Chapter 21

“Amy,” The moment Garrek and Blaze saw her enter the dining room they were rushing over to her. Everyone else laughed. Sat in the large dining room was the Beta’s, alpha’s and their parents. Tidus and the others were following Amy. Leon held a very nervous Kay’s hand and Tidus her other. She had never been very good at meeting new people. Especially unmated males. Thankfully, everyone other than her sons and Leon were mated.

“Grrr. You smell like other males. Kray doesn’t like that. That means you’ll have to sit on my lap until you smell better,” Garrek said trying to pick her up before Blaze.

“Go away silly,” She chuckled and pushed him away.

She walked over to the table being followed by a pouting Garrek and Blaze.

“Good morning all,” She said giving everyone a hug in turn. Even the surprised Beta’s who she didn’t know that well.

“Well hello,” Lucas chuckled hugging her back.

“Hello, Beta Lucas.”

“It’s alright, just call me Lucas,” He reminds her.

She nods, walks over to Tidus and the others and introduces them all.

Then made them sit down. No one commented on Kay being young having been told the story already by the Alpha.

James leaned over and sniffed Amy, who was sat opposite him, in between her mates. By this point everyone who sat eating. Amy was being fed by her mates who were taking a spoon for themselves and feeding every other to her.

The women in the room smiled thinking it was cute.

“You do smell a little off Amy,” He stood up and walked over to get a better smell.

He leaned followed and inhaled a deep breath.

“You know it’s rude to just go sniffing people,” She teased tapping his nose.

Blaze and the others all expected him to growl. Alphas were not known for being jokers.

Instead, smirked and kissed her nose. “You are lucky I love you.”

She indicated for him to come closer, he leaned down and she whispered into his ear low enough that even the others couldn’t hear.

“I think I’m pregnant.”

His eyes widen and he took another smell. He gave her an open mouth smile. “I think you’re right little one. Eat up and I’ll have Tanya meet you.”

“Tanya? Is she sick?” Paula asked worried.

“No mum. I am fine,” Amy answered and quickly changed the subject.

“Tidus is my wolf’s brother, you know? He is a dual too.”

Cue wide eyes and lots of questions.

She went on to tell them everything that happened and knew.

James agreed to have some research done.


She convinced her parents, she was only going to see Tanya for a check-up and make sure everything was alright.

They had insisted that whilst there Tidus get check out too, just in case.

As soon as they stepped through the door Tanya had bombarded them with questions about Leon and Kay.

Robin had told her that Leon had found his mate and that she had two sons, but he didn’t go into much more detail than that, not sure if he was supposed to.

“Well, you are much handsome than I expected… Remember,” She corrected. “Your mother must be a beautiful woman.”

“Mama is the most beautiful, kind woman,” Tim told her.

“She is, but that isn’t why we are here,” Tidus interrupted.

“That’s right. Sorry, Alpha wanted me to exam Amy,” She remembered.

“Are you alright?” She walked over and looked the girl over like a concerned parent.

“I think I’m-“

“Pregnant,” Tanya cut her off. Garrek nodded excitedly, “Yes. Is she?” He was almost bouncing on the back of his feet waiting for her answer.

Blaze moved his arms around his brother to keep him still whilst Tanya looked Amy over.

‘Please tell me she is?’ Blaze chanting repeatedly in his head as he hugged Garrek’s back against him.

“You completed your mating a couple of days ago?” Amy nodded.

“Well, from what I can tell…” She touched Amy’s stomach. “Your pregnancy will be in the shorter range… Little over three and a half months.”

“She’s pregnant?” Garrek almost pulled Blaze over as he moved closer to the cot where Amy was sat.

“Yes, but she will have to see me every several days for the first month and then more often after that. It varies in women to when they can or cannot shift,” She explains. “That is why I must see her so much. It is normal though, so don’t worry.”

But the brothers were barely listening. “We are going to have a pup,” Blaze whispered in shock despite already being sure.

