Chapter 15

“That is so fucking hot.” Mine and Micheal’s eyes both widen at Bella’s language.

“I want you hard now! I don’t care if you just did me. I want to watch you suck your gorgeous cock!”

“Wow. Dominant Bella is hot,” I said groping her breasts.

“Where’s my innocent sister gone?” I asked kissed her neck.

“She’s back in the office. Naughty Bella wants to play,” She said sticking her fingers in her panties and rubbing herself.

Alright, so maybe that didn’t happen. But the part where Micheal confessed to sucking himself did.

After redressing ourselves and unlocking the door, we went to our old places. None of us mentions what he had told us.

Micheal sat watching the movie Bella was watching before. I knew he was embarrassed and worried. But he shouldn’t be. Bella, on the other hand, was now laid in her old position but now facing us and openly staring at Micheal. I, myself was finding it hard to keep my eyes off either one.

“Drinks?” Micheal asked us standing up from his seat.

“You don’t have to get them. That is what I hired the staff on here for,” I tell him and press the call button for one of them to come.

A moment later a woman came. She was an older woman. I hired her because she was married and I hoped that would mean she wouldn’t come onto us.

“Hello Sir. You called?” She asked politely.

“Yes, can you please get us…” We each told her what we wanted and she left to get them. Returning less than a minute later with two colas and a gin.

This was a long fifteen-hour flight, so the plane was well stocked.

“Anything else, Sir?”

“No, thank you,” I told her and she left.

Micheal downed his gin in one.

“Are you alright, Mikey?” Bella asked shuffling on her stomach closer and stopping in front of him.

He immediately smiled. “You are so perfect, you know, Arrie?” He reached down and stroked her cheek.

She blushed and gave him a cute shy smile.

“You shouldn’t be shy after all we have done, baby girl,” I tease her and she blushes further.


“Yes, baby girl?”

She lifts herself up, pull down her skirt and straddles Micheal. He looked surprised by the move but didn’t stop her.

“Do you like me sat like this, Mikey?” She asked seductively.

The apple of his throat wobbled. “Y… yes.” My sexy girl was making him nervous and me very hot again the way she was obviously teasing him.

She began to pull off her top, so she was just in her underwear. She then unbutton his fly and began grinding herself against him.

By this point, he and I both were hard and I had my hand in my trousers rubbing myself. But not before again locking the door.

“You like that?” She asked dry humping him. He groaned out a breathy yes.

Moving her hand into his pants she drew out his meat and pulled her own panties again to the side.

She teased the mushroom head, rubbing it over her folds and around her hole. She continued this until he couldn’t take anymore.

The next time she rubbed the head over her hole, he grabbed his hers and forced himself inside her.

She exclaimed a loud erotic moan and he a groan of satisfaction.

“You are a bad girl. Teasing your poor cousin like that. What would your parents say?” I couldn’t help but tease her.

“They… they would…” Her words were breathy and staggered. “They would.. probably..y… kick me out… and… nd.. my biggg… brother would… be jealous… and force fuck me too.”

“Bella,” She looked at me and smiled. “You are so right.”

To cut a very sexy plane trip story short, we spent most of the trip balls deep in either one another mouths or our beautiful Bella’s pussy.

We stopped long enough to eat and for the last six hours of our journey Bella and Micheal fell asleep. After making sure everything was going as planned with the pilot, I joined them in dreamland.


Bella stretched and did silent yawn.

We had just landed in a private airfield and had just woken up. We stepped off the jet into the mid-morning Tibet sun beaming down on us.

“That was a good nap,” Bella mumbled.

“For sure.” I kissed her head and walked over to a black SUV which I had arranged pick us up.

“First we go shopping and get a bite to eat. Then at six o’clock, I have some people meeting us at the house.”

Yes, I bought a house. But neither of them knew. It is going to be my wedding present to them. Along with a few other bits.

Micheal gave me a questioning look, but Bella didn’t notice.

I returned his look with a toothy grin. He rolled his eyes and left the matter.

