Chapter 14

I step out of my room and into the front room, where Kaden was dressed in a smart black suit and crisp white shirt. I knew that Dexter normally wore a suit too, but as he was my submissive now he had to dress like one. He was dressed in black leather trousers, vest and collar with a silver hoop. It looked like the kind you attach a lead too.

“Wit woo. Don’t you both look hot.” I said snapping their attention to me.

I tapped my foot as they both looked me over.

“Wow,” Dexter said staring at me and they both stood up and walked my way.

“You look good enough to eat.” he kissed just below my ear making me shiver again.

“I fully agree,” Kaden said leaning into my neck.

“Are you smelling me?” I laugh.

“Yes,” he moved closer and inhaled a deep breath.

“Do I smell bad?” Then I thought… “Damn, I forgot perfume.” I turned to go, but he caught my wrist and stopped me.

“You have no spray on?” he asked and I shook my head to say no. Dexter smelled me too.

“Can I go or what?”

“No. You smell tasty. You will not wear any when you are out with us.” Kaden ordered.

“Alright.” I agreed and he smiled and kissed the side of my neck.

These boys need to stop kissing my neck or all I’ll do is shiver.

He pulled back with a smug smile and took my hand.

“Dexter, were leaving,” he told his cousin who was still nuzzling me.

“We are already late to collect the gift.”

We exited the house and got in Kaden’s new model black Jaguar five-door car.

He had me sat in the front passenger seat and Dexter in the back. “When get to the club I want you to call me master or sir,” Kaden explained as he drove us. “Can I not call you daddy?” Don’t ask why I asked, I don’t know myself.

He took a quick look at me to see if I was serious and then answered rather huskily, “You certainly can. I just didn’t think you’d want too.” He coughed, clearing his throat and spoke again, “Dexter, you can call by his name or a pet name and he will call you mistress.”

“Are you alright Dex? You are very quiet.” I asked not hearing him much.

“Yes, I am just preparing myself. I don’t normally do this.”

“I know. I love you more for that.”

His smile brightened.

“We are so lucky. You are the perfect princess bride. I love you too, more than anything.”

“But until when we played wedding, you have to share,” Kaden reminded him.

“As long as she is with me and not Nate and she is happy, then so am I,”

“God, you are so sweet.” I reached back and touched his fingers.

“Only for you.”

“That’s for sure.” Kaden laughed.

“One more thing, I’ll be submissive for you two but if anyone else tries to talk or touch me as if a sub, I’ll beat them.” Dexter threatened.

“Got it. Dexter is dominant still, to everyone else.” Kaden laughed again.

“One last thing,” I asked as we slow down.

“Yes Bunny?” Kaden pulled to a stop in an underground parking lot.

“I remember what you said earlier,” I glanced back at Dexter but he wasn’t sure what I was talking about.

“But what about casual hookups? I don’t mind, but I just wanted to know if either of you disappear whenever we go to the club if it is to play with another woman?” I sounded more like I was trying to convince myself I was alright with it.

“No. You are my only girl.” Dexter answered in a deep voice.

“We are your’s and you ours. Neither of us needs or want anyone else. There will be no booty calls or one night stands. Only you. Like Dexter said, we are married now and you are our princess bride.” Kaden tried to reassure me. But I was still worried. I don’t know why, it’s not as if we’re really dating or anything.

I’m confused about the way I feel for them and surprisingly miss Kat, even after only knowing him a short time. I would blame it on pregnancy hormones, but I know it isn’t that.

Kaden and Dexter got out of the car whilst I was in a daze worrying.

Dexter opened my door and helped me out. “Oh, thank you. Sorry.” I took his hand and got out.

“Don’t be Princess.” he kissed my forehead.

“Trust our love for you. We tell the truth. Trust your feelings and don’t fight them. Just let them lead you.” Kaden told me, stroking my cheek, before taking my second hand and kissing it.

“Remember, trust.” He led us inside, with me still holding both their hand’s.

I already knew Nate wouldn’t be there yet. Apparently, he likes to be ‘fashionably’ late (As he calls it) he thinks it gets him noticed more.


It was only about 8pm and according to them that is very early.

But the club was still pretty busy or so I thought, but Dexter whispered otherwise.

I tried to keep a blank and not wide-eyed expression as we made our way through the masses of people and curious faces.

A lot of the scarier males (I am guessing were doms) nodded in acknowledgement to Kaden and Dexter. Also, they seemed to let their looks linger on Dexter and myself slight longer than Kaden.

“Would you like a drink bunny?” Kaden asked as we got to the crowded bar. But they cleared a pathway for him.

“Do they do Bloody Mary?”

“Yes, but you are not drinking alcohol,” He tells me firmly.

“I know. I just really want tomato juice.” He gave me a sweet smile and kisses the back of my hand. Before letting go of my hand and turning to the bar where a man was waiting to serve him.

Whilst he was doing this, I turned to Dexter.

“I think I am going to call you Dexy from now on.”

“Oh, you are mistress?” he asked with a small smile.

