Chapter 23

“Hey, Is your cousin and his friends around? They are hot,” Diana asked and June nodded.

“I want to get June hooked up with one of them.”

“None of them are single. Plus they wouldn’t date a Hu… High school girl,” Holly quickly corrected herself.

“I told you those two guys are more into each other than any woman,” Otto quickly says.

Amy laughed and Diana frowned, “No they aren’t. They are just close because they are brothers.” The guy’s expressions tells her they were unconvinced.

“Not sure about that,” Amy says seriously. ‘They…?’ Tidus linked to her. ‘They are mates,’ Is All she replied.

“Fine. If you so sure let’s have a bet.”

“Sure, what is it?” She said to Diana knowing Blaze and Garrek will do anything she asks.

“I bet you I can get them to kiss June and you can’t get them to kiss you or each other.”

“Diana-” Ronnie tried to say but Amy cut him off.

“And if I win?”
“I will do you one thing, anything you ask and if I win, I get the same. Deal?”
Amy smirks, “Deal.”
Diana stands up a moment and shakes Amy’s outreached hand before sitting back down.

Five minutes of talking about stuff that didn’t really matter, mainly Diana about herself and the familiar scent of her mates filled Amy’s nose.

“Urr,” She heard them groan noticing the teens.

“Garrek, Blaze,” Diana said as if a host greeting guests.
The Human boys muttered, “Guys,” Like it was some kind of greeting and June just blushed saying hello.

The brothers were their normal nice self and ignored them, instead going straight to Amy.
“You are going to crush them,” Garrek said to the gang as Blaze put his hands under Amy’s arms and lifted her up. Greg and Ed sat up so they didn’t fall.

“Miss me?” They answer her question by each giving her a very unbrotherly kiss. She smirked, “Now kiss each other.” They didn’t have to be told twice. They didn’t care who was watching. They gave each other an equally unbrotherly kiss. Blaze even gave Garrek’s member a little squeeze. Amy placed her hands on their slightly hard crotches and smirked at Diana’s shock expression.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask for it later.”
The girl’s face turned hard, “You tricked me.” Then smirked evilly. “I’ll make sure your brothers hear about this.”

Amy’s smirk never faulted and her mates looked amused.
“Make sure we hear what?” Blaze and Garrek had Amy tucked between them both.

June and Diana shared a puzzled look.
“Come on little sister we need to do something about this smell,” Blaze said and picked her up by the waist, she responded by wrapping her legs around him.
The human teen’s eyes widen realizing.
“Let’s go swimming in the lake?” She suggested.
“But…” Garrek frowned.

‘I don’t want to leave Tim alone just yet. You know how shy he is with new people. I know Tidus is around, by he has just found his mates,’ She linked not wanting the others to hear her.
‘Anything for you princess. But no skinny dipping.’
‘You heard about that? We never did anything Blaze.’
‘I know but I don’t like ours seeing you naked.’
‘Too late…’ She linked without thinking and both men made a low growl making the human teens who were watching them jump.

‘It wasn’t my fault. It was Garrek’s,’ He frowned. ‘Tim and I were playing and he went to tickle me and everyone saw pussy. But only for a second and not the humans.’
Both men went quiet and Garrek hung his head, obviously getting scolded by Blaze.

Then a second later Greg was jumping up and Blaze was handing Amy over to Garrek, who held her bridal style.
“It wasn’t my fault,” Greg said backing up. Blaze slowly prowled towards him with a dark expression. “She had no f*cking knickers on, how do you expect me not to get turned on?” Blaze’s eyes shifted coloured, “You what?!” Tye growled taking over.
“Sh!t!” Greg muttered and took off top speed into the woods.

“Yeah. So, we’ll meet you at the lake?” Amy called sarcastically to Tye who followed Greg, disappearing from view.

“Are you coming?” She asked the others.
“If Tidus wants too?” Gemma replied and he gave her a smile which said yes.
“Alright. I’m going to change into a suit.” The girl nods and say they’ll do the same.

A minute later and the humans had decided to tag along and swim in their underwear.
Ronnie, Ed and the girls went to change at their house. Tidus reluctantly let the girls go separately while Amy led him and Tim to their room to change.

Entering the house they were surprised not to bump into anyone. Pausing before entering their room Tidus kissed her forehead and rushed into the room excited about seeing his mates again. Tim on the other hand staying outside longer, “I’m sorry Amy,” He said with his head down. “I knew Liam had a thing but I never thought… Me and the few pack members who knew thought he would complete the mating with his own mate and that would be that. We never knew his plans or that he was spying on you until it was too late. Otherwise, I would have told you. I am so sorry, I don’t blame you if you hate me. I was meant to protect you and Das and I-“

Knowing how much Amy loved Tim, Garrek instantly forgave him and surprised him by hugging him.
“We forgive you Tim.” He and Amy kiss Tim’s forehead making him blush slightly. “We are sorry for leaving you behind.”
“It’s alright. You weren’t to know what would happen.” Tim pulled back and gave them a small smile.

