Chapter 34


Sordid thoughts and fantasies filled his head as he lay in his room. Most involved a familiar small dog and a long tongue.

Ronnie hated himself for having these feelings for animals. He had tried so hard over the last few months. But having Yun here seemed to have broken any progress he made. He wanted her more than any person or animal he had ever met.

Knock knock He was about to ignore the knock until he remembered his sister was in the cells. He found this very funny. She deserved nothing more. Not that their father thought that. But he had other reasons to have her out. The truth was Ronnie’s family is all messed up.

He lusted after animals.

His mother is a doormat and forgave her mate’s constant cheating.

His sister is a whore who will open her legs for anyone – he wouldn’t be surprised to hear about her fucking animals too.

And his father, well he took the cake. He had always cheated on his mate from the beginning but it was later things got really messed up.

It wasn’t until very recently Ronnie discovered this, but his sister and father are having a sexual affair. He wasn’t even cheating with anyone else anymore, just his own daughter.

The knock sounded again and this time, he realized it was not his door, but his window.

“What the…?” He was on the ground floor, so it wasn’t too strange, but this late at night…

Standing up and reaching the window, he opened it up.

It was dark but he could see enough that when the person reached out a hand, he took it in his and helped them inside his room.

There stood in front of him was what he could only describe as the epitome of perfection.

His erection was instantaneously.

How could it not be with the naked Goddess stood before him?

Why was she naked?

He didn’t know or care.

He had never seen her before, but there was something strangely familiar about her. He had never been with her before sexually, he would remember… Well, everything. She was unique.

From her straight snow white hair which hung just past her shoulders. To her doe-like violet eyes, that seemed to pierce his soul. Her body… She just stood to let him look her over.

She was short, tiny even. She couldn’t have been any taller than four foot nine. He was well over a foot taller than her. But her body was perfectly proportioned. Despite being so short, her legs looked long, but not freakishly so. She had an athletic physique. Her backside perfectly round and her breasts… They were a teardrop shape that most women would pay money for, not too big but still perfect. Finally between her legs she had a small amount of wispy white hair covering her mound. It was unlike the other girls he had been with who all were shaved or waxed completely or almost completely. He liked hair. He wanted to touch her naturally tanned skin, stroke her fuzzy mound.

“Who are you?” He could kick himself for asking that question first. What did he care who she was?! He wanted her so bad it hurt and by the Goddess, he was going to have her.

“Mate!” Her voice sounded a little rough, the sort of roughness you get from lack of use. But as the rest of her, it was perfect. Sweet, innocent as was her doll-like face. Her voice sent a shiver through his body.

She didn’t look old enough to have shifted yet and he wouldn’t have believed her if he didn’t see her eyes flicker blue for a second.

“Mine, Runny!”

“It’s-” His sentence was cut off when she launched herself at him, knocking to the ground with a bang. “My, my, my!” She licked and nuzzled his neck. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her eagerness.

“Runny,” She moaned dry humping his large bulge. He met her with his own moan, drawing his arms around her and squeezing her against him.

“You is mine.” She worded sentences oddly, almost like a child, but he found it cute.

“Ronnie!” The door handle rattled. “What was that bang?” It opened and in stepped his father, Knight.

His arms tightened around the girl on top of him. But much to his surprise, she didn’t stop her assault or even slow down.

“Well, well, well…” His father stared at the girl lustfully and amused.

“What do we have here?”

She clawed at Ronnie’s night shirt.

“Hmm, Princess?” He tried to get her attention. Nothing.

His father no longer seemed bothered about his jailed daughter, the same one he had been raging about only an hour before. Ronnie’s jaw clenched when he saw the man just sit on the edge of his bed and watch the pair.

“Little girl?” Nothing.

His father laughed, “Forgot her name already. My son…”

“It isn’t funny, dad. I don’t even know who she is.” An embarrassing moan escaped his lips when she finally managed to rip his shirt and drag her nails down his chest. He had never been into pain until now. Everything she did was good.

“Grrr…” Ronnie growled. “Dad, out!” He ordered not happy about the way he was eyeing the small girl who he was certain was his mate.

“Excuse me?!” His father narrowed his eyes at him.

Ronnie pushed himself up and the girl’s arms and legs circled around him.

“This is my house, boy! I’ll have you remember that when you order me around!” His father was standing in front of him now.

The red haired boy ignored him and pulled the sheet off the bed, wrapping it around the girl the best he could.

“And this girl… Whoever she is, is my mate and I do not like the way you look at her.”

“Mate? You clearly don’t know how to deal with a Human female. Maybe I should show you…” The older man made a quick move to grab her.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Ronnie snarled turning his back to his father as if to protect the girl.

“Ha! I’m going to either way, boy. I have the right to try any pussy in my house!”

“You are a sick fuck!”

“Says the dog fucker?!”

“Oh and where in the hell do I get my messed up tendencies from?!”

“Why you little…” He raised his hand back and hit the young boy in his face.

The girl instantly jumped off Ronnie and pushed him behind her protectively.

Knight watched, laughing. “I like her. She will be great fun breaking in and taming.”

He sent his son a smirk. “You never know, maybe I’ll keep her.” He looked her over hungrily, the sheet had fallen to the floor the moment she moved from Ronnie.

“Fuck! I love how everywhere is white.”

“DON’T FUCKING LOOK AT HER!” Ronnie growled wrapping the sheet around her again and trying to move her behind him. But she stood her ground, she was strong, stronger than him and she was glaring at the older man angrily.

