Chapter 22

“You are pregnant?” Bianca came in, hugging Amy before she had a chance to answer.

“I love pups. It’ll be great to have some around the house.”

“Will if Gar has anything to do with it we’ll need a new house to house them,” Amy jokes.

“I wouldn’t mind lots of little pups, especially if it means your sexy little ass-“

“LALALA, I’M NOT LISTENING,” Nanna Lucy cut Blaze off.

Before anyone else had a chance to speak the phone started ringing.

Answering the phone James face turned hard. “Hang on a moment,” He told the person on the other end before pulling the phone away from his head and covering the receiver. “I need to deal with this. Sort the meeting for later today as planned and I promise I’ll speak to you all again soon.”

Everyone except Lucas and James left the office.

They went to the kitchen. They were slightly surprised to find Ronnie, Greg and Ed sat outback without the girls.

“Fine. But I’ll call you back for lunch in a couple of hours. We still need to talk,” Grandpa Ray said noticing them looking outside.

“And boys…” He looked to Tidus and Tim. “I am sorry for what I said. I should have known you boys were innocent.”

Nanna watched proudly as he gave the boys they had adopted as their own grandchildren a hug.

“And you…” This time to Garrek and Blaze. “I know you will take good care of each other. But I don’t want to hear you telling people details of your lovemaking,” He said seriously.

The group of teens, including the trio, Tidus and Tim made a move for the back door.

Garrek opened the door but paused and turned to his grandfather smirking. “So I guess I shouldn’t tell you her p!ss tastes really good either?”

The kitchen stared at him half in shock, half unsure. Garrek was quickly pushed out by Amy and Blaze, who were both scolding him. Yun and the brothers quickly following.

“Don’t touch either me or Blaze,” Amy growled. “You have to be at least five feet away until you are forgiven.”

“You can’t just go around telling people secrets,” Blaze was annoyed at Garrek for stressing Amy more than anything.

Thankfully the boys never asked anything about it. They stayed quiet as Garrek fell behind a few steps pouting.

Amy frowned when she saw Yun go straight to Ronnie and climb on his legs where he sat on the grass.

“Hey. I’m innocent.” He held his hands up and the pup snuggled onto him. “She came to me.”

“Fine! Just don’t take that as an excuse to have sex with her.”

The group walked over to the three and the floor.

“I told you, I have a girlfriend, I don’t do that.”

Yun instantly growled making his eyes widen. He placed his hand on her head and she calmed down.

“Ha-ha, Ronnie found his mate,” Ed joked. Ignoring his little brother comment Greg asked, “Who are they?”

“This is Tidus and Tim. They are like my brothers and best friends. They are joining the pack too,” Amy introduced and went to sit on the ground but Blaze stopped her and sat her on his lap. The brothers sat near them and Garrek feet away still pouting.

“These are Leon’s brothers and cousin.”

“Oh hello,” Tim said realizing and the others said it back. “These are your brother’s mate’s kids.”

“Leon found his mate?” They all ask. “Yes, they have gone Christmas shopping. You’ll meet her later. She is the kindest, most beautiful woman. I mean, look at her sons,” Amy indicated to the slightly feminine but handsome brothers. “If they are that handsome, she must be hot.”

Blaze and Garrek growl. “Oh, shut up. You know that if I wanted them in that way I had plenty of chances when you were away at college.” This didn’t seem to make them any happier.

‘I’m with your pup. I saved my virginity for you, how much more committed can I get?’ She spoke through their link. They stopped growling and smiled.

“That explains why he’s not answering us,” Greg mumbled.

“Something wrong?” Blaze guessed.

“Umm not really.”

“He walked in on Holly and Gemma eating each other out.” He hit Ronnie’s arm.

The trio’s eyes widen and the brothers looked unsure. “Turns out Gemma found her mate but never told anyone, including her mate. She wanted to be with her but thought it was wrong because Holly is her little sister. But speaking to you guys made her realise that it was alright,” Greg explained. “She told Holly last night and she accepted her. They mated last night. Told us this morning, after I walked in on them,” He curled up his lip at the memory. “We went with them to shift and now they are… You can guess.”

They sat speechlessly for a minute.