“We are going to be a family,” Garrek exclaimed.

“You already are,” Tim corrected with a smirk.

“You’re going to being a mammy, Amy,” Tidus grinned as her mates leaned in and hugged her.

“But I’m alright to shift right now? I won’t hurt the little one?”

“It is fine to shift, make love and everything you would normally. Shifting is only a problem when the pup grows bigger. Though, being where and knowing what they can be like, I would advise your mates to be gentler than normal during lovemaking.” Amy blushed. “They are gentle anyway,” She said quietly.

“Good, because I think of Amy as my sister and if you hurt her…” Tidus threatened and Tim agreed. They were both quiet, kind and caring like their mother.
But Tim was a great fighter that is how he got the position of third and then for a short time beta in The Black Horde pack.

“WE WOULDN’T-” Amy cut them off with a glare.
“I’m sorry for shouting,” Garrek apologized. Blaze stayed quiet, he already knew what they had done wrong.

“Let’s go for a run, we can take Yun with us?” He said trying to calm things down.

“Yes, that is a good idea. Nanna and Grandpa will be here soon. Plus we have a pack party/meeting this evening, we won’t have time any other time today.”

They all agree.

“Don’t be surprised if the kids come to find you guys. They heard about new members and will want to meet them,” Tanya told them. “But watch out for Jade, she’s on the war path because of yesterday.”
“Jade is the one whose brother likes animals?” Tidus questioned.
The older woman laughed, “Yes. She’s a pain, but her brother – despite his previous acts – is a really nice lad.” Then quickly added, “If any of them harasses you poor guys just send them home.”
“Thanks Tanya,” Garrek smiled.


“Fine. I don’t need you anymore anyway,” Garrek pouted stopping running through the woods with the group.
Yun ran to Tidus and yapped happily.
“Ha, this is great. Yun thinks me and Tidus are her parents and Gar is depressed about it,” Amy thought out loud laughing.

“And what is a pretty pup we have,” Tidus teased.

The five of them were in the woods, where they had been running around for an hour.
They were now in human form, the men were all dressed in only their boxers, Amy in her dress because she had no underwear on. But Garrek was naked, because it’s fun to be free with nature.

Blaze and he had been hugging and touching Amy the whole time. Repeatedly telling her how happy they were.

“Maybe if you put some pants on she wouldn’t run away,” Tim told him smirking. “She probably thinks you’re like your cousin.”
“I am not and he isn’t technically my cousin. He is my cousin’s cousin,” Garrek corrected. “Plus my mates enjoy looking at me like this.” He turned to where Blaze was stood with Amy, his legs astride and hands on his hips, “Don’t you?” His member started to twitch as the pair looked at him.

“Urr, gross. I do not need to see your thing getting hard,” Tidus exclaimed lifting Yun to his face to shield his eyes.
“Put them on Gar,” Amy told him passing him the pants. “You’re freaking out Das.”

“Fine, but only because I don’t want to scare the little pup,” He sounded condescending, but he meant it compassionately.

“Thank you. Yun and I appreciate it greatly.”

“Come on, let’s head home. We should tell the folks our news before the oldies get home.”

Throughout the whole run and walk home they saw no one.

Tim and Tidus was planning to spend the day with them. The trio’s grandparents knew them as they were often at the Anders house when they visited or came to stay.

They had almost been like adopted grandparents.
Tim used to often hang out with Garrek and Blaze before they went to college. Sometimes he would even spend time with his younger brother and Amy. Since the brothers had left, Amy and the pair had spent a lot more time together. Making their bond as friends stronger than ever.


Back at the house. Leon and Kay were still out. Lucas was somewhere making last minutes arrangements for the pack joining this evening and Kurczak,
Bianca and Paula were in the main pack kitchen with some other women, preparing food for this evening too.
James and Ross were sat in his office discussing things and researching dual wolves.

