Chapter 11

“Dominate? Dr Peters?” I curled my lip up at the thought.

“Leather and all,” Dexter told me hiding an obvious smirk at my distaste.

“Don’t worry princess. He has a sub, his wife. He doesn’t really take on anyone new.” He sat in the car beside me.

“Anyway, you are gonna be the mistress, remember?” He sounded like he was trying to make me more relaxed. But was worried about how I would react.

“I thought real doms didn’t like submitting though?” I remember reading that somewhere.

“Yes, but I love you my princess bride and I am willing to do anything to make up for what I did to you.”

Before I had a chance to reply Dexter’s phone began to ring.

“Sorry,” he mouthed and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

After less than a minute to speaking to the person on the other end, he hung up.

“Sorry. That was Kay. He wants us to meet him at some store,” he told me and as if not thinking, he leaned over me and fastened my seat belt.

“Sorry,” he said again. “I didn’t mean… I mean…” he rambled.

“Stop saying sorry Dex,” I placed my finger on his lips. He stopped speaking. I think he stopped breathing too.

“You can breath though,” I joked and removed my finger.

“I can’t breath when you touch me. I just…”

“I know you are worried about us, but let’s just get through today and we will see what tomorrow brings.” I wasn’t going to lie to him, what happens or doesn’t have a lot to do with what test results comeback as.

He fastened his own belt and started the engine.

“As long as you stay my friend, that’s all that I need,” He took my hand in his and kissed the back.

“You going to tell me the store name?” I asked with my eyes glued to our hands which were still connected, as he drove one-handed.

“Satin n’ Silk,” he answered quietly, as if worried what I would say or react.

“It rings a bell. But I do not know where from. So since you seem to be hiding something, tell me now? Unless you want me more mad with you?”

“It is a store that sells all things a real sub or dom needs.” He answered in less than a second.

“Now, that wasn’t too hard was it,” I teased him.

“You aren’t angry?”

“Why would I? It’s not as if I have a secret collection of erotic outfits and sex toys… OK, maybe the latter. But you have to remember my sex life with Nate was as fun as watching paint dry,” I told him without thinking. Being around him was starting to feel a bit more like when we were younger.

“You have toys? As in plural?” He was trying to keep his voice normal but failing.

Right, so I know I probably should be teasing and messing with him after everything, but I can’t help it.

I just love him and he has always brought out my naughty side. I guess it is also partly because the fact that I am hoping beyond hope that he really was drugged and he was still a great guy I love. If I find out he wasn’t drugged, I don’t think I could stay around him.

I would always feel at risk, what if he flipped and did it again?

‘But no, he is innocent,’ I kept telling myself.

“But of course. Do you just expect me to be a nun, whilst he is not giving any? Admittedly, I had not used them since that night.

But before that it became part of my daily routine, that and watching porn on xvideos.”

Knowing what was coming, I quickly add, “Do not even think it!” I warn, knowing he would say sorry.

“Until you wish me to start beating your ass now?”

He said nothing and I looked to the side to see him fighting back a grin.

“I would ask to watch you next time, but I don’t think were at that place in our relationship.”

“Relationship?” I questioned.

“Yes, friendship is a form of relationship.”

“Good save.” I laughed.

“It’s good to hear your laugh. I have missed it.”

We’ll pulled up in front of a small building with blacked out windows and a back with pink lettering sign saying ‘Satin n’ Silk.’

It looked like an Erotic Lingerie store, not leather, whips and chains.

“Just to warn you princess,” he leaned over me again and unbuckled my seat belt. This was becoming a habit.

“The woman who owns this store is a club dominant and her staff subs. She likes to keep it real.”

“If she asks you, you are a switch in training with both myself and Kay. That just means you can be a sub or dom,” he explained as we exited the car and walked towards the building.

I honestly was kind of nervous about what I would find in the shop. So when I took Dexter’s hand in mine, he happily went along with it.

“Do not be nervous princess. I will be with you the whole time. It is just a shop.” He reassured me and opened the door for me.

Sitting inside I was surprised to find every wall to be a bright pink colour and the floor pink tiled.

Yes, there was a lot of chains and all the kind of stuff you would expect. But pink? Come on, even I know that isn’t very dom or at least not to me.

Dexter placed his hand on my back and led me to where Kaden and a gorgeous woman about thirty were.

She had short black hair and was wearing a latex rubber pink dress with four straps which went across a V-shaped front.

If I were into girls, I definitely would.

“Hello Bunny, Dex,” Kaden hugged me.

“Hey Kay,” Dexter and I said at the same time and I hugged him back.

He pulled back, “Cammie, this is our friend Hayley. Hayley, Mistress Cammie.”

“Hello Hayley,” She purred. She reached forwards as if to shake my hand but instead kissed it.

Wow. That was kind of hot.

“Good to meet you.”

Dexter cleared his throat.

“Did you bring us here for a reason?” I’m pretty sure he was jealous of her. Ha!

“Dexter,” Kaden gave him a hard warning look.

Cammie seemed unaffected.

“Kaden tells me you are interested in our lifestyle and you are being introduced tomorrow night?”

I look to him but try to hide my shock. “I am?” It was more of a question than an answer.

“Yes, she will be training under Kaden to be both a sub and a dom,” Dexter answers for me.

Kaden and Cammie both seem surprised.