“That is…”

“Surprising,” Blaze completes Garrek’s sentence.

“I never knew they were into women.”

“Neither did we. They both were virgins as far as I know.”

This seemed to shock the boys more. “But Gemma always had boyfriends and they bragged?”

“Just a cover. She nor her Wolf could touch them. She got to seem like a normal girl like she wanted and in return the guys got to brag about their fake sex. I’m glad I hit most of them.” Greg was a year younger than Gemma but acted like he was older than her.

“You guys got mates, you have both shifted right?” He asked Tidus and Tim wanting to change the subject.

“No, still looking. Tidus shifted last night,” Tim replied.

“How old are you both?”

“I’m eighteen and he’s sixteen.”

“But you shifted?” Ronnie asked confused.

“Trauma, which often can cause early shift.” The boys took Garrek’s answer as an indication, not to ask. Amy gave him a thankful smile and he grinned back hopeful. She rolled her eyes and nodded. A second later he was cuddled up against the pair.

They all laughed.

“You are too soft.”

“Mate!” A low dual voice said suddenly and Tidus stood up before quickly shooting off.

Amy and the others all stood and followed.

“Mine!” Tidus stopped several feet into the woods, behind one of the houses. He prowled over to the couple, “You are mine,” He leaned in and scented them both.

“Both of you are mine.”

Amy also being dual was the first to catch up with him. She was surprised to see him with not one, but two women backed up against a tree, namely Gemma and Holly.

“Tidus, you are scaring them,” Amy walked over and said gently. He whimpered and took a step back. His eyes returned to their normal colour when he saw the confused, scared expressions on the girl’s faces.

“I’m sorry. The last thing I meant to do is scare you,” He looked at the floor heartbroken and feeling rejected. “I wouldn’t have ever forced you…” Amy wanted to take his hand or hug him but knew it wasn’t a good idea when he was with his mates who he hadn’t yet mated or marked.

“This is Tidus. He isn’t a rogue,” She explained to the torn looking girls. “He is my friend, he and his family are joining the pack.”

“It’s alright if you don’t want me. I understand,” His voice full of depression and self-loathing. “I was saving myself for my mate… Or mates, but my old Alpha raped me,” There was a gasp, but he didn’t notice. Tears fell as he spoke, but he didn’t care. “I am weak, tainted. You deserve better…” He turned to leave, not aware of the people watching. Amy was standing close by waiting for the girls to stop him. Blaze walked over with Garrek and Tim by his side. They stopped in front of him forcing him to stop.

“Tidus, you are one of the best men I have ever met,” Blaze said honestly.

Garrek nodded, “If I were a girl I’d totally bang you.” A hint of a smile crossed Tidus’s face.

“Thank you for trying,” He said sadly before turning to Tim. “Can we go for a run?”

He nodded and gave his brother a one arm hug before starting to walk further into the woods with his brother and the trio.

‘He isn’t faking, he is really leaving us.’ Holly was the first to snap to her scenes linked to Gemma desperately. ‘I am not losing another mate,’ Is all the older girl linked before walking forwards still holding Holly’s hand.

The brothers had only gone a few feet and many eyes were still on them when suddenly Tidus was knocked from beside his brother and Amy and to the ground.

“What the…?”

He was about to let his wolf take over and fight, but stopped when felt tingles on his skin.

Unsure what was happening he stayed still.

Were they accepting him or was something else going on?

He heard chatter around him, but couldn’t hear what they said. All that mattered was his mates were close to him.

Feeling their breath on his neck, he purred and wrapped his arms around the pair that lay over him.

He half expected them to pull away, but instead leaned in closer, pushing their chests against his, he felt himself harden.

Their lips brushing his neck was making it impossible to concentrate.

“We accept you,” He heard one of them whisper before two sharp sets of teeth embedded themselves in his neck as the two girls gave him a temporary mark.

He bit his lip to stop himself from exclaiming a loud moan. He was unable to control himself, dry-humping one of the girls, he came in his pants.

Pulling back after cleaning the bite, the younger looking one – who he had humped – kissed the corner of his mouth. Not even a second later, the older girl’s mouth was on the other side. He hummed in pleasure as the three of them share their first kiss.

