Chapter 31

“I’m hungry.” I couldn’t help but laugh, she is always hungry recently. Not that I minded. We were all now dressed, but Hales was sat with her foot on Dexter’s crotch. He and Kat were sat on the ground in front of her and I. I was stroking Kat’s hair. David was sat with us and a few other members of the club. I was laughing because Dexter was more or less humping her foot.

“I will go get you some food,” A young uncollared twink who was sat on the ground with our subs offered and ran off before she had a chance to say anything.

“I think you got yourself a little admirer, Hales,” David said laughing. He was actually alright with everything that happened. A little shocked and turned on, but I think most were.

“Isn’t Matrix gay though?” I asked remembering the boy’s name. He is nineteen and one of our youngest members. He is one of our youngest members, so he is looked after by the older members to make sure no one takes advantage of him. I will not let something like what happened to Kat happen to anyone in my clubs. Eighteen is the cut-off age because they are the legal age to have sex. But we do not let them drink.

“He is… Or at least I have never seen him interested in any women.”

“Yes. He told Lin he was when she asked if he wanted to play,” Hank, a Dom sat with us join the conversation. He was sat with his Liam, his sub, and his boyfriend on his lap. Lin is a FemaleDom, who is another regular.

“Maybe he is after my men,” Hales suggested and looked down at Kat.

“Don’t worry, Kitty Kat, you are mine.” She leaned down and pecked his nose.

I swear I saw him blush and swoon. Dexter whimpered but stopped when she put her foot back.

The guys laughed and he glared at them. They all started talking about he’s changed.

Matrix reappeared a second later. He is kind of cute, but not really my type. He has green eyes, sweepy brown hair, and snake bite piercing. He is about five-foot-seven, which is taller than Hales five-foot-five height, but smaller than me and Dexter’s six-foot-two and Kat’s six-foot.

“I forgot to ask what you wanted Mistress,” He said embarrassed remembering not to make eye contact. “It’s alright.” She stood up. She looked to me, “Can I just go with Matrix for a few minutes, Daddy?”

I wasn’t really happy about it and wanted to go with her too, but I knew she needed some freedom. I nod letting her know it’s alright. “But take Dex with you. Kat and I will wait here.” Kat looked torn like he wanted to do as told but also wanted to go with her.

“Don’t worry, Kitty Kat. I won’t be long,” She reassures him stroking his cheek, he leans into her touch. “Take care of Daddy and we’ll be back in no time.” She kissed his forehead and pressed her lips to mine. “Take care of Kat,” She whispered for only me to hear.


Hayley’s pov

Leaving with Dexter on one side and my new friend Matrix on the other, I felt bad leaving Kat and Kaden behind.

“They will be fine, my little princess bride.” I gave Dexter a look and he grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Mistress.”

“So, Matrix where they sell good food around here?” The club had basics but nothing like what I wanted. After all it was only a club, it didn’t really sell food.

“Kimmie’s down the road has good food and it’s open till late. I always go there because I can’t really cook.” He avoided eye contact which I know he is meant to, but I don’t like it.

“You can look at me in the face, Matrix, I won’t punish you.” I had Dexter on a lead beside me. “You and Dexter aren’t really dressed to go out…” I thought out loud. Matrix was dressed similar to Dexter, but he wore a leather vest too.

“I don’t mind. I can go alone if you tell me what you want?” He offers while looking at me with a bright smile. “I can’t let you do that, pup. What if some man tries to force himself on you in the street. No, we will call them and ask them to deliver.” I said not minding paying extra. It is only down the road I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.

“I know the phone number like I said I’m always there.”

“Thank you, pup. Dexter, is there a phone I can use?”

“Yes, Mistress. We can use the office.”

Arriving in the office a minute, I looked up expecting to find my new friend but instead find him at the door. “What you doing?” I ask walking back to him. “Come inside.”

“But M…Master Mitchell does not like people in his office,” He stuttered.

“He is no longer the manager. Master David is. And if he doesn’t like it, then that’s tough because it is mine and my men’s club.” I hold out my hand for the worried looking boy. “I’ll look after you, pup. Dominants aren’t only to punish remember.” I remind him, remember one of the things Kaden told me. ‘Dominants offer protection and care as much as control and punishment.’

