Chapter 10

“It’s your baby.”
I froze. I raped her and got her pregnant.
I shouldn’t be happy, but I was. It was all I ever wanted, to have a family with her. But not this way. Not as a result of a drugged up night of horror.

Kaden bring the more lucid of the pair of us “Dexter told me what happened,” he said getting her attention. He slowly began standing up “There is something important I need to show you,” he held out his hand for her and she nervously after a few seconds took it. I let go of her, we both stood up. We walked into the bedroom. Kaden sat beside her on the end of the bed and I sat close to her other side. He had one arm around her as he showed her the video. “This is several weeks ago,” he told her. She watched the video in silence. “I don’t understand?” she said confused once it was finished.
“Is Nate a druggie?”
“No Bunny. Read this,” he changed his phone to the article he read me.

“Bunny, Nate spiked Dexter drink that night at the party, that is why he did what he did. We can’t prove it, yet. But we will,” Kaden told her once she had finished reading. We both waited for her reaction.

Hale’s pov

Could this be true? I wanted it to be. I wanted to believe the man I was in love with would not have done that to me.
“It makes sense. But why would he do that?” I thought out loud.
“In my personal opinion I think… I know Nate is a b*stard. He didn’t want you, but he also didn’t want Dexter or anyone else to have you. He is messed up like that.
Dex told me about this night. I personally would love to fix that little sh!t. I have never liked him. He has always manipulated you both to suit his own needs and everyone else around him. Recent events are a prime example. But before I was the only one who could see it,” Kaden told us.
“I totally understand what you mean. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner,” Dexter says.
I agreed but stayed quiet.

I still had Kaden’s phone in my hand and the article open. I had scrolled down to the bottom where I saw a link.
‘Can you test for The Sandman?’ I clicked on the link and read.
“You want to prove to me that it wasn’t your fault but the drugs?” I asked Dexter. He nodded his head adamantly “More than anything.”
I handed him the phone “Then do this for me.”
Both he and Kaden looked puzzled. Kaden moves to see what his cousin is looking at.
The article I opened gives the numbers of several clinics that can test for the drug. Even after such a long time. They take a couple of hairs from the root and test them. Apparently the drug stays around traces of it can be found in recent hair growth.
The only other way to test for it was within two weeks of taking it, then they can test blood or urine, but after that it is only the hair.
“The clinic is close and you can have the results within a week,” I tell them.
A smile made its way onto Dexter’s face “I will call them now,” his wasted no time in pulling out his own phone and dialing the number.

A minute on the phone and he were done. “They said they can fit me in today and if I pay extra I can have the results by tomorrow afternoon,” he said looking at me with hope.
“The is good. I really do hope the test proves your theory right. I don’t want to think of our child as a result of a sick daddy,” His eyes widen, but Kaden is the one who asks, “You are keeping it?” he sounded surprised.
I frowned “Of course I am,” I said a bit harshly “No matter what happened it is not the baby’s fault and I do not believe in abortion.”
“I just thought because you were crying…?” he trailed off.
“Wouldn’t you cry if you were a woman, been raped and then found out you were pregnant?” I snapped.
He said nothing.

But Dexter still had a hopeful look, but now also a smile.
“I am going to prove this to you and then I am going to be the best dad I can to our baby and try and make everything up to you” he wasted no time in hugging me.
I let myself be hugged, rested my head again his chest and closed my eyes. Wishing against all odds what he said was true.
“I know it won’t be a quick fix cure that I will still have you being scared of me to work on, but I am willing to do anything,” he told me and I believed him.
He was many things, but he had never been a liar. I was OK when he hugged me, it was just more intimate things I was scared of.

Shortly after that Dexter insisted I made an appointment to see a doctor today to triple check and make sure everything was alright.
I managed to get an appointment for thirty minutes after Dexter’s at the clinic. Something that he was pleased about because he wanted to go with me.

