Chapter 10

Eric’s pov

Bella fell asleep on the couch, between me and Micheal, so we redressed her.

“She is so beautiful,” Micheal said not taking his eyes off Bella.

“She is,” I was looking at her from behind my desk.

“What are you working on?” He asked carefully getting off of the couch as not to wake her and over to me.

“Tibet?” He looked at my computer screen confused. “Why you looking at hotels in Tibet?”

I stared at him waiting for him to catch on.

His eyes widen, “The wedding?” His asked.

“Yes, the wedding.”

“But how they don’t marry siblings?”

“I know, that is why I have had one of our contacts go on the official database and change my birth parents. So now technically everyone will think I was only fostered by ‘Bella’s parents’ and my ‘real parents’ dumped me,” I smiled at my greatly thought out plan.

“So we can marry. There is no law against cousins marrying. As for when we return… I have spoke to another contact and they have told me that the government are about to pass a new law, that if a polygamous couple gets legally married in a different country their marriage would be legal here too.”

“Really?” Micheal asked shocked.

“Yes. It’s a secret law for now, they will not advertise it because they don’t want everyone doing it. But they are pressing it through partly because one of the very high up officials are illegally married to two woman but both know about each other, they live as one happy family. The law will be passed in a couple of hours. I will be contacted then,” I explain.

“That’s great news,” He surprised me by hugging me from behind.

“Maybe you should just get on your knees and blow him.” We both looked up to see our sleepy angel looking at us.

“You have some kind of obsession with us being gay, don’t you?” I ask her.

She stands up and sleepily walks over to me and sit on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder.

“What do you expect? You two are so hot.”

Both Micheal and I chuckle. “Well, thank you, angel.” I kiss her forehead and so does Micheal. He is sat on the arm of my chair, stroking Bella’s hair.

“You are hot too,” I tell her and Micheal hums in agreement.

“Just remember to tell me if you two decide to play together.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle again. She sounded so cute.

Before I knew it she had fallen asleep on my lap.

“I think she was lonely sleeping on the couch,” Micheal whispers.

“I don’t mind. I like having her close.” Without realizing I find myself rocking her ever so slightly, almost as if she was a baby.

“Let’s get our work finished and then we can take her home,” I think out loud.

“I only have a few calls to make and papers to sign. How about you?” He asks me.

“You did a good job running everything while I was away. I have the same to do. I thought I had more, but Bella help with most of it this morning. She isn’t only pretty, she is also very clever. I think have her around will cut our paperwork in half,” I tell him after carefully checking my workload.

I was surprised. I didn’t realize she had done.

I check through a few and they were all perfect, they only need my signature.

“I think when we are married we should make her an official partner.”

Micheal looked at me shocked. “Our angel’s really that good?”

I hand him several papers to look at.

“These are good… Really good,” He sounded surprised.

“Yes and she didn’t even know for sure what the company did until afterwards.”

“She’s finished school, right?” He asked me.

I nod. “Yes. Not long ago…” I thought for a second.

“She didn’t go to graduation. They sent her papers instead because it happened just after the accident. She didn’t really care though because she didn’t have any friends.”

I tell him all the stuff she had told me about her friends and school.

He was red faced by the time I had finished.

“Little bastard! They have both been friends with her since they were in nappies.” He was really angry when he found out about Mark and Tina – Bella’s old school friends.

“Don’t worry now, Micheal.” I pat his shoulder. “She is ours now and doesn’t have to see them again.”

A few minutes later I convince him to go back to his office to finish off his work.

Bella is still sleeping. I pick her up carefully bridal style and place her back on the couch. I would keep her on my lap, but work was proving an impossible task, so I had no choice.

About an hour and a half later Julia called to ask me if it was alright to come in and have a word.

Bella was awake by now and sat doing some more paperwork for me. Nothing urgent, the papers weren’t due for a couple of days but she had nothing else to do.

Julia came in only a minute later.

This time Bella was laid on the couch on her stomach in the same position as she was when she did the papers last time.

The older woman walked in and smiles when she see Bella’s oblivious to her presence, too deep in work.

Closing the door behind her, gaining my princess’s attention.