“Where shall we start?” Amy asked.
“Let’s go to James and get him to call mum. We can tell her together,” Blaze suggested hugging Garrek’s to his side and Amy stood in front of the pair with her back pressed to their chests. Both had one hand pressed to her flat stomach.

Walking through the house and heading into the office, they were greeted in by the sight of James and Ross with their heads buried in books.
Their heads looked up from their books, “Good news?” James asked and Amy smiled.

“Ross, call Paula to join us will you?” Ross was still connected to Paula by the mate link.
“Alright, done. But is something wrong?” He asked afterwards.
“Let’s-” Before James could complete the sentence he was cut off by the loud engine of a old black Hot Rod pick-up pulling up in front of the house.

‘Crap, I was hoping they would be a bit longer,’ Amy linked hearing the truck her Grandpa refused to get rid of stopping outside.
No, even ten seconds later they heard the front door open.
“Blaze? Garrek is that you?” Nanna’s called and two sets of footsteps echoed through the house, towards the office.

The trio was sat on one couch, with Amy in the middle and Tim and Tidus on the opposite sides. The office was large and James often held meetings in there, so it had to be comfortable. They didn’t even have to answer because the next thing they knew the door was opening and the couple in their sixties stepped in. But they only looked in their early forties and their children in their late and early thirties. The shifter gene made them age slower once they came-of-age.

“Amy?” Another second later she was being dragged into a hug by the people she hadn’t seemed in almost six months.
“Not that we’re not glad to see you, but what you doing here?” Nanna asked pulling back slightly but still holding her. Grandpa wasn’t much better, he thought of her and her brothers more like his own children than grandchildren.

“You’re going to squish her,” Garrek complained and they noticed him and the others for the first time. Noticing Tim and Tidus they smiled, but looked obviously confused.
“Hang on…” Their smiles drop and they turn their attention back to Amy, “You know about…?” Nanna asked whilst Grandpa stared at Amy as if trying to work something out.

“Yes, I know. Gar and Blaze explained.”
Nanna relaxed, “Thank the maker. I am glad you finally know,” She sighed letting go of Amy and hugging the others in turn. But Grandpa was still holding her and looking.
She stared back at him unsure and noticed his eyes change from green to a dark blue, almost black. She already knew that Alpha’s had dark eyes when their wolves took over. But Grandpa wasn’t an Alpha, but he was before he passed it down to his son James.

“Dad, let go of Amy. You are scaring her,” James said in his Alpha tone noticing his father’s wolf coming out.
Bear – Grandpa’s wolf – wasn’t the easiest to get on with at the best of times, let alone when it is something to do with his family.
“Who did it?” Bear asked in a deep, threatening tone with his eyes and hands still glued.

Garrek and Blaze stood up and the others followed.
“Let go Bear,” Nanna moved closer and placed her hands on his shoulders. But it made hardly any difference.

Nanna gasped, as did Paula, who had arrived during his yelling. Ross, on the other hand, which surprised, but his it well.

“She is of age,” James argued knowing that in the shifter world sixteen was the legal age.

“She is still a pup!” Bear’s head snapped to his son. Garrek and Blaze took this chance to move their mate from his grip, without hurting her.

“Dad, don’t do this again,” Paula begged. His was exactly the same when she met Ross and told him she had found her mate and completed the process. She was seventeen, he, eighteen and they met when her father was visiting other packs. He had agreed to let her come with him because he wasn’t expecting any trouble.

When she met Ross and completed the mating all within a day, her father was beyond mad and threatened to kill Ross.
In time, he grew to realize he was a good man and accepted him. She got pregnant with Blaze at nineteen and he lost it again saying she was too young, but that only lasted a couple of days. When Blaze was born, he was beyond happy and just got happier as the other came.

“Who touched my Grandbaby?” He looked to Tidus and Tim. “Was it one of you?”

“No, they are innocent.”
“But he has shifted. I can smell it. He is young, he just have done something to force it!” He accuses and his pushes Amy over the edge.

