Chapter 15

The teens jaws dropped.

“Garrek we don’t really need to know that.” Ross said almost laugh himself at his niece’s and nephew’s expressions.

“He asked.” James shook his head “You are a strange one.” he chuckled.

“More than you know.” Amy added lowly but they still heard her.

“Hang on… So you are really OK with Garrek and Amy doing that?” Gemma asked what the others were thinking.

“Yes. We are fine with Garrek, Amy and Blaze doing that.” Ross answered making sure she knew it was Blaze as well.

“Blaze?” she questioned looking at him.

He smirked and grabbed Amy’s breast “Blaze!” Amy snapped and Blaze tipped his head in submission.

Robin’s eyes widen “He’s her submissive?” his voice surprised.

“They both are.” Ross sounded proud about having a strong daughter.

“Are you three mates?” Ed was the first one out of the teens to work it out.

“Oh my god.” Holly and the others relised. “I thought it was just because you were sat together and brother and sister.”

“Is that why you said you had found your mate but couldn’t be with them yet?” Gemma asked.

Where as Ronnie and Greg sat back laughing.

“Yes and why are they laughing?” Blaze said slightly annoyed.

“Because they made a bet with me about who would get Amy to date them and they said them and I said neither.” Gemma smirked “Now they both owe me a shopping trip.” she whooped.

“Whatever.” Greg grumbled.

“I can’t wait to find my mate.” Holly swooned “I am glad it isn’t my brothers though. They aren’t handsome like yours.” she whispered loudly at Amy who was a few feet away.

“We’re handsome.” both Leon and Greg cut in. Ed didn’t feel the need, he was a little over confident.

“But I don’t want you ever.” Greg added and Leon agreed.

“Good job then.” she chimed.

“I heard of two mates but never expected to see it. The same goes for sibling mates except I thought they were just a rumour.” Ronnie thought out loud “But I am happy for you. You have both always treated me well despite everything. So thank you.” he tells them and looks at Amy “And I am happy to meet you. Maybe we can be friends?”

“As long as your dirty pen!s stays away from my dog then we can be friends.” she said seriously causing the others to grin or laugh.

“You have a dog?” he said excited.

Her eyes darkened into her dual color indicating Ash was joining them.

“Touch her and I will spare no time in separating your head from your body.” they all looked at her in shock again.

But Ronnie being stupid wasn’t afraid.

He stood up and walked closer to her, looking at her in awe. She copied him and stood in front of her mates in a threatening stance.

Blaze and Garrek didn’t like the way Ronnie and the other males looked at their mate. So stood up and joined their mates side.

“That is so cool.” he stopped in front of them looking at her eyes obvious to the glares and worried looks he was getting.

“Ronnie I think it would be a good idea if you back off.” Leon warned his younger cousin.

“Sorry.” he back off slightly “That is just so freaking cool.” he grinned.

“Oh and I promise your dog is safe”

“Yes. He has a whore from the local human high school to do that now” Ed the youngest of the group said.

Amy seemed to calm down as her mates rubbed her back and her eyes returned to normal.

She looked at him expectantly.

“What?” Ronnie asked.

“Aren’t you going to defend your girlfriend?” she asked him.

“No” he shrugged his shoulders “It’s true. She is a whore. That’s the only reason I’m with her. She has an attitude like my sister…. OK, maybe not that bad, but still not good” he said nonchalantly “It’s not as if we are getting married or anything. She is just a stop off point until I meet my mate.” he confessed.

“Now that is over with.” Gemma chimes in, drawing everyone’s attention to her.

“Was that you and your wolf speaking?” she double checks.

“Yes.” Amy answers.

“You are a dual shifter?” Tanya, Leon’s mother asked her.

“Yes, she is.” Garrek said proudly holding her between him and Blaze.

“That’s where your’s and your wolf self conscious isn’t it?” Ed asked.

“What? I thought they were just some story like Santa and vampires?” Holly said this time.

“No. They are just very rare.” the alpha answered “But Amy isn’t a normal dual. But that is a matter to be spoke about another time in a more private area.” he added.

They nodded knowing and silently agreed not to speak about it until inside a secure room.

There was a few seconds of silence before Greg asked his uncle “Aren’t you the Beta of The Black Horde pack? That’s what I remember Blaze saying anyway.”

A/N: I don’t remember if I named the packs. So Liam’s pack is now called ‘The Black Horde’ and James ‘The Golden Dusk’.

“I was, but we left.” Ross answered with an unreadable expression.

