Chapter 16

Liam (Surprise)

It was about sixteen hours since Liam found out Amy and her family was missing and he had all his men and even the adult women out searching for information where she is. Either by calling local packs of businesses or walking the streets.

Graven and Liam both are angry. The wolf and he both decided the best way the take out their anger was to bang a few virgins and some not so virgins. He had Amy’s two female friends and even her male best friend were sent to his office one by one. Once there he asked them questions then had sex with both willing females, who were sixteen and virgins. They both through as he wanted more but when he had finished doing them hard and rough he told them to go away and never tell anyone because everyone would think they were whores for giving themselves like that.

More surprisingly he even had sex with her male heterosexual friend. The young boy (Tidus) didn’t want to but the alpha ordered him to remove his pants and then he raped him.

Tidus, who was related to the new beta Tim, left crying.

Not even two minutes after that one of Liam’s regular partner turned up and he did her too. But unlike the others she was used to being kicked out but thought this time was different.

“Now your mate is gone you will be needing a replacement…” Missy said still sat naked on his desk with cum dripping down her chest where he had pulled out and exploded on her.

“I already have a Luna planned. I always did. I never intended to complete mating with my so-called mate,” He confessed.

She smirked, “In that case you can mark me and make it official.”

He turned around, now fully dressed and glared at her. “You? I would never make you my mate!” He growled.

“But I rejected my mate for you?” She exclaimed “He has marked and mated a windowed female. You cannot reject me. You have no one else. You have to accept me!”

He stormed over and grabbed her throat. His eyes were black with anger, his canines out and his claws extended.


But it was too late. Graven took over with Liam’s permission and tore off her head. Killing her instantly.

What he failed to notice is his beta in the doorway.

Tim, once his third but had taken over as beta when Ross left.

He had gone to confront the alpha about him attacking his younger brother Tidus when he saw the whole fight. Including his confession. Tim knew no normal sane person would willingly kill their mate.

Tim turned around and went back to the small house which he shared with his brother and mother.

“Pack what you need in a bag and put it in the car. We are leaving now. Alpha Liam is insane.” he ordered them both.

“We are leaving the pack?” His mother Kay asked hugging her youngest.

“Yes. But if anyone asks lie that we are searching for Amy.”

“Where will we go?” They had no family only each other.

“To someone who equally hates Liam,” He said disappearing to pack his secret stash of money and some clothing.

“You know where they are don’t you?” His brother asked from the doorway as his mother packed a couple of bags from them both.

“Yes.” Liam didn’t know, but Tim was actually good friends with Ross (the trio’s dad) before he left. He was like the father he had never had. He told Tim secrets including his children all being mates. He also never about his brother in-law’s pack and where it was. But Tim didn’t mention it because he knew something was wrong the moment Liam began saying Amy was his mate and Luna. As for the rape of Amy, he wasn’t sure what to think. All he knew is he had to get his family the hell out of dodge and when he was far enough he and his mother would both denounce the pack as Ross and his family had.

“Ready,” His mother said getting his attention. They packed the car with the bags. Then so no one would ask questions as they left the pack grounds they told the border guard they were searching a lead of the Luna up. But really he cut through Jane’s (Liam’s mate) father (Claude) pack (Midnight Tribe pack) land and told him the truth before continuing on their journey, leaving a very angry alpha behind wanting to kill Liam. He told him before he left he knew another pack who hated The Black Horde and he was get their alpha to contact him.

An hour of driving and Tim stopped swapped places with a still upset Tidus and he and his mother denounced the pack. Then fainted as Tidus tried to stay strong and drove them the rest of the way.

The Ander’s (the trio)

Leon chuckled as Blaze’s tried to get out of the water without knocking Yun off his back.

‘Help me.’ he whined through the link, but in wolf form came out as a whimper.

By this point the three human teens were out of the water and dressed again.

Amy/Ash walked closer to Blaze and nipped his ear playfully, before in one fast motion took Yun by the scruff of her neck (Like a mother does with their pup) and took off running back towards home with a dazed and confused Yun still in her gentle but firm grip.

Her mates were the first to follow closely by the others.

But unlike being a dual she was twice faster than a normal wolf. So it took the wolves a minute to catch up and the teens slightly longer. But Greg, Gemma and Leon ran slower than normal so they could make sure the human teens were safe.

