Chapter 32

“Sorry to interrupt, Mistress,” One of the doormen spoke, appearing as if he came out of nowhere. “Your guest has arrived.” I stood up, pulling Kaden’s flaccid member from inside me. The man was very professional and didn’t stare at me like many would as I straightened out my clothing. Kat and Dexter continued licking each other, it was pretty erotic. I was pleased to see my men bonding. Especially Kat knowing how nervous he gets around homosexual men. Kaden stood up and looped one of his arms around my waist, stopping me from moving. “Here you go,” He held out some notes. More than enough for what I ordered. “Pay the man and bring the food to us. Give the guy a tip and keep whatever is left.” The man took the money and left without argument.

I turned and glared at Kaden. “Be good or I’ll punish you,” He warned lowly. I continued to glare but said nothing. Instead, my eyes drifted to Dexter, who was now licking Kat’s marvelous chest. Best of all Kat wasn’t angry or annoyed. Instead, he was just watching Dexter.

I was getting h0rny again just watching the pair.

Kaden pulled me back to his lap and we sat down.

I heard him and the others discussing ‘the shower’ as they called it. Hank’s poor sub-Liam was a little traumatized at being covered in lady juices. The poor guy was totally gay. Luckily Hank – who was also gay – was able to calm him enough to clean him. I think he found the whole thing pretty funny. As did the others, who were either bisexual or heterosexual. Even the couple of female subs who were in our group found it amusing. They just wiped themselves down and continued what they were doing before.

“Maybe I should get her a sign to hang around her neck, ‘Warning: people within ten foot of me may get wet.'” Kaden joked, but I know he loves it so I don’t mind.

My eyes moved again, this time they drifted to Matrix. He was standing on his spot on the floor, happily cleaning himself of the ton of juice he had been covered in after the shower.

He looked almost content. He reminded me so much of a younger Kat. Maybe that is why I feel drawn to him.

As if feeling my gaze on him he froze and looked up. His cheeks turned a lovely shade of red and he looked down ashamed at being caught.

I wasn’t sure whether to feel flattered or turned on. I think it should be the first. I already have three husbands who I love dearly, I don’t need another… Right?

I don’t think Kaden saw him. I’m sure he would be yelling or something if he had.

I smirked and winked at him letting him know it’s alright and his face blushed harder.

“Thank you, Ronan,” Kaden said when the doorman returned a moment later with a good sized cardboard box.

I guess it was the easiest way to carry the large order. Not that I mind.

Bouncing on his lap, Kaden chuckled. “Let’s feed you both, Bunny.” He rubbed my stomach affectionately, “And our little Bea.” I smiled at the nickname. Then he finally let me stand and sort out the food.

“Wow, Bunny, why so much? I know you’re pregnant but still…”

“I got some for Matrix, Dexter and whoever else wanted,” I explain handing Dexter his and something to Kat. He and Kat were still damp but had stopped licking.

They both thanked me. God, I love them.

“Here you go, Pup.” I hand Matrix an extra-large portion, his eyes widen.

“Eat it up or I’ll punish you,” I warned but then quickly add. “But don’t make yourself sick.”

A small smile appears on his lips.

“Thank you, Mummy.”

“Good pup,” I stroke his hand before turning back to hand Kaden some food and grab my own.

“There is plenty left if any of the rest of you want some,” I tell the others. I sat down and pulled out my chocolate fudge cake and pickles first. I was almost drooling looking at them.

“Pup and mummy, Eh?” Kaden whispered from beside me, he was eating fries and smiling.

“He is a cutie and excitable. Pup. Suits him, don’t you think?” We speak quietly. I glance up to see most of the booth now eating. Dexter was trying to pinch Kat’s fries despite having his own. I watched as Kat with a blank expression picked up and stole the whole lot of Dexter’s fries. Dexter just stared at him open mouthed as Kat innocently continued eating.

“He is,” Kaden said gaining my attention. He was looking at my new friend with a sad smile.

I followed his eyes. “He reminds me a little of Kat but more closed off. From what I have heard he has no one. He comes here every night but only goes with men every now and then. But never wants a permanent Dom… He’s a bit of a puzzle,” He spoke only loud enough for me to hear.

