Chapter 11

We made our way through the building and to the exit. Both me and Micheal hold one of Bella’s hands. No one said nothing but the norm to us.

We past the security desk. Rob told us some press had been sniffing around but they had managed to have them removed from the building. We thanked him and said goodbye and he gave us a knowing smile.

Once in the car park Micheal said lowly, “I guess my email worked.”

I looked at him with a questioning look.

“I may of sent an email to all employees that we are enforcing our no nonsense policy. That anyone seen talking to the press will be fired with pay. Anyone acting out of the norm in any way or spreading rumours will get the same punishment. We will be releasing an official statement later the week and whether we are gay, heterosexual or whatever it is not be affecting work at all.”

“Good job,” I chuckled, “It seemed to work.”

“I had no doubt it would,” He replied confidently.

I noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye, “Shit,” I cursed.

“I think the press have got in. Me and Bella will go in my car. You take yours. I’ll meet you at my place,” I tell him walking over to my car.

“Can’t Arrie come with me?” It almost sounded like a whine.

“No,” I answered in a no nonsense tone.


“Because you will get carried away and try and make her blow you. Killing you both,” I said not looking at him as I unlocked my car.

I knew he was pouting by the grin on Bella’s face, she was standing next to me.

“Fine,” He heard footsteps walking away, but then reappear.

I felt a sloppy kiss on my cheek, I turned my head wiping my cheek to see Micheal giving the same kiss to Bella before running to his own car chuckling.

“I think he has finally lost it,” I said shaking my head getting into the drivers side pulling Bella with me.

She laughed, “I am not sitting on your lap,” She climbed off me and into the passenger side.

“And before you ask, no, I will not. You have already told Micheal off for that.” I chuckled and we drove home joking and laughing.

Seeing a dozen people waiting outside the gates to my house I thanked God I had my house gated off. Which was the only way to get in, because the walls were topped with shards of glass – The walls were like that when I brought the place – cameras all over my grounds and two guards on the gates, who do ground checks once every half an hour. Not to mention four guard dogs – both guards on gate trained to handle them. But they are also my personal pets.

I pulled up at the gates and pressed the intercom button, spoke to my guard and told him to let no one in without my say so other then Micheal who was behind my car.

Somehow the guards held off the press as they let both cars in.

“How did I not notice them before?” I heard Bella think out loud as we passed the guards.

“You were too busy looking at the house,” I answered her.

I saw her silently nodded in agreement out of the corner of my eye. I parked my car outside the house and Micheal pulled his along side mine.

“You know we have four guard dogs too?” I tell her helping her out of the car.

“Dogs? I haven’t seen any?” She said looking around.

“Want me to show you them?” I asked knowingly as Micheal walked up beside us. Her face lit up “Can I?” I chuckled at her cuteness. “Of course, Angel.” I put my arm around her shoulder and led the way. “I am showing her the dogs,” I answer Micheal’s silent question.

He grinned already knowing her reaction.

Bella had always wanted a pet. But our parents would never let her have any. Especially when they heard it was not your normal girly dog she wanted but a large intimidating looking Rottweiler.

Another reason why when I moved in this place and got dogs I thought of them. Not only would they make fantastic pets for my beautiful sister, but also perfect guard dogs. I really did do a lot of the things in my house for her. I think I had always loved her differently I just never realized until recently. I had always when going on dates when I was younger thought, ‘Why can’t I find a girl more like Bella?’ and other Bella related things.

But I never thought anything but innocent of it. But now I see, she had had always been my only girl. That is why I gave up dating soon after moving out and took up one night hook ups. Micheal always had a similar lifestyle, but I know why that is.

Even when I was looking at house I thought ‘Would she like this?’ I even have rooms – other than our bedroom – designed for her. Those of which I will show her later.

As soon as the four spotted me they ran over, knocking me over and licking my face. “Miss me?” I laughed.

They hadn’t seen me since before my parents death.

Ruth yapped happily.

As I stood back up they move on to greeting Micheal, a regular guest, jumping up him and licking his hands.

“Rottweiler. So cute!” She literally squealed. The dogs heads snapped on her direction. “This is Ruth, Hammy, Pickle and Roger. Two female, two male. Micheal helped choose the names,” I paused. “OK. He named them all, but if I didn’t stop him we would have cheese and bacon too.” She laughed.

“Doggie buddies this is your mummy, Bella,” I introduce her.

I had told them all about their mummy. “Bella, these are your babies. I got them just for you,” I told her.

“Really?” She asked me hopeful.

“Yes, angel. I told you didn’t I? I brought this house for us and the same goes for the dogs.” I wrapped my arms around her waist.

“You have always been my only girl.” She snuggled closer against me.

“I love you, Eric. I can’t wait to get married,” She said bending down and stroked the dogs. They seemed more than happy by the attention, if them laying on their backs were anything to go by.

Moments like this I wonder if they were really very good at being guard dogs.

But then I remember the time a few months ago when they corned a guy trying to break in and knew I made the right choice.

