Chapter 15

“Was I allowed to kiss them?” I asked Kaden unsure.

“Bunny,” he pressed his lips to mine softly for a second before pulling back leaving my lips tingling. “Does that answer your question?” I nodded.

“You can do as you wish if they don’t want it they will use their safe word. We’ll discuss that later.”

We continued walking and he led me through a door which said staff only.

He showed me to a private bathroom and once I was finished I walked over to where he was patiently waiting.

“What is it?” he asked guessing something was wrong.

“Umm,” I bit my lip nervously and looked at the floor.

He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted up. Then placed his mouth over mine and pulled my lip from my mouth to his own. He sucked on it for a second coursing me to let out an embarrassing moan. I wanted to melt into a puddle on the ground.

“Now, tell me?” he asked again, letting go of my lip. But staying close enough so his lips brushed mine as we spoke.

“Is this real or pretend?” I mumbled and he looked at me confused.

“I mean, are you only doing all this, the hand holding, kissing, hugging and touching just for show, for Nate or do you actually like like me? As in romantically?”

“Think about it bunny…. who was the one every time asking if he could be your groom instead of him?”

‘You,’ I mentally answered.

“Why would I kiss and do all these things when we had nobody to see?”

I thought over the last couple of days and years before.

“But you always said I was like a sister?”

“Because I knew how much you and Dexter loved each other. I thought I never stood a chance. But that has changed… Or at least I think… hope it has?”

I was stunned.

“What about Dexter and Kat?” I covered my mouth when I said his name. I hadn’t meant too.

“We thought you liked him too,” he looked over my face with love. “Dexter and I spoke about it, and decided we would let you decide.”

“I like Kat, a lot. I think a could probably fall for him fast. But I am in love with both you and Dexter both already.” I only realized as I said it, but it was true.

“Say it again.”

“Which part?”

“You’re in love with me,” his lips still brushed mine.

“I’m in love with you Kaden, daddy, whatever you want to be called.”

“You really mean it?”

“Completely.” I closed the short distance between us and gently kissed him, but before the kiss becomes too deep, I pulled back.

“I’m in love with you too.” He said back.

“But I don’t know what to do,” I told him honestly. “I don’t think I can choose.” I felt like crying.

“Oh Hayley,” I ran the side of his hand over and eyes over my face. “My beautiful girl,” he kissed my top lip.

“We thought that happen,” I looked at him worried. “Do not worry. I am not mad or upset. Dexter and I already decide whether you choose one of us or none, we would still be your friends. But if you couldn’t choose…” He kissed my bottom lip, “…Then, only if you are willing, we are willing to share. You are the love that neither of us could forget, replace or get over.” He kissed me again. “We would both do anything for a chance with you, a chance for a forever… whether that includes Kat, we’ll see.”

I felt overwhelmed. My eyes filled with tears. “But the baby?” I whispered.

“As I said before, our baby and if things work out between us maybe in the future, you can have another. But genetically from me. But I already love this one as my own.”

“You would really mean it?”

“Yes.” A tear escaped each of my eyes.

“Don’t cry. We won’t rush you. We can take things as slow as you wish. If you’re willing to give it a go?” He kissed away my tears.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You and my tears.” He gives me a gorgeous smile.

“I can’t help it, you are tasty. Even your tears.”

“Such a weirdo,” I chuckled. “But I am willing to give a try.” Before I finished the sentence he picked me up and spun me around.

“Kay,” I explained laughing.

He lowered me and pressed lips to mine. The kiss only lasted about several seconds, but it was the best kiss of my life so far.

“Let’s go baby girl, before Dexter thinks I killed you.” He put me on my feet.

“Is my makeup smudged?” I was surprised no lipstick was on him. But it was meant to be smug proof, but how often is that true?

He looked over my face and ran his thumbs under my eyes and kissed my nose.


Walking through the club I couldn’t help but smile, he looked happy too.

“Have you got them panties on?” He asked me. “The one’s I choose out for you?”

“Yes daddy,” I answered quietly.

“Good girl,” he rubbed my ass.

When we arrived back at the table Dexter and Cammie was arguing.

He never noticed us. Cammie did and stopped, but Dexter continued.

Kaden was about to say something to him, but I stopped him and silently asked him if I could and he smiled, telling me with his eyes to ‘go ahead.’

I walked the short distance to him and pulled him by the hoop on his collar. He turned to me with a face of thunder but when he saw it was me, he relaxed and smile.

“Hello Hales.”


He realized his mistake and fights back a grin, “Sorry, Mistress.”

“Right. Now, tell me why you were shouting at Cammie?”