It was only early afternoon, so everywhere was still open.

Bella was so easy to buy for. She loved most things we suggested. She was a proper girly girl. She loves dresses, skirts, the colour red and shoes. But she wasn’t the type to wear something that made her look like she should be on a street corner. She was a perfect lady. Well, almost. Micheal and I bought a few items of clothing for ourselves too.

But for the most part of our trip I wasn’t planning on wearing anything and neither would I let them.

“I maybe your soon-to-be wife, but it still doesn’t mean I want you buying and spending money on things I don’t need,” She argued as I try to buy her a pearl necklace. A bit old fashioned, but it would look so hot on her.

Micheal distracted her by kissing her lips.

Thankfully that worked.

I only originally went in there to get some rings for the wedding tomorrow.

Bella wanted them all to be matching, which I thought was really cute. But then she told us, it was so bitches – her words. I know, I was shocked too – knew we were her property.

We didn’t say anything because Micheal and I both found her possessiveness hot as hell.

By the time she realized what we were doing I had already bought and paid for everything. Including a couple of secrets pieces, she didn’t see.


“Arabella!” I copied her teasingly. She always hated that when we were younger. I remember one of mine and Micheal’s favourite games were copy Bella to make her annoyed and grumpy. Just because she is so cute when she is mad. Then pin her down and tickle her until she was happy again.

Micheal is two years younger than me, but he and I have always been best friends. Despite the big age gap, we were good friends with Bella too. Which girls thought was sweet and guys thought we only did to get girls.

Either way, we didn’t care what they thought. Although, my parents seemed happy with the arrangement. But I think that was because outside her two childhood friends – Mark and Tina, the two she caught having butt sex – she never hung out with any other boys. They let this continued up until just before Micheal and I moved away. They started to dislike us and even her two other friends hanging out with her. I didn’t understand then, but now I think back… I think they knew, even before I did, that there was something between us all.

“Arrie, look what I found for you,” Micheal held up a weird looking white bunny with a pig’s nose and a blue now tie.

“Pig-bunny!” She exclaimed and took the stuffed toy he had bought her.

I look at him with a questioning look. “It’s from ‘You’re beautiful,'” I had no idea what he was talking about. “It’s a Korean drama,” He explained. “Ah, I understand.”

Over the last couple of years, I had learned by speaking to Bella on the phone that she was becoming more and more infatuated with Asian dramas.

“He will be called Meric. After it’s daddies,” She announced.

“Great,” I say sarcastically. “I always wanted to be a dad to a punny.”

She growled and hit my arm. “Fine, Mikey and I will be parents. You can be the miserable uncle who sleeps in the room next door,” She huffed and I laughed. I tried to kiss her, but she turned away.

I knew she was only playing but still… I went into the store Micheal just came from and bought her a second one. Only difference being, this had a red bow tie.

“Twins!” She jumped up with excitement when she saw it.

Boy, she was easy to please.

“OK, you can be a dad too. Now that you need to feed us.”

I had our driver take us to the best local restaurants. Inside Bella insisted the babies – as she is calling them – had their own seat.

The host didn’t seem to mind and showed us to a large six man table.

Bella wasn’t sure what to order, but I had done some research the day before and ordered for all of us. Including two small dishes for the babies.

“She is making you crazy too,” Micheal laughed and Bella glared at him. “I am playing family. Shut up, if you don’t want to play, don’t!”

Did I mention when we were young and played house Mark, Micheal and I used to fight over who was daddy?

Bella was always mummy, Tina baby, but us… To the outside world it would seem like we were fighting because none of us wanted to be the daddy. But that was the exact opposite. We all wanted to be. But I was older, so I always won.

By the end of dinner, it was almost time for our meeting. With Micheal being forced to hold our children, Meric and Eike, we returned to the car seated and drove to our new holiday home.

“When we have real kids, do you want to call them that?” Micheal asked her seriously.

Bella tapped her chin thoughtfully, before answering.

“Maybe, what would be better than to name our children after the two best men in the world.”

