Chapter 14

Not even two seconds later Kray was mounting her wolf.
‘Someone’s eager’ Amy and Ash chuckled as Kray moved his front paws on her hips locking her in place.
‘You have no idea’ his voice twice as husky as before. ‘This time we are going to take you individually’ Tye quickly added as Kray entered her.

Tye crawled on his belly closer to the mating couple. He stopped next to them.

Ash/Amy would of jumped if it wasn’t for the tingles she felt as Tye’s wolfy tongue licked up her slit and all the way down to Kray’s connected manhood and balls.

This only made him increase his speed.
‘Mine’ she heard him growl.
‘Both of you are mine’ meaning Amy and Blaze, their wolves included.

Amy couldn’t help but purred.
‘Yes, we are yours and you are mine’
She noticed Tye who was laid on his back as he licked them, had a throbbing hard on. She was surprised how much his member looked like his human form and thankfully not some weird doggy one.

In both wolf and human form the men were well endowed. Blaze told her it was both good genes and also because they were shifters. Shifters have everything bigger.

Both men’s manhood had circumference of about six and a half inches and length about ten and a half inches when erect.

Amy thanked God she was a shifter otherwise she would be able too walk. Thanks to her quick healing that wasn’t a problem.

Before long the pair from their release.
Tye lapped at their privates, cleaning them both. Kray released his grip of her hips and switched places with Tye.

As Kray did he mounted her and locked her hips in place with his front paws before entering her core and Kray licked them as Tye did before.

Tye helped Amy find a second release and even a third just as he found his own, lasting only moments longer than his brother.

Before longer they were all laid on the ground together happy and satisfied.
All still in wolf form and Tye and Kray still in control of the bodies.

Huddled together, for love not heat they told her of their hopes and wishes.
In short both their wolf sides want the same as their human.
To be with their mates forever, have lots of pups as they put it. That made her chuckle.
They mainly wanted a happy life together with each other and Amy too. But they feared their dominant nature might re-emerge and cause her to leave. That was a big fear for them. She made it clear in no uncertain terms that she loved them, dreamed of the same life and had no intention of leaving them.

‘But what if we fail you again?’ Kray asked. ‘I know you won’t’ is all she said before just relaxing back and watching the clouds float by as she enjoyed just being with her mates.

“Have fun love? I did. Even tho I wasn’t in charge we still felt, hear and saw everything” Garrek started rambling.
Amy who was still in wolf form looked at her mates. Both were now dressed and in human form. She hadn’t even notice them move let alone shift.

Amy’s whined not wanting to be human yet. ‘You want to stay like that for a bit?” Blaze asked her stroking the back of her head and Garrek did the same.
She nodded head and before men smile.
“That is no problem honey. You have a beautiful wolf” Blaze told her.
“I especially like your boots” Garrek added trying to grab her paw, but bounced backwards. He tried to get closer but she backed up more. “Gar stop teasing her” Blaze grinned shaking his head.
“Amy you can go back like that. I’ll hold your things until your ready to change” he added quickly with a smile.
“I’m sorry but her wolf is so cute…” Garrek said giving Blaze an innocent look, he paused to think. “… Can I carry her?”

She squeaked and took off.
“Nooo” he screams over the top making his other mate laugh.
They look at each other, smirk and without a word give chase.

Amy slows down so not to lose them but in the process ends up gaining the interest of another.
She stops suddenly when she is cut off by two wolves, neither of which is her mate. But she can tell they are shifters too.

Without bother to hide themselves the two unknown wolves begin to shift. Amy is about to panic when out of nowhere a third wolf appears beside her. Unlike the other two now naked men in front of her the third stands protectively in front of her growling at the men.

“Oh the little she wolf has a friend” a man about thirty, rough looking with stubble and shaggy brown hair smirk at the pair.
“No problem. Always fun fighting before pleasure, helps work up an appetite” the second similar looking with greying brown hair and about twenty years older said. They looked like they could be father and son.

This only made her companion growl further and he positioned himself in a fighting stance.

“Amy” Blaze said suddenly. His stomach full of dread. “There’s something wrong. Faster” Garrek didn’t have to be told twice. At the second they both pushed themselves harder and faster than ever before. Arriving at a small clearing near the lake to find two rogues naked in human form threatening not only Amy but also Leon who stood trying to protect her.

“You dare to come on our land and threatening my family” Braze’s voice sounded almost demonic. Both his and Garrek’s expression dark.

The brothers and Leon had a silent conversation as the rogues tried to taunt them.

“Family? Don’t worry when you are gone she can be our family” the older rogue smirked. “I know the others would love…”

They were cut off.

Amy laid on the ground, her paws covering her eyes and whimpering.
She felt a snout nudge her paw and a pair of hands pick her up.

