Chapter 18

“It?” Amy’s eyes widen.

“Your’s, mine and Garrek’s child is blossoming in your womb right now. I can smell it.” Blaze whispered.

‘But how? I can’t and it hasn’t been long since we mated the first time.’ she asked this time through their link.

‘Women can’t smell the change on themselves. Plus mates are around their females more, so can sense the slightest change. Female shifters pregnancies are shorter than humans, if I remember right between three and a half and five months. But don’t worry you can still shift, at least for the first month. But we can go to Tanya or another pack doctor tomorrow before we see gran and grandpa.’

‘So can the other people smell it?’

‘Yes, but they probably won’t notice the change for a couple of days, when it gets stronger.’

Amy felt Garrek drop her foot.

She looked up to see him staring at her in awe.

Maybe he heard us speaking through our link. She thought.

Leon, Tim and Tidus stared in confusion as Garrek moved her foot which he had been so obsessed with just moments earlier, to the floor and then began smelling his mate.

OK, maybe he didn’t hear us.

Bending his head down, he leaned in closer. Before pulling back and looking back at Amy with a wondrous expression. He placed his hand on her stomach near his brothers. Even though she wasn’t yet showing and they couldn’t feel the baby moving, they still felt connected to it by touching her stomach.

“Is she?” Tidus asked what the other two men were thinking.

“I smelt a slight change, but I thought it was because Tidus.” Leon voiced.

“No. Our beautiful angel is going to have our child.” Garrek told them, laying his head against her chest. Amy started playing with his hair.

“You’re all gonna be uncles, I guess.” she said to the other three boys.

“I’m so happy for you three.”

“Yes. You deserve it.” Tim agreed with Leon.

“I love babies. We teach it flip and dance and stuff.”

Leon looked at his mates younger son. “You do that flip… Gymnastic stuff too?”

“Yes, although I’m not as good as her. But we also did swing dance together.”

They all spoke about James idea for classes and suggested Tidus can help out. He agreed, all of them thinking it’s a good idea. Especially after her new pregnancy news.

“I think you should name the baby after me.”

The trio laughed. “Not likely Leon. Anyway you’ll probably be having your own babies soon, to add to your already ‘ready made family’. You can name them after you.” Amy suggested, then turned to her friend.

“How do you feel about more siblings?”

“I’d love some. But as long as mama is happy, so am I.” he said honestly and his brother agreed.

“You seem like good lads and even though there isn’t that much of an age difference between us, I will be proud to be your dad. I just hope she accepts me.” Leon sounded genuinely concerned.

“She will accept.” Tim told him.

“Mama always thought she wouldn’t meet her mate or if she did he would reject her. “

“Well, she has no need to worry. I would never reject her. Even if she had fifteen children from ten different men, I would still accept her.”

“Good too know.” Tim laughed.

“You know, your parents are going to flip for getting their little girl pregnant.”

“Maybe so, but they’ll get used to it.” Blaze said nonchalantly.

Amy noticed Tidus had become very quiet and his grip on her hand had tighten. No one else seemed to notice, they just continued joking.

She remember back to when they were younger and he was thrown out from a horse. He never made any noise. No screaming, no crying – nothing. It was shortly after that she learned the truth of his dad and upbringing before arriving in her life. The only difference being that he left out the fact that they were shifters, to make them sound more human.

He was only two when they escaped, but after seeing his twin sister killed in front of him as a warning to him and the others to not scream, he didn’t. Ever. Not once had Amy heard him scream or cry out in pain. She knew the pain of the first shift, as did the others. It was like no other. It was horrendous, agonizing, the worst pain imaginable. Feeling every cell in your body change. She was only thankful it got easier the more you did it. It wasn’t until her last shift the pain had gone completely. She knew her body was now used to it, it had adapted. Many people thought that was why he was so close to Amy, kind of as a substitute for his dead Sister. But either way they didn’t care because they cared for one another as if siblings.

“Das,” She said in a soothing tone, whilst stroking hair from over his eyes. “He won’t do anything. He is dead.” this gained the others attention. At first they didn’t understand properly.

“I know it is painful. You can scream if you need to.” It was then all of them, other than a slightly confused Leon understood.

If he is shifting why isn’t he screaming? Everyone does on their first shift. He thought to himself.

She was thankful the boys had all changed into shorts. It would make this a lot easier.

Tidus looked at her with such pain filled eyes, that she knew the change would happen any second.

Freeing herself from her mates arms, she stood up and looked to Tim. “Help me take his shorts off, he is about to shift.” he quickly did as she asked and pulled him up as he was now unable to stand alone. Before she got a chance to remove his shorts, Garrek moved her out of the way and did it for her, then quickly covering his bottom half with a blanket.

Amy wasn’t mad though. She knew he was just jealous, despite knowing nothing would happen.

Once back on the ground, both her and Tim stayed close comforting him to try and make the pain lessen. She even managed to kiss his forehead without her mates growling.

Leon watched in awe as his soon to be step son silently shifted. If it wasn’t for the look in the boys eye he would have thought there was no pain.

Even Tim was surprised. He was similar in the context that he never screamed, but during the shift he found himself unable to do anything else.

“You are so strong.” he commented. “I am so proud of you.”

Only moment later was he had shifted in his wolf form. Tim didn’t fail to notice to surprised looks on not only Blaze and Garrek, but also Leon’s face.

