these?” she asked Bianca who had just entered the kitchen with the others.

“Yep sweetie” she replied sweetly “That’s why I made them”

Amy smiled and thanked her aunt. Sat at the table, Yun still with her and began eating and every now and then giving Yun a small piece.

Both brothers frowned so much it looked almost like a pout.

They followed her like sheep and sat either side of her. Just watching her and hoping she wasn’t really mad.

Amy frowned looked either side at her mates and asked them with a mouth full of food “Are you eating or what?” she pushed a plate closer to each of them.

They smiled “These are for us?” Garrek asked hopeful.

She raised her eyebrow “Do I look like a muffin?” she asked in a duh tone.

Leon sat back laughing “I love you guys. Such great entertainment” he muttered.

They ignored his comment.

She rolled her eyes “Of course they are for you”

Her mates smiled and both leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“Awww” Paula and Bianca again…

“Thank you love”

“Thank you honey” they both said and began eating.

Yun whined “Bad girl. No more. It’s mine” Amy told the greedy puppy which was trying to eat all her food.

“Dad hold her” she asked him. He shook his head “No thanks. I’m happy with all my fingers”

“James” she gave him a toothy smile and he caved “Fine” he mumbled “Give the thing here” Bianca giggled at her mate. He cradled the crazy mutt as if it was a baby and the dog let out a strange purr as he stroked its stomach.

“That is one strange dog” Leon thought out loud. Yun curled her lip and let out a short growl in his direction as if she could understand him.

They were all taken back except Amy who was used to her clever pup.

“Wouldn’t speak about her like that or you are likely to lose something” she warned not once stopping eating.

A short time later they had finished eating and were getting ready to leave the house to go to see Leon’s family.

James and Bianca were going too because they were good friends with his parents.

Amy insisted on locking Yun in the house for the short time they were out because she didn’t want Leon strange cousin getting to her.

At first she wanted to bring her along but James convinced her to leave her at home this time.

“Can’t I walk this time?” Amy asked already knowing the answer.

“No” Blaze told her in no uncertain terms.

“Can’t I carry her? You always do?” Garrek whined.

“Next time” Blaze again in the same tone as before.

The younger brother nodded and looked at her feet.

“No Gar” she told him as his dom “My shoes stay on. Hold my hand instead” she held it out from him.

He frowned but then smiled and did as she said.

Their watched in surprise as both men did anything she asked.

“Should of seen them at the mall. Amy wanted to go to a shop alone but they were like no! She got all serious and ordered them to get her coffee whilst she went to the shop and they did as she told them. They even bowed their head in submission” Leon remember.

“Somehow though I think if I tried to order them like that they would probably beat me with a stick” he added as a after thought. “That’s for sure…” James chuckled “Sometimes even I struggle to get them… Mostly Blaze to submit. But they always do because I am their alpha” he looked at Amy fondly.

Her and the brothers were in their own little world just looking at each other lovingly. “She really is a unique strong woman. Especially for someone so young. Many of our females old and young could learn from her… I was thinking maybe we should use the park Hall a few times a week for Amy to teach people gymnastics. Children and adults…” Amy most have started listening because she gave him a questioning look when he said adults.

“Shifter adults are not like humans. They can learn new physical things like gymnastics. They the flexibility of a much younger person… Even the elders.

They just need a good teacher.

But maybe you could run a special more basic one for the elders or even just some exercise or yoga thing… That is if you know that stuff too?” he suggested.

“I can do that. I know a lot of exercise’s and yoga. My old coach made me learn. He said it would help keep me ‘centred’. How big is this pack exactly?” she asked.

“We have two hundred living in this piece of land and another hundred living around the edges of our land. So three hundred all together, give or take a few. We are a pretty big pack. Most only have about a hundred and fifty, if that” he explained.

“Wow that’s huge. How do you actually keep up with your members?” she asked surprised.

“Well between me, my beta and third and not to mention all my guards working the borders, I know how everyone is at one time. Plus I know when one leaves our land, they have to tell us where they are going when they pass out of our land so we know nothing has happened to them.