“It’s OK Leon. She’s fine just scared” she was relieved to hear Blaze’s voice. She moved her paws to see he was the one holding her and Garrek… He was standing beside the bloodied dead body’s of the two rogues glaring at them with so much hatred as if wishing them back to life so he could kill them again. All three men were covered in blood. She whined and rubbed her snout on him, getting blood on herself.

“Look” Blaze chuckled “You got yourself all dirty now”
She whined again and did the same.
“I’m fine. We all are. None of it is our” he gave her a sad smile.

She heard a splash and turned to see wolf Leon wadding in the water.
“I think that’s a good idea” Blaze said looking from his cousin to his mate.
“Yes it is” Garrek was now stood beside her and the rogues bodies were on fire a safe distance from the trees.
“Just look how dirty your socks are…” he looked her over and tutted “And look what you did Blaze covering her beautiful face in that demon poo” or to normal people rogue blood.
Blaze chuckled at Garrek’s ability always to make them smile. Amy leaned forwards and rubbed her snout on Garrek’s face.
He frowned but she could see he was trying not to smile.
“Snot and demon poo nose kisses great”
Amy yapped happily.

Ten minutes later and they were all clean.
Her mates had stripped off their clothes and redressed in only lower half when they were done because the rest was covered in blood. They threw their tops of the fire not wanting them anymore.
Blaze had dropped Amy’s clothes just before the fight so they were clean.
Leon had a pair of shorts hidden by a tree and changed into them once back in human form and clean. Amy hid behind a tree and changed.

When she asked as they cleaned her wolf the brothers told her it was a normal thing to do if you kill a rogue. You had to burn the remains to get rid of the body. Burying is too time consuming and animals would just dig it up, because they would be buried in the woods if any place.

“All done” Amy chimed stepping out from behind the tree to see three shirtless males. Two her mates who she had to force herself not to stare at.
They knew this smile.

“I just wanted to thank you Leon” she quick hug which he returned.
“You are my friend and not to mention new tiny cousin. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you”
She smiled and pulled away “You know… Your alright” he chuckled and said “I’ll take that as a complement”
She turned to see slightly jealous looking mates. She rolled her eyes and bounced over to them.
“I love you. Don’t be jealous. If it wasn’t for Leon helping me God knows what might of happened… Plus he is family now remember?” she reminded them.
They both relaxed and wrapped her up in their arms. “Your right” they breathed in her scent. “Thank you Leon for taking taking care of little boots” Garrek thanked him. “Yes. I don’t know what we would of done if something happened to her” Blaze added.

“Its no problem. Like she said we are family and you guys are my best buddies. I would never let anything happen to… Little boots?” he said her new name with humor but also questioning.
“Because her wolf has boots” Blaze answered for him. His voice serious.
Leon look at them blankly for a few seconds before working it out.

He burst out laughing “Oh yeah. That is pretty different” he remembered how her legs were white to about half way on each leg.
“Yes. Ha ha ha” Amy said sarcastically and started to walk back in the direction of the house.
“No you don’t” Blaze snooped her up in his arms “Don’t want you out of our sight”
“Yes. It’s best to stay in sight. We had a few sights of rogues on the borders. That’s why I’m out here. Me and several others who weren’t on patrol right now have been going over the pack land just to make sure none got through. I linked with them to say I found two and they are dealt with. So far no others have been found but patrols have been doubled just to be safe” Leon explains.

Together they all walked back “I thought rogues didn’t bother people anymore?” Amy questioned as Blaze carried her and Garrek being Garrek held her bare foot as if it was a hand. The others had laughed at him for this but Amy thought it was cute, so he paid no attention to the other two men.
With his second hand he held her shoes because she didn’t need them.

Garrek even tried to say they should throw all of her shoes away because they could carry her everywhere but Amy had told him no.
Blaze liked the idea of carrying her everywhere but knew it wasn’t possible. Between school and college they wouldn’t be able to spend all their time together.

“I’ve been thinking…” Blaze says getting their attention “When it’s time to go back to college I’m not going back” Amy eyes widen.
“Don’t worry honey. I have progressed enough that if I wanted to I could take my final exam early. That way I would only he to go back once or twice and then I can be close by and not worry about you”
“I would argue with you that I will be alright but I know it’s pointless. At least you are not giving up completely” she said honestly.
He smiled and kissed her cheek “I’m glad you see it my way”
“What are you studying anyway? You never did tell me” she thought it was strange.
“That’s because I couldn’t before” she looked confused “I was studying English, history and the history of Lycans aka Shifters”
She was surprised “They teach that or is it another ‘special’ school?” putting the emphasis on special.
He chuckled “Yes and no. It is run by shifters but humans attend too. But the do have some special classes only shifters” he explained.
“That’s a good idea” she thought out loud “What about you Gar? What are you studying?”

The three men laughed for some reason.
“He is meant to be sports management and science” Blaze tells her.
“But what he actually studies is COD and often helps out pack training” Leon says sounding impressed with the training part.
“What is the point in going to college? When am I ever going to need them stupid subjects. At least Pack training is useful and something that comes in handy.
The only reason I even applied to go to college was to be with Blaze…” Amy mentally awed “… And to get away from you so I wouldn’t end up forcing you to do anything” he sounding ashamed as he remembered what he did only a day ago.