“I don’t care that you are my Grandpa. You have no right to speak to Das like that!” Bear was shocked at his sweet granddaughter’s reaction.

“No!” She held her hand to silence him. Garrek and Blaze wanted to say something but let her take change.
Bear growled not liking even her telling him what to do.

She growled back and her eyes changed colour.

“Das and his family joined us yesterday because the Alpha has gone crazy. We came here because he killed his mate so he could mate me instead. But I already have two mates. We had mated the day before the Alpha requested me. But he didn’t know I was already mated. He wasn’t going to give me a choice. He told mum and dad to have me pack and ready. He was going to force me. But we left and escaped.”

Her grandparents were fascinated by her dual voice, but angry by what they heard.

“Sadly we had to leave without telling anyone. When the Alpha found out he flipped and send searches for me and told them to kill my mates. My pup’s fathers.
He also questioned my old friends and attacked them. That is why Das is here and that’s why he shifted early.”

Tidus was thankful she didn’t mention the rape. He knew everyone would find out sooner or later, but the wound was still raw, he needed time.

They didn’t know what, but they knew there was more to the story than she was telling about Tidus. But they didn’t question, they both saw the pain in the boy’s eyes and gave him a sad smile.

Before a slightly less angry Bear asked her, “I am happy you found your… Mates?” She smiled nodding. “But you are too young still. They should have waited.”

“They did wait. Five years. They and mum and dad did a lot to protect me until I was old enough,” Her voice and eyes normal again, but with a slight edge to it.
Her parent’s eyes widen realizing ‘she knew.’ James saw this and looked unsure, but said nothing.

“Gar and Blaze love me.”
“Yes, they do. They are your brothers,” Nanna said not understanding.

“No, you don’t understand.” Bear noticed for the first time how close the boys were to her. At first he thought they were just protecting their sister. But looking at them… His eyes moved, followed their hands downwards.

Placed on Amy’s stomach, the boy’s fingers intertwined, but their palms flat on her stomach.

“We are her mates and they are mine,” Blaze told him.
“Amy has mine and Blaze’s pup,” Garrek added in a calm and confident voice. Gone was her playful mates and instead they were the strong, protective mates she needed them to be.

“And neither you…” Blaze began and Garrek took over, “Nor Liam are taking her away from us.” Their eyes are darken as their Wolves skim the surface.
“She is ours,” Blaze growled and pushed her behind them when Bear took a step towards them.

Amy would normally be ordering the guys to stand down, but she knew they needed this as much as their wolves. They needed to be the dominates for a while and know they could protect their mate and pup.

“You… Both…” Bear trailed off.
“I told you there was something going on between the boys,” Nanna exclaimed smiling and clapping her hands.
Bear’s eyes faded and changed into their normal green indicating Ray AKA Grandpa was back in control.

“You’re telling me you three are mates?” Garrek nodded, gritted teeth, still angry and cautious.
“And you got your sister pregnant?” Blaze growled, not liking his tone.
‘I love you both. I don’t care what anyone thinks. All I need is you two and our baby,’ Amy linked to the pair.

“Don’t growl at me boy,” Grandpa growled back with a hint of Bear in his voice.
“I was just…” He took a deep breath. “You really waited five years?” They were surprised at his tone.
“Yes. I would have waited longer if needed and same goes for Gar. But I shifted and… I didn’t understand.”

What happened next surprised all of them? Grandpa smiled brightly and gave the trio a bear-hug.

“I am proud of you for waiting so long. For being patient. If it were me, I wouldn’t have been able to wait that long.”

Paula and James watched on shocked. “Though, I wish you had waited to have a pup. She is very young.”

“It wasn’t planned either way. It just kind of happened,” Blaze explained.
“I planned it,” Garrek said back to his normal childlike tone.

“Gar!” Amy exclaimed.
“What? I can’t help I want a little Amy or Blaze running around… Or ten,” He whispers the part.

“So, you’re really pregnant?”


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