Chapter 11

Amy, Garrek, Blaze and Leon all arrived at the local mall on fifteen minutes later.
Leon was made to drive the car so both brothers could sit in the back with Amy.

Blaze openly groping her breast through her top the whole drive and Garrek the other.
Each with their heads on her shoulders as if groping her was relaxing.

Along the drive Leon looked in the rear view mirror a couple of times but quickly stopped when Blaze threatened to rip his manhood off,
so he couldn’t please his own mate when he finally finds her.

Amy was going to stop them but didn’t have the heart. They looked so content. It wasn’t sexual for them at all, only a strange way of feeling close and bonding.

“Do you guys need to go to any stores?” She asked as they exited the car.
“Yes. But you will not be leaving our side,” Blaze said reading her mind.
“But I need to get you both gifts… Can’t Leon go with me? We’ll only be ten minutes, I already know what I’m buying,” She asked hopeful.
“No. We don’t need gifts, we have you,” Garrek tells her and Blaze agreed.

Leon watched on from the side lines not to hopeful of Amy’s chances.
Amy sighed. She didn’t want to embarrass her mates in front of their friend but if they wouldn’t listen she would have to put her foot down.

“I will go with Leon and you will both wait for me…” They had just entered the mall and were stood by the entrance. She noticed a coffee shop in the centre. “…You will get us all a coffee and we will be back in ten minutes,” She used her dominate voice.

Leon watched expected the brothers to angue but was surprised when he saw them lower their heads in submission.

“Yes, Love,” They both agreed.
Amy smiled and brought them both into a hug. “I love you both. I’ll only be ten minutes and if I’m any longer you can come and find me, okay?” She said feeling bad for ordering them.

They quickly returned the hug and each placed a kiss on their marks both pulling away but still holding her hand.

“You best take care of her” Garrek warned Leon.
“I will. I am quite happy keeping my bits where they are, thank you.”

The brother’s watched Amy disappear some where with Leon.
“I miss her,” Garrek whined quitely.
“I do too, Gar.” Blaze walked with one arm around Garrek’s shoulder not caring what people thought.
“She will be back soon,” He kissed his cheek. “Let’s go get her a fancy coffee.”

Garrek smiled and nodded, “I know just the one.” The pair waited in line to be served.
Both unaware of the eyes on them.

Almost ten minutes later…

“You mean you already got them a present before and now you got them both another?” Leon asked shocked.

“Yes. But that was before I knew they were my mate. I needed to get something better,” She defended.
“They are great. I still can’t believe you made enough money to buy them though.”

They exit the shop and start walking over to where they agreed to meet up. Entering the food court she saw them straight away.
She stopped mid step, causing Leon to bump into her.
“What’s wrong, Amy?” He asked seeing tears in her eyes.

“They replaced me,” Her voice low and broken.

He furrowed his eyebrows, “They would never…” He followed her eye line and saw Garrek and Blaze sat at a table. Both with women on there laps.
Leon couldn’t believe his eyes. “They love you… It has to be a misunderstanding,” He reassured her.
He saw her eyes turn fully green, meaning Amy had willingly given Ash total control.

Amy was far too depressed to share. She felt like sitting in a corner and crying.
Ash on the other hand was depressed but ready to kill.

“We shouldn’t of given them a second chance,” The eerie voice of Ash said.

Leon had no idea what she meant but knew it wasn’t good. He couldn’t let a newly shifted wolf in control of the human body run rampant.

“Calm down …”
“Ash. It will be a misunderstanding…” He placed his hand on her shoulder but quickly removed it when he saw the death look she sent him.

She quickly made her way over to her mates, neither of them noticing her approach as they both had their back to her and were too busy.

Within seconds she was within hearing range. She stopped for a second to listen, Leon close behind her, staying silent.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. You don’t have to make up girlfriend to make us jealous,” The ginger plain one, with too much make-up and too little clothes, sat on Blaze’s lap said.
“Yeah. It not like we haven’t have fun before,” The similarly dressed and made up bleached yellow haired with black roots said from Garrek’s knee.

