Chapter 19

“Is this a private sex party or can anyone join in?”

We all looked to the door to see Devon standing at the door smirking.

“Fuck off, you twat.” I throw a pillow at him making him laugh and he throws it back.

“What are you doing up here?” Micheal asks standing up and lifting Bella off me.

“We’ve been waiting half-an-hour. I was sent up to look for you.”

“Mikey, that is your fault!” Bella exclaimed straightening out her top and heading for the door.

“How?” Micheal asked following her and holding my hand, dragging me along.

“If you spent less time playing around with my shoes…” Micheal’s head lowered and Bella’s expression softened. “I’m not angry at you.”

He grinned and hugged her to his side. I was still being dragged along. But I didn’t mind too much, they were beautiful together. We walked out of the bedroom and downstairs towards the dining room where the guys were waiting.

Devon laughed, “Walsh did mention a shoe shop entering the house.”

“That’s what you get having a woman live with you,” Walsh said as we enter the room, obviously overhearing us speak.

“Hey! I’ll have you know, mister,” Bella pointed at him with a hard look. He just grinned, obviously not scared of my small wife. “I was quite happy with my old clothes, but these idiots,” She poked Micheal and I. “Decide to go crazy buying clothing. And when we got back today drag me shoe shopping. Which I completely hate…” She told them all about Micheal obsessed buying and then me joining in.

The guys laugh so hard I think they are going to fall off their chairs. Chloe comes in a second later with a raised eyebrow but says nothing.

“Anyway…” I draw attention back to me. “Let me introduce you properly. That is Duke Hamilton and Ben Walsh, who we told you about living in the cottage and being guards. But everyone just calls them Hamilton and Walsh.” They said hello. “Devon, you know and this is Chloe.”

“Hello. Nice to meet you,” Bella said eagerly. I know she missed female friends. But she was getting a couple slowly. The trouble was women either love or hate her. But only hate because she is so kind and beautiful.

“Wow, you are so tall and pretty.” Chloe blushed, she was a giant at six foot. Bella was five foot six in heels, five foot three without.

“Hello. Thank you.” She placed all the plates on the table taking them from a wooden English trolley server.

“We should hang out another time,” My sweet wife offered. Chloe blushed more, nodded and quickly left. But not before giving Bella a longing look.

My eyes widened. “Chloe has to go,” I said as soon as she was out of ears shot.

“Why? She seems nice,” Bella said innocently, taking her seat between Micheal and myself.

“Because she likes you, Bella. I don’t not want her ‘accidentally’ walking in on you in the shower or touching you.”

“Don’t be stupid, Eric. She hasn’t done anything wrong. She will stay and that’s that.”

Wow, my baby’s getting bossy. “But-“

“No. Tash basically manhandled my breasts to get in the dress, yet you still allow her in our house.”

“That was different,” I mumbled. “But fine. She can stay. But if she does anything-“

“Yes, yes, yes. Eat your food.” I did what I was told and the guys seemed surprised by my lack of argument, but said nothing about it.

We eat in relative silence.

“So… I guess none of you have seen the news?” Devon asked seriously as we finish up the last of our food.

“No. We got in from Tibet early, went shopping and had a shower. Why? More gay rumors?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Yes and more…” I waited for Devon to continue. He seemed unsure whether to or not.

“And what?”

“A couple of photos of the three of you when you were younger. Stories saying you were secret brothers, others that you and Bella were siblings and Micheal, your cousin. That you and Micheal are involved, but Bella is engaged to some old guy Wesley or something. But other than that the normal shit.”

“Wesley?” Bella said under her breath, but not low enough. She looked so scared. “He isn’t coming near you. You are married, he can’t take you,” I tell her pulling her onto my lap and hugging her. Micheal moves into her seat and leans over hugging her and me.

“Wesley is not Bella’s fiancé.” I took a deep breath and continued. “Let me explain. Wesley is our father’s creepy old best friend and definitely the one who spoke to the press.”

They were all listening intently. “My parents and he had been grooming her for since birth, but we never found out until recently. Although none of them ever touched her sexual, but I think that was mainly because my parents wouldn’t let him before she was eighteen. But they did make her dress provocatively when he was around, have sexual check-ups to make sure she was still a virgin and so on…” I rambled.

“If it wasn’t for the accident that killed our parents she would have been forced to marry him just after her eighteenth birthday. But I never knew any of this because my parents told her load of lies to stop her from telling me, convincing her neither I nor Micheal care about her. But we did, we do. I only didn’t go to see her because I hated my parents and was busy with work. When I first got my house, I tried to get them to have her move in with me, knowing they mostly were busy with other things. But they told me lies too…”

Staring at me were three men with unreadable expressions.

“An arranged marriage?” Walsh asked unsurely.

“Yes. Apparently my father and Wesley were childhood friends and they had some kind of agreement that whoever got married first and had a daughter the other would marry her. Sadly didn’t care if Bella said no.”