Plus there is our pack link, which is like your mate link but on a much larger scale.

But normally they only contact me or the command if it is a emergency.

Lastly we have pack get together’s a couple of times a month” he finished with a sigh “It’s a lot easier than it sounds” he smiles and whispers loudly after seeing her shock.

“We should leave” Blaze reminded walking to the front door.

“Remember to lock the door and do that link thing with that Lucas guy. Tell him not to let her out if he comes back. I don’t want her raped. I’ll walk her later”

The others laughed at her ordering the alpha about. “Yes ma’am” he mock saluted her. He didn’t mind because he knew she meant no disrespect. Plus she was family and he was happy to have them close.

“Mom and dad are due back from their trip late tonight, so I’ll arrange we meet them tomorrow before the pack meeting.

They don’t know about you moving pack, so it’ll be a surprise. But a good one” James said as they walked the short distance of Leon parents house.

They lived in one of the smaller houses which surrounded the larger ones.

“I can’t wait” she sang “I missed nanna and grandpa”

They came to a stop outside the first house to the row.

“Put me down now darling” Blaze smiled widely and put her down but kept his arms around her waist. “I like the nickname” he kissed her neck making her shiver. But the couples moment didn’t last long.

“What about me? Don’t I get a nickname?”

Blaze and Amy pulled apart and shared a look before turning to Garrek who was now standing with his arms around both his mates.

“I think bunny suits him” Blaze grinned and Amy agreed “Yes, it’s perfect. He is all cute, fluffy and energetic just like one”

‘Also constantly trying to hump us’ Blaze adds through their link.

“Enough” Leon said poking Blaze’s side. “I need to open the door and get inside to escape this sickening display” he said in mock disgust.

“Awww. Don’t worry Leon” Garrek pulled him into the group hug “We still love you”

“Speak for yourself” Amy mumbled knowing full well they could hear her.

“I’m hurt” Leon tried to put his hand on his chest in mock pain, but Garrek was holding them together too tight.

Amy was trapped in the centre when suddenly Garrek started to rock them all, the door behind them opened and the four fell over.

Somehow they all ended up falling on Amy.

At first their parents and the others including the person at the door laughed, at least until they tiny Amy was underneath the three bunking men.

“Get off” Paula screamed at the men.

Leon and Garrek were quick to get up only to reveal a giggling Amy protected by Blaze who was holding the weight off her with his arms.

It looks almost like he was doing a press up.

They all breathed a sighed of relief.

“Quiet comfy?” an amused looking Amy asked a none moving Blaze.

“Yep” he smirked ‘But I’d be better if you were naked, bouncing on my stiff c*ck’ he said the last part to her through their mate link.

James noticed a flicker of colour in the trio’s eyes.

He rolled his eyes walking over, leaning down and pulling Amy from under Blaze causing him to stand up and growl lowly at his uncle.

James ignored it understanding the reason, but told the brothers through the pack link (Because them two only were already part of the pack) ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to mate her on someones doorstep’ even through the link he sounded amused.

“You going to invite us in?” James asked the woman in his forties standing in the doorway watching the exchange.

For the first time Amy and the rest others noticed her.

“Didn’t see you there mom” Leon said nonchalantly.

“Come in guys” he said turning back to the others.

His mother stood in the doorway tapping her foot and starring at her son expecting.

“Oh yeah… Guy’s this is my mom Tanya. Mom you know Blaze and Garrek…” his mother smiled “How could I forget?” she joked.

“This is Ross and Paula their parents and Paula is the Alpha’s sister”

Tanya looked at Paula thoughtfully as if trying to remember something before turning her attention to the young girl.

“And this beautiful young woman most be the sister they always talk about” she asked smiling at the girl beside the Alpha.

“Yes. That’s Amy” Leon smirked knowing well he should tell her she is the brothers mate but not. Amy smelled strongly of them but most put that down to being their sibling.

Before any of them had a chance to say anything else something happened.

One second Amy was smiling happily the next her eyes were rolling back in her head, only to re-emerge her dual colour.

The only ones who seemed to notice at first was her mates and Tanya. But when the others saw the worried expression on her face and similar on the brothers they looked.