By the time the mates caught up with Amy she was in human form sat naked, with her knees up to her chest so nothing was visible. Yun was running in circles around her yapping. When the brother’s saw Amy, they stayed in wolf form and sat either side of her and both wrapped themselves around her, as if giving her a wolfy hug.

When the other arrived they saw this, but laughed when they saw Yun had again taken up residence on Blaze’s back.

“This would make a great photo.” Holly thought out loud “You look very angelic Amy and the wolves are beautiful.”

“Thank you Holly. But you are more angelic, especially with your long blonde hair.” Amy said back.

Ronnie started going through his bag and handing out the clothing. “I think you are both very pretty.” he said handing the trio their clothes.

Her mates growled but her ignored them. Gemma, Greg and Leon disappeared to get changed.

“Thanks Ronnie. Can you all turn a second?” Amy asked and the three human teens turned as she pulled on her dress over her head.

Then she took hold of Yun and cradled her in her arms as mate shifted and got dressed.

Garrek on the other hand was happy in wolf form.

“Gar stop messing and change!” she warned. Blaze chuckled and pulled Garrek’s head from under the back of Amy’s dress.

“You are insatiable. Get away.” he said laughing. The young teens heard and laughed only guessing what was happening.

Garrek whined and shifted into human form and pulled on his clothes just in time for Leon and the others to get back.

“You shouldn’t do that in front of people.” Amy warned.

“I don’t mind. As long as they don’t took you. You are ours only!” he said pulled her to him and reaching up her skirt.


The others watched in amusement as Blaze took Amy in his own arms, making Garrek whimper.

“You can hold her when you learn to not harass her so much in public.” he told Garrek.

“Bunny…” Amy said using the nickname she recently gave Garrek.

“Hold Yun. She misses her daddy.” she said pouting.

“I can’t wait for you to have our real pup.” he thought out loud taking the pup and they all started heading back to the house.

“You are trying for a baby?” Greg asked surprised, mates mostly try for pups with they are eighteen and older.

“Yes. I can’t wait” Amy said and both her mated pecked her cheeks.

“Your brother’s always have loved pups.” Leon said.

“Yes, whenever women in the pack has one you can be sure that they will go to see them and give them their wishes.” Gemma said.

“Have any of you got boyfriend, girlfriends or a mate?” Amy asked them.

They all shook their head “Only Ronnie has a girlfriend, because his ‘friend’ can not be controlled.” Leon said grinning.

“But Leon and Greg aren’t exactly virgins.” Gemma added.

“And you are?”

“No. But I don’t go out every weekend just to get it.” her and her younger brother Greg argued.

“It’s OK. As long as you are honest about the fling with the women or men and it stops when you meet your mate.” Holly told them and Amy agreed.

“Everyone is waiting in the house for us. Dinner is ready.” Leon annouced after his mother linked to him.

“We are almost there, one minute.”

They get in the house a minute later and all make there way into the dining room where everyone including Lucas, Kurczak who both stood up when they saw the teens enter.

“Is that her?” she asked her mate and he nodded his head.

The teens all walked over to say hello, gave her a hug and took places at the table.

Garrek placed Yun on the floor and Blaze reluctantly did the same with Amy, but kept his arms around her.

Lucas was handsome, beefy and about thirty years old.

Kurczak looked to be in her mid twenties. She was pretty, tall and slender.

They however didn’t take their seat instead they walked over to the Beta’s and stopped in front of them.

Without a word the couple hugged Amy.

“Thank you Amy. Who knows what happen to me if you didn’t find me.” Kurczak told her.

“Not to mention Lucas.”

“It was no problem. I had to help him. He looked so sad.” Amy told her.

Garrek growled and pulled Amy back “Enough hugs. Mine now.” then sat at the table with her on his lap and Blaze next to them.

The Beta’s laughed “I heard you three were mates.” Lucas said grinning, he had his mate on his lap too. Since finding her he had not left her side.

“My parents were Uncle and Niece you know?” Kurczak said between bites as her mate fed her. Blaze was feeding both Garrek and Amy and himself.

Garrek was going to feed himself, but Blaze insisted through their mate link that he would take care of both of his mates.

He didn’t want to admit it but he enjoyed Blaze taking care of him.

As if sensing this Blaze looked at Garrek and gave him a loving smile.

Amy’s heart skipped a beat. She loved them caring for each other and not just her.

Even Yun was sat on Holly’s lap because the pup hated being alone.

Holly didn’t mind. She thought of it as a baby. She secretly hoped she would find her mate too, so she could have one of her own.

