Chapter 13

After waking me up once to eat, we sat down and spoke. Kaden told me about what he had been doing since I saw him last.
Like Dexter, he had had a lot of partners but no permanent subs or partners.

Apparently most dominates like to have a special bond with their subs, but not Nate. He has a new permanent sub every few weeks (at most) or less, depending how long it takes him to get bored of her.

Kaden went out to check on the club, but came back a little over an hour later.
Dexter was a sweetly, running around for me, getting me drinks and anything I want. He was really trying.
We all ended up laid on Dexter’s bed watching a movie.
For someone with so much money, he doesn’t show it like some. He only had a 32inch TV in the front room and a bigger 60inch in the bedroom.
He rarely watches it, he told me and when he does its normally in bed before he sleeps.

At soon point, I fell asleep hugging Dexter, who was beyond happy at this if the way he kept kissing my head is anything to go by.
I woke up very early next morning still in his bed with both men. Laid in between the pair, I had wrapped around Dexter’s in a leg lock. The best part, I was laid across the bed and my head was on Kaden’s chest and arms holding him against me.

Why did I wake up? Well, I’m glad you asked. I woke because someone was wiggling and two people were laughing.
“Shhh,” I tried to quiet them and bit Kaden softly to stop him moving.
“Ouch, she just bit me.” He laughed.
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have if she knew what a pervert you were.” Dexter joked.
“Be quiet. I’m sleeping.” I said not opening my eyes.

“But you are on me and have Dex’s legs. We are stuck.”
“Yes, I have. You can’t move, now shh.” I captured them whilst sleeping, but I was too comfortable to move.

“But,” They both laugh.
“I have taken you prisoner. That makes you mine and I am the boss and as the boss I say sleep.”
“But I need to pee,” Kaden told me.
“Then do it. As long as it doesn’t go on me.” Yes, I really said that.

“Hell no!” Dexter exclaimed and began to tickle me, forcing me to let go of his legs and his cousin.
Kaden quickly made his escape to the bathroom and after a minute of tickling, breathless Dexter stopped.
“I don’t want either of you now.” I sulked and rolled further away and got off the bed.

“Don’t be like that princess.”

I left the room half asleep and went into my own, laying on my bed and under the covers.
It was barely six, way too early to get up.
Just as my eyes closed I heard shuffling footsteps and felt someone and then a second climb under the covers with me.
We said nothing, just hugged and went back to sleep.

Next time I woke up it was ten o’clock and I was the one trapped in the pairs arms and legs. Oh, the irony.
With little time to be nice I forced my way out and darted for the bathroom, where I threw up last nights meal and then dry heaved a lot.
I felt a hand pull back my hair and another rub my back.

A second set of feet came in and wrapping my mouth with a piece of toilet tissue I stood up.
“Drink this princess,” Dexter passed me a glass of water and Kaden continued to rub my back.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes, thank you,” I answered cleaning my mouth before drinking.

“You get a shower and we’ll get you some breakfast,” Kaden told me as he and Dexter left me alone.


The rest of the morning went well. Both men were perfect.
Early afternoon and Dexter got the call we were waiting for. As expected, he was drugged.
The doctor told him they found a large dose from the several weeks ago. The time frame lines up.
But then why did I feel like crying?

After hugging him, I excused myself, telling him I was going to unpack some of my things.
Only half way through a box on my bed, I started to cry. Yes, I am going insane, probably.

With ‘Bring me the horizon – Sleepwalking’ playing in the background, I didn’t hear the door open. Nor did I hear someone walk over to me.
I almost fell off the bed in fright when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Whoow bunny.” Kaden stops me and then turns the music down.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to know if you need help. Dexter’s gone shopping for something.” He sits next to me.
“No, I’m alright.” I tried to dry my face hoping he wouldn’t notice, but he did.
“Why are you crying then Hale? I thought you’ll be happy to find out it wasn’t all him, but a drug too?” He moved the box and sat in front of me.
“I am happy.” I was about that anyway.

“Then why the tears?” He put a finger under my eye and caught a single tear. My eyes were glued to him as he then presses his finger to his lips, rubbing my tear across them. Great, now I feel hot and depressed.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled.
“Come on, we both know that’s a lie. Tell me Bunny, I won’t judge,” he promised.
“It’s stupid,” I looked down a the bed avoiding his gaze.
“Tell me,”
“The baby and I will be alone when you and Dexter have fixed Nate, get bored of babysitting me and found real girlfriends.”

