Chapter 10

Paula looked to her daughter and shook her head. “No. He just looks so much like Robin.” All the siblings knew the story of their father’s older brother, Robin who went missing and thought to be killed after a rogue attack. It happened when Paula first meet her mate Ross.

Several of the biggest packs were being targeted by rogues who wanted their land and power for themselves.

The packs all decided to hold a large multiple pack meeting.

That is how she and many others first met their mates.

Shortly after the attack happened and Robin was lost. Thought to be killed.

“He really does…” Ross said as if he saw a ghost. Leon just watched puzzled.

“Robin was my Dad’s brother…” They went on to tell him the story.

“But you never found his body?” He asked.

“No. But we searched long before we heard from a rogue bragging of the murder,” Ross spoke again.

“We will leave you to get dressed. Breakfast will be ready when you get downstairs. Would you like some?” Paula asked Leon.

“If it isn’t a problem.”

“No problem,” She smiled, her and Ross leave the group alone.

“But anyway, Leon, why were you staring?” Blaze asked knowingly.

“I was just thinking how hot your Mum is and how much Amy looks like her,” He said nonchalantly. “Before you say anything…” He started. “I am only admiring nothing else. Your Mum has a good body for age…” He was about to say something about Amy as well but thought better of it. Not wanting to be killed today.

Amy smirked knowingly, “I’m sure they would agree. After all they would know.”

“What?” He thought for a second. “You haven’t?” A look of realization on Leon’s face. “It was before Amy knew we were mates and we fully mated,” Garrek defended.

“But you did… Your Mum?”

“Yes, I caught them at it. But Mum and Dad doesn’t know I know and you can’t tell anyone,” Amy told him.

Leon sat wide-eyed looking at the brothers in awe. “You are so lucky. You need to teach me how to get the sexy ones.”

Both brothers growled and Garrek threw a pillow at his head. Leon just laughed.

“Go down. We’ll get dressed and join you soon,” He nodded and left the bedroom. Surprisingly, carrying Yun.

“I think he took it serious when I said Yun was his girlfriend,” She said frowning making both her men burst out laughing. “Don’t laugh. She’s only a baby. Too young to be around him, he’s going to abuse her.” She hopped out of bed and started to get dressed. Then disappearing into the bathroom.

Garrek and Blaze were both quick to follow.

Once they were dressed Garrek piggy backed Amy and they ran out of the room and down the corridor as if superman closely followed by a laughing Blaze.

Soon they arrive near the dining room where both their parents, James, Bianca and Leon sat eating. Yun still on his lap sleeping.

‘Over there we got to save her from the evil villain,’ She told both her mates through their link as they – Garrek and her – hid around the corner. Blaze was just stood back watching them amused.
‘Best do it soon,’ Garrek said playing along. ‘He might try to mate her.’
Amy looked disgusted.
Blaze shook his head and chuckled silently.

‘Quick, his moving his hand,’ She cried.
Blaze watched from the doorway as in a flash the pair rushed into the dining room. Still on her mates back, she skillfully leaned back with her legs tightly around his waist so she wouldn’t floor and grabbed Yun from Leon’s lap. Before again disappearing back out of the room so fast it was all a bit of a blur.

Outside the room Blaze was laughing at the weird pair as he rushed over to help Amy down, who was still somehow holding on with just her legs.

Placing her on the ground he kissed both her and Garrek’s lips. “That was quite the adventure you two had,” He smirked.

Garrek was laughing between breaths, whilst Amy stood smiling proudly.

“We saved you, little Yun,” She bent down and placed the young dog on the floor. “Be free, love and frolic. We are saved from the evil tyranny of the evil dog rapist.” Her mates laughed as the dog ran straight back into the dining room, where a confused Leon and the others were sat. Stopping at his legs whining, he saw the dog and smile. Picked it back up and placed it on his lap.

Her mates laughed more. “Fine!” She reentered the room with her arms crossed over her chest. “See if I rescue you again,” She huffed. “You’ll be sorry when he tries to take advantage of you… The evil weirdo,” She muttered under her breath, but the others still heard.

