Chapter 20

Balls deep inside my wife with her bent over the kitchen counter, I completely forgot about the other people in the house and Chloe had already left, so I didn’t have to worry about her.

“You like that, baby?” I reached around to her clit and pinched it between two fingers making her howl in pleasure.

“Yes, big brother. Pound my little pussy.” I swear I came almost there and then. I love when she talks dirty.

“You are a dirty little girl,” I pump into her harder.

Still pinching her clit and lean down and kiss her neck. Soon she is a whimpering mess and her pussy quivering around my length, triggering my own release.

“I love you, Bell,” I whisper still riding out our orgasms.

“I love you too-” Her words were cut off abruptly by a bark.

“How the hell did he do that?!” Walsh exclaimed. It was only then I remembered our guests.

Bella turned her head and looked at me desperately.

But before I could react I heard the clicking of paws entering the kitchen.

“PICKLE!” I yelled making the dog whimpered with his tailed between his legs.

We pulled apart and pulled our bottoms back up just in time for Micheal and Walsh to enter the kitchen.

“What are you two up too?” Walsh asked with a knowing grin.

“I was getting a drink,” Bella said returning to the fridge.

“Yes, sure you were.” She glanced at our friend. “I can smell the sex in the room from here.”

“Walsh,” Micheal glared at him while Bella turned back to the fridge red faced and looking like she was hoping it was going to eat her.

“Don’t worry, baby girl.” I walked up behind her and circled my arms around her waist. “Your pussy smells great,” My voice begins to sound baritone.

Fuck, how is it I want to have my dick in her every minute of the day?

I look down at her perky backside.

Oh yeah, that’s right. Because she is the Goddess Aphrodite reincarnated.

I feel my third leg begin to harden again.

“How many beers?” Bella asked ignoring our comments and my growing arousal.

“Five, Arrie,” Micheal said walking over and taking some of the beers from her hands, I took the others. But not before giving both her and me a kiss which made me wish he’d let me top him.

Yes, I want to top Micheal with him balls deep in our wife.

Fuck, I think I just came a little.

But seriously, how can I not want too?

His ass is hot. I overheard a gay employee once say to another man that Micheal had an awesome bubble butt just begging for a pounding. At the time, I chuckled at the comment but didn’t mention or discipline him because half… Well, more than half of our staff lust after us. As long as that is all it is, it doesn’t bother us.

Like I mentioned before we only slept with people we had no intention of employing. Fair enough that some slept with us because they thought it would help them get the job or – as was more common – because the wanted to bag a millionaire husband. But the way things are going we’ll have our first billion in no time. Especially if we get this new multiple billion cash government contract, that has just become available. They are asking for a quote and in-depth proposal. Several companies are going after it, even the company who had it previously, but lost it for one reason or another.

But already having many government contracts and being the best in our field – I’m not big-headed, it’s just true – they are eager to have us deal with all that side of the government. But have to be seen to play fair and that to why the proposals.

I will have to remember to mention this is Bella tomorrow, she is a partner now after all.

I wasn’t surprised to see her pour a glass of a popular coffee liqueur for herself. During our honeymoon, it had become one of her favorite alcoholics, not including Chhaang, which was a traditional Tibetan drink Tash introduced her to. Other than that she didn’t really enjoy alcohol.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean in offend you, Bella. I was only joking,” Walsh said seriously and looking a little concerned.

Bella turned to him and smiled, “It’s alright. This is all just so new to me…”

Together the group moved to the front room where the dogs and others now sat.

“I want to give you something,” I remembered the gifts I brought home from Tibet and leave the room to get them.

Returning a couple of minutes later to find Micheal not too discreetly – in front of everyone – licking and rubbing Bella’s stiletto covered feet and thoroughly enjoying himself if his tent is anything to go by.

The guys were laughing and Bella looked like she had tried to stop him, but given up. One thing about Micheal is that he is just as ruthless as me when he wants to be, but he also has this puppy dog look which just makes up cave into doing anything he wants.

The dogs weren’t in the room anymore, I guess they put them out.

“Micheal.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at me with an innocent smile. “Leave her be, we have plenty of time for that later.”

He did as I said but kept her feet on his lap.

“These are for you,” I hand Devon, Walsh and Hamilton each an expensive black and gold bottle of Tibetan liquor. “I was told it is 48%, so be careful, you have work tomorrow.”

The guys looked stunned, obviously not expecting anything.

“Wow, thanks.” Devon gets up and hugs Bella guessing correctly that it was her idea to buy gifts. I wasn’t jealous because I know neither would do anything. “Normally Julia is the only one who gets gifts from your trips.”

It was true, as I did every time, I brought Julia, our secretary, an ornament from whatever country I was in at the time. She most has hundreds by now, but she did collect them.

“Mikey and Eric choose them,” She told him.

“We choose alcohol. You choose the bottle and to buy them gifts.”

“Because it was pretty and it is rude to not buy gifts when you go away,” She defended. Micheal and I share a smile and I sit on the other side of her and Devon returns to his seat. “She even got Ant and Rob a bottle.”

“Rob?” Hamilton asked unsurely.

“Security at the office,” Micheal tells them.

“Rob? Why?” Devon asked confused. “He’s a funny guy, but I always thought he was a bit too flirty and forward with the female employees.”

“I thought the same in the beginning and wasn’t too happy with him speaking with Bella,” I admitted. “But when you speak to him for a while, get to know him, he is actually a really nice guy. A huge flirt, but what man isn’t with a pretty woman.”

“He made it clear that we had nothing to worry about and so he is fine with us,” Micheal added.


The night went on, Devon ended up staying in the spare room and Bella showed and explained all the wedding/honeymoon pictures to the guys.