“Good. He’s not depressed anymore. Let’s go for some sex and I’ll let you pee in my mouth.” A sharp sound and Tidus and the girls pull back to see Garrek rubbing his cheek.

“For the rest of the day Blaze is second in command. You need to learn to be a good boy,” Amy said fully aware that everyone was now looking at them amused.

Garrek’s head lowered submissively, “Yes Mummy… Daddy.”

Amy rolled her eyes and she turned her attention to Tidus.

“So… Das this is Holly and Gemma, they are Leon’s sisters. Girls this is Tidus. He is my super best friend – a brother and…”

“He is Leon’s son,” Greg quickly added smirking.

“What?” Gemma pulled back confused. Holly on the other hand laid her head on his chest, “I don’t care. He’s beautiful.” He smiled and pulled her closer.

He knew the older sister still wanted him because she was rubbing his leg all this time, very close to his genitals.

“How old are you?” She asked dumbly.

“Oh my God Gemma, don’t be stupid,” Ed exclaimed.

“Sixteen, you two?” “Same. Gemma’s nineteen,” Holly said not moving her head.

He looked up to see the older sister biting her lip nervously.

“My mama is Leon’s mate,” He explained.

“Wow. This is all so exciting,” Amy sat on the floor near them.

“Who would have thought you and Kay would both find your mates so close together.” Blaze sat down and pulled her into his lap.

Garrek stood feet away watching and pouting because he was being punished.

“We just got to get your gorgeous brother his mate now.”

Both sisters looked to the man in the group who sat near Amy, who they didn’t know.

“That is Tim. He is my older brother, he’s eighteen.”

“Hello,” They exchanged greetings and Tidus still holding the girls, Gemma was now laid with her head on his shoulder.

“Let’s just hope Jade isn’t his mate.”

“Did I hear someone speaking about me?” The shrill voice appeared from nowhere.

A collective groan sounded and Jade appeared beside Garrek, who was now the only one standing.

“What do you want?”

“Well, lots of treats to choose from today,” She purred ignoring Gemma and looking over the boys.

“Don’t worry girls, I let you keep him today. There is plenty of time later,” She said and turned to Tim then Garrek smirking. “Your little sister boring you?” He gave her an ice cold glare, but she was unaffected. “We’ll, don’t worry. I’m ready to accept you and you can bring along your friend too.”

“Touch them I dare you,” Amy threatened now standing, as was Blaze. With one look at Garrek and he was beside them instantly.

He kneeled in front of them.

“Good pet,” Blaze stroked his hair as rewards.

Jade rolled her eyes and looked to Tim, “You think your mate will accept you when you act like a whore?” Everyone was surprised that Tim who barely spoke other than to those he knew said that.

A look of hurt crossed her face but disappeared just as fast.

“I don’t need a mate, I can have who I want,” She bent over flashing her cleavage to him.

His lip curled up, “You remind me of Missy, and she was a whore too. She slept around, rejected her mate and become one of my old Alpha’s sluts.

Her mate was lucky, he found a new mate and they are married with a child now. But her…” He smiled sadistically. “She demands the Alpha make her Luna, after all he had just killed his own mate and the woman he was going to mate in her place escaped.”

“What happened to her?” It was Holly asking.

“After he attacked my brother and most of the girls in the pack I went to confront him. I arrived just in time to see him pull her head off. Then resume like nothing had happened.”

Jade stared in shock but then shook her head. “That’s not true,” She said walking over to Ronnie. “Alpha’s protect their pack not kill.”

“They are meant too.”

“Whatever. You are just trying to scare me. It isn’t working.” She bent down and whispered something incoherent in her brother’s ear.

“What?” He asked confused.

“Mum and Dad are out.” She leaned down and reached between his legs. “Let’s go play.”

“You are disgusting,” He spat and went to push her hand away but Yun – who was sat on his legs again – got in first.

She growled and nipped at Jade’s hand.

Jade quickly pulled back swearing and the others all laughed teasing him about the dog being his mate.

At time same time, Blaze and Garrek’s eyes gloss over.

“Sorry love, Gar and I have to go inside for a while to speak to grandpa. We really don’t want to leave you though,” Blaze said sadly a moment later. Garrek was frowning. “It’s alright. I’ll be alright,” She reassures them.