Her parents continued to eat as if it was an everyday occurrence. Bianca sat amused but unsure to what had just happened. Leon also unsure but grinning. James on the other hand was laughing. “Come here, sweetheart,” He held out his hands. She looked to her mates who nodded in reply. Once next to him he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her. “I’ve missed your antics. With you not around them all your mates did was frown, fight and sleep with random Humans.” She unintentional let a small growl slip from her lips, making he mates happy. “Don’t worry. That is in the past. I can see how much the pair both love you. Men or not. Before you complete the bond a wolf only feels a hint of the love he would feel once the bond is complete. Both Garrek and Blaze even before the completion were crazy for you. That can only mean that they both were in love with you both they found out about the bond,” He whispered low enough for only her to hear.

Her mates were jealous of their closeness but he was their Alpha and their Uncle. He loved them all. He wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt them.

Amy was unsure. “Yes. I know Gar was, he told me but Blaze… As a sister yes but anything more…” She whispered back in the same level voice.

James smiled at her naivety. “I can see why he did. You are a sweet, caring girl. But I am one hundred percent sure his feelings towards you were more than that of a sibling. He is just too scared to admit it. He sees himself as the strongest in the trio. The one who should be strong for his mates, take care of them, not show any vulnerability…”

She remembered how closed off he can sometimes seems and then his out of character break down in the car. Could it be true?

“Go to them,” James’s whisper bought her out of thought. She looked to her mates who were failing to hide their annoyance at their Uncle holding their mate. “I think I should… If only for your sake.” He laughed and kissed her forehead. Growls of her mates filled the room, but James seemed unaffected.

She got up to go to her mates but Bianca stopped her and indicated for her to come closer. She leaned down. “It’s true. I’ve never seen them so happy.” She must of heard them speaking. She was sat very close beside James.

“I hear a couple of times accidentally when they thought no one could hear… Garrek almost crying, worrying not only about Blaze leaving him but also about you rejecting them both. Blaze always told him otherwise but you could tell he was worried too… Take care of them both. Blaze needs your reassurance just as much as Garrek,” She whispered so quietly Amy was surprised she even heard.

“I will. Thank you, Bianca,” Amy said grateful.
“Call me Bee,” She kissed the young girl’s cheek. On her way around the table back to her mates side, she received a hug and kiss from both her parents.

They congratulated her on finding Kurczak.

“It was more Ash than me. I just felt a weird pull and needed to go somewhere. Ash was the one who knew why and explained to me that we needed to know,” She explained.

“I’ve never heard of a wolf and Human being capable of sharing a Human body at once, only the wolves,” Ross said in thought.

“I’m having some people do some research,” James tells them.
‘Amy,’ Garrek whined in her head.
She looked up from her mother’s lap where she was sat to see both her mates staring at her.
‘Yes, sugar plum,’ She said as if she didn’t know what they wanted.
‘Come here. Sit on Blaze’s lap. I want to feed you,’ His voice childlike.
She stood up and walked over mumbling, “What am I, three?!”

“Don’t I get a kiss too?” Leon asked with a smirk as she passed him.
“No,” She said after not even a second.
He frowned and James laughed, “Probably for the best.” He looked to Blaze.”Blaze looks ready to kill.”
Leon looked at his friend and put his head down and went back to eating.
Bianca rolled her eyes, “Some third you are.”

He said nothing.

James laughed, “I understand. Blaze is intimidating.”

Amy sat on Blaze’s lap, calming him down.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck.
‘I miss holding you,’ He said through the link.
‘It was only a minute.’
‘Still too long. We hate seeing you on other peoples laps, even family.’ She felt his teeth grazing over her neck.
‘Now is not the time for that,’ She warned knowing he would end up getting carried away and taking her right there.

As good as that sounded she didn’t like the idea of Leon and their family seeing them do ‘that.’
Blaze must of heard her after thoughts because he… Without argument might I add… Retracted this canines and just continued to nuzzle her neck instead.