“Mmm,” Matrix hummed with pleasure as he slowly ate his food, savoring every bite.

“How far gone are you?” Hank asked and I turned to look at him.

“Not far, only six weeks,” I say picking up one of my pickles in my hand and dip it in the chocolate sauce covering my cake. “That is so good,” I moan out loud.

“That is gross,” Kaden laughed and kissed the side of my head.

Dexter and Kat were now sharing their fries. I want to hug them.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who is the father?” Another Dom asked, but this one was a woman. She was feeding chicken nuggets to her male sub.

“Dexter is biologically, but Kat, Dexter and I will all be the father’s to the child.”

I placed my cake on the table, I would go back to it in a while. Instead, I unwrapped my burger and began eating that.

“How can you be sure?” Kaden glared at the dom asking.

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just curious,” He quickly added.

“She has only recently become sexually involved with me and Kat.”


I ended up on the floor, sat on Kat’s lap. He was sniffing my neck and smiling against my skin. It was a little strange, but he seemed happy enough. Dexter was playing with my hair and whispering about our daughter. Yes, he was convinced it would be a girl.

Kaden was watching us with a small smile, but he was talking with David about his new role as club manager. Some of the people sat with us had disappeared into the back room to play, the others talked among themselves.

Matrix was sat pulling his snake bites with his teeth on the inside of his lip. I wasn’t sure if it was nerves or a habit.

“Is that not painful?” I ask watching him. “Pulling your piercings like that?” I explain when I see his confused look.

“Oh. No, not at all.” He grinned at me brightly.

He is really cute. Why hasn’t he got a master?

I didn’t want to ask him out right in front of all these people. I didn’t want to embarrass him.

“Do you have any other piercings?” His cheeks turn a deep shade of pink. “Yes, a few.”

“Where?” I asked intrigued. “Can I see?”

He looked unsure and glanced at Kaden. I think he wanted to but didn’t want me or him to get into trouble with my dom.

It intrigued me more. What has he got pierced that he was worried about showing me?

“Daddy,” I say gaining Kaden’s attention.

“Yes, bunny? Are you alright?”

Such a sweetheart.

How did I get so lucky to have not one but three kind, beautiful men? And now my new friend, Matrix. I think I will actually miss him when I go home. I’ll have to make sure to exchange details with him. I wonder if the guys will be alright with me maybe going for lunch or something with him… I’ll have to remember to ask them later.

“Is it alright if Matrix shows us his piercings?”

He looked curious why I would ask, but agreed. “Yes, it’s alright, princess.”

Princess… That’s new. Normally only Dex calls me that.

I didn’t fail to notice that the couple of male (homosexual) doms – who didn’t disappear earlier – now had their eyes set on Matrix.

But he was looking at me. I gave him the nod to give him the go ahead.

He moved onto his knees and crawled the short distance, stopping about a foot away.

I don’t know what I was expecting. But Kat and Dex didn’t seem too interested at first while he showed me his one pierced ear. It had two lobe piercings and two in the conch. His tongue was pierced twice, both side by side. Seeing his long tongue stuck out like that, I couldn’t help but wonder what those piercings would feel like against my nub.

God! I am turning into a whore. I’m going to have my own harem soon.

Did I want Matrix like that, really? I’m not sure. But he is damn beautiful.

Next he began unbuttoning his small leather vest. He slipped off the vest and placed it on the ground next to him to reveal not one but both his nipples pierced. One with a plain bar, the second with a similar bar, but this one had a little man hanging on as if he was about to fall.

“I love that,” I laughed. Which was when my men seemed to get more interested in him, including Kaden.

Kat had his head on one of my shoulders watching, Dex on the other.

The teen in front of me grinned but blushed before his gaze went downwards and he began unzipping his tiny shorts. I had to force my mouth to stay closed as he pulled them down to reveal, not only did he have a semi on, but also wore a pair of women’s black lacy briefs.

I’m not going to deny the sight was a turn on for me.

“Note to self: Must buy my men some lacy pants.” I didn’t realize I said it out loud until I heard Kaden agree, but obviously just from Kat and Dexter.