His niece’s and nephew’s looked confused.

“Left? Why?” Greg asked again.

“You are coming to dinner late, so we’ll tell you everything later.” James told them.

“Can I come too?” Ronnie asked.

“Yes. You are basically Hunters… Robin’s other son as well.”

“When’s dinner?” Amy asked no one in particular.

“Around an hour.” James answered knowingly “I only asked you only go into the woods to run, but in a group.”

“You are going to have sex again?” Ed asked in disbelief “Didn’t you just have it?”

“So?” she said nonchalantly. Both Garrek and Blaze got turned on just thinking about it. Some of them chuckled, whilst the others just smiled and shook their heads. “But in all honesty I wasn’t thinking of sex.” she wanted to add until now, but didn’t.

“I wanted to take Yun out before dinner. She hasn’t been on a walk in a couple of days.”

“Maybe she could go for a run with us? We could go slow so her tiny paws could keep up?” Garrek sweetly suggested.

“That’s a good idea.” James thought out loud “It will be good for her to get used to being around wolves.”

“Who’s Yun?” Tanya asked.

“My dog.”

“Can I come too? I need to go on a run anyway and it will be safer going in a large group, with rogues being about that is.” Greg asked this time.

“OK.” Amy answered getting ready to go. Garrek frowned and James gave him a pointed look “Remember you can’t go running alone. At least for now. You will just have to keep your activities indoors.”

“Fine.” he pouted and got up to go with his mates, who were both ready.

“Are you coming too?” Amy asked Leon.

“Of course.” he jumped up and smiled “I wanted to try something whilst you were in wolf form.” he said making both her mates growl.

“I already told you it’s not like that with me and Amy. Only because you are dirty little boys…” he teased.

“Best run, because when we get you…” Blaze warned and took off after a now running Leon.

Garrek followed suit, but he grabbed Amy by the waist. Making her squeal and run off with her in his arms.

“At least our kids seemed to be getting on well.” Paula said chuckling, watching all the children under twenty disappear after Blaze and the others.

Leon slowed down near the alpha’s house enough for Blaze to catch him.

The last thing Garrek and Amy saw before entering the house was Blaze with Leon in a headlock.

“Before we go I need to nip to the loo.” Amy told her brother as they entered the house.

He carried her through the house to the bathroom at the back of the kitchen.

“Whist they are busy how about you and me have a quicky?” Garrek said suggestively as him watched her emptying her bladder.

“My weeing turns you on?” she asked seeing his tent.

“Yes, very much.” his voice a husky groan. She wasn’t surprised, but was by what he asked next.

“Can I at least lick her quickly?” he asked picking her off the toilet before she had a chance to dry herself.

Perching her on the edge of the sink, he leaned down on his knees without waiting for her answer and immediately started to clean her with his tongue.

“Gar.” she gasped “I need to clean her. She’s dirty.” she cringed at the idea of him tasting her ur!ne.

“No baby girl. I want to taste it.” he mumbled against her folds “And god, even that tastes good.

Her head tipped back and rested against the mirror and moaned lowly.

She was enjoying his tongue going between her folds and diving into her core that she didn’t even notice him pull out his member.

At least not until she felt his tongue leave her and almost instantly be replaced by a rock hard log entering her tight core.

“Holy sh!t!” she exclaimed and he let out a loud groan “So tight.” he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face to his and captured her lips.

He took her fast and hard and within a minute both were finding release.

“I love you. I love you. I love you.” Garrek said over and cover her face in kisses.

“I love you too Gar.”

As had become habit, he leaned back down and gave her a quick tongue bath.
They had been in the house barely two minutes, but still long enough. Amy was shocked that both of them could find release so fast.

“Come on angel. We should get back out before they Blaze worries.” Garrek said redressing himself and her before carrying her back out into the room where Yun was.
Amy reached down whilst still in Garrek’s arms and picked the little pup up.

“Let’s fly my beautiful babies.” he sang and flew out the house kicking the door closed behind him. He stopped at the grass in amusement to see Blaze, Ronnie, Leon and his four siblings all laid on the grass waiting.

Sensing their presence Blaze shot up and pulled his mates towards him.
“What took you so long? I missed you both.” he kissed both of them.
“Yap.” Yun barked as if to say what about me. Blaze chuckled and kissed the dogs head. “And you too Yun.”