“What’s wrong Amy?” James asked her concerned because the last time to his knowledge is when she met the beta.

Her mates were quickly by her side.

“Daddy” her voice dual again, shocking Tanya who had never heard anything like it but also her parents and Bianca who had heard about it but never heard.

“Yes sweetheart” Ross said slightly taken back by the tenderness of her voice. He expected it to be a lot harsher.

“Come with me” she held out her hand for him. James gave him the nod to go with her. His thinking was it can only be in their best interest rights?

Her mates wanted to stop her but knew it was useless, so instead followed her closely.

Much to their surprise she headed towards Tanya. She looked even more unsure but James linked to her and she it was OK. Amy stopped in front of her and placed her hand on her shoulder and said to her “Everything will be right. He will remember” to the others it was cryptic, but to Tanya it made perfect sense. Her eyes filled up with tears and she smiled greatly and pointed inside the house towards a door at the end of the hall.

Silently still holding her father’s hand she walked towards the door. Everyone else still following from a distance, but her mates and Leon close by.

Before entering the room she put her finger over her mouth, indicating them to stay silent.

Leon went to say something but a glare in his direction soon shut him up.

Almost without sound she opened the door to what Leon knew as his father’s office. His father ran his own business from home.

‘Why is she going into Hunter’s office?’ Blaze thought to himself. Hunter was Leon’s father’s name.

Hunter sat at his computer oblivious to the intruders in his office. But by the time she stood behind him, he most of sensed her because his head quickly turned around to face her.

James made the women wait outside the door with him and the three young men waited just inside the door.

Leon was surprised at how calm his father was to having two strangers standing in front of him. He almost seemed like he expected them.

On the other hand there was Ross…

He looked as tho jesus had just come down riding a hippo.

Still silently Amy closed the small space between them, almost unseen she placed her father’s hand in Hunter’s, leaned and whispered just one word… A name in his ear. Hunter made no act to move or stop her.

Her mates were uncomfortable with the closeness and both were fighting back growls. But they trusted her. They knew she would never cheat on them. But it doesn’t mean she couldn’t be taken advantage of, they were even weary of trusted friends. Especially after the Liam thing.

On whispering the word Hunter’s face contorted in confusion, his eyes shimmered back and forth between his and his wolf’s before finally settling in his natural grey colour. A smile took over his face Amy took a few steps back letting go of her dad’s hand, leaving the two men in the same place exchanging glances.

Amy watched from behind the pair for a few seconds. Seeing no threat, she started to move the three younger men from the room. Her mates did as she wanted without a word and the four exited the door back into the hall and she closed the door behind them. But Leon wasn’t to happy about being pushed out.

Amy’s eyes were back to normal.

“I need to go back in” he said coldly.

“I need to make sure everything is alright and find out what is happening?”

To his surprise it wasn’t Amy but his mother who stopped him this time.

“No. They need to speak alone. I know you just want to help your father but he is fine, he would link with me if he was not. I want to know too but your father will tell us when he finishes…” she gazes at the door for a moment before snapping out of it.

“No arguments. Let’s go to the front room” his mother told him and lead to group through into a large room with four large sofa’s.
Amy followed behind her mates now holding her hands. ‘Dad’s fine my loves don’t worry’ she linked with them after sensing their worry.

Both their hearts swelled with pride. Not only because they had a beautiful mate who loved them, but also because they knew they could trust her with the world. No matter what she did back there they knew it was only good. She was good hearted. She always had been. That is one of the reasons both brothers have always been in love with her. She was a perfect in every way and she was theirs.

“Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you?” she turned her head expecting to seeing Blaze speaking, but it wasn’t. It was Garrek. Blaze silently agree wholeheartedly and Amy sensed that.
She was taken back. “But…” the three stood in the front room not yet sat down.

The others who were sat, watched the trio in awe. Tanya wasn’t sure what she was seeing but had her ideas. Leon on the other hand was sat still worried despite what he had been told.

Before Amy could complete her sentence the sound of several footsteps and then squealing cut her off.


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