Chapter 17

“The reason I always ask you is because you are the smartest one of my students,” Kat said handing me his ID card. I looked at it, unsure for a second what he meant.
But then I noticed several things about his card, three which most stuck out.
One being the photo on the ID of a man I see every time I am at college. The handsome man with slicked back hair, glasses and wearing an expensive looking suit.
Number two, the fact that it was not a student but a professor ID and finally three, his real name… “Dorian West,” Yes, as my professor. In my defense, he looks totally different the way he now has his medium length hair loose and at college gelled back and with glasses.

“You are her professor?” Dexter asked and Kat or should I say Professor West answered yes. All the time looking at me worried.

Instead of being angry, both Dexter and Kaden burst out laughing.
Thanks, guys.

This was so wrong, I couldn’t date my professor.
Yes, I found him sexy as hell and might confess to playing with myself imagining he was doing me whilst I was still with Nate. But that was just make believe, it wasn’t cheating and anyway, he was mean. He didn’t like me. Why is he with me now? I’m confused.
I thought he didn’t have sex, then why did he let me dry hump him?

“Oh my god, I dry humped my professor!” This made the guys almost fall over laughing.
Thanks for helping me through my mini breakdown guys.

But it wasn’t that bad was it really?
I mean, I am dating a guy who raped me and his cousin, why not my professor as well?

But then at least it’s nothing like high school and I’m legal age.

“Hayley, why are you blushing?” Kaden sounded like he was teasing.
“Just remembered something from high school. It’s nothing,” I knew my face was still red.
“Should I call Kat or what?” I quickly asked Kat before Kaden or Dexter could ask me anything.

“I am still your Kat,” Cutie.
“When we aren’t at college you can call me Kat or Dorian or West, anything you like really. You are my mistress. You get to call me what you like.”

“But why did you willing become my sub? I thought you didn’t even like me and then I was humping you… God, that’s embarrassing.”

He was kneeled in front of me, looking at me with the sweetest ‘kicked puppy’ expression.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I did it because I like you, a lot.” I looked at him unsurely.
“You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed me looking at you a lot during class… alright, I do sound a little stalkerish, but I promise you I am not.”

“What about the other girls in class or college or even the club? Why do you, apart from Cammie and your sister, why do you only do things for me willing? If my information is correct you basically tell everyone else to get lost and you don’t have sexual relations with any of them… unless you do that in secret? But you accepted me and let me f*cking hump you?” I’m beyond confused.

“You know a lot about me,” he smiles shyly.

God, if he doesn’t stop being so cute…. No! Focus.
“I told you, I like you a lot.”

“Even now? After you found out who I was?” Aww, Cute.
“Yes, but I need answers to my questions. I am so confused right now,” I flopped back and let my head fall on Kaden’s lap.
“Comfortable?” he asked sarcastically, but I knew he didn’t mind really.
“One second…” I lifted up my legs and put them on a welcoming Dexter.
“I am now,” he laughed and Dexter kept his hands at his sides, unsure where to put them.

“I don’t like the other women, I like you… I don’t want to creep you out, but I more than like you.” He didn’t mean… “I love you,”
“Well, durr,” was Kaden’s comment. “I could tell the way you acted. You aren’t even that nice with Cammie or Tiger.”

“I know you don’t love me yet, but if you are still willing to give this… a try?”
“First answer my questions,” I know I sounded mean. But I can be very impatient.
“As you know I was a child prodigy. By the age of twenty, I graduated college and became the countries youngest professor. But what people don’t know is that I have always liked being controlled and when I was a young teen I discovered BDSM online. When I was sixteen, I started going to a club I found close to where I lived. I looked young for my age, but they knew how old I was and didn’t care. I quickly became everyone’s favorite and the sub they all wanted. Only I was only interested in women. I am not going to lie, I did a lot of sexual things with older women. I didn’t realise until after that they were basically pedophiles. I was just a hormonal teenage boy, who didn’t get on with girls his own age because I was ‘weird.’ I had been going to the club little over half a year when my then mistress invited me to her place after class the next day. She was twenty-five and good to me, so I agreed. Without telling the location to my family, I went.” He paused, we were all hanging off his every word.
“I was meant to graduate college that year,” Fifteen? Wow. Hang on, he just said he graduated at twenty.

“I didn’t see the outside world or my family for three years.” My eyes started to tear up and I felt as though my heart was being crushed.
“Apparently, my mistress was paid a lot of money by a fellow dominate who had a thing for young boys and because I was so young looking and you could say a late developer he wanted me. I won’t go into detail, but you can guess. I was only released when the police raided his house on an unrelated matter. They saved me, him and my so called mistress went to prison and I was returned home to see my family. After some counseling, I managed to return and graduate college with my sister Tanisha or as you know her tiger.