‘I needed the loo and pervert here got turned on.’ she told him through their link.
‘I thought you were doing something. It’s OK though. I love you both. Just as long as I get to watch next time.’ he linked back to the pair rubbing his growling bulge on Garrek’s leg. ‘Maybe next time you’ll actually let me drink you…’ Garrek thought through the link.
‘Drink?’ Blaze asked unsure, but then thought about where they were and frowned.
“You are one sick bunny.” he said out loud chuckling.
“Yap.” Yun barked again.
He looked at the dog and then back to Amy. “How about we let Leon play with Yun and I’ll f*ck you up against a tree?” he suggested taking the pup.
“You are aware we can hear you?” Ed spoke. “Can I watch?” “Me too? Promise not to touch anything.” Ronnie and Greg asked.
The brothers growled.
“And leave you to get h0rny and rape poor Yun? I think not.” Amy told Ronnie.
“I told you. That was before I don’t do that anymore.” he said walking over “Plus she is only a pup even I never did that.”

“Once you lot have finished dry humping…” Leon was looking and Blaze “…And arguing about Ron’s animal fetish and sex, can we please go we haven’t got long before dinner.”

“So is everyone coming?” Garrek asked looking at Holly, Ed and Ronnie, all who hadn’t shifted yet.
“Yes, if that’s OK?” Holly asked.
“We haven’t shifted but still can run if you are going slow.”

Even unshifted werewolves are slightly faster than normal humans.
“Alright. But stick by us, just in case rogues are around.” Blaze told them.
They quickly agreed and all got up and headed towards to woods.

Blaze internally thanking the gods that his ‘happiness’ had subsided.

‘I still want sex later.’ he linked as he carried a happy pup.
‘Don’t you always?’ Amy said back.

“What kind of dog is Yun?” Holly brought them back to reality and stood next to Blaze looking at the small pup.
“She’s actually a Wolfdog. I got her though before I found out about the whole shifter wolf thing.”
“You wasn’t brought up knowing about it?” Gemma asked this time.
“No. The first I knew is yesterday when my brother’s told me.”
“You shifted and mated only yesterday?”
“We mated the night before that but completed it yesterday, yes.” Blaze answered.
“That is so hot. you had sex with your brother’s without knowing about mates?” Greg asked.
“Yes. But…” she was about to say about her parents but stopped herself “…But who wouldn’t want to make love to their brother when they are so damn hot.” she said reached down and cupped Garrek’s ‘package’ making him groan.

Gemma and Holly both nodded in agreement “I totally get you. If they were mine I wouldn’t be able to stay in the house with them all the time and not do nothing.” Gemma said and then added “God. I can’t wait to find my mate.”

“Are you saying that I am not attactive?” Greg asked frowned.
“You are.” Holly answered “Just not in that way.”

They finally got into the woods.
“Thank you Holly. You are pretty too. But I don’t see you like that either.”
“Yes, yes, yes. Everyone is very pretty. Now lets get undressed and shift.” Leon grumbled.
“Don’t be jealous Leon.” Gemma gave her brother older brother a one arm hug “If you weren’t gay I am sure lots of…”
“I’m not gay!” he exclaimed “Why would you even think that?”
“Sorry. I just thought because you have more skincare stuff and perfumes than me.”

“It’s OK Leon, Gar is the same.” Amy told her cousin.
He smiles “Thanks Amy.” he turned back to Gemma “As for you, you should be thankful I don’t think of you that way or I would show you how not gay I am!” walked behind a tree and begin to get undressed.

“Can you hold Yun until we have shifted?” Blaze asked Holly. She squeal and nodded her head “Yes. She is so cute.”
“And make sure….” Ronnie already knew what was coming and frowned “I am not like that anymore.” he exclaimed.
“I’ll trust you for now, but if anything happens I will rip out your throat!” Amy warned.
“Don’t worry Amy. Nothing will happen.” he grinned and gave her a thumbs up.
Greg rolled his eyes and he and Gemma disappeared behind a couple of different trees and did the same as their older siblings.
“When you have changed, bring me your clothes and I’ll throw them in my backpack.” Ronnie offers.
“Thank you Ronnie.” Amy said surprised, making him smile.
“Anything for my new cousin.”
“She isn’t technically yours.” Ed told him.
Ronnie waved his hand dismissively “Didn’t you hear the Alpha? I am basically your dad’s fourth son, so that makes them my cousins too.”
Amy, Garrek and Blaze left the pair arguing as they disappeared together behind the largest tree they could see.
She dropped her dress to reveal nothing underneath. Her mate’s quickly followed suit, but before she could shift Blaze picked her up. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist as he slipped his stiff member inside her. Garrek stood and watched in wolf form as his older brother thrust deep and hard into her. Blaze’s hand holding her backside and moving her up and down.
Amy had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming in ecstasy.