“That’s all?” He asks surprised but not denying it. My tears fell with renewed power and a whimper escaped my lips.
“I didn’t mean it like that Bunny.” He pulled me onto his lap. “I love you, Dexter loves you. Every person who meets you either loves you or is jealous of you. Even Kat is proof of that. He only submits to Cammie, he snubs the other women and men, even if Cammie asks him to do something for the woman in question. He gets punished a lot for that. Also remember the times when you and Dex played wedding and he always refused to let be bride or groom?” He held me so my back was against his chest. “You’ll always have us baby girl, no matter if you become a round grumpy pregnant woman who hits us for fun. Who knows many you’ll enjoy the lifestyle and want to be apart of it for real. Or maybe you’ll pop this one out…” he patted my stomach, “…And you’ll want another with one or couple of people?” I knew he was trying to me feel better, but still…
“I don’t want to have ten children with ten different dad’s who won’t be around.”
“Who said we wouldn’t be around?”
“What?” I asked confused.

He chuckled at my confusion and placed a kiss on the side of my neck. I physically shivered liking the feeling. I know he noticed, but he never said anything.
“I’ll let you work that out Bunny.” He said cryptically.

“You mean with Kat, maybe?” I said trying to get him to tell me.
“If you want him too, perhaps.” I huffed and he laughed.
“For someone so beautiful, you are very innocent and clueless.”
What do I say to that?
“Come on, go dry you face and I’ll help you unpack.” He stood up, picking me up with him. Placed me on the floor and pointed to the bathroom.
“Go on,” He slapped my backside lightly. “Chop chop.” I turned to glare and he just grinned teasingly and winked.

I rolled my eyes, “You’re lucky I love you!” And I disappeared into the bathroom.
I washed and dried my face and returned to my room a minute later.

“Maybe you aren’t so innocent,” Kaden said noticing me enter the room.
I was about to ask what he meant when he turned around with a smirk holding a small shoe box sized box.
My eyes widen, “No! Don’t look in there.” I took the box from his arms and pushed it under the bed.
“Too late.” He chuckled, “Dexter did mention something about a porn addiction, but I never believed him.” He teased after finding my toy collection.
“Like I told him, Nate and I didn’t do it often and when we did he was crap.”
He burst out laughing, “I can’t wait to mock that little sh!t.” He walked up behind me and hugged my waist.
“But if you ever need any help…” He said suggestively.
“Don’t tease,” I slapped his hands away.

Soon enough we went back to unpacking, but watching him to make sure he didn’t unpack my underwear too.


Little over three hours later and Dexter returned with more than a dozen bags and a huge smile.
Kaden and I had finished unpacking my stuff and we were sat on the sofa. He was telling me what to expect tonight. In short he told me to do what he asks, he wouldn’t hurt me, but he may have to say somethings for show. Also don’t talk to anyone without his permission.

“What you got?” I asked walking over to help, but Kaden and him both said no, because I’m pregnant.
“I got some food shopping and a few gifts.”
He refused to tell me what until he put the shopping away.

Another twenty minutes later and we were finally done and sat on the sofa.
“Give me a gift,” I poked his side.
“Calm down princess,” he chuckled and grabbed the first bag.
A box of chocolates and several items of club and maternity clothes later (Yes, I think he’s excited) and I wasn’t surprised when he handed me a dozen unisex baby clothes.
“Now, you gave our girls gifts, what about me?” Kaden asked joking.
“I was betting on a boy,” Dexter said, not mentioning the fact that his cousin said ‘ours.’

“Boy, girl doesn’t matter. It will still be loved.” Kaden rubbed my stomach, Dexter reached over and kissed my cheek.
“Yes they will.”

Yep, call me dumb, but I’m confused about what is going on.

“I never got anything for you.” He tells his cousin.
“It’s alright, I got to help Hayley unpack instead.” He wore a grin and Dexter looked unsure.
“Anyway, I got another gift for you princess.” He pulled out a small Satin n’ Silk box and handed it to me.
“This is a special gift from both Kay and me.”

I opened the box to reveal a black leather choker. It had a silver love heart style padlock with a diamond in the centre and two chains connected either side.
“It’s gorgeous,” I said honestly. Nate never brought me anything that cost more than two beers.
“Wearing this at the club will tell everyone you are ours,” Dexter explained.
“It’s basically a wedding ring. You will be our wifey.” Kaden smirked. I found it hard to tell when he was joking or not.

“Yes and we have one more surprise, but you’ll have to wait until later at the club for that.”
“Can’t I have it now? I never get gifts.” I pout.
“I haven’t got it here. That is why you have to wait.” He poked my lip in my mouth.
“Why don’t we get something to eat? We have to get ready to go soon.”


Another couple of hours later and I was fed and dressed.

I wore my hair in a pinned up-do, with smokey eyes and dark lipstick. I looked pretty hot if I do say so myself.
As I put on the finishing touches, I remembered Kaden’s words of advice about the club earlier.
‘There will be sexual activity, some people make advances on you and Dexter and I might have to touch you. But I promise nothing will happen to you. At least one of us will be with you at all times. If you get scared or worried look at us and remember, we’ve with you and we love you. You can even spank or hit Dexter if you want, he is your sub, after all.’

I think he meant the last part as a joke, but I can’t be sure.

“Are you ready Princess?” Dexter called through the door.
“Yes. One second.”

Moment of truth.


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