At the same time, I became a professor I started going to the clubs again. Only difference was that my family and sister now knew about my needs. You would have thought to be held prisoner would have changed it, but it didn’t. The only thing it changed was I didn’t trust people so easy, I stopped having sex and decided to wait until someone I knew I could trust and love to commit myself again. Surprisingly, it was Tanisha who helped me find someone, the only person who would willingly control me, but not expect sexual favors in return.
It all happened at once really. First we went to a new club at the time, aka Dark Hearts. We met Kaden and Tanisha, who I already knew, was a lesbian, became Cammie’s sub.
I love Cammie, she is like a bossy older sister to me. Shortly after she took my sister, she agreed to take me as her’s too. I knew of Dexter, but we never really interacted.
I met Nate and hated him because every time he was trying to either make Cammie or Tanisha to submit to him.

A couple of years later I met you. I thought you were perfect the moment I saw you.
Over the years, I only learned to like you more. Not only was you beautiful, kind, smart and the perfect girlfriend. You were also one of the one women who never once made a suggestive remark, offer sex or head for good grades or just blatantly flirt with me. It wasn’t until yesterday I found out who your boyfriend was though. If I had known I would have told you he was cheating and didn’t deserve you, though I doubt you would have believed me.”

I knew it was true and that is one of the reasons Dexter and Kaden never told me either. I was too blind, I would have believed anything Nate said. I thought I loved him and it made me crazy, I doted on him. But the truth was I liked him a whole lot, but never loved. I just fooled myself to get over Dexter. I had always loved him and I loved Kaden, my sweet caring Kaden. But I never realised I was in love with him until recently. I wish I had never dated Nate.

“Man, I never knew…” Kaden said in a strange, sad, shocked tone.
“It’s alright. No one other than my sister and Cammie did.” Kat turned to me and he reached for my face, I was still laid down.

“I didn’t tell you to make you feel sorry for me Hayley. I just wanted you to know the truth and know I would never cheat on you.” He wiped away tears I didn’t realise were falling. “Don’t cry, please?”

Kaden suddenly sat me up to face him, looked at me sadly and pecked my damp lips.
Then out of the blue, he stuck out his tongue and ran it up both my cheeks.

“Kay?!” Dexter sounded as if he didn’t know whether to laugh or not.
“Yuk Kay. What is it with you and my tears?” He shrugged.
“What can I say?” He grinned, “You bodily fluids are just too tasty to waste.”
Both my cute boys, Dexter and Kat laughed.

I would have said something, but I knew it was pointless.

“So, are you in a relationship with us now? I mean more than sub, dom.” It was, in fact, a very nervous Kaden asking. Who ever knew he could be nervous too.

“Do you still want to give it a try? All of you? I mean with the chance of a long-term committed relationship, babies, living together, not having sex with no one but me?
Because if you are willing to give it a chance then yes. But I won’t be your safe woman, whilst you sleep about. I know that sounds hypocritical of me because of.. well, you three. But I am honest. I have loved both you and Dexter since I can remember and I don’t know if I love Kat or not, but I know if I don’t already I will. You are all so perfect, but I don’t want another Nate,” I ranted again.

“It is not hypocritical,” Kat reassured me, though I knew it was.
“You have no idea how I love the sound of you being with us forever,” Dexter said honestly.
“You already know how me and Dex feel. I told you earlier. We have tried years to forget you and failed, you are meant to be our bride.” Kaden told me, brushing my hair out of my face.

“I want you have always been my tiny princess bride.” Dexter took my hand and kissed it.
“I know it didn’t happen the right way but I love you and I am the happiest man in the world that you are giving me a chance after everything and you are keeping the baby.”

“It was never you fault. Whereas you were the person who raped me, you only did it because Nate spiked your drink with Sandman. Getting rid of our baby was never a choice.”

“Nate was the one who spiked you?” Kat snapped. Guess he didn’t know.
“Yes. But we are going to get him back don’t worry. I have never liked that little ass,” Kaden told him.
“Whatever you do, I want to help,” Kat tells him and Kaden agrees.

“What about you Kat? You never said if you are willing to try?”
His face softened and he smiled. “If I have any chance in the slightest with you, I’ll take it.”

“Good. It is settled. You are all my boyfriends and if you touch or kiss anyone else, I will cut your c*cks off!”
“I’m the dominant Bunny.”
“If you say so daddy.”

“Now that’s settled, tell me why you were blushing earlier? What happened in high school?” Dexter asked. “But if it is something sexual with Nate, I don’t want to know.”

“Well,” I bit my lip and they all stared at me, “I may kind of cheated on Nate in high school…”


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