“Oh, hello,” Bella’s said sitting up.

“Do you need for me to wait outside?” She asked me.

I shook my head. “No, Princess,” I pat my lap telling her to come over. “Anything she says you can hear.” I kiss the side of her face as she sits down.

“So, Julia. What was it you needed to talk to me about?” I ask turning my attention to my secretary.

“There is a few things.” I point for her to take a seat and she does and continues.

“We have been flooded with phone calls,” Her expression was blank but her eyes held a sparkle.

“From the press and random people asking about the Wade brothers ‘coming out’ and not actually being brothers. Also something about a video and an enagement between Mr Micheal Wade and Miss Arabella Skye,” She looked unsure.

“But maybe somehow they got Micheal’s and your names mixed up,” She thought out loud.

“It’s no….” My personal phone rang.

“Sorry. One minute,” I tell her picking up my Samsung and answer the call I had been waiting for.

The call only lasted a few seconds.

“Yes, yes, yes.” I hung up the phone and cover Bella’s face in kisses.

“Good news?” She asks me. “All I heard the man say is it’s passed,” She added.

I wasn’t surprised that she heard him, she was sat on my lap after all.

“Very good!” I kiss her once more.

“Back to what I was saying…” I turn my attention again to Julia who is smiling. I’m guessing because me kissing Bella…

“The calls were right… Mostly…” I wasn’t gay, but I did have feeling towards Micheal I was unsure of as yet.

“We are not technically brothers, only in name. As for the ‘coming out’ thing, that isn’t really true. I kissed him but only to mess with people. We are not gay.”

I hear Bella mutter under her breath. “Keep telling yourself that.” I smirked down at her and she gave me a innocent ‘What?’ smile.

I shook my head and went back to speaking to Julia. “And the engagement… It’s true. Micheal and Bella are going to marry.”

Julia looked at me as if I was crazy.

“But you and her…?” She sounded confused.

“As the closest person we have to family I will tell you, but you can not tell anyone. At least for now…” I knew she wouldn’t even if she wanted to.

You see when she first started working for us we had her and everyone else sign a confidentiality agreement. If anyone broke it they would face legal action and probably jail time. When we had it drawn up we were more thinking of the business we do, but it does also cover anything personal too. Our lawyer suggested we add it, saying it is a good fall back just in-case.

She nods, “You two are like my unwanted sons too,” She joked.

“You love us really,” I wave my hand. Bella just sat silently watching us before, mostly me.

Every time I looked at her out of the corner of my eye she is smiling at me.

“Stop it, Princess. You are distracting me… Just go along with what I say,” I whisper the last part. She looks away, but as soon as I turn to Julia I can tell she is looking at me again by the look in Julia’s eyes.

“When I was younger I was put into foster care because my parents abandoned me…” I began telling her my fake story.

“Bella’s parents were my foster parents. That is how I met her and Micheal…” I felt Bella rest her head on my shoulder, but she said nothing.

“Micheal is Bella’s cousin, but by marriage only.” That’s a lie.

“But as soon as I was old enough I moved out. They only kept my around for the checks they were getting. I stayed in contact only because of my little Bella.” I look at her and smile, then back to Julia.

“I tried to talk them into giving me custody of her. But they said she didn’t want to live with me,” I frown, that part was true.

“Micheal moved out of his parents at the same time because his parents were abusive.” That was true too.

“I changed my last name and we built up our own business to the one you know today. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago when I got that call and I disappeared for a while I discovered the truth,” I absentmindedly stroke Bella’s arm.

“Bella and her parents were in a car accident. She only had minor injuries, but her parents were killed.” Julia frowned.

“I had no idea. I am very sorry for your loss, Miss Bella,” Her words heartfelt.

“Thank you, Julia,” Bella mumbled back. Despite everything that had happened she still missed them. She never wanted them to die, neither did I.

“That is when I fell in love with her and I found out my… Bella’s…” I corrected myself. “…Parents never spoke to her about living with me. They knew she was being bullied but ignored everything and why?