Kaden told me he would be staying here a few days so we would have lots of time to speak and hang out.
He agreed that he thought it was a good idea about the club and getting pay back. But both men agree that now I am pregnant I will have to be more careful.
I like this side of them. After we have been to the doctors and clinic he wanted us to meet him at some place. But he wouldn’t tell me where, neither would Dexter who obviously knew the place if his blushing cheeks are anything to go by.

I know I should be scared, but I’m not. Kaden is a good man.
By the time, we had finished talking it was already eleven and only an hour before Dexter’s appointment.
“Crap,” Dexter exclaimed out of the blue.
Me and his cousin both looked at him.

“You haven’t eaten today,” he looked at me.
I shrugged “So?”
He looked at me worried “If you are pregnant we need to feed you and the baby.”
I heard Kaden chuckle “You haven’t even confirmed it at the doctors and he is already worrying. Just think about what he will be like afterwards,” he teased.
Dexter gave him a scolding look which made him sober up, but he still had amused eyes.
“He is right though Bunny. We do not need you passing out,” he was always caring with me and Dexter despite how cold he could come off with others. Then again Dexter was the same, even with Nate. He was his friend, but he never truly thawed.

“Can we have KFC?” I found myself saying without thinking.
Both men grinned “Still love that hey?” Kaden asked knowing I had always had an unhealthy obsession with the stuff.
“It is edible happiness,” I answer nonchalantly.

It’s kind of sad but true. It was my comfort food. The stuff I always ate to feel happy.
“Yes Princess. We will go now before the appointments,” Dexter told me smiling.
“Are you coming Kay?” he asked his cousin.
“No. I want to sort a few things out here before tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow night?” I asked.
He grins and hugs my side “I’ll tell you later,” he said ushering me and Dexter out of the house.

Dexter drove us in his car.
The whole drive was silent, which I was kind of thankful for because I wasn’t sure what to say.

We got to the local fast food joint nearest to the clinic and ordered our food. We ended up sharing a family bucket. Yes, we are pigs. I tried to pay for it and then half, but he rejected my offer. He kept batting my hand away when I tried to pay.

The whole time we were eating I felt his eyes burning into me. I would look up and he would quickly look away almost shyly.
I swear I even noticed a blush at one point. It was cute. The way he was looking at me was not sexual, but adoringly.

I asked myself the same question once more. Why did this sweet man do such a thing? I actually believed the drug story. I didn’t tell him that just in case, but the way he is now and Nate too, it makes sense. Some might say ‘But if Dexter is so sweet why did he ignore you for so many years?’ The Answer is simple men are stupid jealous creatures like women. But unlike women who would just keep coming back… Mostly, Men ignore you and pretend like it was nothing. Their reasoning ‘If a woman isn’t around it sounds they don’t care.’ Dumb but sadly true.

I ate little under half of the bucket, which was a record for me and Dexter finished the rest. We cleaned ourselves up and left for the clinic. He thought it was a good idea for me to come with him as my appointment is soon after.

Back at the car, we took it on a short drive to our next location.
Dexter finally spoke as once we were sat in the parking lot outside.
“No matter I just want to let you know once more I am sorry. No matter whether it was a drug induced or not I still did it. If I could turn back the time I would, maybe then I would have a chance with you and we could have had babies made from love not rape,” he said sadly, got out of the car and went to help me out.

The time at the clinic went better than expected. Dexter insisted I went in the room with him. He told the doctor about his symptoms and the funny tasting beer, but leaving out the rape thankfully. I didn’t want everyone knowing. I felt like it was my fault. I felt like an idiot. Why doesn’t the papers or anyone ever mention these things? Are they normal feelings?
The man said it sounded like a typical case of the drugging. Dexter didn’t have to mention the sexual part, by the look in doctor’s face he already knew something else happened. Apparently there had been a number of cases like Dexter’s where the persons friend spiked their drink or food as a joke. Some f*cking joke!

Dexter made the payment to the private clinic to speed up the testing and was told the results would be done by two tomorrow afternoon.