“We still should have taken you guys with us,” Garrek said and sighed. “But we can’t change anything now. Let’s get dressed little brother before Das goes crazy waiting.”
Tim chuckled and nodded before entering his room.

“Thank you, Gar,” Amy leaned up and kissed his lips once they got into their own room.
“What for?” He asked genuinely unsure, placing her on the bed.
“You have nothing to be thanking me for, I have been horrible today.”

“You are a bit of a pain telling people stuff they didn’t need to know. But the way you were just with Tim made up for that. I love you handsome chops.”
He grinned and threw a red halter one piece swimsuit at her.

“What about you?”
He pulled out a pair of Lycra swimming trunks, “I’ll wear these and Blaze these,” He pulled out a similar pair from the chest of draws.

After quickly removing his clothing and putting on his trunks, he walked over to Amy and undressed her.
“Where’d you get these from?” He asked pulling off the unfamiliar white panties.
“Holly gave them to me.” She didn’t have to explain anymore.

“I am sorry about that. I hid them in the attic. I’ll get them all out for you later.”
She smiled and thanked him. As he was pulling on the red suit on her, the door opened and a happy looking Blaze entered.
“Put them on,” Amy pointed to the trunks before asking, “What happened? You didn’t hurt him too much did you? He is a pervert, but nice enough. He wouldn’t do anything. He was laid with his head on my leg for a while and made no move what so ever,” She rambled as he changed clothes.

“Don’t worry princess. I only punched him once,” She frowned. “And that’ll be healed in a couple of hours. I never hurt him too much because I know it isn’t completely his fault.”
He glared at Garrek.

“I forgave him. So now it’s settled.” She stood up from the bed now dressed in the red halter neck swimsuit which clung to her body perfectly.
Her mate’s eyes were glued to her. They looked equally beautiful with their tight trunks which hid nothing, stopping at the waist to reveal a small patch of hair just below their belly button. Their abdomens and pecs perfectly toned and on display. Blaze’s tanned skin glistened slightly with sweat from running.

Their bodies were similar except Blaze was slightly taller and larger in muscle.
Amy’s eyes flicked over Blaze’s ten pack to Garrek’s eight.
“How do you stay so hot?” They smirked.
“Shifters are naturally muscular, but normally we work out,” Blaze explained walking over.

“I can smell your heat from here,” Garrek groaned. “Let’s go before I do you right here,” He shifted his slightly hard member to make it less noticeable. But in the tight trunks neither could hide their happiness.

Leaving the room like that, they didn’t bother dressing. It was Christmas Eve, but the weather was mild. Plus shifters could cope with the cold better.
With their dark hair and grey eyes and Garrek’s similar green eyes, it was impossible not to tell they were related.

In the hall, they were met by Tim and Tidus, who was dressed in slightly less revealing trunks.
Tidus and Amy shared a look. He turned and before they knew what was happening Amy jumped on his back and his took off top speed.
She heard her mates growl, but Tidus was too fast for them. He had made it out of the house before they got to the bottom of the stairs.

He had linked with Holly and Gemma earlier and told them to meet him at the lake.
With Amy’s directions, they got there in record time. The boys, along with Tim arrived another minute later to find Amy laughing hysterically as she floated on top of the water and Tidus pulled her along by her ankle.

They were followed shortly by the girls, their brother, Ronnie all dressed in swimsuits or trunks and the Humans still fully dressed.
Even Yun was running around after them.

“You are lucky I don’t kick your ass,” Blaze warned Tidus.
Diana and June stood staring at him and Garrek.

“They aren’t really together. She must have got a message to them so she could win the bet.” They heard Diana say quietly. Low enough that if they were Human they wouldn’t have heard. June nodded, “As if they would really do anything to her or each other they are brothers and sister.”

Garrek chuckled thinking how they had obviously hadn’t noticed the looks Holly and Gemma kept sharing or touches.

Tidus looked up and color crossed his eyes and as he saw his mates.
Letting go of Amy’s foot, Blaze and Garrek were soon in the water with her and hovered around her to make sure she didn’t sink.
While the Humans were stripping to their underwear, the others jumped into the water. Yun sat at the water’s edge watching.
Gemma and Holly went straight over to Tidus and they both started kissing his shoulders and chest.

“F*ck!” Otto said lowly, not realizing they could hear him or his friends.
“I want me some of that.” The sisters paid no attention and both reached into the water where no one could see and reached into his trunks. Tidus closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Gemma’s to stop himself from moaning out loud as they stroked him. He came only seconds later. He was embarrassed, but they knew he would last longer with time. Soon he was the one giving them pleasure. Standing in chest high deep water, he moved both his hands between their legs and pushed a finger in each of their tight virgin holes.
They purred and he watched in pleasure as they moved into his touch. Their cores clenched his fingers and both girls kissed.