He on the other hand let out a low constant purr of pleasure as he kissed down her neck and as Garrek did, they both from their release after only a minute. “I love you Amy.” he kissed her lips. “I love you too.”
‘Now let me clean you.’ Amy looked beneath her to see her younger mate in wolf form with a wolfy grin and his tongue hanging out.
The two in human form laughed and Blaze placed her on the floor where she bent over and cleaned Blaze with her mouth as Garrek nuzzled and lapped at her core. Still on her hands and knees and Garrek nuzzling her, she shifted into wolf form. Her older brother moved back and did the same.
Garrek took the shift as a indicator to mount her and soon again began to hump her.
‘Gar.’ she tried to sound mad back it came out more as a moan.
‘I’ll just be a minute angel. You are just so hot ‘boots’. I have to mate you all the time. Human or wolf.’ Garrek linked.
Blaze moved back around her front and laid beneath her with his again hard member pointing to the sky, he whimpered. As if to say ‘Please lick me?’.
She leaned forwards slightly, making her back half go higher and Garrek go deeper. He and she both let out a whimperly moan and then she began licking and sucking Blaze’s throbbing member.
‘You tongue is like electric around my c*ck. Oh god. I’m going to explode again.’ Blaze warned before cumming all over her wolfy face. ‘Sorry.’ he said and once she had cleaned him, he cleaned his own seed from her face in the places she couldn’t reach with her extra long wolf tongue. Garrek was quick to follow and again nuzzled her core, licking her clean awards. This act made Amy and Ash’s stomach heat up and womb clench as they gushed down Garrek’s wolfy throat. ‘That was so hot baby girl.’ he groaned as Blaze licked clean his member.
‘I would stay I want to go again but Leon is already asking in my head where we are.’ Blaze said.

‘We are coming.’ he linked back to Leon.
‘I know. We all do. We all heard the moan’s you dirty boy.’ Leon teased as the three walked around the tree with their clothes in their mouths.
Amy couldn’t hear him though because she wasn’t part of the pack yet. She could only link with her mate’s until she joined the pack officially tomorrow.
See Amy and the other’s Holly grinned and ran over. “So pretty.” she looking at Amy “Look she has socks.”
Ronnie chuckled and took the clothing from them and placed them in his bag with the other’s.
“Yes, very unique.” he grinned.

“Rummy” Yun whined wanting to go back to Amy. Even in wolf form she recognized her Mummy’s scent. Blaze and Garrek’s and the other’s eyes widen. ‘Oh did I forget the mention Yun thinks I’m her mummy and she can say the word… Kind of?’ she said as Yun hopped out of Holly’s arms and ran under her mummy and started head butting Amy’s leg. They all laughed at the small pup.
“Yun is unique too. That is for sure.” Ed said shaking his head.
“Come on. Let’s run. We have to go back soon.” Ronnie said and with that they all took off through the woods. None of the wolves going even half as fast as they could, because both the human’s and pup needed to keep up.

Surprisingly though, Yun ran all the time right underneath Amy and Blaze and Garrek (Who were both laughing at the tiny pup) either side of her. All of them following Ronnie and the other’s. Leon looked back and let out a woofy chuckle, causing the other two in wolf form to turn and do the same.

Eventually they ended up at the lake and all the wolves and the pup went into the water, whilst the other’s strip the their underwear and joined them.
“That was great.” Ed panted trying to get his breath back as he stood in the water.
“Yes. We haven’t been in a run in ages.” Holly agreed.
“Did you see Yun running?” Ronnie was laughing hysterically.
“So god damn funny. I thought I was going to fall over.”

“Have you seen what she is doing now?” Holly pointed to the small pup which was whining and trying to sit on Amy’s small back. But the dog kept slipping. “Come here.” Ronnie said wadding over and picking up the pup and placing it on Blaze’s larger back instead. Not that Yun seemed to mind, because she laid down and began to go to sleep.
‘I’m not a god damn dog bed.’ he complained.
‘No, but if you be nice to her I’ll let you take me in human form, whilst I’m in wolf and vice versa.’ Amy told them. But little did they know that she had been thinking about it and actually want to try it, to bond with her mates more. Not to have any hold backs. She wanted to be with them in every which way.


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