Chapter 9

“You know if you are going to run in and out of the territory and stop you should really tell someone,” Leon stood with his back against a tree smirking.

“How long have you been there?” Blaze asked coldly.

“Long enough to know who’s in charge,” Leon smirked. “What did you see?” Garrek spoke this time. Angry at the idea of anyone else seeing not only Amy, but also Blaze in that way.

He didn’t answer, only smirked.

“What. did. you. see?” A tired, hungry and now annoyed Amy growled.

A cocky grin was enough for Ash to come forward. “Tell me before I got you?” Ash spoke alone.

He chuckled, “Are you even trained, little one? I mean in fighting?” The cocky man said looking her up and down.

Blaze went to grab him but Ash/Amy beat him to it.

Her eyes held duo colour again. “We do not need training,” She and Ash spoke together.

Leon’s eyes widened as she spoke and pinned him against a tree.

He looked at her with a mixture of fear, lust and awe. “She is freaking great!” He grinned not bothered about being pinned against tree.

Blaze and Garrek couldn’t help but laugh. “You are such a weirdo, Leon. Most people would be scared, but no, you enjoy it.”

This caused Amy to drop him.

“Ouch. Why you do that? I was enjoying that,” He whined.

“Exactly,” She said back in a single voice and walked over to her boys who were chuckling.

“That will teach you not to be a pervert,” Garrek laughed.

“Probably not… What can I say, I like watching people… Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. So you’re a dual?” Leon asked.

She nodded.

“She is shy around people… Her wolf, not so much,” Blaze told him. “You’ll never guess what she did?” Garrek spoke excited as the four started walking back through the woods.

“Made you both her bitches?” Leon joked.

But Garrek waved his hand dismissively. “Apart from that?” He asked not bothered about what Leon thought.

Leon laughed enjoying the fact that this seemingly little girl had made not only one but both of her older brothers submit.

“No, tell me.”

“She found Kurczak,” He told him.

Leon stopped mid-step. “As in missing without a trace Kurczak?” Before walking again.

“Yes,” Garrek retold him the whole story.

By the end of the story Leon was even more in awe of Amy. He turned to say something but stopped when he noticed her sleeping in Blaze’s arms.

“She’s tired. It’s been a long day and today was her first shift,” He explained quietly.

Leon head nodded, but then his eyes widened. “Only today?”

They nodded.

“If she is so in-sync with her wolf now imagine what she will be like with training…” He thought out loud.

After a few seconds he got a huge grin. “I can train her if you want?” He offered.

Garrek and Blaze shared a look. Both knew he was the packs best fighter and trainer but he was also one of the packs biggest flirts.

“Haven’t you got patrolling?”

“Come on, guys. I’ve finished. You know she is safe with me. I do not touch mated females, no matter how attractive, plus she is my best buddie’s,” He defends.

“We know. We just aren’t keen on the idea of her being alone with another male,” Blaze explained to him.

“You guys can be there if you want. But you will be expected to train too or at least help others,” Leon offered.

“We’ll speak with her and the Alpha tomorrow, but I think it’s a good idea. Especially if Alpha Liam comes after her when we aren’t around,” Blaze told him.

“Alpha of your old pack?” Leon asked and Garrek nodded.

“Why would he come after her?” His face obviously confused.

“I’ll tell you the quick version.” He nodded. “Turns out he has been stalking Amy for years. But she was too naive to realize until the last year or two. Now his mate has conveniently been killed by rogues. The mate who he just so happen never fully mated or marked,” Blaze went on the tell him about him watching her through the window and demanding her as a replacement mate.

“…He had the whole pack on his side. Mad or not, they would do what he said and so that is why we fled in the night,” He finished explaining.

Being the head fighter Leon was also the third in charge of the pack and was in charge of the packs defence so he would have to know at some point anyway.

He was shocked and looked at them with disbelief.

“You think he will try and track you down?” He questioned the two brothers.

“If you had spent most of your life stalking one girl wouldn’t you?” Blaze asked.

“I guess. But then again I wouldn’t be stalking anyone in the first place… Doesn’t he know she is already mated?”

“No,” Garrek shook his head. “He saw us in the woods with her after her first shift but we were right beside her, so I don’t think he could tell. Otherwise, I am sure when he came to tell our parents the message would of been more along the lines of ‘Hand over your children. Your sons will be killed, but your daughter will be my mate. So be happy.’ He is strange like that.”

“But wasn’t he one of your closest friends since you were children?” Leon asked Garrek.

“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t know he was weird. I just didn’t know how much,” He paused, ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath.

“Now, I think back….” He wore a faraway look. “…He was always keen to get the other kids involve in our games,” He told them.