“Didn’t you tell her?” Micheal said getting my attention.

“Tell me what?” She asked looking back at me.

“Tibet,” He grins.
“We are going to Tibet tomorrow evening and getting married the following day,” I tell her.

She jumps up and dives on me. Knocking me on my back and what do the dogs do?

The opposite what they are meant to do when they see their owner jumped on. They just lay on the ground watching us.

“Oh, Eric,” She hugged me. “I can’t wait!” She looked up at Micheal and held out her arm indicating to join us.
Before long Micheal was rolling around on the ground with us.

“Also I got the call. They passed it.” Micheal knew instantly what I was talking about.

After another few minutes of my strange lovers making me lay on the ground and my even stranger dogs just watching we headed inside.

We sat in the living room on my large plush sofa. Well, me and Micheal did.
“Where do you live, Micheal?” Bella asked. She was sat on the floor with the dogs which she insisted we brought inside.

We were watching her play with the dogs. “I live in an apartment about fifteen minutes from here.”

“You are going to live here with us once we are married, right?” She asked looking at him hopeful.

Pickle was sat with his head on her lap and she was stroking him.

“What do you think, Eric?” He looked at me questioning.

I tapped my chin as if thinking, “I think I would be happy just being me and you,” I say in a serious tone which makes Micheal frown.

But Bella being Bella knew the truth. “Eric, don’t be mean. Teasing poor Micky. I know you want him to live with us as much as I do. You love him,” She said the last part in a sing song voice.

“I guess so,” I said nonchalantly. “You can have Bella’s old room and Bella is sleeping with me,” I still joked.

“I will be in my old room with Micheal in that case and you can be alone,” She said in a tone that told me she knew I was joking, but stood up and disappeared up the stairs.

The dogs followed her as far as the stairs but then stopped knowing they weren’t allowed upstairs.
“She even has dogs at her whim and call,” I thought out loud.

“I wouldn’t expect anything else from her. She is perfect. That is why men love her and women are jealous of her,” Micheal said looking at the stairs.

After several minutes of talking about work Bella still hadn’t returned.
I looked at Micheal and saw him looking at the stairs wondering the same as me. “Want to see what she’s doing?” He looked and me and smiled.

“Yes. Why is it that she makes me feel so crazy?”

“You mean like always wanting to be in the same room as her?” I ask him and he nods.”I have no idea.” We both stand up. “But she is going to be ours officially soon.”

We walked up the steps. Looked in our room but nothing, same in the bathroom.
“Maybe she is her old room. All her stuff is still in there,” I think out loud and we go into the room to see nothing. But heard her sweet melodic voice singing from the bathroom.

We walked over to her bathroom door which was slightly ajar.
She was laid in a bubble filled over sized bath humming some tune I didn’t recognize.

“This is where you’ve been hiding?” I say as we entered the bathroom. She looked at us. “The dogs drooled on me and made me smell bad.”

I chuckle and walk over.
“Well, little sis, how about…” I stripped off my jacket and shirt and reached into the bath. “…We help you clean?” I move my down her chest and tweak her nipples.

“I am sure Micheal wouldn’t mind…” I turn my head to him but keep my hand in place. “Would you?”

From the look of the tent in his pants the answer was obvious. I had no room to speak my manhood was straining as much as his.

“I want to clean you with my tongue,” His voice came out more husky than normal.

“Sounds good to me.” I started to remove the last of my clothing and nod to Micheal to do the same.

“Your bath is more than big enough for all of us.” It was more like a Jacuzzi than a bath.

Before I could get in the bath fully Bella had her hand and mouth wrapped around my member.
I perched myself on the edge of the bath unable to still.

“That’s it, Arrie. Suck your big brother’s cock.” I was a bit taken back, but at the same time turned on by Micheal’s dirty talk.

Climbing into the bath and positioned himself behind where Bella was now bent over.

She must not of noticed him behind her because when he moved his head between her legs I felt her exclaim a gasp against me, causing me to go deep down her throat.

I couldn’t stop myself from thrusting my hips forward. I took hold of her hair and did just that but not too hard. I didn’t want to hurt her.

“You are so good at that, sis,” I moan.

“And she is getting really wet,” Micheal said between licks. “She tastes so good. I would happily give her oral whenever she wanted.”
He finger fucked her as he licked her, making her moan more and me able to deepen my thrusts.

I heard water splashing and looked to see Micheal standing up.

“I’m going to fuck you,” He pushed his cock inside her and groaned. “I’m going to cum deep into your womb and fertilize your awaiting egg,” He said pumping himself in and out of her. “I have wanted for you so long, baby girl. I can’t believe I am with you. I have never been so happy as when I am with you,” He panted out.

“Even happier that Eric is apart of us. I love you both. Gay or not. I don’t care,” He bared his soul to us.
I leaned in closer, “I love you, little sis, and couz.” Before we leaned over Bella and kissed.

That is how we all found our release and I can honestly say I couldn’t be happier knowing I was going to spend the rest of my life with the only two people who have as I have them, always loved each other unconditionally.


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