Chapter 6

Bella returned only a few seconds after Micheal entered the bathroom.
Julia close behind both carrying a mass of papers.

When I spotted them my eyes widened.
“Crap.” I jumped up off the couch.
“I didn’t realize there was so many to copy,” I said taking the papers from Bella and placing them on his desk and then the same with Julia.
“I think this little one has changed you,” Julia grinned placing her hand on Bella’s arm causing her to blush.

“Changed? What are you talking about? I’ve always been nice,” I grin at her, walking back from my desk where the papers all sat and wrapping my arms around Bella from behind.
Julia chuckles, “A couple of weeks ago you would never noticed I had been carrying so many papers, let alone helped me.” I frowned slightly.

Was I really that ignorant?

“Not to mention, I have never seen you happy to hug or hold a woman’s hand in public, let alone have a relationship.” She smiled in awe at me and Bella.

“That is because none of them were my Bella,” I said looking at her with love before moving my gaze to Julia.

“And as for never helping you before…” I smile mischievously.
I removed my arms from Bella walked behind Julia and placed my arms around her instead.

“I am very sorry for treating you so badly.” I rested my chin on her shoulder, she and Bella laughed.
“Stop being a funny bugger,” She tried to slap my hands away but I stayed to place.

“Moved on already?” I turned to see a smirking Micheal walking from the bathroom over to where we stood.
“I thought you were my girl, Julia,” He said in mock hurt stopping beside Bella.

Julia rolls her eyes and shook her head. “Stop messing, you two,” She hit my arm again.
“Ouch.” I remove my arms and rub it. “So mean,” I mock hurt and pout.

“I have work to do. I’ll leave you two mess about,” She says walking back towards the door to me and Micheal.
Then turns to Bella, “You are welcome to come with me if you have enough of these two,” She teases.
“Not nice, mom.” Micheal often called her that because she often acted like she was ours.

“Arrie is happy staying here with us,” He said pulling her to his side.

Julia raised her eyebrows, “Arrie?”

“Bella… Both short for Arabella,” I explain to her.

“That’s pretty,” She smiled. “But seriously, if you ever want to get away from either of these you are always welcome,” She told Bella and left the room.

“I like her. She’s nice,” Bella smiled.

“Yes, she is.” I move to the couch and sit down and pat the space beside me.
She walked out of Micheal’s arm and shuffled over sitting beside me. With Micheal close behind and from the look of it looking at her butt.

“Why does everyone think you are brothers?”

“How do you know that? Did Julia say something?” I asked.

She shook her head and Micheal sat on her other side. “No, when we were in the copy room a woman came in and spoke to me.”
I frowned. I disliked the men, but the women could be just as bad.

“What did she say?” Micheal asked this time.

“It doesn’t matter. I was just wondering that was all.” She was hiding something.
“Bella, it matters. Tell us what she said,” I told her firmly.

I could tell that she didn’t really want to but she did anyway.

“She said that I must give good head and ass to both ‘the brothers,’ but not to worry because I will soon be joining the rest of the whores when you get bored. Then you will settle from a ‘real woman’ like her. Julia shouted at her but she just walked off and laughed, saying that when she was ‘the brothers’ wife then Julia would be the first to lose her job…” She told us not taking her eyes off the ground.

“What was her name?” I was too angry to speak, so Micheal asked through gritted teeth.

She chewed her lip nervously.
“Tell me, Arrie.”

“I think she said Melinda or Melody or something like that.”

“Was she tall and skinny with red curly hair?” I asked.

She nodded and me and Micheal shared a look, “Malory,” We said at the same time.

I got up and went to the door and opened it, “Have Malory send here now.” She gives me a knowing look and nods. She makes the call and tells me she will be here in a minute.
I went back inside and kneeled in front of her.

“Angel, you know none of what she said is true don’t you?”

She didn’t say anything. Micheal sighed. “I know what is going on between you and Eric.” She looked at me wide eyed.

“Yes, I told him,” I tell her cupping her cheek.

“He told me. But I want you too know no matter what is happening or not happening between you and me that I love you and nothing will change that. And I have known Eric long enough to know he loves you too and really wouldn’t hurt you.” He brushed the back of her hair with his hand, but she still didn’t look at him. I think she was in slight shock despite what I told her earlier.

“As for Malory. She is a spiteful ugly whore, who is only jealous because she knows you have everything she hasn’t.” I nod in agreement with Micheal.

“You are beautiful in every way from body, looks and personality. Everyone loves and wants you and lastly you have the love of ‘the brothers’ as she calls us,” I tell her.

“Not to mention, we do not employ people we sleep with, but she wants us too and now she knows she has no chance and she is trying to scare you away,” Micheal told her truthfully.

It was true, I have had sex with a lot of women, as had Micheal, but neither of us employed them because we knew it would not be good business to have many of one night stands hanging around our business hopeful for more.

A knock at the door and Julia popped her head around the corner and I stood up.

“Ms Malory Wright is here.”
“Alright. Give me a few seconds and then send her in.” She nods and goes back out closing the door behind her.