Blaze nodded, “I remember on one occasion when she was sick in bed with a stomach bug, he made a point to have his birthday party delayed so she could come. But then his cousin got sick and he went ahead anyway, not bother that the guy was missing it,” Blaze told them just as they entered the back garden of the main house.

“Don’t worry about little legs. She seems like a nice girl from what little I’ve seen of her. We will all make sure she is safe,” Leon said patting Blaze’s shoulder. “After all we are going to be best buddies soon,” He grinned earning him a glare from the brothers.

He held his hands up, “I mean it in a purely platonic sense only.”

“You best,” Blaze said in a low tone.

The back door of the house opens to reveal a frantic looking Bianca.

“What happened?” She asked looking at Amy.

“She’s just sleeping,” Blaze tells her.

“I’ll take her up to our room. You tell Aunt Bee what happened,” Garrek said taking Amy from his brother.

He said goodnight to both Bianca – Bee – and Leon, then went upstairs carrying his mate.

Garrek carried her to their new bedroom and placed her on the bed.

He went into their en-suite bathroom turned the light on and began to run them a bath.

‘Blaze, can you bring the cases up when you are done please?’ He linked to him.

‘Will do. By the way it’s spaghetti for breakfast,’ Blaze replied.

‘But I’m hungry now. Bring me some,’ He sounded like a whiny child.

‘Food and cases what am I superman?’ Blaze joked.


‘Alright. I’ll get Leon help me with the cases before he goes.’

‘Thank you,’ Garrek chimed turning off the water and Blaze went back to what he was doing before.

Garrek went back into the bedroom, removed his clothing…. The clothing he borrowed and then did the same with Amy’s dress.

Then picked her up and carried her into the bathroom.

“Amy, angel,” He sat on the edge of the bath and tried to wake her.

“Yes,” Her sleepy voice mumbled back.

“I am going to bath you quickly before we go to bed, because we are all muddy,” He told her.

“Okay. I love you,” She said without opening her eyes.

He couldn’t help smile. “And I love you, angel… More than you will ever know,” His voice got lower at the end of the sentence.

He stood back up and lowered the two of them into the bathtub. Placing her between his legs. He just held her close for a minute, enjoying having her close. This is what he had dreamed of since he was young. Just sitting loving her and her him, even if she was asleep again… Or dozing he still knew she loved him and Blaze, otherwise she wouldn’t of forgiven them, let alone let them mate and make her.

He loved Blaze too, but they had been together years as a couple. Only now was they both finally allowed to embrace their other sweet mate, their missing piece.

Garrek gently began to wash and clean her. Trying his best not to wake her too much.

“I am happy you and Blaze are mine, Gar,” She sounded almost as if she was dreaming. “Promise you will both never leave me?” This time she sounded a bit more awake.

He turned her head slightly to see her eyes were now open and filled to breaking point.

Garrek felt like crying just looking at her sad, worried face.

“Amy, we have both waited for years for you. Why would we leave you now?” He tried to be strong for her, but the truth was he wasn’t strong. He never was, at least not when it came to his mates. That was Blaze, he was the strong one, the one always reassuring him when he was worried Blaze was going to leave one day or Amy wouldn’t accept them. But now he wasn’t here. Garrek was and he had to be strong for her.

“But… But… I was nasty to you both earlier.” Tears fell her cheeks and he frowned quickly brushing then away.

“When?” He asked having no idea what she was talking about.

“On the drive here…”

“But you wasn’t nasty. We hurt you…” She stopped him. “No, you are my mates. I should let you do what you want. I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. Please just don’t leave.” She turned her body more and sobbed into his chest.

He held her tighter to his chest and felt a couple of his own tears escape.

“You have nothing to say sorry for. What we did was wrong and no, you shouldn’t let us do whatever we want, not if you don’t want it too,” He tried to tell her.

“But… But… If I don’t, you’ll leave me or give me to… Liam…” Her words muffled by his chest.

“No! You are mine! Mine and Blaze’s only. No one else. We will not leave and you will not go. We will have the Alpha marry us and you will bare our children. We will be your servants and you, our queen.” Amy looked up to his face expecting to see Kray had taken over, but nothing just Garrek.

She looked deep into his eyes and asked hopeful, “You really mean all that?”

He smiled softly and cupped her cheek. “Every single word. I have been dreaming of making you my wife and having a family as long as I can remember. The only difference now we have Blaze… Who loves us both as much as we do him. He will be a great dad,” He said brushing his fingers across her cheeks.

“Are you sure? I mean he won’t leave us either?” She asked unknowingly tapping into one of his own fears.

“I want everything Gar said,” A previously unnoticed Blaze walks over, strips off his clothes and joins them in the tub.