Turning her head he moved his and she pecked his lips and pulled back. ‘Thank you, Blaze. You are the best.’ He got her meaning and smiled proudly.
‘What about me?’ Garrek’s needy voice called again.
She turned to see sadness in his eyes. Leaning follows, but still sitting on Blaze’s lap she pulled her second mate into a hug.
‘I didn’t mean it like that. I mean you are both the best. The best mates anyone could ever wish for,’ she told him silently.

‘And I am so proud I am both of your mates, because if I wasn’t I think I would have to kill that other person and take you both for my own.’ She pulled back slightly and before she knew it she was in a tongue war. She quickly pulled back after only a few seconds making Garrek whine.
“Bad Gar,” She flicked his nose and added silently so he knew she wasn’t angry, ‘I don’t want everyone seeing us make love. Do you?’

His eyes widen and then narrow at the thought, before looking back at Amy apologetically.
“Sorry, Love,” He said sheepishly. She took his hand to say it was alright and he smiled.
“Now…” He turned and started scooping up some food on a fork.
‘You ate already? Was I that long?’ She asked noticing two empty plates beside the full one.
“Yes and yes. Now open up. I’m feeding you,” He told her.

The others watched the three. Each of them happy, but James, Bianca and Leon all surprised at how mellow the guys were around her and how they seemed to listen to whatever she told them without getting angry. Why angry? Because male shifters are naturally the dominate and hate being told they are wrong or taking orders from their female mates.

“You are so cute when you chew,” Garrek grinned feeding his mate.
Leon burst out laughing, “Oh my God. I love you guys,” He laughed so much Yun fell off his lap and started crying.
“I warned you,” Amy muttered.
Leon stopped laughing and bent down make sure she was alright.
“Shit!” He yelled and pulled back holding his hand.
“It bit me.”

“Good. Should take better care of your mate,” Garrek joined in Amy’s game.
“Mate?” James asked smirking. “What have I told you?!” His expression turned serious but he had humor in his eyes.
Leon looked unsure still cradling his hand.

“We are shifters, but zoophilia is still wrong!” His voice so calm that the others were not sure if he was joking or not.

The brothers and Ross laughed, Paula and Bianca grinned shaking their heads. Lasting Amy had no idea what he was talking about.
‘Sex with an animal,’ Blaze told her.
She curled up her lip, jumped off Blaze’s lap and picked up her poor puppy.

“It’s okay,” She cradeled the dog like a baby and sat back on Blaze’s lap.
Blaze was quick to wrap his arms around her again.
“Maybe, you will listen next time,” She whispered to Yun as the puppy stopped crying and snuggled into her mother’s chest.
“I am not like that. That is Ronnie’s thing not mine,” Leon defended.

“Ronnie?” She asked.
“This guy who you will be in school with,” Leon grinned. “He hasn’t shifted yet and is only your age. So he can’t use her wolf as an excuse. He has been punished several times in the past for …Urm …Loving animals.”
“Loving animals?” She asked.
“Having sex with animals,” Garrek told her.
“Like Wolves?”
“No. Like dogs, foxes. I even caught him rubbing chocolate on his bussiness once, so his dog would….”
Amy cut him off, “That is gross. Please tell me your joking?” She held her dog closer.
“Sadly not. He is my cousin on my Mum’s side and he has been going to see the pack psychiatrist to ‘fix’ his mind,” He told her.

“And if that doesn’t work when he reaches shifting age if he is still the same he will be locked up for the good of the pack. It is one thing stopping a Human boy but stopping a fully shifted boy is almost impossible once they start,” James admitted.
“But he does seem to be getting better. He has even started dating a Human girl from the local high school,” Leon said hopeful.

“Amy will not be going to school. She will be home schooled,” Ross told the group what Blaze and Garrek both wanted to say.
“Dad,” Amy pouted. “I know your worried but I’ll be okay.”
“It’s alright, Amy,” Bianca said getting everyones attention.

