Chapter 7

Bella went bright red. “Umm… What do you mean?” She asked innocently.

“He means…” Micheal looks at me for the okay. I nod to him grinning.

“He means, I love you, he loves you and we both love each other. I don’t want to force you into anything but me and Eric have agreed that if you feel the same way, that maybe we give a relationship between the three of us a try,” He explained hopeful.

I knew he’d be heartbroken if she said no.

Bella turned to me with tears in her eyes.

I cupped her cheek. “What did I tell you? Nothing will change. I love you. I want this too or I wouldn’t have suggested it. All our plans for the future is the same. The only difference being that we will be adding Micheal to them if you accept him too,” I explain stroking her cheek and rubbing a few stray tear what had fallen away.

“Do you love me?” I ask her.

“Yes,” She replied still after all we had done feeling shy.

“Do you love Micheal? I mean in the same way you love me?”

She turned her head slightly to look at him and then back to me and whispered, “Yes.” But I’m not sure if Micheal heard because he was chewing his bottom lip nervously.

“Then show him,” I whispered back into her ear so he didn’t hear.

“Are you sure? Promise you won’t leave me after?” She whispers back.

“Never. I promise to never leave you. I want you to be my wife and have my children and forever be my companion,” I say a bit louder but still inaudible to Micheal.

We shared a deep loving kiss that lasted only about a minute, but it was a great minute.

We pulled apart and I opened my eyes. Micheal was still in the same place, but now looking heartbroken, gazing at the ground. I guess he thought the kiss and her not saying anything was a rejection.

“Bella, show him you love him too,” I whispered, thankful Micheal didn’t look up. She saw my sad gaze and followed my sight to him.

She frowned and without a word stood up pushed him back. Pulled up her tight skirt, so she could straddled his lap. “I love you too, Micheal,” She smiled and placed a single lingering kiss on his lips, then rested her head against his shoulder. All this time he sat too stunned to move.

She was so forward, it turned me on more than a little.

“Micheal,” I chuckled poking his arm.

“Are you alive?” No answer.

I looked back to Bella with a fake frown. “Bella, honey…” She raised her head and looked at me, “Yes, Eric?”

“I think you have broken him.” I stood up and went to my desk. I told Julia she could go for her lunch and then walked over to my door and discreetly locked the door.

Micheal doesn’t notice as he was still in his daze, but Bella does and gives me an innocent but knowing look.

“Maybe you would like to play a little game with me while we wait for him,” I say suggestively.

“Can I have a drink too?” She asked with double meaning, all the time with the same innocent expression.

I smirk, “You can drink as much as you like.” I look at Micheal and shake my head in fake disappointment. “It’s a shame that Micheal has gone insane otherwise I’m sure he could have fed you too.”

She said pouts but I see the mischief in her eyes. “Yes, I would like that… Will you eat my fortune cookie this time?”

I hold back a chuckle, “I would love too.”

Hell, I can’t wait for a taste of her cookie.

She went to stand up but Micheal gripped her hips and stopped her.

She looked into his eyes and he, her’s. “Did you really mean it? Do you really love and willing to give me a chance?” He asked hopeful. He seemed so unsure or himself, it broke my heart a little.

He is one of the greatest men I know and hot to boot. How could she not care for him?

“Yes, to everything. I love you very just, I always have. But this can only work if you accept Eric is part of the relationship too,” She told, making me proud that she loved me that much.

She got off his lap and walked beside me and into my arms. Then we stood awaiting his answer.

He soon stood up and followed Bella before stopping in front of us.

“I accept.”

“Prove it,” She said with a straight face.

He and I shared a look as if to ask ‘How?’

She stepped back from me until her back was against the door, “Kiss him.” We both gave her a questioning look.

I’ve never kissed a guy in my life, not in a sexual way at least.

“If you are willing to share to seal the deal.” He kissed my cheek.

She frowned and closed her arms. “You don’t really want us do you?” She more stated then asked.