“Really? I didn’t know that.” Greg said thinking “But isn’t Bianca your cousin?”

“Yes. Cousin and I am also her niece. My mother is her sister.” she explained.

“At least our family isn’t the only strange one.” Leon said and Tanya hit the back of his head.

“Be nice.” she warned.

“They know I love them all really.” he defended.

“Can’t we know about Amy wolf and everything now?” Ed asked.

James went on to explain about how Amy found both Kurczak and Robin.

The teens now looked at her as if she was a rock star and kept telling her how cool it was.

Leon told his parents about moving. His mother was depressed but soon cheered up when she discovered it was only across the way.

Then came the time to tell them about The Black Horde and why they left.

This was the first time James had told his Beta about it. He and the teens all looked shocked then angry.

Being the Alpha’s niece and also helping him find his mate he and his mate both have come to adore the girl in the short time they knew her.

“We think that he had his Mate killed too, but we….” James stopped mid sentence.

Him, Leon and Lucas’s eye’s all clouded over, before clearing again.

“We have a car with three shifters in wanting to close the border and join the pack.” James told the table.

That was a rare occurrence, but that wasn’t why he looked unsure.

“Do you know someone called Tidus?”

Amy’s eyes widen “Tidus is here?”

“Yes and a unconscious female and male.” before he even finished the sentence she was up and out of the door.

James ordered Greg, the women and other teens to stay put whilst him, Lucas, Leon, Robin, Ross and the brother’s (who left straight after their mate) went after Amy to the border, just in case there was trouble. James contacted the border patrol that his niece was on her way and they would be there soon.

‘Amy slow down.’ Blaze called through their link. They had no choice but to shift into wolf form to keep up with her. Even in human form she was fast.

‘Something is wrong. I have to make sure he is alright.’ she linked back.

The moment she spotted a familiar red car she sped up. Three guards stood towering beside her best friend. He was average height, but small compared to the guards.

“Tidus.” she called and all four heads turn to her.

She ran straight at him and threw her arms around him, knocking him back slightly.

He wrapped his arms around her and collapsed to his knees. She kneeled beside him still hugging him.

Her mates arrived a second later, to see Amy kneeled on the ground with Tidus, who had his face buried in the cruck of her neck. His head was bobbing as if crying.

Tidus was the only male the brother’s trusted with Amy. They knew he was only her friend and was waiting to find his mate and so didn’t date. But they still felt jealous.

“What’s wrong Das?” Amy asked worried sick using his nickname “What happened?” he never said anything, just tightened his grip on her and continued to cry.

The guards and brother’s head shot up when they heard a groan.

“Tim?” Blaze ask “What’s going on?” he moved closer to see the boy’s young mother still unconscious in the back.

The other men turned up to see the two on the ground with Garrek stood over them and Blaze stood next to Tim.

“We denounced the pack.” confused expression.

“I promise I will explain everything. But can we speak in private?” meaning away from the guards. James looked unsure.

“You can lock me up if it makes you feel better just look after my mother and brother?” Tim pleaded.

Leon seemed antsy and walked over to the car and looked inside. No one noticed the shift in colour of his eyes, but they quickly returned to normal.

“Mother?” he questioned and Tim nodded “But she only looks twenty?”

“Leon leave it until we are in private.” James told his third as he felt the tension from Ross and Tim both when they were asked.

“We will take you to my office and speak and then I will decide what will be done.” the Alpha told them.

“I’ll go in the car with them” Leon offered.

“Das.” Amy whispered trying to get him to stand. Garrek leaned down and carefully helped her and him into the car.

Garrek sat beside her in the back with Kay and Leon and Tim were in the front. Blaze and the other’s followed behind in wolf form.

Amy didn’t fail to notice her cousins lingering looks on Kay but she said nothing. She was too worried about Tidus.

The Alpha’s office was in his house just near the entrance.

Tim carried his mother inside, despite Leon offering to do it and Amy walked with Tidus in between her and Garrek.

They both had their arm around him protectively.

Garrek always saw him like a little brother. He and Amy had been best friends since his family first joined the pack when he was little.

Leon grabbed the bags and showed Tim a spare room to put his mother to rest. James told him it was OK.

Tim was a bit worried about leaving her alone. He knew how nervous she got in unfamiliar places.

When they had finished he would have Tidus staying in the room with her to explain things. Tim expected he would probably be locked up, but hoped he wouldn’t.