“Tim take care of Amy, please?”

“You don’t even have to ask.”

“I’m here too. I will make sure nothing happens to her,” Tidus calls from where he’s still laid.

“We know Das and that’s why we love you,” Garrek said remembering how the young boy told Liam nothing.

“But you have just met your mates. You will probably want to…”

“I want to meet their parents and then Mama before we do that.”

The girls grin, “Das is a gentleman,” Amy said smiling.

‘We love you and our pup. Call us if you need any.’ They both kiss and hug her several times and tell Greg to make sure she is safe too before finally leaving.

Amy moved closer to Tim and rested her head on his shoulder.

He smiled and kissed the top on her head.

“Ah! So that’s how it is,” Jade exclaimed getting the groups attention. “You cheat and f*ck anything.”

“P!ss off b!tch,” Gemma growled sitting up. “Don’t you see no one wants you here?” Holly added copying her sister’s move.

“This is all your fault mutt. Before you came everyone loved me,” Jade snapped at Amy and made a move towards her but stopped when she saw all the threatening looks. Tidus now sat up ready to take her down and Tim had his arm around her protectively.

Amy didn’t seem fazed. She just leaned further against Tim and placed her head on his chest.

“You go away Jade. She never did nothing. You are a b!tch and always have been, you just never listened before.”

“Whatever. You’ll all be begging me again when you’re bored of her.”

“We never begged or anything to you and aren’t going to start. Especially when we find our mates,” Greg told her.
“Yeah, yeah. The pack plan,” She said sarcastically and turned to leave but paused and looked back smirking when the sound of unfamiliar laughing teens filled the air.

“Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention I let your little girlfriend and her buddies through the main gate? They should be here any second.”
The pack lands border was guarded by the packs wolves out on patrol. But there was one main road for cars which led onto the pack land. It was blocked by an electronic gate which could only be opened with a code.
It was also the only entrance the rare Human visitors used because most of the pack land was surrounded by vast woods.

The guards patrol it too but concentrated more on the unprotected gaps in the woods.

“Alpha Cullen will be p!ssed when he finds out,” Greg said seriously.
James hated Humans coming onto pack land without his permission.

His eyes glazed over as he told the pack to watch out where they shift because Humans were around. At the same time, Gemma linked to her Dad, who she knew was in the pack house to tell James what Jade had done.
All the members linked to the pack felt his anger and he linked to Jade that he would deal with her later.

Instead of leaving Jade sat on the ground next to a tree only feet away.

Ed and Ronnie were the only two out of the small group not to of shifted. But they seemed to be the only ones who noticed the way not only Garrek and Blaze but also Tidus earlier and Tim now had their hand placed protectively on Amy’s flat stomach.

The cousins exchanged a look and then look to Amy grinning.

“Shouldn’t you go find your girlfriend?” Ronnie waved his hand dismissively.
“She’ll find us sooner or later and if not hopefully she’ll go home. She is so needy.”
“Then why you dating her?”
“Because she puts out,” He easily admitted.

“I’d put out for you,” They heard the loose legged Jade mumble but no one paid attention.

“Anyway, that doesn’t matter.” Ed nods in agreement.
Gemma and Greg exchange an unsure look knowing something was going on.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”
Amy’s cousins look surprised, but then say, “I thought you smelled off.”
“It’s pretty hard not to get pregnant when you are at it like rabbits. I swear those men are in permanent heat.”

Jade mumbled something incoherent again.

“Which one is the dad?” Ronnie asked making Greg roll his eyes.
“Everyone knows a female with two male mates need to do them both at the same time to get up the duff.”
“I didn’t,” Gemma and most of the rest admitted.

“They are going to be deformed-” Jade didn’t get a chance to say anything else because she was picked up by the neck and thrown against a distant tree. Her body made a sickening crack as it hit the tree and she began whimpering.

“The wolf DNA cancels out all abnormalities inbreeding causes,” Greg – the strange fountain of knowledge corrects.
While at the same time, “I have had enough of you,” Amy had picked her up and had her pinned to the tree within a second. “If you say one more word I don’t like I’ll rip your fucking throat out.”