Without a word Micheal grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

Than proceeded to kiss me how I nor he had ever kissed before.

Yes, he had kissed me but only in a platonic, family cheek way.

I am not gonna lie, there was tongues and I might have… Okay, I did get a bit turned on.

It was different than any other kiss I had before, his rough skin against mine. But it was good. Surprisingly, I wouldn’t say no if he wanted to do it again. But that doesn’t mean that Bella’s kisses are not as good, they are just soft, innocent, more gentle.
I like them both.

“Woo. You both really like that.” We pulled away to see her smirking. “I think that’s enough for now. You two can play with each other again later. Right now I’m hungry.” She bit her lip, I heard a click and in a second she was out of the door giggling.

Fuck, she turns me on when she is bossy.

“Oh my God. You are so in for it,” I rush after her and catch her by the waist, evidence of my pleasure pressing against her firm backside.

“And where do you think you are going?” I ask her amused with Micheal not far behind.

“I’m hungry,” She whined giving me puppy dog eyes and as if on cue her stomach growled.

My expression softened. “You are lucky I love you,” I trail kisses down her neck. Any plans of eating her cookie or any other play would have to wait until later.

“Go ask Micheal?” I whispered into her ear so he couldn’t hear.

She gave me a smile and looked to him. “Mikey, please can we go get some lunch?” She asked turning the puppy dog eyes on him.

He walked closer. “That depends…” He stopped in front of her.

She stepped out of my arms and closer to him. “On what?”

He moves his hand around her, pulling her flush against him and crashes his lips into hers. Sharing their first real lovers kiss.

I watched as he nibbled her lip causing her to moan. He took that chance to stick his tongue in her mouth and she surprised him by sucking it.

“You too need to stop that before I take you right here.” I was getting more and more turned on.

They stopped, looked at me and Bella giggled. “I can go to lunch alone if you two want to… Play?” She got out of Micheal grip and began walking to the door, but then stopped. “But maybe film it on your phone for me because I wouldn’t mind seeing that.” She blushed as she spoke and winked.

“You are turning her into a dirty girl,” He said to me but walking toward her with me close beside.

“Blaming me?” I said innocently putting my hand on my chest. He laughed, “Yes, of course I am.”

I look at her and sigh. “Alright, maybe it was. But as long as she is only naughty with us then that’s all that matters.” I place my hand on her hip.

“Only. No one else.” She gave me a look full of so much love. As if sensing Micheal’s worry, she reached forward and pulled him towards us.

“Just you two.” She wrapped her small arms around both of us best she could.

“Good, because I was starting to worry,” He admitted holding her like she may disappear.

Her stomach growled again.

“Let’s go get lunch. We can play later,” I kiss her cheek and look to Micheal. “Are you still coming around to our place after work?”

I love that, our place.

“You’ll have to force me not too,” He grinned and took one of her hands in his, whilst I took the other.

Before exiting into the corridor Belle stopped.

We both looked at her. “What’s the matter, Angel?” Micheal asked noticing have frown.

She bit her lip as if not wanting to tell us.

“Tell us, please?” I asked her.

She furrowed her eyebrows. “What if people speak about us?” She whispered.

“Then we will fire them,” Micheal states out seriously making me laugh out loud.

“I’m serious,” She pouted.

“So are we. If anyone says anything we will fire them.” Micheal nods in agreement with me.

I moved my arm around her waist, whilst Micheal kept holding her hand and we led her out of the office and towards the lift.

Most people were out at lunch, so we only go a few looks. But they looked away almost straight away.

“I guess they heard about Malory,” Bella thought out loud.

“No. They are just scared of us.” Micheal and I share the same smirk.

“We are well known for being hard asses,” I add.

“And players…” We heard her mumble under her breath thinking we wouldn’t hear her.

After going through security, we got in the empty lift pressing the button to the parking lot.