“Come here, little girl,” She growled at him, her eyes full of hate.

“I.SAID…” Knight reached out and pulled the girl to him. She growled and crawled at him, but he was unmoving.

“LET HER GO!” Ronnie yelled diving at his father, but his face was met with a fist, knocking him to the ground.

Stunned, eyes blurry and his head buzzing, he struggled to push himself up hearing the girl’s screams and growls trying to fight his father off.

“I.SAID,” Ronnie spoke through gritted teeth. His voice even to his own ears sounding deeper, more threatening. “LET.MY.MATE.GO!”

“Runny!” The girl’s whimpered. She was pinned to the bed beneath the much older man.

The young red haired teen again went for his father. Again the man hit him knocking him down. Only to jump back up again, but this time, twice as fast and just in time to see the older man’s fist connect with the girl’s jaw when she snarled and canines bared went for his neck – and not to mark him.

“Why, you little bitch!” With one hand pinning her wrists above her head, he used the other to unfasten his trousers, all the time straddling her tiny frame.

“GET THE HELL OFF HER!” Ronnie himself didn’t know what had come over him, all he knew was had to protect the girl. He has a strange feeling inside, the easiest way he could think to describe it was a pressure behind his eyes, trying to push its way out.

She watched as her mate dived at the older horrible man, knocking him from the top of her and to the ground. “Runny!” She cried ignoring the throbbing in her cheek, pushing herself off the bed going to help her mate.

“Don’t…” A pair of arms circled her waist and she fought to get herself free, snarling and snapping but the person was much taller and stronger than her.

Only then two men followed by an older woman entered the room.

“Knight, Ronnie, stop!” A large, old man she recognized came into the room growling at the two fighting.

“Take your arms off her!” Ronnie pushed his father back and in one swift move was off the bed and had the small girl pulled against him protectively.

“Ronnie,” The older man bit out. “You know better than to order me.” He didn’t shout, but his anger was clear. “I may not be Alpha anymore, but I expect to be treated with respect!”

“Now tell me what the hell is going on? And why is there a naked little girl here?”

While one of the men held Knight back, the second draped a sheet around the girl who was literally clinging to Ronnie. He had his arms around her and was rubbing her back.

“Sorry, Alpha Ray,” He bowed his head slightly in submission, but didn’t let go of the girl.

“That bastard…” Ronnie looked at his father. “He tried to rape my mate.”

“LIES!” Knight exclaimed trying to break free.

“That little whore begged for it prancing around naked.” He didn’t move his eyes from the girl as he spoke. “She wanted it!”

Ray looked at the girl and turned to Knight with a growl.

“You think me a fool?!” He snarled. The girl’s cheek was swelling and showing the starts of bruising, her fists didn’t look any better.

“We do not touch children. And we hell as sure do not force girls and especially our child’s mate.”

Not giving the man a chance to react or reply, he ordered his men to take him to the cells.

“Chain him and no food or drink until I say.”

Knight fought but the men managed to get him out with ease.

“I want to say I am sorry for what happened to your little mate. We will escort her to the medical bay,” Ray said just as a couple more men joined him, including his son-in-law, Ross.

“What is the girl’s name, Ronnie?” Ray asked him when the girl didn’t acknowledge him.

He didn’t question the fact that they were mates seeing the boy’s shifted eye color.

“I don’t know,” He replied. Ray opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Ross stepped forwards and began sniffing around the girl.

Ronnie narrowed his eyes and tightened his arms.

“I know you,” Ross mumbled smelling her.

Ronnie let out a warning growl, but Ross ignored it and his and the girl’s eyes met.

“Me no like,” She hissed at him and much to both Ray and Ronnie’s surprise he smiled and laughed.

“Who would have guessed?” He brushed his hand over the back of her head and frowned seeing her swollen cheek.

Ronnie turned his back, taking her with him and moving her from Ross’s access.

“Knight,” Was all her father-in-law had to say and he knew instantly what happened.

“Bastard!” He cursed under his breath.

“You know Ronnie’s mate?”

Ross looked at the red haired boy. “Why am I not surprised?”

He turned back to Ray.

“She is Yun.”

The room fell silent for a minute.

“Amy’s dog?” Ray didn’t sound convinced.

“The one and the same,” Ross confirmed. “I have no idea how. But she is Yun. She has the same scent. Paula and the kids will be able to confirm in the morning. In truth, I am surprised you couldn’t scent her.”

Ronnie blanked the rest of the conversation out. He cupped the girl’s face and brought it up to look at his. Their eyes met and despite her eyes being a strange violet instead of the unusual blue, he could see her. He could see the girl who had been in his every thought the last couple of days.

“Yun?” He whispered.

“Runny,” She whispered back and he grinned, pushed his lips to her’s.

“I love you so damn much,” His sighed in relief that he wasn’t relapsing. She was his mate, which is why he had feelings for her. “You are so beautiful.”

He felt his length stiffened. He was ready to mate with her and he knew she felt the same.

“No way.” She was picked up by Ray and Ronnie held back by Ross.

“We have to have her checked out by a medic first and not to mention, determine her age,” Ray told him. “Mate or not, I will not have children mated.”

Ronnie wanted to argue but knew he was right.

“Alright,” He said with a nod. “But I am not leaving her side. Have us guarded twenty-four-seven if need be, but I am not leaving her.”


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