Chapter 16

“Daddy, help me up? I’m stuck.” Kaden chuckled and helped me up. “Quite the show baby girl. It p!ssed Nate off enough to make him leave. I think he was jealous.”

He looked down at my hitched up dress and saw a hint of my panties. I pulled my dress down.

“Maybe you can see later,” I whispered.

“Only when you are ready baby. I am planning to be here for the long hall, there is no rush. I love you.” he whispered back and placed a lingering kiss on my mouth.

“I love you too, but we need to speak to Kat later and I need to speak to Dexter now.” We spoke so the others couldn’t hear.

“Do you want to go home and return tomorrow? We can, it’ll give us a chance to clear the air.” He suggested.

“But what about training and everything, Kat?”

“We can return tomorrow if you wish to continue being a switch for real?”

“Can I try it for a while and see how I like it?”

“Whatever you want. As for Kat, as he is your sub now, he will be moving in with us until you or he decides whether to stay in keep as your sub or whatnot.”

“If it is OK with them can we go home?” He nodded smiling and went speak to Cammie and Kat.

I told him I would meet him at the car with Dexter. I picked up his clothes and walked over to him.

I handed them to him and he put them back on.

“Walk with me. I need to tell you something,” without question he did it and I took his hand in mine.

“We are going home, but we’ll come back tomorrow,” I told him as we exited the club and went to the parking lot.

He held my hand tight, as if worried I’d disappear, but never said a word the whole trip.

“I spoke to Kaden. He told me everything. If you are still willing I want to give it a try, but I can’t choose. I like Kat, a hell of a lot and I love Kay like I do you.”

He didn’t look like he was expecting that.

“But you do want me too?” he asked in the most vulnerable voice.

“Completely. I love you and our baby.” Something completely unexpected happened, he cried. Not bawling, but several tears did fall.

“I thought for sure you didn’t want me.” He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest.

“Both me and our baby need you. All of you. But no matter what, you will always be Nugget’s number one person.”


“Our baby, because it is the size of one at the moment and I don’t like calling it ‘it.’”

He chuckled, “God Hayley, I love you,” he gazed down at my lips.

“Can I kiss you?”

I nodded and slowly in the sweetest kiss so far, he placed kisses from one corner of my mouth to other.

“I want to kiss your whole body. Show you how much I cherish you and our child, both,” he said gently.

Dexter started to kiss my lips, taking my lip between his each time. Again it was different to the others, more like he was desperately trying to tell me how he felt by kissing me. But I loved it as much. They were all special in their own way.

It was such an innocent kiss, like the type you wish to be your first. He never let his hands wander.

He pulled back and wiped away tears I didn’t know were falling.
“Do you regret it?”
“No, I just never thought I could be so lucky,” I told him honestly.
“I don’t know what will happen with Kat. But you will always have me and Kaden, I know that without a doubt.”

We stood silently him hugging me until Kaden and Kat came to the car holding a couple of large bags. Must be Kat’s luggage.
In the car, again I sat in the front and Dexter and Kat in the back.

“Dex, you know you still have to be punished?” I said making Kaden chuckle and Dexter complain.
“But I didn’t do anything.”
“You touched her without either mine or Bunny’s permission,” his cousin corrected.
“Can I choose his punishment?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“”Let me think a bit longer and I tell you later,”


A quiet drive and we arrived at home, Dexter’s house.
Inside, Dexter showed Kat to the room which would be his.

Whilst they did this, I told Kaden my idea to punish Dexter.
“You are quite creative Bunny,” he laughed and agreed to let me deal with it.

“Have you thought of whether you want a boy or girl?”
“I don’t mind what Nugget is, as long as it is healthy,” I said as he removed the pins from my hair.
“Nugget?” I went on the tell him what I told Dexter.

When Kat and Dexter joined us in the front room minutes later, Kaden had put my hair down and was twisting it around his fingers.
He used to do this all the time when we were small. But Dexter wasn’t allowed to touch my hair because he would cover it in knots.