“Because she asked me to take off my vest and I said no.” His smile didn’t falter.

“Do it!” I ordered and let go of his collar. Without hesitation, he pulled it over his head, to reveal his chiseled chest.

“Good,” I smiled. “Now, say sorry to her and beg for her forgiveness or I will let her punish you.” He stopped smiling, but didn’t say anything.

I leaned in and whispered, “Do this for me and I’ll let you sleep in bed with me every night,” I was going to let him anyway, he stops me having nightmares. But I’m not telling him that. I don’t know if it was really what a dom did, but it worked, because a moment later he was on his knees in front of her begging.

Kaden walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and sat down with me on his lap.

“You did a good job bunny,” he whispered and kissed the side of my neck.

Cammie let go of Kat’s lead and let him return to me. Taking his lead in my hand he went to kneel but I stopped him.

“Sit there,” I pointed to the space beside me and Kaden, “And put your head on my lap.”

Good Kat smiled and did as he was told. I love stroking him, it’s so relaxing.

“I forgive you,” Cammie began, “But only if you remove your trousers too.” She smirked and he looked to me pleadingly.

I gave him a warning look. He mouthed ‘Only because I love you’ and again he did as I told, to reveal those great pants.

“Wit woo,” She slapped his butt. “You forgiven.”

I swear the room went quieter when he took them off.

Walking back to me, he sat on the other side on us.

“Dexy,” he grinned, “You wore them for me?”

As with all good things, someone had to come and try and mess them up.

“Well well well, don’t you look hot tonight Hayley,” the disgusting, smug looking Nate stood in the entrance to our booth. Kat sat up and glared at him.

“If I had known to loosen you up I had to chain you up and force myself on you, I would have done that years ago. Rather than having to play nice for f*cking years whilst you cry over this idiot…” In a quick instance, Dexter stood up and so did Kaden. Placing me on Kat’s lap, Kat quickly wrapped his arms around my waist stopping me from going after them.

“Stay here mistress. They’ll be alright.” He reassured me.

“You know you want me Hayley, even now. You are mine, you always were, since we first met.”

“You are delusional and gonna have a broken jaw if you don’t leave our girl alone.”

“Our?” Nate laughed at Dexter. “Yeah, right. I believe maybe you Dexter, but your cousin and pansy boy, no way! Maybe the hot lesbians too? No, she may look hot. But really she’s still the frigid madam, sack of potatoes.”

“Maybe if you have a c*ck bigger than my little finger I wouldn’t have been! Maybe I wouldn’t have had to rely on tops of porn to give me the only org@sms of our entire relationship!” I yelled and I’m pretty sure everyone in the place heard.

He gave me a smirk as if to say I was lying.

“I can say I was quite surprised to when I found her treasure chest,” Kaden smirked himself.

“You never told me you saw it.” Dexter mumbles to him.

“Well, you were out shopping. I was helping her unpack. She took it off me straight after she noticed I found it. But I can tell you now that was a hell of a lot of toys. I particularly like the seesaw type one, very cute.” Nate’s smirk faulted.

“If you’re involved with them prove it.” His smirk returned.

“P!ss off already Nate, she doesn’t have to do anything to prove herself,” Cammie exclaimed.

“Do you like me sexual Kat?” I whispered to him so no one else could hear. He looked at my face which was only an inch from his own. His mouth opened and closed as if nervous. “Yes,” he whispered back.

Nate was saying something to the others, but I wasn’t listening.

“I like you too,” His arms loosen enough for me to turn my body totally around, so I was now straddling him. My dress had hitched up slightly, making my panties now on display to him.

“I want to know I am not using you. This would have happened, just maybe not so fast. But I…” my whispered confessions were cut off. “I know you like Kaden and Dexter too. I know with me it might only be this once I get to touch you, but I like you so much…” It was my turn to cut off his whispered confession.

I placed my lips to his and after only a second he reacted and his lips moved against mine. It was so different to Kaden’s but just as good. He was so sweet, so gentle. I felt his erection through his pants digging against my own.

Only this time I wasn’t scared, I just knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

Grabbing hold of the back of the booth, I started grinding against him.

All thoughts of Nate forgotten until I heard Cammie say, “Should we stop them or are you enjoying the show?”

I stopped, looked around to see the four looking at us and Nate gone. Kaden looked amused, but Dexter looked a bit upset. I turned to Kat and whispered, “If you want more with me then you can, but you’ll have to share. I’ll explain later.” He smiled and nodded, his eyes shone with something that looked like love as he looked at me. But sure it couldn’t be love, he hadn’t known me much over twenty-four hours.


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