The teens had all stood up. Tim and Tidus had appeared at her side.
“Let her go Amz,” Tidus moved his arm around her waist. “Alpha will deal with her later.”
She growled but let of her causing the girl to fall.

Amy turned around and buried face in his shirt and growled, annoyed.
‘I’m going to kill her,’ She growled through her link to Tidus.

“Thank you. She’s crazy.”
Tim and his brother glared at her. “I didn’t do it for you.”

They walked back to the rest of the group.
Tidus couldn’t help but chuckle at his jealous looking mates.

“Come here.” He held out his arm after sitting on the ground beside his brother. Both boys giving her a one arm hug.
They walked over but still looked jealous.

“Let me tell you a little story,” He said calmly and both girls sat on the floor looking at him.
“When my mama was six she was kidnapped from an orphanage by a rogue. No one looked at her and for years she was raped, impregnated and beaten. She didn’t escape until she was fifteen and that was only because the rogue was killed by another.
She had given birth four times, but the rogue killed two to teach mama and us not to fight back or escape.
I was eighteen months and Tim three and a half years. We were lucky to find a kind Beta, who convinced his Alpha to let us join their pack.

Tim, Amy and I became friends instantly. She is like my sister and her family, like my own.
Yes, we are close. But nothing has or would ever happen. Tim and I both agreed to wait for our mates and even if we didn’t, we don’t feel anything sexual for her. Even now, me, Tim and mama often share a bed and Amy too. It is just comforting, that is how we slept before we joined the pack and it just continued afterwards. Amy is like mama’s own daughter. We even bathed together until we were eleven and the boys shifted.” He chuckled remembering. “They have always been possessive they wouldn’t let us near her if they thought anything was going to happen.” At some point, Jade has left while he was speaking.

They were all staring at him shocked. “Is that all true?”
“Yes, all of it,” Amy told them.

“Your mum was raped from eleven?”
“No. She got pregnant then. But it started as soon as she was taken.”
Holly and Gemma moved closer and closed the distance between them.

They never said anything, Holly moved and sat between his legs and Gemma at his side and just held him.
Amy smiled and reached over to rub Holly’s back. “Tidus is a great man. You are lucky. He will love you unconditionally and never ask for anything but your love in return.”

Holly and Gemma sent her a smile. “And who knows, maybe you two will be the next to have pups to play with their cousins.”
Both girls and Tidus blushed. “Then we have to find this cutie his mate or mates,” She leaned back and pinched Tim’s cheek.
“You are lucky I love you or I’d bite you,” Tim joked.
“Awe, I love you too fat head.”

A second later she was on her back and Tim was over the top of her with his hands on her side.
“Please Tim…” She laughed.
“Please what?” He smirked.

“Please, I hadn’t got any knickers on,” She choked on trying to pull down her dress, but not before everyone got an eye full.
“Sh!t!” He quickly helped her cover up. “I am so sorry,” He repeated over and over.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Why aren’t you wearing any knickers?” Tidus asked unaffectedly. He had seen her naked before, even after they stopped bathing together.
Namely when they went skinny-dipping in the lake near their old house.

“Garrek ripped half and hid the rest. So I haven’t got any and he hid my shorts and trousers too.”
The boys laugh, “Sounds like something he would do.”

Holly got up and moved to a bag she had been carrying on her shoulder.
“You can have these.” She threw Amy a pair of white cotton panties. “They are clean.”
“Thank you.” Amy stood up and pulled them on. Greg, Ed and Ronnie were silently watching her.
“Why do you have knickers in your bag?” Tidus asks his mate as she sat back down.
“In case I come on,” He looked unsure. “On my periods,” She explained. “I always have a pair and tampons in my bag, just in case.”

“I would f*ck you raw if Blaze and Garrek weren’t your mates,” Greg said to Amy in a husky voice.
The three girls looked in his direction to see a huge bulge in his trousers.

“Ewe!” Gemma exclaimed and threw a stone at him. “She is pregnant, you dirty pervert.”
Tidus and Tim glare at him, but he just shrugged it off.
“Only saying. She is hot.”

“Thank the Lord!” A girl’s voice exclaimed. Ronnie cursed under his breath and quickly put on a fake smile when two Human girls and three boys came into view.