“And as for leaving you… Either of you…” He looked at Garrek with a knowing look, then looked back to Amy. “…The only way anyone is taking me away from either of you is when I’m dead. I love you both so much.” He knelt forwards and hugged both of them too him.

“Now tell me why you have these stupid idea?” He asked pulling back to stop suffocating her.

“I had a dream… And I was nasty to you…” She mumbled.

“What did Gar tell you earlier?”

“You’ve been standing here that long?” Garrek asked.

“Yes and I will not hear anything else about you being nasty or anything. Now let’s wash you again. There is some food waiting in our room.”

“She was clean before you got in,” Garrek teased.

“Oh, well. It just means we get to wash her again,” Blaze picked up a bottle of body wash and literally poured it all over her body.

“Blaze,” She gasped.

With a puff in his hand he started to sud her up.

“This is going to take forever to get off and my skin will be so dry,” She whined.

“Gar will you help me rub some lotion in when we are done?” She asked and he was only to please to agree.

“I can help!” Blaze offered.

“You my darling, Blaze, you have helped enough,” She said holding back a smile.

“Today Gar is being daddy and rubbing lotions in Mummy and you, darling, are being the naughty little boy.”

Blaze found it amusing, he, the oldest of the three, was the son and they, the younger, were the parents.

“Well then, Mummy…” He grinned rinsing her chest. “… Your little boy needs feeding.” And with that he took her nipple between his lips.

“You are ours, remember that because you are stuck with us forever,” He told her and went back to playing with her nipples. Garrek just held her, his arms around her waist and his head on hers.

Blaze looked up at Amy. She had an unreadable look in her eyes and she was biting her lip as if nervous.

“What’s the matter, angel?” He asked stopping what he was doing and pulling back.

“I’m okay,” She said not very convincingly.

Both men shared a worried look.

“Angel, please don’t lie. Tell us, we won’t be mad,” He said taking her hand in his and gently stroked the back.

She stayed quiet.

“Please, Amy, tell us,” Garrek spoke into her hair.

She sighed but still looked worried. “I don’t want sex… No, that’s not right. I do want it but my whole body aches and my…” She pointed between her legs. “…It hurts and it’s really sore. I’m sorry,” She looked don’t guiltily.

Garrek and Blaze both felt bad in that instant.

Garrek’s grip tightened and he held her even closer.

“Amy…” Blaze placed his fingers under her chin and brought her gaze up to meet his.

“If you feel like this you need to tell us. We would never expect you to do anything if you don’t feel up to it or don’t want too. Yes, we both love being with you intimately, but that doesn’t mean that is all our relationship is. We have a deeper bond than that and if you wanted to ever have a break from sex then that is fine. We just enjoy spending time with you. As long as you are by our side and you let us hold you then that is all that matters. Your body needs a real rest from the days events. You should feel better in the morning because shifters heal faster, but that doesn’t mean we expect sex.”

She looked at him still unsure. “You sure? You are not just saying that to not make me feel bad?” She asked.

“He and I both mean every word, angel,” Garrek whispered kissing the back of her head.

“You have just lost your virginity. Not to one but two men. You are bound to be sore. Just rest today. Remember you are the boss still.” She smiled enjoying being in charge.

“Let’s finish up this bath and then we can eat and lotion you up.”

The next hour after they had gotten out of their bath they spent eating, Garrek rubbed lotion into Amy and Blaze brushed and dried her hair. She told them that she only needed help putting lotion on her back but both insisted on ‘Taking care of their angel.’

Before the hour was up Amy had fallen asleep, laid naked in between her two mates who soon joined her in dream land.

The next morning they were awoken by a loud knocking at their door, followed by someone entering the room.

Amy buried her face in Garrek’s side, not once opening her eyes.

“Morning, my little minions. Time to wake up. Did you forgot it only a couple of days until Christmas. That means you have to get up,” The annoying person rambled.

“Don’t need Christmas. Need sleep. Now piss off!” The ever friendly Blaze growled.

They felt the person move to the end of the bed. Garrek sat up and glared at the man, making sure Amy was still covered. “Think about it, Leon and I’ll rip your throat out,” He warned.

Leon looked at him unsure for a second before getting a look of realization.

“Shit! Sorry. I never even thought…” He said realizing they were all naked.

“Yap yap!” A little ash coloured puppy dog ran into the room.

“Yun!” Amy opened her eye and sat up. She seemed to forget her nakedness and the sheet fell down to reveal her perky globes.

Leon quickly turned his back to her, so he didn’t see anything.

Noticing an open case, he grabbed a shirt out of it not bothered who it belonged to and threw it over his shoulder onto the bed.

“Thank you, man,” Blaze called happy, know most men would just of stood and stared.