“A switch? Are you not training her too?” Kaden asked confused.

“I have volunteered to be her sub.”

“You have?” Cammie seemed more surprised than his cousin.

“I think that is a great idea,” I just knew he wanted to add ‘under the circumstances’, but didn’t.

“In that case, let us find you suitable apparel.” She walked over to a rack and came back with a very tight looking corset.

Kaden looked to me as if asking a silent question. I gazed at my stomach and he smiled.

“No. I saw something I want you to wear.” He walked off somewhere.

“I think you would look good in this.” She held up the corset in front of me.

“Don’t you think, Dexter?” She nodded to herself. “This, a leather thong and thigh boots,” she thought out loud.

I glanced at Dexter to see him glaring at the poor woman, who seemed obvious.

Noticing my stare, I grinned getting an idea. His glare seemed to disappear and he relaxed.

“Perhaps Dexter might like to wear a leather thong himself? Unless he has one already, that is?” I suggested innocently.

Commie’s eye’s sparkled with excitement. “Now you mention it,” She looked at him and tapped her chin. “I haven’t seen him in the club in less than trousers.”

“Kat!” Within a second a handsome, buff man nor much younger than her ran out breathless.

“Yes mistress?” he asked with his head down, not looking at us.

“Take off your shorts!” my eyes widen when without question he removed them to reveal a pair of black leather pants as I described.

All I could think is ‘Why would a man like him, a man could rival the great Christian Grey himself willingly become a submissive, it be to a hot mistress, but still?’

I would ask why Dexter would too, but I already know the answer. I couldn’t help but stare.

“You mean you like them?” She asked and a dragged my gaze to her.
“Yes,” That came out a bit breathless and she smirked.
“Kat, drop!” He dropped as if on his haunches, like a real cat.

I could feel Dexter rubbing my back through my clothing. “Would you like to touch him?” She asked seriously.
“Think of him as a real cat or dog, which ever you prefer?”

I had half a mind to ask him, but then I remembered he did what she wanted. If he wished not to do it, he had a safe word.

“Call him, he’ll come to you.” I felt Dexter’s hand still. I’m pretty sure he’s jealous.

Maybe I could use this to my advantage.
“Kat,” I called firmly, but kinder than Cammie’s tone.
His eyes flicked up to me for a moment, I swear I saw a smile. Then, on his hands and knees he crawled over and rubbed up against my legs like a cat.

“Touch him,” She told me as if a teacher.
“She is not your sub,” I heard Dexter growl.
“I never implied she was. I just thought she might want to stroke Kat, you know how sad and lonely he can get if he’s feeling neglected.” She replied innocently.
“Why not take a seat whilst you wait,” she spoke to me this time, then turned her attention again to her sub.
“Kat, you don’t mind if Miss Hayley sits on your back whilst she waits?”
“No Mistress.”

“This is…” Dexter began to complain again.
He was meant to be trying to win me over not p!ss me off.
“Dexter!” I snapped.
For a moment, he looked shocked, but then his gaze softened.
“Sorry Princess.” He said and I sat on Kat’s back.
I felt a bit bad about it. But he seemed to like it, if the way he purred as my fingers stroked his back said.

“I must say,” I looked up at Cammie but kept stroking Kat. “I am surprised that you got him to apologize and to be your sub. You must be special.”
“She is,” Kaden reentered the room. He looked at me and Kat and chuckled.
“Is he comfortable Bunny?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
“Maybe Cammie might let you play with him another time?” He suggested looking to her.
“And perhaps I can play with your Miss Hayley another time?” She said in reply.

“Perhaps,” He answered smirking. “Come here bunny. I have chosen you an outfit to try on. I will show you to the change room.”
I stood up and I do not know what possessed me but I slapped Kat’s bare backside.
“Get Dexter some,” I whispered to Cammie as I passed her.

I left the room with Kaden a second later. He led me to the back of the store where the changing rooms were.
“What did you say to her?” He asked with his hand on my back leading me.
I told him what happened.
“That’s a great idea. He’ll hate it.” He laughed.

“But seriously, he really is sorry. He has always loved you.”
“I know Kay,” I said hugging him.
“I just hope this test comes back positive. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay around him if it isn’t.”
“I know it will be. But if the impossible happens, you can stay with me. You are like my own family, I’ll keep you both safe,” He reached down and rubbed my flat stomach.
“Thank you Kay. You’re the best.”
“Yes, I am.” I laughed at his modesty. “Now, get in there and change.” I turned to go and he slapped my backside. “Chop chop.” He smirked.

“I tried to choose something sexy and bad ass, but something you wouldn’t feel self-conscious in. I think I did a great job, if I do say so myself,” He told me through the door.
I looked at myself in the lengthways mirror. He had chosen me a long shelve, knee length black lace dress with leather patches in all the right places and a pair of black high heels with metal spikes.
“Knickers too?” I looked down at the black lace knickers.
“They’ll go better with the dress.”
“Ha. Good excuse.”

I couldn’t wear a bra with the dress, but at least I had perky breasts. That is good at least.
Only when I tried them on did I notice they were panties that laced up, like a corset.

“You gonna show me?” his voice came through the door again.
“I feel like a hippo.” I may only be a few weeks gone, but bloated and horrible.

“Bunny,” He said in a firm voice. “Get out here or I will spank your backside!”


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