“And that’s why I love you Gar… Both of you. Because your my sweet thoughtful bunny and Blaze is my darling”
Leon burst out laughing “Bunny” almost falling over a fallen branch.
“I love you too little boot… and you boff” he always teased Blaze about being a boffin. (Slang for a very clever person / Nerd)
“So you going to quit college properly and become a full time trainer or what?” Leon asked the younger of the brothers.

“I can do that?”
“Don’t sound so surprised. You unofficially do it now anyway. Plus you are one of our best trainers… Minus me of course” he said smugly.
“But seriously it would be a great opportunity for you and the pack” Leon said honestly.
“Can I help you train at the school too?” Garrek asked grinning looking at Amy.
“That would be part of your job yep”
“I’ll do it then” they all knew the main reason was to be near Amy, but he did enjoy teaching people too.

“Now we just need to find Blaze a job” he thought out loud.
“Don’t worry about that. I already have something in the pipe line” Blaze said cryptically.

Despite begging Blaze refused to tell them.

“Top secret” he kept telling them, including Leon.
“Your mean” Amy sulked and pouted.
“And your tasty” before she had a chance to ask what he meant Blaze was kissing and sucking on her pouty bottom lip.

She closed her eyes and found herself moaning against his mouth.
“This is why you reject me?” they pulled apart to see a sieving Jade.
“P!ss off Jade” Leon told her nonchalantly and the four continued to walk past her annoying her more.
“Don’t you dare ignore me” she exclaimed and they continued to do so.
They heard hurried footsteps “Stop or I will tell everyone” she threatened. They continued to walk ignoring her, but smirking at the fool as would make of herself.
They heard a huff and nothing more until they reached Leon’s house where everyone was now sat in the garden. Teens and adults alike.

Before the group even saw them, let alone spoke to them Jade was rushing ahead of them.
Robin groaned in frustration on seeing his annoying niece.
“Didn’t I tell you to go away?” he more stated than asked.
Ignoring his words she acted innocent batting her eye lashes as if she had something in them and stood in front of Alpha James and Ross.

“What is it now Jade?” James said nonchalantly.
“I just thought you should know” she did her best innocent childlike voice.

Ronnie said lowly “Here we go again”

“Blaze, Garrek, Leon and Amy have been having sex in the woods” she was frowning but her eyes were smirking.

Leon and the others burst out laughing.
“I have no doubt Leon wasn’t having sex with them” James corrected her smirking when he saw her face down.
The teens watched on unsure, but acted nonchalant just to annoy Jade more.
“You are not going to scold them or anything?” she said in disbelief.
Bianca smiled smugly “Why would we? I heard you tried to have sex with your brother once, but he said he would rather shag a dog… Which in fact he did”

They all laughed and Ronnie groaned “I don’t do that any more”
Jade looked at Ross expectantly “Aren’t you going to punish them?”
He and his wife shared a look and then he looked back at Jade “I can’t do that. That would make us a bit hypocritical, wouldn’t it love?” he turned back to face Paula who smiled and nodded in agreement. Only their three children and Leon knew what they meant.

Jade made a few huffing noises and walked off mumbling something about everyone ignoring her. Then disappeared in the direction of her own home.
The four sat on the grass close to the group.
Blaze had Amy sat between his legs and Garrek was now playing with her hand instead of foot.

They felt everyone’s eyes on them.
“Want to tell me what that was about?” James asked still smiling.
“Jade is just jealous because we rejected her and not Amy” Blaze told him.
The teens were still confused.

He nodded his head as if to say ‘makes sense’.
“But what is this about Leon?”
“I am innocent. I was just out looking for the rogues…” James and the others knew where he went because he was with them when he got the call.
“…And I bumped into Amy being cornered by two”
James eyes darkened “Did they do anything?”
“Leon saved me. He came before they could do anything” Amy told them.

“Garrek and Blaze came a few seconds later and we killed and burnt the bodies” Leon explained “I have doubled patrols and they are checking to see if anymore slipped through”

“Thank you Leon. But why was she on her own?”
“We were playing chase” Amy said honestly, as it was somewhat true.
James sighed and relaxed “Fine, but please try and stick together until we have you trained” he asked her and she nodded, then tipped to the side letting her head rest on Garrek’s lap.

“So you weren’t all having sex?” Ronnie asked Leon.
“Of course not. They would kill me if I even thought about it… What they were doing on the other hand is anyones guess?” he smirked already knowing the answer just wanting them to admit it.
“We were playing puss in boots” Garrek said as if everyone would know what he meant.
Leon had a moment of realization “Oh my god. My poor little mind” he exclaimed earning him some strange looks and Garrek smirked proudly.
“Yes we were having sex”


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