Amy growled low but still neither noticed her.
‘How dare they?!’ Ash growled.
Amy silently sobbed somewhere deep inside.

“That was a year ago. We both made it clear it was nothing. You are nothing!” Garrek growled the whores.
“Last time…” Blaze growled in a voice deeper and more angry than Amy/Ash and Leon had heard him before.
“…Get off us or I will throw you both off, women or not. We are not interested in either of you. We were not even at the time except we were desperate. Our ‘Girlfriend’ is all we need.”

Ash felt relieved to hear they weren’t cheating, it was only some stalker one night stands.
Amy on the other hand had blocked everything out and was still sobbing somewhere.

“See I told…” Before Leon had a chance to complete his sentence Ash had disappeared over to where the guys were sat.
“Damn!” He quickly followed, internally thanking God that mall was ran by theirs and a neighboring pack they have good relations with.
The mall is half on each packs land, hence the share. Humans shopped their too, but mostly shifters.

Ash stopped next to the table.
The first thing her mates noticed was her complete green eyes.

“Hey sluts,” She said cheerily. “Piss off.” And knocked both women off with one knock of the table.

Ignoring the women’s cries of pain she turned her attention to her mates who were trying to get up to speak to her, touch her.
“Stay there!” She ordered them.

They did but whined.

“I will let you off this time because I know it wasn’t your fault. But next time any woman or girl tries to sit on you or do anything I don’t like and you don’t stop or push them away straight away then we are finished,” Ash tells them in no uncertain terms. “We gave you a second chance, there will not be a third.”
Ginger and yellow are now stood up, as are her mates.

“Aren’t you going to do something?” Ginger says expectantly.
“Yes.” Blaze and Garrek both put on a brave face and hide their worry.
“Sorry, Love,” “Sorry, Honey,” They both said at the same time to Ash.

Ginger and Yellow both sneer. “Why you saying sorry to that little slut?” Yellow is the one who spoke.
“You will not say about her like that!” Garrek growls barely holding back his wolf.
“Come on, Babe, let’s go already?” Ginger purrs trying to paw Blaze but he pushes her back but only softly because she is Human.
Though his wolf and he wished it was full force.

Leon disappeared somewhere.

‘They are ruining everything,’ Tye growled.
‘I will kill them if Amy hates us,’ Kray added.

“What makes that little b!tch so important? She is only about fourteen!” Yellow said as she helps Ginger up.
“I am their sister.” Ash makes the brothers sit on a backless bench. She sits between them each of straddling the bench. Ash in the middle facing Garrek and Blaze behind her. All completely ignoring the two women who were being escorted out by same shifter security guards that worked at the mall. Leon had got them and they agreed it was best have the women kicked out to stop them from being killed by any of the trio mates.

Whilst this was happening Garrek and Blaze had entombed their mate in their arms between them, trapping her and was having a silent conversation through their link.

‘Amy, please,’ Garrek pleaded.
‘It wasn’t what you think. They were one night mistakes we made a year ago and they have been pestering us since. We are not interested in them. Please, Amy, you are our only love,’ Blaze sounded desperate.

Amy started to listen to her mates, but still wasn’t sure whether to believe them despite what Ash had told her.

‘Why did you let them sit on you then?’ She tried to get out of their arms but they didn’t move an inch.

‘Why didn’t you stop them? Or push them off? No, instead the men who are meant to love me, my brothers, my mates just let two whores who wouldn’t look out of place in a bad drag act rub their butts on you and paw your chest?’ She was angry and upset.
Lots of thoughts started flowing around her head.
‘Maybe I should of stay behind, because they are obviously bored with me already.’
‘Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad… I could change Liam and my family would be safe. Gar and Blaze would be free to live as they wanted without me as a burden.’

A low growl got her attention. She looked up and saw a hurt Garrek looking at her.
He reached up and wiped away tears she didn’t know were falling.

“You are not a burden and you are not leaving,” He tried to make it sound like an order but it sounded more like a plea.

She sat and just stared at him for a minute and him at her. She show the pain, fear, regret and love all in his eyes, not to mention a build up of unshed tears.
She knew Blaze had the same. She sighed know really they wouldn’t cheat.
Freeing her arms she reached out and slapped Garrek and then backwards and did the same to Blaze.