“Yes,” I leaned into closer, so my lips were almost touching his ear. “Because you are really sexy.” I let them lightly brush his ear and jaw. It was partly to distract myself because I was so nervous. But they both did look hot.

Putting back, his hand was on my waist and he was staring at me, eyes full of love and lust. ‘They won’t hurt you,’ I repeated.

“I love you, mistress,” He said, eyes glued to me.

Kaden suddenly slapped Dexter’s backside, hard and Dexter quickly moved his hand.

“Did she tell you you could touch her?” Kaden asked with mischief in his eyes.

Dexter was trying hard for me, but I know he was struggling. “No sir.”

“Do you know what will have to happen?” He asked his younger cousin.

“Punish me?”

Kaden nodded and turned to me. “Later this night you will get your first chance to punish your sub as you see fit,” He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I will be with you and teach you how.”

I looked at my sub and smirked, “I’d like that.” I saw a hint of a smile return to his face, but he hid it well. But his eyes still told me he was happy.

After collecting our drinks, Kaden led us to a private booth in the corner where my gift was waiting.

I knew without looking a lot of jealous eyes were on me. I was sure they were asking how I got two such men.

No longer holding Dexter’s hand, I was in-fact groping his ass. I honestly didn’t realize I was doing it until I heard him groan. I was about to say sorry when Kaden gave me a look which said ‘Dom’s don’t say sorry,’ and so instead I continued squeezing it as we walked.

Kaden had his hand on my lower back, “Good girl,” he whispered and let his hand drift further south, but unlike me he didn’t grope it.

Dexter seemed to be inching closer to me with his own hand. I knew he wanted too, but wouldn’t. Instead, I moved my hand from his backside and took his hand in mine.

As soon as I felt him squeeze my hand, as if to say ‘thank you.’

“I love you too, by the way,” I whispered to him and he smiled.

A moment later we got to the booth and I was surprised to see both Cammie and Kat and another woman who looked similar to Kat.

Kat had no shirt, a collar like Dexter’s except he had a lead attached, which Cammie was holding. The other woman had a lead too and wore a short red leather corset dress.

Cammie had a longer pink corset dress with a slit up the side. They stood up when they saw us reveal Kat was also wearing a pair of black leather chaps with a similar pair of pants to the other day. Though, I couldn’t see the back to know for sure.

“Hello,” Cammie greeted and walked over to us.

Kaden greeted her and looked to me to tell me I was alright to speak.

But instead, she hugged me and kiss my lips to say hello.

“I did not tell you you could kiss or touch her,” Kaden told her.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She wasn’t. “You can kiss Tiger as compensation?” She offered him.

“No.” He looked to me. “Bunny, kiss Tiger.” I looked to both him and Cammie for conformation.

She nodded, but before I could do anything Tiger (The female sub) already had her lips on mine. Only this kiss lasted several seconds, I heard Dexter whimper? And I pulled back to see everyone staring to us.


Though, Kat reminded the good sub and avoided staring.

He was so hot.

“Now that is over,” Kaden pulled me into and placed his hand around my back and rubbed my backside.

Is this for a show or does he actually like like me?

“Let’s sit down and explain what’s going on.”

No idea…

I sat down between both Dexter and Kaden and took a sip of my drink.

So good.

I held Dexter’s hand on my lap and stroked the back.

“Bunny, Dexter and I spoke and decided together it would be a good idea to get a real sub to help train you both, but mainly Dexter.” I knew he meant because Dexter was very dominant.

“That is why Dexter spoke to Cammie yesterday and she agreed to speak to Kat and together they agreed to let him be your sub on trial for a few weeks, to help them out.”

She would really loan him to me?

I guess he’s my gift and what a pretty gift.

Cammie handed me his lead and Kat walked over and kneeled in-front of me.

“I want to thank you, but I don’t know what to call you?”

“Cammie is fine. There is no need to thank. We are happy to help.” She reached over and gave Kat one last stroke.

“Besides, him seems to like you. It will be good for him too.” She sounded as if she was telling the truth.

We spoke for a while and as I now stroked Dexter’s hand with one hand and the back of Kat’s neck with the other, I learned Kat and Tiger were in-fact siblings.

Tiger was his elder by three years and Kat was twenty-six.

“Kay,” I whispered. He looked at me with a pointed look. “Daddy,” I correct myself and he smiled.
“Yes Bunny?”
“I need to use the ladies,” I whispered and he stroked the side of my face. “No problem,” and he stood up taking my hand.

“Cammie, would you be able to watch these two whilst I go with Bunny?” he asked as if Kat and Dexter were children.
“Yes, that is no problem,” She looked at Dexter mischief and he frowned at me.
“I’ll only be a minute Dexy,” I whispered and kissed the corner of his mouth.
This seemed to cheer him up and he nodded.

Turning to Kat almost without thinking, I kissed his cheek and left with Kaden.

Just before we were out if ears shot I heard what I was guessing was Tiger taunting her Kat saying, “Aww, blushing, little brother?”
Does that mean he likes me too?


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