Chapter 17

Robin smiled. He had been waiting for his children to find mates and knew despite his sons many sexual partner’s, that he actually wanted to find his mate.

“She is a great woman Leon. You are very lucky.” Ross told his nephew.

Then turned to Blaze “Go take Tidus to the doctor.” the trio and Tidus stood up and headed towards the door, closely followed by Tim. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you we were leaving. I thought you’d be safe.” Ross said guiltily to the boys who had been like second sons. The older men were taken back to see Tidus stop and tell him “It’s OK Pa, you wasn’t to know what would happen.” he had called Ross that since he first joined the pack and became friends with Amy when he was two.

The group left the room silently. Leaving Ross, Robin, Lucas and James behind. Leon quickly went after the others. If he could be with his mate, he would at least make sure her children… Adult or not, were cared for.

The trio, Leon and his mates children all walked to the medical building where Tanya was waiting patiently inside.

She already knew what had happened from when the alpha linked to her, but didn’t know all the details. Only that he was raped.

After some convincing the boys agreed to wait outside whilst Tidus and Amy went in the room with Tanya. But only as long as she kept her link open.

He was laid on the bed on his side, whilst Tanya got ready to examine him. Amy was seated in front of him, holding his hand and trying to keep his mind off the matter at hand.

“You are really Garrek’s and Blaze’s mate?” he asked her, trying not to think of the doctor.

She giggled “Yes and they are so perfect… OK maybe a little possessive, but perfect none the less.”

Tidus was stunned, “I always had an inkling that maybe Gar, but not both of them.”

“You did?”

“It was obvious he liked you more than a sister by the way he looked at you, a few times I caught Blaze with a similar look, but brushed it off.”

“When was this?” she looked genuinely shocked.

“Since forever, both of them. But more so the last couple of years.”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything about it?”

“Because I knew you didn’t know about shifters and your parents would have killed me, metaphorically speaking. Plus I knew you had feelings for them and I love you like my own sister. I didn’t want you to get involved with either one in case they were not your mate and then you and them both would get hurt.”

“Aww, I love you too, little brother.”

“Little?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, “I am older by a month and taller than you!”

“But I have shifted and you haven’t, so that means I am big sister now.”

“Purrrf.” he blow out a breath, “Whatever.” he pretended to be annoyed, but both knew he was amused.

“You want to see my wolf later? I’ll let you sit on my back.” she offered. By this point Tanya had finished and was letting the teens have a moment.

She couldn’t help but laugh to herself. ‘Your niece is so sweet and caring.’ she linked with her husband Robin.

“I’ll squish you.” Tidus laughed. “But I do want to see your wolf. What is her name? What does she look like?”

“My wolf’s name is Ash and is grey with a white snout and paws which Gar think’s looked like socks.”

He laughed again, “You are a sweetheart. You were bond to have a cute wolf too.”

“That’s not the best part though. I am a dual shifter.”
“Really?” he sat up and for the first time since he arrived Amy saw something other than sadness in his eyes.
“Yes. But she is a special dual.” Tanya interrupted making her niece blush slightly.
“You’re lying.” he said folding his arms.
“Put some pants on you little flasher and I’ll prove it.” She teased.
His mouth formed an o and he quickly got redressed. Neither was bothered about seeing each other naked because they didn’t think of each other in any way other than siblings. She was almost like his non-fraternal, non-blood related twin.
Once he was done he turned to Tanya and waited for the all clear. “Do you want your brother have?”
He silently nodded his head.
“And the other three can come in too. I know Gar and Blaze are probably crawling at the walls.” he said lowly, internally wishing he could find his own mate. But knew that wasn’t likely until he shifted.
Amy took his hand in hers, as if sensing his pain and lowly whispered as Tanya went to tell the others to come in, “I love you little brother and will always be here for you, even when you find your mate.”

“I love you too, you weirdo.” he teased. A low growl escape Garrek and Blaze’s throat on entering the room and hearing Tidus. He quickly went to to pull back and started to whimper. The brothers immediately felt bad, knowing it was only innocent. Amy let out her own growl, then pulled him into her side and gave her mates a warning look as if she was protecting her own child.

Tim was angry at the brother, but his anger quickly turned into surprise when they tipped their heads in submission and apologized to his brother.

Tidus silently nodded his head in acceptance, but that wasn’t good enough for Amy. The group watched as the trio had a silent conversation.