Both men gave a weird mixture of a whimper and a growl.
‘I know you wouldn’t cheat really, but you are both too nice when it comes to bitches like that. Do you like making me cry?’
‘No no no,’ They both answered quickly.

‘We hate it,’ Garrek answered.
‘We promise to think in future, Please just forgive us,’ Blaze added.
‘Under one condition.’
‘Anything,’ Another quick answer.
She smiled internally, ‘First let me turn around. I want to face Blaze.’

Garrek frowned, ‘She hates us,’ Kray whined to him.
‘Stupid stupid stupid!’ Garrek scolded himself looking down to hide his disappointment.

But Amy show it.
‘Garrek, Kray, I love you. I just want to ask Blaze something, but I need to see his face.’ She kissed her mark on his neck.

He reluctantly loosened his arms and let her turn. But when she had fully turned he put his arms back, pulled her tight against him and buried his nose in her neck.

She smiled and turned her attention to Blaze, dropping the smile and wearing a blank expression.

‘Yes, Honey?’ Blaze looked at Amy and Garrek with fear.
‘We are second. They love each other most.’ She heard Tye say to him, but he said nothing in reply.
She could tell by the look in his eyes he agreed.

Amy was shocked. She grabbed his head and without a word began kissing him feisty.
He was surprised but quick to respond.
‘I love you, Blaze,’ She sent to him as they were kissing.
‘Just as much as I love Gar. You are both equal and he feels the same way from you. Don’t ever doubt that,’ She forced herself to stop, they couldn’t get carried away not here.

She rested her forehead against his.
‘Blaze… I really mean it you know that right?’
‘I know you would never lie to me, so I believe you. I just love you so much,’ He looked at Garrek who was looking at him but still had his nose in her neck.

“And I love you too you, weirdo,” He said out loud laughing at his brother who didn’t bother to move when he said it back.
“I love you both too,” But it was muffled, sounding more like, “Eye libe yun uw.”

‘Back to my question…’ She said getting his attention again.
‘Is it true you loved me before you found out I was your mate?’
‘Yes. You are my little sister after all.’
‘That’s not what I meant…I mean love like now?’

Garrek watched his brother curious. He thought his brother did, but never knew for sure.

Blaze sighed, ‘Yes. Even before I shifted and found out you were both my mates, I loved you in a romantic way… Both of you,’ He admitted.
Garrek and Amy were both surprised. They thought her but not him too.

‘It has always been you both, but I knew I had no chance… At least that was until the mate thing happened. I didn’t tell either of you because I knew Garrek didn’t feel the same for me before and I didn’t want to make either of you feel bad about it.’
‘I admit I always loved Amy romantic, but my feelings for you were never a hundred percent legal either. On more than one occasion I beat off after accidentally catching you,’
Garrek confessed. ‘Having your mouth…’ Amy reached back and hit him again.

‘We are not talking about sex now. You know what will happen and we are not having sex in front of a mall full of people.’

“I forgot where we were from a minute,” Blaze admitted looking around and seeing a few people watching them, including Leon who was standing in front of them trying to block the peoples view but failing.
“Let’s go, we’ll talk more later,” Blaze quickly said and kissed both Amy and Garrek on the lips and not in a paltonic way.

They heard a few gasps from Humans but ignored them and they all stood back up.

“Thanks, Leon,” Amy gave him a hug from behind.

Their was a low growl behind her but she ignored it, ‘Shhing’ them.
‘Be nice. If he hadn’t have got them women taken out…’

She didn’t have to finish her sentence. Leon chuckled and she let go.
“No problem, little one,” He patted her head. “Glad to have you back.”
He turned to the other two who had quickly taken Amy’s hands again.
“Where to now?”

Several shops later and they stood in Victoria Secret where her mates insisted on going.

Picking out a dozen things for her to try on.

She tried them on, letting them look in the booth a couple of time because she wasn’t interested in stepping out to the lustful looks for other men. Neither were her mates.