Next stop my doctors. There the most unbelievable thing happened next. Dexter recognized my doctor, but not because it was his doctor. Dr Peters was around forty years of age, he was reasonable looking with greying brown hair and a goatee.

“Alex,” Dexter greeted the man.
I could have laughed.
Worst still he didn’t act ashamed, embarrassed. He actually seemed proud and pleased Dexter recognized him.
“Dexter,” Dr Peters smiled widely, he walked over not even noticing me and shook Dexter’s hand.
“I haven’t seen you at the club in more than a month, you been OK?”
Club? Dexter’s club?
Dexter hadn’t been there for that long?
Was it because of me?

Drawing me out of my thoughts, I felt Dexter’s arm draw around my waist.
“I believe you know Hale. She is the reason we are here and why I’ve been away,” he never went into any details.
My doctor’s eyes feeling went to me.
“Oh. Hello, Miss Thompson. Sorry, I didn’t notice you,” he said honestly. I guess it’s to be expected I was stood half away behind Dexter.

“Hiya Dr Peters. It’s OK. He isn’t exactly see through,” he chuckle at my comment.
“What can I do for you? I have a new receptionist and she is useless at giving me information. I think this will be her last week,” he told me with a slight smile.
“I missed my last period. I did a couple of tests, but I need you to confirm it and see if everything is OK and stuff,” Dexter still hugged my side.

He smiled “You are a couple?” he looked at Dexter. I knew his answer had to be yes because he went to the club and we didn’t want Nate finding out otherwise.
“Yes. We have only recently got together. But we have been friends since we were born,” I answer for him.
He looks at me taken back but quickly covers it with a genuine smile.
“Yes. I have been in love with her for years though,” he adds.

Dr Peters looked at us with a raised eyebrow, but then smiled.
“I always wondered why I didn’t see you with a regular sub,” he muttered before focusing on me.
“Have you got a sample?”


Several minutes later.

“Congratulations. You are definitely pregnant,” Even though I already knew, hearing it from the doctor surprised me. Before I had time to react properly I was picked up “Oh my god,” Me and Dexter exclaimed, both for different reasons.
“We gonna have a baby,” he said excitedly.
“Not if you give me a heart attack,” I heard a low chuckle from the doctor and Dexter put me back on the floor sheepishly.
“Sorry princess,” he kissed the top of my head and we sat back down.

I told myself I was only letting him hug and kiss me for the act.
But the truth was I liked it.
Not in a sexual way. I enjoyed having the love of my life finally being with me.
But could I ever get over the attack enough to make it real?
“It is too early for an ultrasound. You are about five weeks, so it can be hard to see at this point, but I can book you an appointment for in a few weeks?”
We both nod. The doctor went on the do a few tests, blood pressure, sugar, etc. Then tell us the dos and dont’s of pregnancy.
“I know this is nothing to do with me, but does she intend to become your sub?” he asked Dexter making me feel self-conscious.
“Yes. We were planning on introducing her in the next few days,” he told him “Why?”
“Congratulations. I will be happy to see you both their….But…” Dr Peters paused. Dexter looked ominous.
“Don’t look so worried. I was only going to say that I do not advise her taking part in some of the activities of the sub, at least until she is through the first trimester.”
I nodded my head as I listened to him.
“It is perfect alright to go about a normal sexual routine, but some of the harder things such as whipping and so forth is not advised.”
Don’t ask me how but I somehow hid my shock. Whipping? Why didn’t I think about things properly?
A short time later and we had finally finished.

I felt Dexter’s hand rubbing my back soothingly.
“Thank you for your help Alex,” the two men shook hands and Dr Peters even shook mine.
“No problem. If you have any questions or trouble just call,” he told us.
“Will do. See you soon,”

Once outside I finally got to ask the question I was dying to “Dr Peters goes to your club?”
He stopped and looked at me with an amused smile “Yes Princess. He is one of our regular and highly respected Dominates.”


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