Soon enough all the men and Amy were in the office. Blaze stood beside Amy who was sat on the small sofa with Tidus and Garrek.

He had stopped crying but was still hugging her and looking broken.

Tim was stood close, James in his seat behind the large oak desk. Leon and Lucas stood either side of him.

Ross stood close to Tim and next to his brother Robin.

“So tell me. Why did you denounce your pack and come here?” James asked.

Tim sighed “Liam has gone insane.”

“What do you mean?” Lucas asked.

“First he started telling everyone about Amy being his mate and the packs Luna.” a series of growls.

“But I knew that wasn’t true because Ross told me about you being her Mate and also the Alpha was that Jane girl’s mate.

Then he began rambling on about some video and Blaze and Gar forcibly mating Amy.” James noticed a slight change in the three’s eyes, but quickly returned to normal.

“He sent people to the place you were meant to be but then discovered you were gone and got every man and woman looking for you. Either by land or phone. He even got them to call packs.

I knew you would probably be here but said nothing, because he wasn’t thinking straight.

He made me Beta once you had gone and made me run the search. Whilst he had dozen’s of the pack women sent to his office to ‘Relieve his stress’. He even had Amy’s friends sent up. Your female friends willingly let him have sex with them thinking it would lend to more. But afterwards…” he explained about what the girls had told him the Alpha said.

James and the other’s looked appalled.

“He also had Tidus sent to his office…” he looked down and men looked between Tim and his brother unsure what was coming next.

“Liam came onto Tidus…” the men’s eyes widened “He said no, so Liam raped him.”

Liam wasn’t gay, but Tidus despite having a masculine body, he had a very feminine face. Over the course of the last couple of years many straight men had asked him out wanting to ‘try’ him. But he always told them no. Only this time it didn’t work.

A mixture of anger and sadness cover the peoples faces, but Amy tried not to cry.

“But that’s not all.” Tim said before anyone else could say anything.

“After Tidus came to tell me, I went to confront Liam about it and everything else. Only when I went there the door was ajar and he and someone else was screaming at each other. I looked inside and Missy was sat on his desk naked yelling something about her rejecting her mate because she thought he was going to do the same. He told her Amy was his true mate and the other one he was given was a mistake.

She said now Amy was gone and his mate dead he had no choice but to make her Luna. That made him flip and he started shouting how he never killed his mate to replace her with her. He did it for the girl he knew the moment he first saw her was his mate.” Amy sat expressionless hugging Tidus.

“Then said he had a whole pack to do her job until Amy came back and he ripped off her head.

I thought better of confronting him after that and knew my mother and brother would want to stay. We packed a few things and took money. Got in the car, told the people on the border we had a lead on Amy and made a quick stop in the Midnight Tribe pack land and told him about Liam murdering his daughter. I told him I was going somewhere where the Alpha hates Liam too and he said to have you call him. We left, me and mama denounced the pack, pass out and here we are.” he finished explaining and looked up to see a room of hard expressions.

“I have linked with one of my doctors. If you…” James asked Garrek and Blaze “Could take Tidus to the medical building Tanya is waiting for him. I have had the rest of the group return home.”

“Could you ask Paula to wait with mama until I return, so I can go with Tidus?” Tim asked Ross. Knowing why Ross agreed.

“Thank you. She will panic if she wakes up in a strange place by herself and think… Well you know…” Tim trailed off.

“Don’t worry. She and you both are like children to us.” the four men who didn’t know Kay looked confused “Paula will look after her.” Ross gave him a one arm hug.

“Sorry.” Leon interrupted “Before you go. Can I ask how old you both are?”

“I’m eighteen and Tidus is sixteen and our mother is twenty nine. No, we are not adopted.” Tim said knowing where this was going.

“She is our real mother. She was kidnapped from a orphanage by a rogue when she was six. No one tried to find her. She didn’t escape until she was fifteen, when the rogue was killed by another. But when she escaped she had given birth to four children. Two of which the rogue killed to teach my mother not to fight back.” he looked at Leon who had a tight grip on the table.

“So if you are going to reject her then just stay out of her way and we will find somewhere to go. Otherwise let her take it at her own speed.”

Robin’s wore the same shocked expression as everyone except Amy, who already knew.

“I would never reject her.” Leon growled making Tim and Tidus both smile despite the day they had had.

“She is your mate?” Robin asked his son.



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