I know that doesn’t count for all doms, but Kaden told me he tries to make it so in his clubs. “Come and tell me the number and we’ll get some food.” He smiles and takes my smaller hand in his.

At the desk, I noticed Dexter looking jealous. Why? The boy was clearly gay.

“Sit down, Dexter,” I point to the chair and sit on his lap. His arms loop around my waist and he strokes my stomach while nuzzling my neck.

“What do you want, pup?” He looked confused standing next to the chair.

“I… You… Sorry, Mistress,” He stuttered again. He looked like a deer in the caught highlights and turned to go. I quickly reached out and took his arm. “No, Matrix, I mean what would you like to eat?” He looked shocked by my offer.

“Oh, I am fine, Mistress. I don’t need anything.”

“I’m paying, Matrix. Don’t worry about money. You are far too skinny. You need fattening up. Your parents need to stop letting you eat at the diner and give you more big home cooked meals.”

He frowns but hides it. “I live alone. My parents… I don’t meet their idea of a good Christian son.”

“They kicked you out because you’re gay?” I ask in shock. I didn’t know that kind of thing still happened.

“Yes and no. I do like women, but I mostly find men attractive. That is one of the reasons, but another is because I’m a submissive. One of their neighbors introduced me to it and my parents found out. They called me a s0domite and kicked me out. But thankfully I had a bit of money, I got a flat,” He told us, then looked down embarrassed. “Sorry, I don’t know why I told you all that. Please forgive me, Mistress?”

“There is nothing to forgive. I am honored you feel comfortable enough to share with me and Dexy,” I turned my head and looked to my oldest friend.

He nodded, “Listen to her. She is very smart, she knows best. If she asks you what you want it isn’t a question, it is an order. You are far too skinny for a man of you age. Do as Mummy asks.” Alright, so that wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. But he meant well and it worked. Matrix told us what they served and what was best. Dialing the number he handed me the phone back. I decided to order enough for our group.

They had no problem delivering and Dexter called the doorman to tell him to expect them.

“Mummy?” I asked amused. He nodded happily. “I like that,” I placed my lips on his. “I forgive you, Dexter. It wasn’t your fault,” I whispered to him.

I couldn’t remember if I actually ever said that to him, but I wanted him to know how I feel. The smile on his face said everything. “I love you, my princess bride, so damn much. I am so grateful for you in my life.” He placed a kiss behind my ear and whispered, “To me, you have always been my wife since that first wedding.” I couldn’t fight back the smile that appeared on my face.

“If only you never moved away…” I sighed. “But the past cannot be changed. We have to look towards the future and make sure to learn from our past mistakes.” He grinned and continued to nuzzle my neck. I love see him so happy.

“We should head back before Daddy gets worried,” He reminds me. He had told the doorman our location and he would come and find us when the food arrived. Standing up I looked at Matrix, who is quietly kneeling on the ground waiting obediently. Such a cutie.

With Dexter’s lead in one hand, I held out my second for Matrix.

“Let’s head back, pup.” He glances up and timidly takes my hand.

“Thank you, mistress.” He kept his head down as we re-entered the mind club area. “You can call me Mummy if you like.”

I don’t know why I said that, he just makes me want to care for him. There is something about him, despite how smiley and happy he seems, his eyes are full of sadness, secrets and pain. “Really, Mistress?” He asked surprised. “Yes. We are friends now. Mistress seems too informal.”

“Thank you, Mis… Mummy.” I thought for a second I saw a tear, but I blew it off. I was probably seeing things because lack of food.

Making our way back to the others, I felt dozens of eyes on us. Probably because I had a dom turned the sub on a lead and an uncollared sub by the hand.

Glancing at Dexter I was happy to see he was mad or jealous of that fact. Maybe, hopefully, he saw what I saw. A broken man-child.

Returning to the booth, an ‘Aww’ escaped my lips when I saw my two men. Kaden was still talking to David and some other guys, but Kat had his head resting on Kaden’s lap with his eyes closed. Kaden was still stroking his hair.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Dexter whispered to me. I silently nod in agreement.

I’m not sure if they heard him or sensed us watching them but Kat’s eyes opened and they both looked up at us.