“Diana, what are you doing here?” He asked not bothering to stand. Yun, the whole time planted on his lap.

“We came to see you. I won’t get a chance tomorrow because of Christmas,” A pretty, yet caked in makeup girl replied walking closer with the others.
“I would have brought the others but they are either away for the holiday’s or at some family thing.”

‘There is more?’ Amy linked to Tidus, who linked to his mates – something he could now do because the temporary mark.
‘Yes. Holly said they are like the ‘it’ kids at the human school. I guess that means sluts and jocks.’ Amy silently agreed.
‘Please tell me we are not going to the same school as them?’ Tidus was as kind as Amy, if not kinder. But he hated drama and people who had to have it. He also wasn’t keen on large groups, but he wasn’t as bad as Tim, who rarely spoke to anyone outside the pack. Unless it was pack business.
‘No. The pack has their own school.’

The next thing the pair heard was the girl Ronnie was speaking to was waving her hand around screaming.
“It went for me. I went to kiss Ron and the little sh!t went for me!”
Ronnie rolled his eyes but was fighting back a smile. The others boys though were chuckling, even her friends.
Amy was fighting back herself and her wolf who wanted to stand up and hurt the girl for calling Yun a sh!t.

Sensing this, Tim kissed the side of her head making her relax slightly and Holly rubbed her arm.
‘She isn’t worth it,’ Tidus linked and Gemma sent her a small smile.

She wasn’t normally so violent, but Ash brought it out in her.
“SHE was protecting me. God knows what she thought you were. You smell horrible. I told you wear too much of that crap,” He waved his hand at her. “What do you do? Bath in it?”

Amy and the brothers stare expecting her to either cry or scream at him. Instead, she pouts and in a baby voice says, “I’m sorry baby. Why don’t you put the dog down and I’ll show you how much?”

A look of disgust crosses his face so fast that the girl missed it, but Amy saw it.

“Can’t. I promised to hang out with my cousins,” He lied smoothly while stroking Yun.

“Cousins?” The girl and her friends look for the boys next to him and then to the cuddle pile.
“That’s my cousin Amy,” He said rather than explaining otherwise. “And that is Tidus and Tim, they are friends. They all recently moved down here.”

“Hi,” They all said and the new group of teens sat on the floor.
“I’m Diana, Ronnie’s girlfriend. I’m seventeen. That’s June, she sixteen,” She indicated to the equally pretty girl, but who wore less makeup.
“Otto and Riley, eighteen. Trevor, seventeen,” Pointing to each of the boys who were all the large jock type. Each one handsome with a similar flirty smile in the cuddle piles direction. But none as handsome as any of the shifter boys with them or Garrek and Blaze.

Even Ronnie was handsome, which surprised Amy, because most ginger men she had seen were not so much.
“We go to the local high school. How old are you? Will you be going to our school or the commune one like Ronnie?”
“Commune?” Tidus asked what Amy and his brother were thinking.
“Yeah. The Golden Dusk Commune,” Diana said in a duh tone but gave him a flirty smile.
“She’s dumb,” Gemma added seriously, Diana gave her a hard look which she ignored.
“She doesn’t understand that it is a closed community and not a commune.”

“What the hell are you doing anyway?” The girl asked Gemma.
“It’s a cuddle party,” Amy answers and looks to Ed who grins and crawls over and sat between her legs.

Ed looked a lot like his brothers, blonde, blue eyed, but he still had a childlike cuteness. He leaned back against her.
“If you wanted something between your legs you only had to ask,” Greg said moving over to them and laying his head on her leg.
“Even think of trying anything…” Tim threatened lowly. Greg gave him a look that said he is all speaking, but no action.

“Isn’t she your cousin, man?” Otto asked him.
“Yes, so? She’s hot. Plus I’m not gonna touch her. Her brothers will kill me,” He answered closing his eyes as Amy played with his hair.

“How old are you? You never answered,” Riley asked smirking.

“Sixteen, like Tidus and Tim is eighteen.”

“Hey, Is your cousin and his friends around? They are hot,” Diana asked and June nodded.
“I want to get June hooked up with one of them.”


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