Chapter 12

“Bunny,” He said in a firm voice. “Get out here or I will spank your backside!”

I involuntarily let out a small whimper. After what happened, that scared the life out of me.

With my back against the wall, I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down.

‘Kaden will not hurt you,’ I chanted in my head.

I honestly didn’t realize I was crying or that anyone had entered the changing room, until I felt a pair of arms around me.

“Shh Bunny,” Kaden whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He rocked me against him.

“I would never hurt you baby girl.”

“I know,” I hiccupped. “I’m just stupid.” That’s how I felt, at least.

“You are not.” He told me definitely. “You are…” He wiped away my tears. “…My perfect little Bunny. You have been through something no one should.”

He brushed a few loose strands of hair out of my face. “But never again. I’ll protect you.”

“Thank you Kay.” I manage to give him a smile.

“No problem Bunny.” He smiled and pressed his lips to my forehead, placing a long lingering kiss that made my heart flutter.

Then pulled back smiling, “By the way, you don’t look anything like a hippo.” He stepped back and looked at my dress and shoes properly.

“You look perfect Bunny, drop dead gorgeous.”

“You’ve got to say that so I don’t cry again.”

“Not true.” He argued.

“I could tell you, you look horrible, make you cry and get another hug or get Kat to give you one?” It sounded more like a question, than an answer.

“He’s good to look at, but I’m pretty sure he would rather prefer I sat on him again than comfort me. Plus I like your hugs better.”

“That’s good to know,” he hugged he again. “But he is a nice guy. Did you know he and Cammie aren’t actually sexually involved?”

“But I thought that was like the deal between real dominant and submissive relationships?” I asked shocked.

“In most, yes. But the pair is great friends, but no sex. She has a female sub too, but again he isn’t involved with her. But Cammie is, she is a lesbian.”

I think I was only shocked because of Kat.

“But then why Kat?”

“Because he is attractive and fun to be around. Also, unlike most he wanted a nonsexual dom. She teases him sexually, but that is as far as it goes. As far as I know he hasn’t had sex with any person at the club.”

“Is he gay too?” I thought out loud. “I don’t know. I don’t think so, why? You interested?” he asked hugging me the whole time.

“Just curious.”

A knock sounded at the change room door.

Kaden grumbled something I couldn’t hear, before letting me go and opening the door.

“What is it Kat?” he asked the man who was still in his underpants.

“Mr Dexter and Mistress are arguing at clothes.”

“Not again,” Kaden grumbled as if a normal thing and then turned to me. “Sorry bunny, I’ll just go calm down my fool cousin. You get changed back into your old clothes and bring them out when you’re done,” he stroked my cheek once. “And I don’t want to see any more tears today. It is no good for you or baby,” he kissed the back of my hand and turned to Kat who was quietly waiting.

“Kat, you stay here with Hayley. Do what she asks and bring her to us when she’s done.”

“Yes sir.” he bowed his head in submission and stepped aside for Kaden to leave.

A few seconds later and we were alone. Hating the awkward silence, I asked him “Do you think I look like a hippo in this?”

He looked up at me as if I were kidding. When he saw I wasn’t he looked me over and moved his gaze back to the floor.

“You look beautiful Miss Hayley. Nothing like a hippo, you have a perfect body.” He spoke so softly, it was kind of nice.

“You can call me Hale if you like, everyone else does. I’m not your dom, so it’s OK.” I reassure him.

“Thank you Hale.” I saw a small smile, though his gaze remains in the same place.

“Why you looking down?”

“Respect, but also…” he paused as if unsure. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, “Uncomfortable?”

“I’m afraid you are having an affect on me…” I honestly had no idea what he meant until I saw it!

Let’s just say I got to learn how stretchy leather can be when it’s expanding.

‘Don’t panic.’ I told myself over and over, averting my eyes.

I know he wasn’t going to do anything. But still…

“I.. I’m j.. Just going to…” I tried to sound normal and not scared but failed miserably.

I disappeared into the changing room just as he looked at me worried.

Carefully folding the items, I was now in my own clothes as I exited the room with the new clothes in hand. Kat was still stood outside.

“I didn’t mean to scare you Hale, I am sorry.” He said straight away.

“It’s not your fault. I just had something happen recently… It scared me… Maybe I’ll tell you another time.”

“Are you OK now?” he was actually looking at me now, with those deep brown eyes.

“I am good, thank you.” I surprised us both by hugging him. I guess I’m a hugger now. That’s new.

I pulled back to a beautiful smile from him. “If you ever need to speak I am here for you.” I knew he heard Kaden mention my pregnancy, but he thankfully never asked me about it.

“You go to Dexter and Kaden’s club with your mistress often?” I make conversation as we walk at a crawling pace.

“Most evenings.” Wow, that’s a lot.

“So you know Dexter’s old friend Nate?”

“Yes, I know him.” The way his face changed was shocking.

“You don’t like him?”

“No, but if he’s your friend…”

“He burnt any bridges he had with me. I couldn’t care if he was dead. But if I may ask, why don’t you like him?”

“He is an ass, pure and simple. He also tries to steal other people’s subs and disrespect’s other dominant’s. How about you?”

“Another long story… I don’t know whether to tell you or not. I told Beth and she turned out to be a one of his whores he got to pretend to be my friend and make sure I didn’t call the police.”

This made Kat stop suddenly.