Amy on the other hand was happily rubbing the stomach of the slightly dazed Tidus.

“What is it?” Tim asked the guys.

“How the hell?” Garrek asked confused.

“He looks just like Amy’s wolf, except instead of a white snout he has a patch on his left eye, his grey fur is slightly darker and his is larger but he is the same.” his eyebrows furrowed.

“He even has her boots.”

Tim was unsure whether to believe them.

Maybe she was similar but she couldn’t be the same, that never happens. Even in twins.

Thinking of that made him remember his poor innocent sister, barely one and that b*stard ripped off her head.

He was brought out of his depressing thoughts by a sweet dual sounding voice. He had heard nothing like it before.

“Dax.” Amy-Ash cooed.

Everyone’s eyes were on them.

She was now stroking a very happy wolf’s head. Without a thought for the men looking at her, she striped off her dress and almost instantly shifted into her wolf.

“Ash.” Blaze growled knowing it would have been the wolf Part of her to do that. All she did was look at him with her large puppy dog eyes and he caved.

“Fine. But no more flashing people.”

Tim stared at the almost identical looking wolves. Garrek was right, the only difference was the nose and the height.

“How?” he asked finally finding the words.

‘Dax is Tidus’s wolf’s name. Ash and Dax are brother and sister.’ Amy linked with her mates. ‘We are already linked.’

It was only then Blaze and Garrek noticed Dax’s dual coloured eyes.

“This is gonna be a long night.” Blaze exclaimed.

He quickly explained to Tim and Leon what was going on. But they didn’t have much time to react, because Dax was getting antsy.

‘Dax wants to run. I would shift if you don’t want to be left behind.’ she warned them.

He quickly told the others and they all shifted.

Not even a second later Tidus/Dax took off, but Amy/Ash told them to go slow because there had been rogues about and the others were not as fast as them.

Running behind her was Garrek. He repeatedly tried to catch her tail but she kept moving it off the way. ‘Gar stop it.’

‘My tail. Mine, mine, mine.’ it was Kray his wolf who linked back.

‘You and Gar are both crazy.’ she teased.

‘Yes. Crazy for you and Ash.’ he replied. Then went back to catching her tail.

After a couple of minutes of this she came to a stop, making him and Tye (Blaze) stopped too. She looked at Kray (Gar) and he looked back at her, his tongue stuck out as he panted like a dog. Making her let out a wolfy laugh.

Several feet away the other three stopped and their wolves began to play fight.

Kray and Tye started nuzzling Ash/Amy’s fur.

‘We can’t.’ she told them already knowing where this was going.

Kray was becoming more and more like his human half Garrek.

‘Please?’ he purred and moved his nose under her tail.

‘Kray!’ she exclaimed and jumped back earning the attention of the other three.

‘You OK?’ Dax linked with her and asked.

‘Yes. I just have a pervert mate.’

When she wasn’t paying attention Kray’s nose was back.

Again she jumped back, but he quickly followed.

‘Kray! Stop!’ she ordered.

He pulled back, whimpering.

‘I’ll go for a run with these two. I’ll link when we are almost back. Deal?’ Dax suggested.

‘You are too nice Dax’ she told him and then linked with Tye, asking him to Tell Leon to go with Dax and Tim.

Tim somehow understood what was happening and silently the three left.

Once they were gone Amy shifted back into human form.

Tye stood next to her, almost as if he was glued to her.

Kray on the other hand was laid unmoving, flat on the ground sulking.

“Kray baby, you might get mistaken for being dead if you lay like that.” she joked walking over and crouching down beside him. Tye followed and hugged up to his sulking brother.

“I’m sorry. It’s just after what happened with Tidus, it wasn’t a really good idea to do stuff in front of him… Then again, even if it was a good time I still wouldn’t want people watching.” She stroked the wolf’s fur. “You understand right? You don’t want them to watch us makelove or us naked do you?”

As if she had set off a trigger Kray growled and shot up. Amy fell backwards and he moved his body over hers.


Amy was taken back by this possessive side of him she had never seen.

Though strangely enough, she found herself getting really hot and wet by it. By this magnificent beast towering her.

Both males must of smelled her, because the next thing she knew she had not one, but two long tongues in and around her intimate area.

‘Yes, you are ours.’ Tye agreed.

‘Our tasty girl.’ Kray said seeming calmer with his face buried in her crutch.

Amy’s body quivered beneath them.

“Stop please… You are pressing on my bladder.” she was unable to move from under them.

Instead of stopping they continued. “Tye! I expect this from Garrek and Kray, but not you.”

Despite him being in wolf form, she knew he was smirking.

“I’ll wee on you both, I’m warning you.”

‘Go on. Wee for us.’ she was surprised to hear Tye saying.

‘I should have gone to the loo before we left the house.’ she thought to herself.

‘Go on, just do it for them.’ Ash told her. ‘Make our mates happy.’

As if she no longer had control of her body. It just happened.

She closed her eyes embarrassed why her two mates lapped it up and drink her. Unsure herself even how it happened, but one second she was cringing in disgust and the next she was screaming in or@sm.

The next thing she knew both Garrek and Blaze were back in control and Blaze was hoovering over the top of her (still in Wolf form) and rubbing his genitals over her folds without entering her. Garrek was in the same place as before on his stomach on the ground, between her legs licking her core, close to Blaze’s manhood.

‘Amy, tell me what you want?’


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