I don’t think they were interested in most of it, but they politely listened anyway.

But did say that they loved the house and made a not-so-subtle comment about wanting to visit the country and borrow the house.

By the evening was over Bella had fallen asleep across mine and Micheal’s lap.

But I happily carried her to bed and with my husband’s help, removed her clothes and joined the pair in bed.

Thankfully, all the guys agreed to keep our secret, even commenting that they were jealous of our union and hoped to find someone like her in the future. They all completely adored Bella. Despite her slight shyness, she was coming out of her shell. The guys were surprised that we bagged a sweetie as they call her, saying they always expected us to end up having to marry some tarts because we got her or them pregnant.

Yes, I am old fashioned. If I had got someone pregnant, I would have married her. But it doesn’t mean I would have loved her. I would have tried to have stayed faithful, but if the feeling was not there, I don’t think I would have been able too. But I guess I could have moved my sister into the shared room. No wife would think I would be banging my own sister, right?

Now I think of it, I could have paid the woman off so she would give me the baby and raised it with Bella as the mother.

Alright, I’m getting carried away now. None of that has or will happen now because I have the two loves of my life and would never in a million years do anything to damage that.


The next day…

After speaking to the gate guards here and at the office and learning that the press had double or tripled in number after learning we had returned, I had no choice but to make a call. Then have breakfast with Devon and my family while I waited for the persons I called to arrive.

“So, let me get this straight,” Bella held a forkful of food as she stared at me. “You have body guards?”

“When the press hounds us or we go to a premiere or such-like, yes.”

“You have them hounding you a lot?”

“From time to time.”

“And why do they do that?”

“Lots of reasons. News and rumors to do with Wade Industries. Just anything they can get their hands on,” I explain.

“Being such a large company and on the brink of becoming the only security and weapons contractor for the government,” Micheal added.

“I’ll explain later,” I say seeing her questioning expression.

“But the main reason is the vast amount of women they see you with or hear.”

I shoot Devon a glare, which he ignores.

“I read some of the stories, but mum and dad always tried to keep me away from anything to do with you both.”

Bella looked beautiful dressed in a black, white and red fitted business dress. The top half white with a red belt type strap around her waist and the skirt half was black ending just above her knee. A pair of black stilettos with a red bow strap across the foot and her gorgeous hair pulled back into a loose braid. She had light make up on despite not needing it. In all, she looked hot as hell. She also had a black blazer jacket hung over the back of the chair for when we were outside. It was still warm outside, but the weather was being to turn chilly.

“Not that I mind. That is in the past. I know neither of you would do anything to hurt our triad.”

I sent Devon a smirk as if to say ‘your shit stirring never worked.’

“Triad…” Micheal said as if testing the word. “I like that. It’s a good word, Arrie.”

Devon and the guys had spent a good amount of time last night laughing and teasing Micheal when they realized Bella was thee ‘Arrie’ Micheal was so often caught jacking off to in his napping state.

But the laughing soon stopped when a slightly tipsy Bella admitted it was a great honor and turned on to know she was the stuff of his dreams for most of his adult life.

Yep, another we have learned about our princess, she gets really aroused when she is drunk or drinking. But between speaking with our friends, her falling asleep and then Devon waking us up early morning, we didn’t get a chance to be intimate since the previous afternoon.

We got tipsy too, but no one opened their gifted liquor, deciding to keep it for a day when they didn’t have to work the following morning.

All too soon the bell rang indicating the guys were here. Thankfully it was just in time, we had all never our breakfast and we’re really to leave.

“Fuck!” I was surprised to hear Bella curse under her breath when she saw our giant guards. They were both in their thirties, ex-military, close to seven foot and built like a brick shit-house. They were sure to scare the bravest of men.

They were also very professional, never spoke unless spoken to or had the need to do so.

“Clive, Rick.”

“Sirs, ma’am,” They both greeted us in deep and intimidating voice, which always happened to be their friendly and happy voice. I sometimes wonder if these guys weren’t robots.

“This is Bella,” I introduce them. “Micheal and my wife.” I see a hint of surprise in their eyes, but they quickly cover it with a professional mask.

“You are giants!” She strained her neck to look up at them.

“Alright…” She rubbed her neck. “Sorry, I know it’s rude but there is no way in hell I can look up at you and speak. I’ll end up crippled.”

I heard Devon snigger behind us. Before exiting the house, I made sure that Bella had her jacket on.

The guard exchanged an amused expression and reassured Bella that it was alright. Without being told the guards knew their jobs and what was expected. But before I had a chance to tell them, Micheal cut in first. “Our wife’s safety is your main worry. If the need arises, you will protect Arrie… Bella and we will follow behind,” He corrected himself, knowing they wouldn’t know her as Arrie.

Both Bella and the guards gave him an almost identical look of seriousness.

“We are capable of protecting all of you,” Clive reassured us. “Miss Bella and you will be fine,” Rick said confidently.

“Come on,” Devon pushed us outside without actually pushing Bella – which I am grateful for because I would have beat him if he did.

“We work, dozens of things to go over and not to mention arranging an interview with one of the slimes that has been plaguing the office the last week.”

I groaned at the thought. “You know it needs to be done or they’ll presume all they wrote is true.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “I’ll get Julia to call Maggie Duncan and arrange a time.” The Thirty-something-year-old journalist had a column and was known to be one of the most reliable people for printed truthful information.

“Good choice,” He agreed.

“What do you think, Princess?”

“As long as I am not expected to speak to anyone, I’m fine.” I smiled, leaned down and pressed my lips to her forehead. “Don’t worry, with me and Micheal are around, you will never have to do anything you don’t want.”


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