‘How can you treat him like that?!’ she exclaimed through their link.
‘You know as well as I do how bad it is to be forced, except he wasn’t forced by his mate.’ she gave them a hard look making them whimper out loud and through the link both. They went to walk forwards but she stopped them. ‘No! Until I forgive you for being asshats you have to stay three feet away from me.’ she orders them.
‘No, please we are sorry.’ Garrek begged.
‘We just got angry when we heard him say ‘he loves you’. We knew as soon as we growled he meant an innocent friendship love. Please angel…’ Blaze pleaded.
She sighed, she didn’t like punishing them like this but she had no other way. ‘Let’s see what Aunt Tanya has to say and then I’ll think about, deal?’ the pair reluctantly agreed and came out of their daze to see everyone staring at them.

“Sorry. Please continue.” she told her aunt. Her mates did as they were told and stayed barely three feet away. But kept looking at her as if pleading. They also, to everyone but her surprise were stood holding each others hand.
She internally wanted to scold them for being so damn cute when she was trying to be mad at them.

Sat on the edge of the bed, her friend struggled further into her side.
The doctor began to explain her findings.
“I found a lot of rectal tearing and bleeding. He has lacerations to his back and his arms, from what looks like claws.
Also a lot of bruising.” she said sympathetically.
Tim’s fist clenched, Leon patted his shoulder as if to say ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get him back.’

“But…” that gained everyone’s attention.
“He is healing at abnormal rate for an unshifted male.”
“Meaning?” Leon asked his mother.
“I am certain that the stress and trauma of everything has triggered an early shift.”
Everyone looked to Tidus. “But I don’t feel any different?”
“It can take a few hours, but I am certain within the next few hours you will shift.” Tanya told him in no uncertain terms.
“Well then, I guess we are going camping.” Amy said poking her friend, “You know how much you love that.”
He frowned “Last time we went camping they parents and my mum banned us from going again.”
“But we have my brothers and yours this time. Not to mention my magic wolf.” the boys chuckled, except for Tim who wasn’t sure of the joke.
“And your new daddy will come too, right?” she asked looking to Leon.
“Sure thing. I got to protect my favorite little cousin from them evil rogues.” he said cheerful.
“I’ll explain later.”

They all got up to leave, but Tanya stopped her son before they could exit the room.
“What does she mean new daddy?”
Leon gave the others a look, telling them to go and he’ll be right behind.
They did as he asked and a moment later he and his mother were along.
“Tim and Tidus’s mother is my mate.”
Her eyes widen and she started smiling and hugging him.
“I haven’t technically met her yet. She was passed out when she arrive, after the denouncing. I really have go. I promise I’ll explain everything tomorrow.”
“But you aren’t rejecting her?” she asked letting him go.
He furrowed his eyebrows “I could never. Mum, she is the most beautiful innocent gift and she is all mine.”

Meanwhile the trio and the brother were heading out of the pack hospital and towards their house where they collected some snacks and blanks.
Blaze linked with his uncle James and told him about the early shift and asked him to inform their parents and Tidus’s mother if she wakes up.
All the time Amy’s mates trailing behind her holding hands and looking at her intently.
Minutes later with Leon now back, the six made their way into the woods and set up camp.

“Amy please just let them seat with you,” Leon said over dramatically as they all sat on the blankets on the ground.
Tim and his brother watched in amusement, both still in shock at how submissive and pouty the pair got.
“Fine,” they grinned and went to get up, but she held her hand out stopping them.
“But Tidus is staying there, so be nice. Think of him as a cuddly plush bear.”
They quickly agreed hurried over and took her into their arms. Blaze lifting her up and sitting her on his lap. Tidus remained sat to her left, he was playing with a loose strand of her hair. He enjoyed her company, she helped him forget earlier. Garrek sitting to her right and was trying to move her leg.
“What are you doing?” Leon asked him.
“Trying to get her foot.” he answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Why?” Tim asked amused.
“Because they are pretty, soft and taste good.”
All the boys burst out laughing, but Amy just grinned and shook her head.
“Why don’t you sit in front of her and then you can have both her feet.” Blaze suggested only half joking.
His mouth opened to form an o, “Good idea.” he said shuffling in front of her and waiting patiently for her to give him her feet.

He almost squealed with happiness when she placed her naked feet on his awaiting lap.
“Thank you angel.” Everyone watched in amusement as he began playing and kissing each one of her toes.
“He really missed you.” Blaze whispered into her ear, low enough so only she could hear him.
“As did I. We really do love you angel.” he told her as he absentmindedly stroked her stomach.
“I missed you both too. But you need to learn that I would never cheat on you and Tidus is just my friend, almost my brother, nothing more. You two are my only true loves and mates.” she told him honestly.
“I know. We just get jealous when we see other people holding you and we can’t, but I promise we’ll try harder.” he pecked her ear.
“I can’t wait for it to be born.”


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