“Did he hurt you?” he sound angry but not at me. I somehow stayed calm. “Yes mentally, but he also had someone hurt me physically.” Almost without realizing I looked and turned my stomach. “Is it his baby?” he asked noticing my move.

“It’s the person he forced to hurt me.” He knew what I meant, I could tell be the look in his eye. “I’m sorry I would rather not talk about this right now. I don’t want to cry and then you’ll be forced to hug the over emotional pregnant woman and you’ll be covered in snot and tears.” I try to light the mood.

“I don’t mind. You can cry on me tears and all or sit on me again if you like?” he shot me a grin.

“I think you are a fantastic, beautiful, sexy, funny pregnant woman Hale and I like it when you smile. I also hate Nate.”

“Thank you Kat. You’re pretty cute yourself,” he grins and we walk again.

Upon entering the area where Dexter and the others were now waiting and talking I’m hushed whispers, Kat fell to his hand and knees. Which shocked me a little at first but when he continued to walk that way beside me, I quickly grew to like it.

“Hiya, I’m back,” I said getting their attentions and stopping near them.
Kat was kneeling beside me and I was stroking the back of his head.

They all turned to look at me and Cammie stared at me with tears in her eyes.
Without a word, she came over and hugged me.

“We told her,” Is all Kaden said and Dexter gave me a ‘sorry’ look.
Kat had his head resting against my thigh as if hugging me, whilst Cammie did just that.

“Nate is an ass. I never did like him.” I guess no one likes him much.
“Don’t become all emotional on us Cammie. Where is the kick ass b!tch?” Kaden teased her.
“I’m still here and you’ll get to see her tomorrow if you get the wrong results.” She warned Dexter.
“She’s been my best friend since we were born,” Dexter said in defence.
“If I find out I wasn’t you won’t have too. I’ll do it myself.” He added.

I felt Kat rubbing my leg with his head. It was nice, kind of like a real cat. I can see why Cammie likes him around. I hope I see him more, he’s a sweet guy.
She eventually let me go, but not before pecking my lips. I don’t know if Kaden had already paid or not, but they bagged up the clothes and got ready to go.

We said goodbye to the pair and I stroked the back of the neck. He nuzzled my hand, before the two guys and I went to leave.
“You like her, don’t you Kat?” I heard Cammie ask him as we exited the store.
I didn’t hear his answer, but I did hear her say, “Don’t worry, you’ll see her tomorrow.”

Kaden drove back in his car and Dexter drove me in his.
“I’m sorry we told her princess,” Dexter told me as he drove.
“But it was for the best. She will help you transition and with Nate. She hates him too.”
“I guess your right. It’s ok.” I knew he was right.

“Kaden said you looked beautiful,” he said with a small smile. “I can’t wait to see you.”
“Did you get your thong?”
No answer.
“You didn’t, did you?”
“That’s fine. It just means I will have to pay special attention to my new friend Kat instead.” I was only half-joke.
“That’s not fine.” he complained.
“You’re not a very good sub. You are meant to do as I ask.”

He didn’t say anything for the next couple of minutes.
“You know I was kidding, right? You don’t really have to wear one.” I said worried.
“I know princess.” he rubbed my leg and gave me a smile.
“I’m jealous of Kat.” He admitted. “You seemed so comfortable with him. I just want you to be like that with me.”

“Let us see the results. I know I keep saying that. But if I we can be like that and the results come back you weren’t drugged…” I trailed off.
“I understand princess. I really do.” He understood, but I knew he was still sad.

A short time later and we arrived back at the house. Kaden was already there, but instead of sitting around and chat with him, I decided to go to my new room and have a lay down. Between everything what had happened over the last couple of days, I felt worn-out.

I honestly don’t know when I fell asleep. But one second I am reading a book, the next thing I know I’m waking up confused and crying with Dexter stood in a few feet away with a worried expression and Kaden sat on the bed beside me and rocking me in his arms.

“Shh, baby girl. It’s just a dream. I’m here. Nothing will happen.” I knew straight away what happened. It was the same that had been happening a lot recently.
I would have a nightmare of that night, then start crying and even sometimes screaming.
“Dexter?” I whispered.

“Do you want me to go?”
“No, give me a hug?” Unsure, he slowly walked towards the bed. As Dexter laid down behind me, Kaden went to get up.
But I held onto his hand and stopped him.
“You want me to stay too?” He double checked.

I nod my head. “Please lay with me too?” He gave a brilliant smile and went to lay down on the other side of me.
“Budge up then baby girl.” Dexter moved back a little and pull me with him. His hand went straight to my hand and he kissed the back of my head.
Kaden wrapped his arm around me and placed his hand on my back, between me and Dexter, but neither man seemed to mind.
As I was laid on my side facing Kaden, I placed my arm around him pulling him closer and with my second, placed it on top of Dexter’s on my stomach.

Before long my eyes began to close again.
“I love you princess. I’m sorry,” Dexter whispered and I kicked my foot back, kicking him in the leg.
“Ouch.” He laughed. “Sorry.” I kicked him again and opened my eyes.
Kaden laid in front of me laughed.
“I won’t say it again.” Deter promised and kissed the back of my head again.
“I love you too, even if you are an idiot,” I said turning my head and letting him kiss my cheek.
“You rest for a while Bunny. I love you.”
“And I love you too Kay.” I really did, whether it was the way I loved Dexter or not I wasn’t sure. But again, I don’t know how he meant it either.

Again my eyes closed and soon enough I fell into a deep sleep, toasty and protected between my two best friends.


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