Chapter 1

The night seemed to go on forever.

I must have passed out because I woke up laid naked on the bed with his arms around me.

He was also naked.

I was feeling totally panicked.

I tried to move from the sleeping arms of Dexter.

If he didn’t do that earlier, I would say he looked hot sleeping.

He was spooning me, so it was hard to move.

His grip was so tight, as I started to move he started to mumble something in his sleep.

“I’m sorry Hale; I love you,” he sleep talked and then gave my back a sleepy kiss.

My jaw dropped ‘What the hell.’

I hurried from the bed, but somehow managed not to wake Dexter.

I grabbed my stuff and quickly put it all back on before running from the house.

Stepping out of the front door Nate was standing with his arm wrapped around a girl.

“Nate,” I said trying to get his attention.

He turned and gave me a horrible look.

“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

I was shocked at what I was seeing.

The girl had her hand down the front of his pants.
This made me beyond angry.

“What the fuck do you mean what do I want? I am your girlfriend. What the fuck are you doing with this whore’s hand in your pants,” I shouted.

He started to laugh “You are nothing to me bitch. Why don’t you go lay back on your back for Dexter.”

He knew about it?

“It wasn’t like that. He raped me.” I said crying.

“Yeah, but you enjoyed. Didn’t you?” he said smirking.

Pulled my eyebrows together

“What the fuck? You knew, and you didn’t stop it? What kind of sick fuck are you?” I screamed.

The girl next to him pulled her hand away and looked at him in disgust.

“Did you really do that?”she asked him.

“Yes. You wanted me to dump her,” he said like it was the most normal thing.

“You know I didn’t mean for you to do that to her,” she said in her defence.

“You did this just to dump me?” shocked.

“Yes, plus Dexter has always wanted you I thought it was good for both of us.”

“You bastard,” the girl said as I fell to the ground and cried into my hands.

How could he do this to me after all these years together? I thought he loved me. I loved him.

How could he do this to my one let alone me.

The girl bent down to me and hugged me.

“It’s Ok. I don’t want either of you now. I have too much fun being single,” he smiled at us.

Then he just walked into the house closing the door, leaving me and the girl outside.

“I’m so sorry Hayley. My name is Beth. You want me to take you to the hospital?” she asked me.

“No, just take me home, please?” I replied thought tears.

Arriving at my flat, I unlocked the door.

We didn’t say anything in the car, except my address.

She helped me get my door “Do you need me to call anyone?” she asked.

“No thank you. Can you stay with me for a bit?” I asked shocking her.

“Are you sure? After all this is all my fault,” she said.

“It’s not your fault,” I said angry but not at her “Its that sick fuck. I just wish I had known how messed up he was, and I would have dumped his ass long ago.”

I know I should be angry at her, but for some reason I feel she is a victim in this too.

I’m sure under different circumstances we would have been great friends and

I did need one right now.

I don’t want to tell anyone else.

I just want to get revenge.

“Me too. I’m sorry. I wish we could show him pain too,” she said.

“Come in. I need a shower,” I said walking the bathroom.

“Ok, I’ll wait out here for you and I’ll make you some tea.” She called to me.


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