“Because that sick fucker of a dad was planning, since she was born, on forcing her to marry his childhood friend. A disgusting forty-five year old pervert.” I went on to tell her everything Bella told me about the parties and dressing her up, the virginity tests and everything else.

“The only reason they didn’t want her to live with me is because they knew I would never let it happen.” Bella had her face hidden in my neck by this point.

Julia looked applauded. “Who would do that to their own child?!” She began to rant and I stopped listening after a minute. I looked down at my beautiful princess in my arms and smiled.

“But she doesn’t have to worry about him anymore. She has me and Micheal and we both love her with all our hearts.” I looked back up to Julia who had tears in her eyes.

“Mum…” I used her nickname. “Me and Micheal both are marrying Arabella.” Her eyes widen.

“But you will be arrested,” She panicked.

I cut her off. “Bella, you will want to listen to this too,” I tell them both about the law change.

“Is the true?” Bella had her face straight in front of mine making me chuckle.

“Yes, Princess. That is what the call I got was about. My contact was calling to me it had been passed.”

She let out a high pitched squeal and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

I let out a strangled laughed. She, thankfully, loosened her arms a little so I could now breath.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rocked her.

Julia was chuckling. “Just so you know. I am genuinely happy that both you and Micheal have found someone. Even if it is the same woman. Bella seems like a great girl.” She got up for her seat and began walking to the door, but stopped before reaching it.

“If anyone else calls…?”

“Tell them no comment and we will release our statement at a later date.”

She smiles and nods. “You three will have to come around to dinner another night?”

“Sounds like a plan. We will talk tomorrow about which night.”

Giving us both one last smile she leaves the room.

“Why did you lie about that stuff? Was it true about the law thing?” Bella asked sounding unsure.

“It’s true and I lied because…” I told her about my man changing my details.

“We can really marry!” She cheered and bounced on my lap.

I groaned. “Stand up a second.” She does I say and I pull out my stiff member. I pull up her skirt and pull her panties to the side.

“Now sit and bounce.” I smirk expecting her to blush or shy away, but to my surprise she did just as I asked.

She was just as tight as the first time. It was just like my dream, before long I had her bent over my desk and pounding my hard meat inside her.

I got so carried away, that I didn’t realize I forgot to lock the door until I heard it open and in walked Micheal… Thankfully, alone.

His eyes darkened with lust immediately and he was quick to close and lock the door.

“Is this all you’ve been doing whilst I was busy working?” He smirked.

“No. I told her the good news and she decided it would be good to bounce my lap…” I groan at the end.

“God, Princess…” I tighten my grip on her hip and push harder.

“I didn’t think I would say this…” I look at Micheal speak as I continue to do my moaning sister over my desk.

“…It makes me really horny seeing you two like that.” He reaches in his trousers and rubs himself off.

“Bella…” I say but it comes out as a moan. “Wouldn’t you like to taste Micheal?” I say suggestively.

“Yes… I want you, Mikey. I want your hard cock in my mouth,” She said quickly.

Almost like an over-excited dog jumped onto my desk and kneeled in-front of Bella.

She was quick take it in her hand and began to stroke it as she worked the length into her mouth.

I don’t know how it even happened but only seconds later me and Micheal were kissing each other as we both made love to opposite ends of our soon to be wife.

Bella saw us, but it only seemed to make her more horny.

Soon we were both finding release, causing Bella to reach her own peak too. She drank him dry and cleaned him off and then me too.

“Your cum tastes really good, Mikey.” He blushed making me laugh.

“Thanks, love. You were really good.” He bent down and kissed her.

“Not bad for her first time?” I told him, he seemed surprised, “Not even with you?” I shook my head.

He smirked, “We will definitely be doing that again.” He was now sat on the edge of my desk and Bella and me were again on my chair.

“And you will definitely be kissing more,” She ordered making me and him laugh.

“I can do that,” He said.

“Yes. I actually really enjoyed it. I love you and Micheal both,” I declare.

“Me too. I love you both too, but you are not going anywhere near my ass,” He said deadly serious.

I burst out laughing. “Don’t worry I won’t and your not having mine either.”

He grins, “I can live with that,” He stands up from the desk.

“Let’s head back to your place. We have much to plan.”


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