“We were players. But not anymore,” I said as soon as the lift door closed.

“I have been waiting too long for this chance to mess it up now,” Micheal tells her. “And I know… I can see by the way Eric is with you he feels the same about you as I do,” He kisses the back of her hand. “I know we haven’t done anything sexual yet, but even without that I know I love you and if you wanted to slow down and wait for sex then we could.”

“Really?” She asked surprised.


“And the same goes for me… I mean if you wanted it that way…” I couldn’t believe I even said it, but that is how much I love her. I want to prove it isn’t purely sexual.

“If I did that, you wouldn’t sleep with anyone else?” She asked, thinking about it as we exited the lift and walked to my car.

“Never,” We agreed and all got into the car. Me, in the drivers side. Bella, in the passengers side and Micheal, in the back.

“Good,” She smiled and buckled herself in.

“You know, you have to start the car to drive right?” Micheal asked amused.

I dragged my gaze away from Bella’s chest. “Sorry. Got distracted,” I answer starting the car up.

“With what?” He asked.

“Bella’s boobs,” I smirk glancing back at the rear view mirror.

“Hey!” She whined looking down at her chest. “What’s wrong with my boobies?”

“Nothing. That is the problem. They are perfect and that seat belt squeezing them really helps show them off,” I smirk.

I could tell Micheal was iching to look but was trying to be a gentleman.

“Such a pervert,” She mumbled crossing her arms across her chest.

“You love it,” I chuckle side gazing at her.

“And you know folding your arms like that pushes them even more.” I smirk at her embarrassed expression.

I look back to the road and head in the direction of a great bistro.

“Mikey,” A high pitched Bella squealed.

Thankfully, I was at a red light, so I could look.

“What’s wrong?” I began to ask just as I saw her batting Micheal arm away.

He had unfastened his seatbelt and was leaning forwards with his hand around her seat.

“What did you do?” I chuckled as he pouted and sat back, removing his arms from in front of her.

“It’s your fault,” Bella blamed me. “He groped my boobie,” She said in a almost whiney rubbing her chest.

The lights changed and I began driving again.

“Micheal?” I said looking in rear view mirror. He looked at me. “Why?” Like I needed to ask. I just wanted to hear his answer. “They wanted me too,” He shrugged nonchalantly.

This would be with silent few seconds with birds in the movies and confused expressions before I burst out laughing.

“You are such a weirdo,” I say trying to not crash from laughing too much.

He just shrugged with a small smirk he was trying to hide.

“You need to be softer,” Bella’s voice got our attention. I was just pulling up in front of the bistro. “That really hurt.” My smile fell as I saw her still rubbing her breast.

I turned and glared at Micheal who wasn’t even looking at me.

“Shit!” I heard him mumble leaning forwards on his seat. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Arrie. I am so sorry,” He sounded and looked genuinely sorry.

“You fucking should be!” I growled. “She is not some backstreet hoe. She is my sister and you will be respectful to her! She needs gentle, lovely touches. Remember, she is innocent…” I trailed off.

“I’m sorry, Arrie. I do really love you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I swear I saw a slight glisten in the corner of his eyes.

“I know. I probably overreacted. I just have very sensitive boobies,” She said quietly as if embarrassed.

“No, you didn’t. If either of us are heavy handed or hurt you, you need to tell us,” Micheal tells her before I get a chance.

“He’s right. I don’t want to be too rough, hurt you and you not tell us. That is what love is. That isn’t what I want this relationship to be. You are my princess.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean over and kiss her cheek.

“Our princess,” Micheal corrects me.

“And you are my princes,” Bella gives us both a smile and then pats my leg. “Let’s go. I’m starving.” She was unbuckled and out of the car before I had a chance to say anything.
“You heard the princess. Let’s go,” Micheal repeated in a theatrical voice, winked at me and go out beside her.

I pulled the key out of the ignition and joined them, locking the car behind me.

“Let’s eat.”


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