Whether they would be willing to wear them or not is a completely different thing.

But I am sure I could convince them. Even Kaden… Muhaha.

“You look really sexy in those panties,” The words came out without thinking about it.

His cheeks stayed the lovely shade of red, but the change I do notice was his briefs. With his short down, his panties soon followed. I heard a collective intake of air from lost on our group. Let me tell you this, for such a short man – barely two inches Taller than me – he has a huge c0ck. Almost as big as my guys and a lot bigger than Nate’s.

And his was standing now complete hard and to attention. Though, I am not a hundred percent sure why.

Maybe showing himself turns him on?

“I had these last two done only a few months ago.” He held his shaft upwards to reveal a bar through the flap of skin just below the head of his length, the frenum.

“And this one…” He lifted his balls, this time to show the small piece of skin between them and his boy pussy pierced. He has a bar, a guiche piercing.

“The willy piecing, does it… what is it like to top a guy with it on? Doesn’t it catch or something?” I knew it was a dumb question, but the words just came out of my mouth as if on their own accord.

The younger male grinned and shook his head, “I haven’t actually topped anyone, man or woman since I had it done. But I have been told by many that is bull, but can’t get stuck.”

“I’m confused,” A woman – a mistress/dom – sat with us said gaining our attention. Though my eyes didn’t away from his body for long. I mean, come on. He is hot as hell, naked, a slim – a little baby fat, but nothing major – a great body, with an attitude and looks to die for. Anyone would be stupid or crazy nothing to find him attractive. It is like my men are the Hercules type Gods and Matrix, their younger, but equally handsome younger brother.

F*ck! I really need to sort myself out. Speak to Kaden and the others. I can’t be wanting another man.

I love them. I would rather die than hurt them.

But Matrix, he needs me.

I will try to stay his friend nothing more…

At least that’s what I am trying to convince myself.

“Aren’t you gay?” The others in our group nodded their head thinking the same.

“I am bi, but I prefer men. I am very particular when it comes to women,” He spoke with confidence. But I didn’t fail to see his nerves, neither did I fail to notice his eyes flicked to me when he said the last part. Kat and Dexter must have noticed because I felt them pull me impossibly closer to them.

Not that the younger male noticed.

Kaden watched him with an unreadable expression, though said nothing.

“Well, in that case,” The woman wore a suggestive smile. “Tank and I would love you to do a scene with us?” She indicated to the huge man sat before her and looking at him, it was clear where the nickname came from. He was around seven-feet, classic handsome and built like a tank.

I don’t know about my friend, but if I were an unclaimed sub, I would be scared to say no to them. Especially the way Tank was eye-raping him. His expression was similar to that of a starving dog. Then again, the other gay men at the table weren’t much better. They were eying the twink getting ready to pounce.

“I don’t… I…” He mumbled nervously.

“Maybe another time,” I answer for him seeing his erection soften and him shuffle uncomfortable as I would have been. “Matrix has agreed to accompany me this weekend. Isn’t that right, Pup?” I begged to God he would go along with what I said.

Not giving him a chance to answer the woman turned to Kaden and asked, “You allow your subs to do this?”

I want to hit the snotty b!tch.

“She is submissive to me, yes. But she is a mistress in her own right. If she wishes take on another sub temporarily and permanently she can.” I knew that in reality I would have to speak to them about it in person, especially if I ever wanted to take someone on permanently. But Kaden seemed as irritated as me by the woman.

“Matrix,” He said gaining the younger man’s full attention. “Yes, sir.”

“Would you like Hales to be your mummy for the weekend?” I knew he wasn’t giving me permission to do anything sexual with him, but I could mother and punish him. If he agreed, that is.

He looked back to me, pulling his snake bites with his teeth again before returning his gaze to my sexy daddy. “I am may, sir.” Kaden gave him a nod to let him know it was alright.

Aww, so polite. Can I cuddle him?

“Pull your cute little panties back on and go and sit with her.” Doing as he was told, he redressed. I turned to Kaden and he mouthed ‘I love you, bunny.’

“I love you too, daddy.”


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