Chapter 16

“Yes. It is the people who are going to sort out our clothes for our wedding tomorrow.”

“What?” Bella asked surprised.

I laughed at her expression and went to the door to let the people in. I had done some research and had the best people sent. I made it clear when contacting them that I needed the dress and suits made in less than twenty-four hours. Money was no problem. They said they could have it done in ten.

I knew they had more than a dozen people waiting at the store just to make the dress.

“But this is too much, Eric. I can wear something off the peg,” She tried to argue but I choose not to listen. My girl was worth more than a peg dress. I wanted her to have a beautiful, unique dress. That she chooses, every detail, from the design to the material.

“It’s pointless arguing, Arrie. He is stubborn.” I looked back to see Micheal and Bella following me holding hands.

“Plus, I think he is right,” I smirked. “No peg dress could do you any justice.” He kissed the back of her hand.

Two minutes later and the evil witch that I had brought in to make Bella’s dress had made me go into a different room from them. Witch with a b.

But I did it and didn’t argue because Bella reminded me the dress was meant to be a surprise for me and Micheal. I didn’t want to upset her so we left.

Our guy was easier. It only took thirty minutes. Measurements and we told him what we expected, simple. He left and me and Micheal sat down and discussed the wedding tomorrow and the house.

Micheal still was in shock, despite having as much money as me. He never expected me to buy him anything, let alone a house.

We ended up laid on the couch, my head on Micheal’s chest with him brushing my hair with his fingers. Anyone who knew me knew not to touch my hair. But we were bored. Bella had been gone two and a half hours before the doors finally opened and the witch left. But not before hugging Bella like a long lost friend. She had that effect on people, everyone loved her.

“Aww, you two look so cute like that,” Bella said entering the room. “Very homoerotic,” She said with a teasing smile.

“We were bored.”

She raised her eyebrow and flopped down in front of me. Thank God this couch was big.

“What did you do before I came?”

“Drink, sex, talk about sex, eat, work, sleep… work, more work and speak to you…. oh and the occasional social event,” I told her honestly and Micheal agreed. “And we aren’t drinking until your pregnant.”

“It’s bad for the soldiers, you know?” Micheal added.

“Well, now I’m here the only other person, other than each other you can have sex with or touch in a sexual way. And if I find out otherwise I’ll chop your bits off. But if you two do stuff, try and wait for me. I like watching.”

“We have turned our innocent girl into a complete pervert,” Micheal said amused.

“In that case, sit on my face little sister and tell me how much you like your big brother and sexy cousin being inside your sweet cunt.” Alright, so I might have turned myself on a bit there.

I feel Bella shuffling her back against my growth, hang on… I’m not the only one turned on if the rod in my shoulder is anything to go by.

“But I’m hot and sweaty. Bath me and then I’ll do anything you both want.”


Our bath was just that. But it was nice having her in our arms. I just enjoyed the simple things like washing her or feeling her naked skin against mine.

I knew Micheal felt the same.

But despite our nap on the plane jet-lag was catching up to us.

“Let’s have an early night. That way we’ll be all fresh and rested for our big day tomorrow. The clothes will be delivered first thing and I have a couple of women hired to help you get ready. Hair, makeup, etc,” I tell Bella.

“Thank you, Eric,” She yawned as they climbed into bed.

“I love you both,” And all too soon we were all asleep, naked in each others arms.


Loud banging awoke me the next morning. “Someone’s at the door,” Bella mumbled half asleep, trying to climb out of bed.

“You stay here, princess. I’ll answer.” I kiss her forehead, before getting up. I threw on my robe before going to the door.

Not surprisingly, it was the man from yesterday, with two just made suits in his hand. I had already paid the guy yesterday, but if these suits were as comfortable as they looked I would send him more cash. I might even have him make some business suits. I have always preferred the tailor made suits.

I have never been one for brands.

After thanking him again, I take the suits inside, before heading back to our bedroom.

Bella was still in bed, but now she was spooning with Micheal.

Or was she…?

Moving back the bed sheets my thought was comfirmed.

They were spooning, but Micheal also had his hard cock buried inside her. He was moving his hips in a slow thrusting motion, whilst rubbing her clit between his thumb and his forefinger.

Removing my ride again, I laid down in front of her. The pair both opened their eyes and smiled. “Good morning, lovers,” I reach out and kiss them both as they continue to make love.

“Good morning, Eric,” They both reply. Micheal was kissing her neck now and she was biting her lip.

I just laid back and took my own hard member, I began to stroke it as watch the people I love pleasure each other.

It turned me on so much that I ended up releasing on her stomach and. chest. Somehow some even ended up on Micheal.

“Good. Now we’re all dirty, let’s wash us before the dress comes.”

“Wasn’t that it before?”

I shook my head, “No, just the suits.”


“You need to leave the room, sirs!”

That’s right, me and Micheal were being told off by the evil witch dressmaker again. We were being forced to wait until the ceremony to see the dress.

The women were already here to help Bella and the witch was making sure the dress didn’t need any last minute alterations.

Also working in our kitchen was a small team preparing us the perfect wedding dinner.

It would only be the three of us, but that was no reason to skimp on things.

All that mattered to me was that I was marrying the only two people I have ever loved. It didn’t matter if anyone else was there.

OK… So we have to have a couple of people as witnesses. I invited the women who were helping Bella and the two people who designed our clothes.

Yes, the witch was coming.

But it would only be like thirty minute’s tops, then we’ll go home and celebrate. Just the three of us.

Then it hit me.

“Are you… or do you think Bella is mad at me?” Micheal looked confused, not understanding the question.

“Because we have no real friends here or there won’t be a big party afterwards or anything?”

