
Hayley (Hale) and her boyfriend Nate had been dating for several years.

They first meeting through their parents when they are very young and then when they were older meant again in junior high.

They had always got on pretty well and were best of friends, and the next logical stay seemed to start dating.

Now in the same college they looked to everyone (including Hayley’s) like they were the perfect couple.

Tonight was the regular weekend party at Nate’s fraternity house.

Hayley’s POV

Walking into the party, I walked around looking for Nate.

He would usually be in the front room chatting with the boys or on the back garden drinking too much.

I looked in them to places first before deciding to look in the kitchen.

Finding in his best friend Dexter in there, I asked him if he had known where he was.

“I saw him heading to the bedroom a while ago,” he said winking.

I thanked him and headed to a place in question.

“He probably drinks too much,” I thought to myself.

It wasn’t unusual; he would often start drinking hours before the party and be so drunk be the time it started that he would just pass out.

Walking onto the room the light was off.

I turned to my left and felt for the switch before turning it on.

I looked around the room and scanned for him.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

I turned to the door to leave, but someone was blocking my path.

“So you didn’t find him?” Dexter asked looking me up and down.

“No, probably in a different room.”

I tried to walk passed him feeling a little uncomfortable.

He stopped me putting one hand on my shoulder and pushing me back slightly.

“Why don’t you stay here for a few minutes, I’d just like to chat to you for a bit,” he pushed me a little more closing and locking the door behind him blocking my only way out.

“Stop messing about Dexter,” I said trying to get passed again.

He just pushed me back again “I know you’ve always fancied me and I can’t blame you I am pretty sexy.”

God he was big headed, but he was very handsome, and he knew it and he was very cocky with it.

He was 6ft2 ash blond hair and bright blue eyes and a very muscular body.

But I was very happy with Nate and was hoping he would ask me to marry him soon.

“I have no interest in you Dexter stop messing about and open the door.”

Dexter laughed and grabbed my wrists and pushed me on the bed and pinning me down.

“Come on I know you want me,” he started to kiss my neck.

“I’ve had enough now, get off” he just laugh and carried on doing it.

“Really! I’ll shout and tell Nate.”

“It’s OK; we share everything,” he continued.

I opened my mouth to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth first.

He was now sat on top of me one hand holding my wrists above my head on the other over my mouth.

“Come on Hale, we can so this the easy way or the hard, keep on fighting I love the hard way,” he said with a sinister laugh.

I tried to shout but couldn’t.

Dexter grabbed a rag from the side table and a piece of duct tape and placed the rag in my mouth and tape over the top.

‘Where did they come from and was he planning this?’ I thought confused and terrified.

Dexter then grabbed some handcuffs from his pocket and chained both my wrists to the headboard.

‘I think he was planning this,’ thinking again, getting more and more scared knowing what was coming next.

He smiled at me at his victory, then begin to pull my tight dress up above my breast.

“See I always knew you had a great body.”

he said looking me down again.

I felt my tears start to fall from my eyes; I tried to kick my legs, but his heavy body was too much still pinning me to the bed.

He leaned down and began licking my areola and my nips on each breast,

Slowly making his way down my body with his tongue.

I shock my body trying get free.

He just smiled and looked up at being before continuing.

He had now made his way to the top of my knickers, playing with the band and running finger over the top of my private’s through my pants.

“I’m going to show you what a real man is,” he said smirking.

I started to cry. He quickly pulled my pants off and started to play with my clitoris and labia with his finger, and then tongue.

“Why was he doing this? What had I ever done to him.”

I let out a little moan.

He looked up again smiling “See I knew you would like it.”

He moved up to my face he removed the things from my mouth and forcibly kissed me.

I closed my eyes tight and started to cry harder.

While still kissing my, he pushed his fingers inside me.

I let out another moan.

He stopped and gave me another smirk.

“I know you want my piece.”

He covered my mouth with the tape again before I could say no.

He then undid my cuffs and took off my dress completely and flipping me on my stomach before doing my wrists up again.

I was now completely naked, and all I could think was “Nate will rescue me soon,” but he didn’t.

Dexter forced me into the Doggy style position and grabbed hold of my hair pulling it.

He then did it. Have forced his piece into my hole, he started to moan and pumped hard and fast and pulled my hair at the same time.

I buried my head in the pillow and forced my crying eyes closed as hard as possible and tried to pretend this wasn’t happening.

“I always liked you. I knew you would be a slut in the bedroom.”

‘What did he mean a slut, I was being raped and chained up! How does that make me a slut,’ I thought again to myself.

Still pumping he let go of my hair and ripped the tape off my mouth, and it’s was quickly replaced by his hand.

“If you bite me, I will slit your throat,” he said looking at my deadly seriously.

He then pulled his piece out and pushed it into my mouth instead.

“Remember but bite, or I’ll slit you,” he said now flashing me a knife.

Closing my eyes tight again and crying more.

He pumped my mouth hard making me retch with each pump.

Then letting out a long moan he came in my mouth “Swallow it or else.”

I did as I was told to scared about what else could happen, letting out a retching noise in the end.

“See I knew you would like it. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere we have all night,” smirking evilly at me.


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