“Angel, lift up your arms,” He said getting her attention from her dog who was now on the bed with them.

She looked at him holding the shirt and then down at herself and blushed.

“Sorry. Forgot.” She let Blaze put the shirt on her.

“Not used to sleeping naked,” She said more to herself than anyone.

“You’ll get used too it,” Garrek said with a knowing grin.

“Is it safe?” Leon asked.

“Yep,” Garrek chimed.

Leon turned around and smiled, “Good because I was get tempted just to look,” He only half messed before laying across the foot of the bed.

Both men glared at him but he ignored it.

“Why you came so early?” Amy asked rubbing Yun’s stomach as she lay on her back on the bed.

“Or at all?” Blaze grumbled.

“Nice to see you too… I am here… No real reason. Just thought it’d be nice to hang out with my best buddies and new friend,” Leon said relaxing with his hands behind his head.

“So your sisters are annoying you again,” Garrek said knowing.

“Pretty much,” Was the mumbled response.

“I guess we are lucky Amy is our only sibling and she has always been the perfect little angel…” All the men look at her, as she continues to play with the puppy’s stomach obvious.

“Why don’t you just move out? You know that James and Bee wouldn’t mind you living here. After all the three heads normally do,” Blaze told him.

“Three heads?”

The guys look at Amy who was now waiting expectantly. “James and Bianca – the Alpha couple, the leaders. Lucas and Kurczak – the Beta couple, the second in charge. Then finally, little Leon here, the head fighter and third in charge,” Blaze explained.

“You haven’t found your mate yet?” She asked sadly. “Not yet. But soon hopefully…” He tried to not sound like it bothered him but it was obvious it did.

“Well, until then…” She looked at her dog. “Yun, attack!” She pointed to Leon. Yun didn’t take a second before she was up and running over to a slightly worried looking Leon.

Her mates laughed as the little puppy proceeded to slobber and lick all of Leon’s face.

“Yuk,” He exclaimed. “Stop it.”

“It is a she and she is kissing you and is showing you she likes you,” She told him.

And Garrek quickly added, “After all no other women are going to like you this much apart from your mate… Maybe.”

“Gee, thanks. I thought you were my buddy.”

“I am and that is why I am telling you the truth,” Garrek said with a smirk.

“Okie, Yun. That’s enough now,” Amy told her and she stopped licking.

“Great. Now I just have a sleeping puppy on me,” Leon whined.

“Shh, you’re like twenty-four years old not eight,” She scolded him.

“I am twenty-two, like your mate,” He corrected her.

“Same thing,” She mumbled to turning to hug Blaze and Garrek drawing patterns on her back under the shirt she was wearing.

“How old are you anyway? I’m guessing you are younger than I think if you only shifted because of the mating,” Leon asked her.

“Why how old are you when you shift?”

“You don’t know?” Leon looked confused.

“No, our parents never told me and Gar about shifters until I shifted and Amy only found out yesterday,” Blaze explains.

“Well, if you need to know anything about us then you can just ask me, Amy. And as for first shift. You’re eighteen, unless you mate or mark then it’s soon after that,” He told her.

She nodded in understanding. “I am sixteen, so I guess I would of been waiting a while,” She thought out loud.

“Sixteen?” He sounded surprised. “How long until you are seventeen?”

“Eleven months,” She said nonchalantly.

“I was starting to wonder why you waited so long to mate her, but now I understand. She is still just a cub.” Leon looked at her still not believing it. Yes, she was young looking in the face, but her body was one of an adult woman.

“But a sexy cub… I personally congratulate you for holding off so long. I guess being away at college helped a bit.” Her mates growled at him but nothing else getting used to his comments. Also knowing he wouldn’t do anything it was only words and if he did they would rip his head off. Third or not.

“It did. But it also hurt like hell. Between the emptiness of missing her and the heat of wanting to mate her that is why me and Blaze slept around a lot,” They told him and turned their gaze to Amy. “But it was nothing. Only safe sex with one night stands and only with Humans, so you don’t have to worry about bumping into any clingy she wolves,” Blaze told her and kissed her nose.

“Good morning, honeys,” Paula stood in the open door way.

Leon’s head perked up to see her, but careful not to knock Yun.

“Morning Mum,” The three siblings chimed.

“And who might this be?” She looked at Leon.

“This is Leon. He is the third,” Garrek told her. “Nice to meet you,” She said with a strange smile. A pair of arms looped around her which belonged to Ross.

“Morning kids,” He sounded more cheery than he had in a long time. They all said returned the greeting again and again they were asked who Leon was.

“He is Yun’s mate…” Amy began but then noticed the look her parents and he was sharing. “But you can have him if you want?”


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