He smiled and gave me a one arm hug as we both sat on the couch.

“Neither of us are mad. You know Bella doesn’t like attention. This is perfect for her and me. As for the party…” He grinned, “You know when we get back we’ll have to throw a do to announce our marriage.”

He was right. Plus our friends will probably invade the house and make us drink. But that’s alright, as long as they kept their eyes off my wife.


“They are very handsome men and they obviously love you a lot. I am jealous,” I overheard the witch say to Bella in the bedroom they were using to dress her. Yes, she had offered to help too. It looked like her and Bella were getting on pretty well.

It was good in a way that she was staying because it turns out the women which were hired didn’t speak English.

Stupid idiots. That is the last time I use that company.

In a strange reversal of roles, Micheal was telling me off for hanging around the hall like a puppy waiting for Bella even though I wasn’t meant to see her until later.

“We have to get ready, Eric,” He took my arm and dragged me into our room. There was little under an hour until the ceremony and I hadn’t shaved my face, let alone put my suit on.

“Fine, but I need to shave first… I hate shaving,” I complained. Ever since we made our fortune we had hire a man who we would visit a few times a week and have a real shave with a cut throat razor.

But today I was being forced to use a normal razor.

“Come on,” Micheal led me into the bathroom. “Sit on the edge of the bath and I’ll do it for you.”

I was surprised by his offer, but I accepted it. I was never any good at it and since I haven’t done it in years…

“Thanks, Mikey. Your the best,” I leaned in, taking him off guard and kissing him.

Pulling back a few moments later, I couldn’t help but smile to see the slight tint a pink to his cheeks.

“I never thought I would see my best buddy all sweet and quiet,” I tease. He was a lot like me before, sleeping with random women and stuff.

“Says the one I just dragged away for acting like a puppy dog or a lost sheep,” He said back, now smirking.

Fifteen minutes later and we were both shaved, but covered in shaving foam.

Note: Never ever let Micheal use shaving foam again.

After being forced to take a quick shower, we both got dressed ready for our small lakeside ceremony by our new house.

The weather was perfect, not too warm and not too cold.

The photographer I hired was taking photos of Micheal and me waiting and also the house and surrounding area.

I asked him to take tons of photos because I want to show everyone back home.

I know they’ll be jealous.

“It’s so beautiful out here, like a picture postcard,” Micheal said voicing my thoughts. We were both stood outside in our white suits with red ties, waiting for Bella. Our English speaking celebrant stood not far away.

I was about to reply but stopped when I heard the soft music start and caught a glance of something white out of the corner of my eye. Everyone went silent as our eyes drifted to Bella.

Both Micheal and I were speechless. Unlike most women I know, she wasn’t dressed in a large princess dress with a crazy long train. Instead, she wore a beautiful, perfectly fitted long, lace white dress, with a beautifully embroidered veil over her gorgeous face. The dress clung to her body perfectly. It was a dress that wouldn’t have been out of place it the 1920s. But she pulled it off perfectly.

As she got closer, I noticed not only was she wearing the pearls I brought her, but she also had some sewn into the veil. Almost like a sort of headband. In her hand, she held a small bouquet composed of a different white flowers and a few of red to match our ties.

I couldn’t help but let a stupid grin take over my face as she walked closer, before finally stopping between us.

It also wasn’t until then, when the witch took a step back to join the others that I noticed she had held Bella’s arms, helping her walk down the short way to us. That is the moment I actually started to think she wasn’t so bad. My Bella needs good, honest friends.

“Hello to all. We are all gathered here, in the garden of God to see these men and this woman joined in holy matrimony…” The elderly celebrant began.

“Marriage is a serious…” I didn’t really listen to this part I was too busy staring at Bella. I looked to Micheal and noticed he was doing the same. His eyes gleaming with tears, but his face held so much happiness and love. I knew without a doubt mine was the same.

Noticing me looking his eyes flicked to me and his smile widened. I winked at him and he rolled his eyes, but continued grinning.

“Do Eric Mathew Wade take Micheal Lee Wade and Arabella June Skye to be your husband and wife for now and entity?”

“I do,” I said without a second thought. It was strange really. I had often heard how people felt nervous, worry that they weren’t doing the right thing… last minute nerves, but I… I felt happy, no nerves, nothing. I knew without a doubt this was what I wanted. I want to marry and be married to not only Bella, but Micheal also, for the rest of my life and whatever life comes after that.

The celebrant asked the other two the same question. Like me, they instantly said, “I do.”

After another long speech, it was time to exchange the rings. I put the ring on Bella’s finger, she, on Micheal’s and him, on mine. We decided and planned it yesterday. That way we each got to give someone a ring.

“I now announce you husbands and wife. A united force. You may exchange kisses.”

Neither of us had to be told twice. Pulling back Bella’s veil, we final saw her beautiful face. It was breathtaking, despite her damp cheeks.

“I am so happy,” She mumbled kissing each of us and Micheal kissed me. It wasn’t a full kiss from either like I wanted, but I knew Bella wasn’t comfortable in front of these people doing that.

“You look beautiful,” I whispered and she blushed. “So beautiful,” Micheal agreed.
“We’re matching then because you two look gorgeous too.”


The next couple of hours was spent taking dozens of photos of us and even our guests. The cameraman had also made a video recording of the ceremony.
Bella was so happy when I told her. She couldn’t wait to watch it back.

Despite not knowing our guests well, they were all really nice.

Before leaving the witch – AKA the dressmaker – who I now knew was called Tashi or Tash as Bella called her, she exchanged contact details with Bella. They promise to get together before we head back home. As long as Bella was happy, I was.

Slowly the people filed out until the three of us were left alone.

This was it the start of our married life together, the start of our honeymoon.


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