I turned back to Micheal and Bella.
“Remember what we said. I want you too hold your head up and stop looking at the ground. You are better than her. Now give me a kiss.” I bent down and pressed my lips against hers and then pulled away keeping my forehead against hers for a second and whispered, “Remember, head up.” Before going to sit back behind my desk.
Micheal kissed the top of her head and walked to stand beside me, which looked more professional when Malory entered only a few seconds later.

Knock Knock

“Come in,” I called.
The door opened and she walked in smiling and closing the door behind her. She looked like the cat which got the cream.

“Good morning, Eric” She looked between us two men. “Micheal,” Not noticing Bella on the couch at the side.

“Both of us are Mr. Wade too you,” Micheal told her.

“Take a seat,” I tell her pointing to the seat opposite us.

Sitting down she sat back and did a Basic instinct.

“Please keep your legs closed,” Micheal said disgusted forcing me to grunt back a laugh.

I could see Bella biting back a laugh too.

Malory frowned, “Thought you liked it easy,” She purred as if it was sexy.
I was digging my fingers in my chair to stop myself from yelling at her already.

“Ms Wright, do you know why you are here?” I asked ignoring her comment.

“I can guess,” She mumbled.
“And that would be?” Micheal asked.
“Your pla… Mr E.Wade’s assistant has been telling tales,” She corrected herself and looked disgusted when she spoke.

“We would like to hear your side,” I said just wanting to fire her but needed proof first.
“Tell us what she and you said?” Micheal adds.

“Me,” She put her hand to her chest. “I didn’t say anything. I just walked into the copy room to print some pages when she started bragging,” She told us, doing her best innocent act. Bella snorted but said nothing. It was only then Malory noticed her presence.
“What is ‘she’ doing here?” She said the word in disgust.

“Miss Skye is here because I asked her too. Now answer the question. What was said?” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“Anything you say, Mr Wade,” She said in a sickly sweet tone.

“Like I said, I went into the room-“
“Yes, we know that part! Get to the talking already!” I snap, but she just smiled.

“She started bragging to me about her being set with the brothers.”
“Can you remember her exact words?” Micheal asked.

She tapped her chin as if thinking. “Hmm… If I remember right… Yes, that’s right,” She said as if thinking.
“Yes, she said ‘You know the Wade brothers?'” I nodded. “‘Well, I am seeing them both. Before you know it I’ll be in charge and me and my son will be moving in with them both.’ She said a couple of other things but I can’t remember what,” She lied through her teeth.

Micheal and I both laughed. “You remember someone else was in the room with you?”

“Yes… Julia” She looked sheepish.

“And she will corroborate your story?” I ask.

“Yes?” She said almost as a question.

Micheal and I shared a look before looking back to Malory.

“We both know that was all complete lies, don’t we?” Micheal asked with a smirk.

“No, no, no. It’s all true and exactly what she said every word. If she said otherwise, she is a liar.” She glared at Bella, who just sat silently with a blank look.

“Too start with…” I stood up from my seat and Malory looked at me lustfully.

“She hasn’t got a son,” I began and she cuts in. “That you know of,” She smirked.

“I know she hasn’t because she was a virgin until we made love this morning.” Her face paled.

“Nor did she know that both our surnames were Wade and she didn’t know we were ‘brothers.’ Finally, she is not involved with my brother in any way and if my fiancee was, then that would be no business of yours or any others.”

“Fiancee?” She says shocked.

“Yes. We are getting married in only a few weeks,” I smile at Bella who smiles back.

Micheal stiffens slightly but then relaxes when I place my hand on his back. “And we were even thinking of inviting Micheal to our honeymoon,” I say smirking.

Bella sat on the crouch biting her lip. I could tell by the expression on her face she liked the idea.

“What does that sound like to you, Angel? Do you like the idea of my little ‘brother’ coming with us?” I ask her suggestively.

Everyone in the room gets my double meaning. Malory was glaring at Bella and Micheal was looking at her hopeful.

Malory didn’t give her a chance to answer. She jumped up in front of her and starts ranting and raving about Bella messing things up.

Micheal walked over and stopped her. I called security.
“Ms Wright, you are fired. Out now,” Micheal said not in the mood to be nice.

“You can’t do that,” She said outraged. “I am meant to be your fiancee not her.”

Micheal laughed. “What makes you think that now I would be interested, when I wasn’t when I was single?” I laugh.

“You just are infatuated with her because she was a virgin and before you were playing the field before you come to your senses and realize it is me you want not her or them.”

Knock knock

“Come in.”

“You called?” Rob, one of the security men from earlier came in with another man – I think his name was Marcus – who normally works in the background on the cameras with another man.

“Yes, Ms Wright needs to be escorted to collect her things and then out of the building. She has been fired and her access to the building is banned.”
The two men ‘escort’ her out of the room closing the door behind them.

“Thank God that crazy bitch is gone,” Micheal breathed a sigh of relief and I chuckle.

“You okay, Angel?” I ask sitting beside Bella.

“Yes. I just feel bad for her getting fired,” She sighed sadly.

Micheal sat the other side. “Bella, she was bat shit crazy. We wanted to fire her for a while, but couldn’t. Plus, she would of done the same to you if she could have.”

“He’s right. Don’t feel bad,” I tell her.

“Anyway, you never did answer my question…” I smirk.

Her eyes widen, “Question?”
“How would my sexy girl like Micheal to cum with us?”


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