She was modeling her last outfit for them. “I like that one too,” They both agreed adjusting their trousers.
She rolled her eyes, “You said to them all.”

“So we will buy you them all.” Garrek grinned and walked closer to her.
“How about I help you take this off?” He took the strap and moves it down.
She lets him remove the bra and knickers set as Blaze watched.

She smiled naked, bent down picked up everything she had tried on and then handed them to a confused Garrek.

“You pay for them, I’ll get dressed,” She smirked and pushed the two from the booth.

She heard Garrek mumbling, “Cock tease.” While Blaze was groaning.
She knew they had hard time in their pants, so she decided to make it worst.

“Oh and boys…” They turned back to her to see her peeping out of the door.
She said high enough for only them two to hear, “I gave myself my first orgasm playing with myself whilst thinking of you tag teaming me,” She grinned at their blank expressions and closed the door, finishing getting dressed.

Once she finished she walked out to the checkouts where all three men stood. Blaze was paying.

The woman serving them was giving them a strange look.
“He’s a cross dresser,” Leon said so nonchalantly that even Amy would of believed him if she didn’t already know.
“I’m not stupid,” The woman said “They wouldn’t fit him.”
Amy burst out laughing, “Of course they won’t,” She said. “They are for his boyfriend,” She patted Leon’s shoulder.

“He’s just a bit shy about buying them himself,” She whispered loudly behind her hand.

The woman looked him up and down and scoffed. “Makes sense.” And turned to serve another person having finished with them.
“That wasn’t nice, Little one,” Leon playfully glared.
“She isn’t nice today,” Garrek groped her backside.

“Home time,” Amy annouced as they placed more bags in the car. “I want to go home. I need to fuck.”
Leon almost chocked on his own spit and her mates eyes suddenly changed colour.
Tye and Kray were in control.
“Leon, we’ll meet you at home,” Tye told the man not once taking his lustful eyes off Amy.
“Lead the way,” She smirked leaving Leon behind.

They walked in silence out of the mall and into a nearby woods.

After a couple of minutes of running with Amy in Blaze’s arms they came to a clearing with a lake running down the middle.

“You make me so hot, Amy,” He groaned placing her on the ground.
Both men already had tented pants.
“Is it true?” Garrek asked her. “Did you really do that?”
She ran her hand over her clothed breasts and down…
“Everytime…” Her voice huskier than normal.

“How long? From what age?” Blaze began to rub himself.
“A few years… The first time was when I was thirteen. You were both so buff and sexy. I knew you had to be mine.”

Both men groaned.
“I wish we had of known. Young or not we would happily of helped you out,” Blaze said as Garrek began undressing her.

He stepped back and stood beside his older brother. “Show us,” “We want to see,” Both ask her.

She decided to do as they ask this time, spreading out her clothes beneath her she lay down.

Moving her one hand to her breast she began fondling her it and tweaking her nipples.

The men reached into their trousers and pulled out their stiff members and rubbed them as they watched her lick the fingers of her free hand and reach down.

She rubbed her damp fingers between her folds, moved her first hand down her stomach and joining her first hand down below.

Taking her nub between two fingers on the first hand she began to rub it and with her second she teased her wet hole with two of her damp fingers. Circling the entrance before finally pushing one, then two inside.

Garrek and Blaze were now rubbing one another’s manhood watching their young mate finger fuck herself hard and fast.

Her head tipped back, biting her lip and eyes closed.
The sound of her wetness echoing throughout the woody area.

“Blaze…Garrek…Please,” She moaned as her body arched.
“Yes, yes, yes. That’s it… Fuck me!” She exclaimed her body reached it’s peak.
She removed her fingers and the sight of her cleaning herself was enough to send both men over the edge.
Both exploded, emptying their contents on the forested ground.

“Let me clean you both,” She indicated for them to go over to where she was.
Garrek was the first one cleaned as he was the first to reach her.
She sucked them both clean and they returned the favor.

“That was so hot,” Blaze thought out loud as his mate got her clothes back on.
“Next time…” The three share a three-way kiss. “…We tag team for real,” Blaze pulled back.
“But right now we need to get back home.”


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