“We have a school of our own, on pack grounds. It is just across the way. The pack children and teens all go there. Ronnie probably met this Human girl at the mall or something.” she looked to Amy’s parents. “So there really is no need to worry. All the teachers are trained in fighting. Leon works there training the newly shifted teens and I do some work there too. Plus it is literally only two minutes away walking.”

Her parents seemed to be thinking about it.

“She can trial it for a week after when school restarts,” He told the group.

A few minutes of random talking and Leon asking the Alpha if he could train Amy outside of school and he agree.

He also agreed to letting her two mates be around and help train some of the others who were struggling.
“It will be a good experience for you two,” James told his two nephews, exchanging a strange look.
“I have nothing to do with my time now, so could I maybe help too?” Ross offered.
Being an ex beta James knew he would be a good fighter and so agreed.

Once Amy had finished her breakfast and Garrek decided it was a good idea to lick her lips.
“Gar,” She laughed stopping him. “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you were clean?” He said innocently.
Blaze laughed in her neck, “You get stranger.” Garrek just smiled.

“Can we go shopping? I need to buy gifts for Christmas,” Amy asked.
“Do you need some money?” Their Dad asked her.
“No. Got enough from work.”
“Work? What did you do?” Bianca asked her.
“She’s an award winning gymnast. Some of the other parents in the old pack paid her to teach their children, not trusting the Human teachers after hearing about them pushing the children to starve themselves to keep their weight down,” Paula said proudly.

“Wow. That’s fantastic,” Bianca said in awe.
“We could incorporate it into your Human side of training, maybe?” Leon suggested to James.
“Good idea,” He seemed deep in thought and looked up at Blaze and her. “Was she really that good?”
“Yes. Her trainer wanted her to be the next Olympic team but Amy told him it wasn’t part of her goal,” Blaze said laughing at the end.
“To say he was annoyed would be an understatement.”

“I enjoy it. It’s fun. I just wasn’t doing it for the acknowledgement, but he was and so I quit and started teaching the little ones myself,” She said nonchalantly

“Maybe you can start it again here? I know there will be lots of parents interested. I can have a word around if you want?” Bianca suggested.
“That would be good. Thank you,” Amy smiled at the woman grateful.

“On to another matter…” James cleared his throat. “We need to arrange a pack get together to introduce you all three to the pack and induce you, making you all official member of the pack,” His voice in Alpha mode. Strong and official.

“I think the sooner the better under the circumstances, tomorrow afternoon should be enough time to arrange things. But tonight Lucas has contacted me and told me Kurczak is awake and on the mend. They expect her be fully healed in the next few hours. She and he both have insisted despite their time apart they still wish to spend their first night meeting you officially and thanking you.”

“They don’t have too…”
“No,” He stopped her. “They insist. That means dinner this evening. You are all welcome.”
“Thank you.”

“Before I forget… Is it still alright if I move in?” Leon asked nervously his Alpha.

“Yes. What changed your mind? Siblings getting to you?”
“Something like that. Also my parents wanted to come around and meet the new arrivals. I told them I would ask you?”

James looked to his sister and her husband. “Is that alright with you?”
“Yes. But we’ll wait until Amy and the boys come back,” She answered.
“Who’s coming shopping?” Leon asked.

“Just us three and you if you want? Unless any of the want to come?” Amy replied.
“No. We are okay, love,” James answered.
“But I would love to next time,” Bianca added, Amy nodded.

“In that case… We will go shopping, when we get back, we’ll come around here, pick your parents up and take them to my parents house. I need to go home and tell them about moving and pack up my stuff anyway and we you lot around my Mum will probably cry less… Plus my sisters and brothers will love to see you all,” Leon offered.

“Good idea. Tell us when you are on your way back and we’ll be ready. Right now I am going to spend some women’s time with Bianca.” Paula and the Luna disappeared out of the room.

“And we are off shopping,” Amy stood up, walked over and handed Yun to James.
He looked down at the sleeping puppy and then to Amy.

“Yun doesn’t like Dad because he said she looked like a rat. Ever since she snaps if he tries to touch her. So be nice.” She smiled and skipped out of the room closely followed by her mates and Leon.


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