Kat moved on his hands and began licking my thigh the second I was close enough. Dexter and Matrix sit on the floor where they were before and Dexter for some strange reason just stared at my foot.

“Good boys,” I say stroking both their heads, both lean into my touch. I know Matrix isn’t my sub, but he still needs to know he matters, right?

I sit down in my previous spot beside Kaden. His arm draws around me and pulls me closer to him, until I was all but sat on his lap. “We missed you Bunny. Kat was so sad.” He kissed the side of my neck. Between him and Kat, I was getting really turned on. Kat seemed to be getting closer and closer to my crotch. “We missed you both too, Daddy.”

“Was the boys well behaved? Didn’t you get any food?” I asked realizing, frowned and stopped kissing.

“They were fantastic. The bar doesn’t really have anything so Matrix helped me and we ordered in,” I said smiling in the young boy’s direction.

“Thank you, Matrix.”

“It w…was nothing master,” He stuttered slightly, no looking Kaden in the eyes as he has been taught. Kat was now only inches from my panties. I was about to say something but someone slipped my shoe off.

“What the… Oh, yeah,” I exclaimed a moan as Dexter took some of my toes into his mouth. I never had anyone do that before. It really felt good and very sexual.

“I think Dex has a bit of a foot fetish,” Kaden whispered nibbling my earlobe.

“Just eat my damn pussy already Kat!” I ordered.

“Yes, Mistress,” He replied, quickly complying with my request, pulling my panties to the side and diving straight between my legs.

“Bunny…” I felt Kaden move his hand beneath me and slide his hand into the back of my panties. “Tell me what you want us to do for you?”

“I want… I want…” It was hard to speak with Kat sucking my cl!t. I could feel the tension in my lower half building already. I wanted to wrap my legs around Kat’s head, but Dexter had one foot, still happily sucking on it and Kaden held the other. “Keep your legs their baby and tell me what you want or I will make Kat and Dexter stop? No touching, nothing.”

“I want… Want your c0ck inside.”

“Inside where Bunny? Tell me clearly,” He ordered.

“Inside my ass. Please f*ck my ass, daddy! I want you to fill me up.” I felt his body shiver against mine and he slide me on my back slightly, giving Kat access to my backside. “Kat, prepare the hole for me.”

He didn’t have to be asked him twice. Within seconds, Kat had his tongue already circling my puckered hole and Kaden reached around and began rubbing my swollen cl!t.

“You might want to move,” I heard David warn what I’m guessing was the subs. But I heard nor saw any movement. Gay and straight alike seemed to be curious or turned on by the show.

I completely came apart when I felt Kat’s tongue breach my hole and enter me.

Almost as if having some kind of seizure my body convulsed and my head flopped back against Kaden as a scream escaped my lips and a familiar spasm shot through my whole body.

I heard some speaking, but I wasn’t paying attention.

I was still riding my high when I felt my body being lifted up and repositioned over what I knew was Kaden’s erection. I can only guess that his manhood must have already been out of his pants because pushing inside me it was slick with my juices. Dexter moved up my leg and joined Kat between my legs. Kat licked up my slit while Dexter licked down my backside and Kaden’s intimate parts. “Yes, so tight. Fck, keep doing that! Suck my balls,” Kaden moaning in my ear. Turning my head, I opened my eyes for a second to see his lust-filled expression. “I love you so fcking much, Hayley,” He sounded as if he was growling. “You are mine forever. Mine!” He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me passionately as he pumped inside of me.

This had continued for a while before we both reached org@sm again.

I laid back and sighed. “Thank you, Daddy.” I nuzzled his cheek.

“No, thank you, Princess Bunny,” He nuzzled me back as my other two men cleaned my pussy of juices.

“Yum, Yum, Yum…” Dexter hummed and I heard David laughing.

I looked up to see several faces, some grinning and a few in shock. Not to mention some of the subs looked slightly damp. Matrix more so because he was sat close to my men. He was staring at me in awe.

Dexter and Kat on the other hand. “Oh, dear…” I mumbled making David laugh harder. Much like earlier in the office, Kat’s face was dripping wet, as was the rest of him and Dexter. “I would say sorry, but you look pretty content,” I commented seeing the pair happily cleaning each other of my juices.


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