“Oh God,” Otto and his friends drooled at the sight.

Ronnie, Greg (Who had a black eye), Ed and Tim ignored the sight as if it was an everyday occurrence.
They were messing about splashing each other and talking to the trio.

Diana and Jade on the other hand spent their time staring openly at Garrek and Blaze and thinking of ways to get them.
“Have either of you got a girlfriend… Or a boyfriend?” Diana asked them sticking out her lace covered chest and adding the boyfriend part as a joke.

“Yes.” She frowned, “You have girlfriends?”

“We have a girlfriend and a boyfriend.”

Diana rolled her eyes, not believing them. “You do not have to tease me. I know you aren’t really involved with them. I’m seventeen, not a child.”

“Wow. You’re basically an adult. If you or June are that desperate to suck some d!ck why don’t you go with one of your friends or maybe your boyfriend?” Greg said sarcastically.

“I’m not in the mood,” Ronnie replied nonchalantly as he now floated around with Yun, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “But if she wants to blow the others I don’t care. Just wash before you touch me.” Diana’s mouth hung open in shock.

“I am your girlfriend and you don’t care?”

“Please, don’t play the innocent. I know you cheat on me. I’m not stupid. Why else would you be covered in some much perfume than to cover the smell of sex?” He didn’t sound angry, he didn’t tell her either that Greg and some of his already shifted friend could smell it on her half the times she visited.

“I… I wouldn’t…” She tried to lie.
“I don’t care Diana honestly. I knew what you were like when I got with you.”

“Please, it isn’t true.”

“Don’t lie. I told you I know you had sex with most if not all your male friends.”

Her friends shrugged when she looked at them, not denying it.

“Fine, I did sleep with a couple.” Greg sniggered knowing that was a lie. “But you rarely have time for me. I really like you… A lot,” She waded closer to where he was flooding still as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Garrek had to force himself not to laugh at the sight.

“You are more handsome and better in bed than any of them.” There was a complaint, but no one listened. “I don’t want any of them only you.” He really was the most handsome one and good in bed. All shifters are naturally good looking and better endowed than most men.

“Jeez. You make it sound like we’re going to be married,” He grumbled growing annoyed.

“Not yet but in a few years…”

Ronnie’s eyes popped open and stared at her as she now pouted, batted her lashes and stuck out her chest at him.

He groaned, a look of satisfaction cross her face, but she hid it.
But what she didn’t know is that he was groaning out of stress. He was thinking ‘God, why did I ever go out with this whore? Oh yes, because I have to have the place to let out my sexual needs and requirements and she is easy.’

“I doubt we’ll be dating still by Easter let alone get married.” He had tried to be kind about it in the past, but she didn’t listen. This was the only way to get her to hear him.

He knew part of the reason she wanted to marry him was because ‘everyone who lives on The Golden Dusk commune is loaded.’

“You never want to marry?” She only heard half of what he was saying.

“No, I want to marry,” She grinned. “Just not you.” Her smile fell and Garrek burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry.” He buried his face in Blaze’s neck to muffle himself.

Everyone was watching them by this point.


“Like I said, I knew what you were like when I got with you. I only got with you because I wanted sex and you were easy.”

All shifters, even the unchanged ones know their mate when they have sex with her or him. That is how Ronnie was so sure they didn’t have a future.

“God. If I knew you were going to be so clingy, I would have just let Jade blow me,” He muttered low.

Greg cringed and Diana stayed silent for a moment before mumbling something about changing his mind.

Garrek still had his face buried in Blaze’s neck. Amy watched with a smile as he nibbled on his neck making him hard. Garrek had a matching one, which he teasingly and repeatedly rubbed against Blaze’s. But had no intention of doing anything else. He was enjoying Amy watching them.

‘Stick your hand in his trunks,’ She link to Blaze. ‘Show him he can’t tease you.’

Blaze smirked and did as he was told. He and Tye loved being in control again if only of Garrek.

Garrek gasped feeling the huge hand wrap around his throbbing member. Earning him a few looks. ‘Act normal, don’t moan, don’t touch me, Amy or yourself and don’t cum without my permission. Are we clear?’

Amy smirked hearing Blaze. Hearing his dominant side made her want him to dominate her too. As if hearing her thoughts Blaze glance up at her and mouthed ‘Your next.’

She wouldn’t deny or stop him, the idea alone was already turning her to mush.

‘Yes master,’ Even Garrek’s voice quivered through the link.
‘Good boy,’ Blaze placed a kiss on the side of his mate neck.

Stood chest to chest, Garrek had his head rested on Blaze’s shoulder, his eyes meeting Amy’s lustfully ones with equal lust.

“So, Gar…” Greg wore a knowing smirk. “I heard your thinking of quitting college?”
Garrek internally cursed his younger cousin for drawing everyone’s attention to him.

Moment of true, could he do as told or would he get Blaze’s punishment?
Thinking for a moment, he smirked, maybe he wanted the punishment?


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