“We decided to name the baby,” Kaden told them as entered the room. Dexter sat on the corner sofa beside me, but Kat went to sit on the ground.
“Kat, sit on the sofa if you want?” I offered.
“You don’t always have to be her cat,” Kaden offered.
“I know. But I like it.” He sits down in front of me. I indicate for him to sit with back against my legs, that way I can play with his hair too.

“Don’t I get to help choose its name?” Dexter asked seriously.
“No. We are calling the baby Chicken Nugget.”
“Maybe as a nickname but not a real,” I tell him.
“We will decide on a name another time.”

“Good,” Dexter went to touch me.
“No, you are not allowed to touch me. You are being punished.” I stopped him.
He frowned but said nothing.

“Kat,” I asked him about possible sharing. “I don’t want you to think it’s a purely sexual thing or I’m a whore or something…” Then I started to ramble.
He reached up and pressed his finger to my lips. “I know,” he said and removed his finger from my lips.

“I have a confession to make,” he turned around, so he was facing me properly.
I looked at Dexter and Kaden and they both wondered what he was going to say too.

“I already knew what you were like before, that you were the sleeping around type. I know it because I already knew you before yesterday.”

What the hell?

“I know what you’re thinking, stalker,” he voiced my thoughts.
“But I can reassure you I am not.”

I wasn’t sure. But he seemed so sweet and truthful.

“Yes, I have known you for a while now and secretly liked you, I knew you would never cheat on… Him,” Meaning Nate.
“How do you know her? She never went to the club?” Kaden asked him.
“And me and Nate were always around her. I never noticed you,” Dexter thinks out loud.
“I’m sure I would remember seeing you both,” I said too.
“Are you sure of that Miss Miles,” he said with a hint of a smile.

“Did you tell him my last name?” I asked both Kaden and Dexter.
“No,” they both answered and are about to say something, but Kat gets there first.

“I have known you coming on three years, surely I’m not that much of a bore.”
He was kind of cute being playful.
“You go to our college?” Dexter figured out.
“In a manner of speaking,” he replied cryptically.
“Tell me Kat?” I ask him.

“Promise you won’t be mad?” He asked back to his nervous self.
“Can I nip to my room and get something?” He asked like a good sub.
I told him yes and he disappeared.

“Any idea?” Kaden asked us.
We both answered no.
“Well, I wouldn’t worry much. He can come off as strange to people because of the no sex thing, but I have known him for about five years. I don’t know much about him. But I know he is a good man.” Kaden was surprisingly nice about the matter. Dexter on the other hand looked unsure.

“Be nice Dexter and I will lessen your punishment and let you hold my hand and maybe touch my stomach.” I wasn’t far along or even really showing. But he still enjoyed touching it.
“Deal,” he grins and takes both my hand and places his other hand on my stomach.
“Soft Bunny,” Kaden chuckles.

I don’t know what Kat was doing, but he was taking a while. We ended up speaking about college.
“I missed a few classes, I got to go back tomorrow,” Dexter told me.
He was taking some business course to help him and Kaden run their clubs properly.
“Me too. I missed tons. I think my professor will kill me if I miss anymore,” I said sighing in the end. I was taking an accountancy course. I know, what kind of person dreams of becoming an accountant? But I had always loved numbers and it seemed like the perfect idea.
“Please Hales,” Dexter drew out the first word. “You have Professor West and from what I hear the girls say about him and what I’ve seen of him, he is a sucker for the girls.”

“Only because he is hot it doesn’t mean he’s a sucker. He is a miserable ass, he never smiles, treats the girls indifferent, like he does the boys and he always picks on me for the answers to questions.” All the girls in my course or should I say college were crushing on my professor because he is only young (Some kind of a child prodigy) and is sexy as hell. But he has an attitude.

As I finished my sentence Kat walked in looking nervous, with what looked like a college ID card in his hand.

“Can I see?” Kaden asked and before I got a chance to look Kat handed it to him.
He stared at the card for a second and looked impressed. The only thing I managed to see on the card was a large green dot on the corner meaning he was in my accountancy class.
Every student and professor has a card to swipe into the building. Each course has a different colour circle on it, but they all work the same. Our college is crazy about its security.
“Wow, you look different,” he looked at Kat and smirked handing the card back to him.


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