“Sick fucks!” Hamilton spat.

“Who does that in this day and even religious arrangements have some kind of say so now a days.”

I don’t know if that is true of not, so I just struggled and placed a kiss on the side of Bella’s neck. She wasn’t as scared as before, she seemed to more be enjoying me holding her and Micheal hugging us before as he rested his head on her shoulder. If the guys didn’t already know, we were together this would be a very strange sight.

“Hang on, so you are siblings?” Walsh asked with a creepy smile pointing to the three of us.

“You told me Micheal is Bella’s cousin and her parents fostered you, right?” Devon repeated what I had early told him.

Micheal and I met Devon when we started college and quickly became best friends. He was on the same business course as us and when we created ‘Wade Industries’ it was obvious to us to ask him to join us as our second. Walsh and Hamilton were a couple of guys he had been friends with since they were children. Devon introduced us early on in our friendship. They were both cage fighters, but looking to get out of the business. So when the need for me to get security arose it seemed like the perfect idea to offer them the job.

We have been good friends since.

I guess I must have taken too long to answer or had a strange expression or something because the next thing I know they are all gaping at us.

“You are her real brother, aren’t you?” Devon accused. “That’s why you are Micheal have a similar look and why you and Bella have the same blonde hair, blue eyes. You are shagging your sister and cousin?” None of them looked disgusted or angry like I thought they would.

“No. That’s not what all the legal documents say and I’m not shagging Micheal as you put it,” I tell them seriously.

“I’m confused…” Walsh said in quietly. “You aren’t?”

“What if she is my sister? Can I expect the police knocking on my door tomorrow?” I wanted to tell them because they were good friends. I know they always have trustworthy in the past.

The have never spoke to the press before and it isn’t like they don’t have anything that they could sell to them.

“As if you even have to ask,” Devon said sounding genuine.

“I slept with my cousin,” Hamilton admitted.

“I slept with his cousin,” Walsh pointed to Hamilton and Devon nodded, “Me too. We all went to the same school, she was the head cheerleader.”

“In other words the bike.” They all laugh at the memory.

“Now she has half a dozen kids all with different fathers.”

“Fuck sake, Eric, if I had a sister I would probably have had sex with her too. I mean have you seen me,” Devon said standing up and waved over his body and face. “If my sister were half as hot as me she’d be a stunner.” We all laughed even Bella.

He was overly confident, but he is handsome and well-toned. We five often work out in the gym in my house together.

When the five of us go out, we always have women falling over themselves to get to us.

We have other friends, but these were our closest.

“You and Micheal are like our brothers. You have given us all a job when no one else would, not to mention a place to live.” Both Hamilton and Walsh have a criminal record from stealing cars and from shops in their teens. For that reason, they both found it impossible to get work other than cage fighting.

“What I tell you cannot be repeated to anyone.” They grinned and nodded excitedly, they reminded me of excited children.

“Micheal is mine and Bella’s blood cousin and Bella is my one and only sibling, my little sister and as of the week ago she is our wife and Micheal, our husband.”

Their eyes widen and I go on to tell them about having a reliable, trustworthy contact change the details of my parents and background so it looks like I was fostered by them. But my parents were another couple. I also told them about the special law change about marriages.

“You really got married?” Devon asked stunned.

“Yes. Arrie looked perfect, Eric looked alright too.”

We moved into the sitting room and continued to tell them about our wedding and honeymoon. During this time, Bella was sat on the floor with the dogs which she had let inside and the moment she did they came to her like a long lost friend. I think the guys were paying more attention to her tumble around with the dogs than listen to me and Micheal confess our undying love for Bella and tell them what a get time we had in Tibet.

“Aww, you got to let me get up guys,” She laughed and pushed Pickle off her. It was amazing to watch the huge intimidating dogs loll around with her like overgrown plush bears.

Soon enough, she got up and disappeared to use the toilet. The dogs sat patiently waiting at the door for her return.

“I hope they are this good with children,” I think out loud.

The guy’s head snap to me. “She’s pregnant?”

“Too soon to tell,” Micheal answers smirking. “But we are trying.”

“You guys are crazy,” Devon laughs.

“But she is a little sweetie. And them tits…” I punched his arm only to earn another yet slightly pained laugh.

“Sorry, man. But she is the full wifey package…” Before he could say anything else, I stood up.

“I’m going to get some beers. Micheal, try not to hit Devon to hard he has work in the morning,” I said to my husband who was shooting daggers at our friend as I left the room.

Arriving at the kitchen I was surprised to find Bella bent over and rummaging through the fridge, her pert backside smiling at me.

My pants felt instantly too tight and without a second thought I went up behind her and pulled down her leggings.

She gasped and tried to pull them back up, but relaxed when she noticed it was me.

“I want you! Bend over the counter,” I order her.

She did what I asked without question and within a few seconds I was inside her.


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