She loved to play the child, but she was really the perfect woman. Micheal and I were so fucking lucky that she accepted us and didn’t report me to the police.

“Although, I am not calling them Micheal or Eric directly. I hate it when children are called the same as their parents. It is so stupid,” She quickly added making us chuckle.

“I totally agree on that, baby girl. But if we have a girl I may be tempted to call her Annabella,” I tease knowing she would hate the idea.

“We are not! I will name the babies and you will just do whatever else I tell you too,” She ordered us, making us chuckle.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I love when you are dominant,” Micheal says leaning in to kiss her.

Instead of kissing him though, she slaps him around the face.

“Ouch,” He had tears in his eyes from the force.

“Sorry, Mikey,” She kisses his cheek where she hit him. I just watch the pair amused.

“I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”

“Why did you hit me?” He still looked kind of worried.

She pointed to her Meric and Eike, who now were on the car floor. “If that is what you do with our babies, then you will wear a condom from now on. I will have babies with Eric and once you learn to be a good dad, I’ll have some with you too.”

His mouth hung open and his eyes sad as if he was a child who had just been told Santa wasn’t real.

“But… but…” He stuttered, picking the Pig-bunnies up. I couldn’t help but feel for him. But I knew Bella was only messing about it.

“Don’t be sad, Mikey. I love you, you stupid, gullible man. I would never really do that to you,” She tells him, noticing how serious he was taking it.

“You didn’t mean it?” He asked hopefully.

She chuckled, “Of course not.” She leaned in closer and whispered what sounded like, “I love the feel of your naked cock inside me and the way it pulses as gushing.”

Micheal swallowed a lump and placed the Pig-bunnies further down to hide a slight bulge.
Even mine was coming to life hearing that.

But all too soon we were at our location – at the house I bought, which I had only ever seen in photos.
I had the driver pick up a set of keys for me, whilst I contacted an agency to get the other set to make sure the house was ready for our arrival.
Thankfully, my hotness down below quickly subsided.

It was a modest sized, stone building, just as beautiful as the pictures I had seen.

“This place is gorgeous,” Bella said in awe as we stepped out of the car.
“It really is,” Micheal came out of the car holding ‘them’ and looked over the house.

“Well, we have the whole house. So let’s go inside and look.”

After helping the driver bring our bags in he left, but he was on call if we need him back for anything, which I’m sure we will.

Inside the house, it was a lot more western than I thought it would be, but with lots of touches of classic Tibetan, it was the perfect mixture.

It was only small compared to my other house, but big enough for us three. It had three large bedrooms, one large family style room, one bathroom and a kitchen with dining room in one. There was also a medium size indoor pool hidden at the back of the property. I also made sure the house was fully furnished, including with a king size bed in the master-bedroom. I also had the people I hired fill the fridge and cupboards with food and drinks.

“I love this house,” Micheal was the first to say. We had already placed the bags in one of the bedrooms and Micheal had put the Pig-bunnies to bed in one of the smaller bedrooms. When Bella asked why, he told her they were tired and it was nap time. But we both knew he was just sick of carrying them.

“Me too. It’s so quiet,” Bella agreed. The house was a good five minute walk from any other house and fifteen minutes the town.

“I glad you both like it,” They both look at me. “Because I bought it as a holiday home for us and a wedding present from me to both of you.”

They both look stunned.
“Oh, I also got you this, Princess,” I hand her the pearl necklace and she looks as though she is about to cry.

“Why?” She whispered.
“Because I love you both.” Her and Micheal were sat next to each other on our bed. I kissed both of their cheeks.

“And what better wedding gift than getting to keep the house where you were married and spent your honeymoon.”

A second later I was being knocked back in the bedroom by both of them.
“I love you both too,” They both said and laughed.

We ended up in a kissing war until the sound of the doorbell stopped us.

I looked at the clock to see it was six o’clock exactly.

“Who’s that?” Micheal asked.
“The persons you say we had to meet?” Bella asked next.
“Yes. It is the people who are going to sort out our clothes for our wedding tomorrow.”


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