Chapter 2

One week later

The girl and I, who I now know is called Beth have basically spent all this week together.

I know it seems strange after all she was cheating with my ex not long ago.

But we have bonded, and I am very surprised that she would have been the woman on the side, because she is such a sweet girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Nate had always been a bad influence.

But thought he had changed after being together so long.

I thought we would get married, have children and spend the rest of our life’s together.

I haven’t heard from him since, not that I would want to.

I haven’t told anyone else about what happened.

I also haven’t been to lessons in a few days.

I kept calling in sick, but Beth has been taking notes for me.

It turns out she’s in the same course as I, so she been going straight in college and then back to mine.

I don’t know what I would do without her.

It turns out that she was an only child and had no family.

Last year her parents were killed in a crash with a drunk driver.

She started drinking a lot after that and met Nate in a bar on one of her many binges.

He told her he was single at first, and they slept together.

A few weeks later she found out he was dating.

He told her I was obsessed with him and would never let him dump me. I would always just come round like nothing happened. Plus I was a slut and had cheated on him with many others, including his best friend, Dexter.

Of course, it was all lies.

Don’t get me wrong I would have been devastated if he dumped me, but I would have got over it after a while.

But no, he had to do it the cowards way.

I had never done anything to get to deserve this.
I hate him; he is evil.

Beth also told me she didn’t have any friends really either, because she had some issues speaking to people.

Not that you would ever know the way we chat together.

She makes me feel better and forget about things.

She lived in a dorm we another girl who hated her, because she didn’t speak much.

It was a late night, and we were watching movies in my bedroom in our pj’s.

“What you like to move in here with me?” I asked her knowing she hated it her current place.

She looked at with a slightly shocked expression.

“Are you sure? After all…” I cut her off before she could complete her sentence.

“Really. I like having you here. And before you say anything it wasn’t your fault.”

“I don’t believe you. But thanks, I would love to if you are sure,” she said the last piece as a question.

” Yes I’m sure. You are like a sister to me, and I couldn’t have got through this week if it weren’t for you,” I said with a small smile.

She started to bounce about on her bum on the bed.

“I’m glad. I’ve always wanted a sister,” she said hugging me now.

“Good we will pick up your stuff tomorrow and let the college dorm person know.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t been out all week; I would be Ok to do it on my own” her tone sounding worried.

I sighed “I know, but I have to leave sooner or later. I should also get back to college before I fall too far behind.”

We both fell asleep before the end of the movie.

The next morning was a Sunday,

So not many people should be around, much to my happiness.

She told me nobody knows about what happened to me, but I couldn’t help but still Panicking.

I drove Beth to the dorm in my car and packed outside.

“This looks… Ummm… Nice,” I said cringing.

It was an old building that looked like it was about to fall.

“I know,” She laughed and then said

“It is a hole and is just as bad inside.”

She looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder and asked “Are you ready?”

I nodded, and we both exited the car, me more nervous than her.

Walking towards the front door, I started to panic and hyperventilate.

“We can go back,” Beth said grabbing my hand to try and calm me.

I stood still closed my eyes and started to take deep breaths to calm myself.

I opened my eyes and saw a slightly frantic looking Beth in front of me.

I smiled at her and said “I am Ok now. Let’s get this over and done with.”

Arriving at the door to her room.

It was on the second floor.

Beth wasn’t kidding about this place.

I swear I was almost crawling up he stairs and across the landing corridor to here.

With every step, the floor creaked like we were going to fall through it.

“I’m glad I won’t have to do this after today,” she said walking slow like me.

“Me too. This place is scary,” I replied as Beth took out her key for the door before walking inside.

No one was in the room. Not surprising though, it was Sunday and midday, most people would be out with friends.

As I packed her stuff, she kept grabbing the stuff and taking down to the car.

After almost two hours, we were done.

I took a final bag to the car while Beth checks the room over to make sure we didn’t miss anything.

“I’ll meet you down at the car,” I said picking up a bag.

She passed me the car keys and gave me a look as if to say ‘Will you be OK?’ I nodded and mouthed ‘Thanks.’

Another slow walk down the creepy second floor and the stairs and through the front door.

There still wasn’t anybody about, or at least none of which I could see.

But I do have a feeling of being watched. I looked around before continuing to the car.


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