Chapter 34

I woke up to find Dexter hugging Kat. Kat though was holding me, his body wrapped around me almost awkwardly. Kaden wasn’t much better. He was laid on my other side holding me. His and Kat’s legs and arms looped and linked around me.

It would prove impossible for me to move without waking them. But thankfully I was having a rare good morning where morning sickness didn’t appear. Yay, I can eat without being sick… Hopefully.

Dexter made a groaning noise and his hand started to move down Kat’s naked body.

We were all naked.

Kat must not have been sleeping as deeply as I thought because the next thing I knew he was slapping Dexter’s hand away before reaching his genitals. “I’m letting you hug me, but mean I’m not ready for anything else yet.” His voice was surprisingly clear for the morning.

“Worth a try,” Dexter replied awake too, he opened his eyes and leaned over pecking Kat on the lips.

Kat looked surprised and blushed slightly. “At least I got a kiss.”

Kaden chuckled sleepily. “Since when did you become such a morning person?”

“Since I got my princess bride, daughter, and Kat to join our little family,” Dexter replied awkwardly climbing over and kissing both me and Kaden. “I know what you mean,” Kaden sighs. “Its good having them join us. It makes me feel complete.”

Dexter silently nods, moves down the bed between my legs and rests his head on my legs.

“Morning Princess.”

“We are not calling our baby that! That was on the no way in hell list, remember?”

He grinned, “Just testing you, my princess.” He kissed my bump. “I love you and your mummy very much. One day when you are much older boys are going to want to date you like we do mummy. But that’s not going to happen because you’re going to become a nun and marry Jesus.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as did the others.

“You know it might be a boy?” Kaden suggests. “No, it’s a girl. A beautiful, girl. Just like her mummy.”

“Speaking of mummy…”

I groaned and closed my eyes, knowing where this was going.

“No, you don’t, bunny. Open those pretty little eyes or none of us will touch you for the rest of the day.”

Kat whimpers and Dexter muttered, “Speak for yourself.”

I opened my eyes and chuckled at the look he was giving Kaden.

“Good.” Kaden ignored the looked and smiled at me.

“Tell me, do you like him?”

“Yes. He’s a sweetheart. He reminds me of a more emoish version of Kat,” I turn to him and peck his nose. “My handsome Kat,” I get slightly distracted nuzzling his cheek and placing stray kisses along the way.

“Bunny,” Kaden chuckled making me snapped back. Kat mewled at the loss.

“It’s alright, Kat. She’ll give you more attention, but first we need to discuss Matrix.”

“It isn’t like that…” I began to say. “Well, not really. I adore him. He is so loveable and sweet. He needs a mummy. I am not going to deny I am sexually attracted to him because I am. He is a little too skinny, but he is sexy. And those panties…” I paused thinking about it.

“He is a little hottie,” Kaden agreed, though the other two said nothing.

“But he is just my friend. I cared for him, yes. But I have you guys and I love you all. I hardly think he’s interested. As he said, he’s picky and prefers men.”

They all stare at me blankly. “Bunny, I saw the way he looked at you. He stared at you almost the whole time. He got hard looking at you. He even licked your cum off himself. Yes, I noticed, I know you did too. But I didn’t say anything because you are right, he is sweet. He deserves a real master. A permanent one.”

“But that doesn’t mean he likes me. I could just taste nice. And I was sat with Kat and Dex, he might have-“

“Come on, we know that’s not true,” He cut me off. “Why do you deny it so much? Tell me?”

I was afraid to tell them, I looked down, but he made me look at him.

“I feel like a whore,” I admit ashamedly. “He is so hot and I really wanted to f*ck him. But I don’t know if there will be a future beyond that. I mean he’s young and basically gay.

“I have you guys and I don’t need anyone else. I don’t want to lose you guys because I keep adding men. I am going insane, I think. But I really do want to be his friend. He needs me.”

They stayed quiet for the longest time just holding me before finally speaking.

“You will never lose us.”

“Any of us.”

“I thought we made it clear last night, we are all forever. No matter what.” They each said.

“Let’s just play it by ear,” Kaden suggests. “Let’s start as friends, see how today goes and we can decide later when the time comes if need be. Is that alright with you guys?” They both agree, but I don’t think they are happy about it. Only doing it for me.

“I think we should visit him outside club hours, at his flat. See if he is really as he pretends or if it’s an act?” Dexter says this time.

“Yes. I agree. He might just be trying to play us,” Kat agreed.

“That is fine. But I think he is for real. From the little the guys at the club know and what you told me, it seems as though he is just a kid trying to make it on his own. Hank even told me he offered him a place to stay with him and Liam, no strings. Something about his landlord being an ass. But he refused because he didn’t want to leech off someone. He is very independent but has no real friends. He bottoms for a dom once on a while but never takes a permanent one. I don’t know.” Kaden paused as of thinking. “There is something about him. Something other than his messed up family.”

“Just know I love you, princess. We all do.”


After ordering breakfast to our room and getting dressed, we decide to head to Matrix’s for an hour or so. Just long enough to get a better idea about him.

Then we will return to the hotel and spend some time together alone before meeting him again at the club. Or at least that is the plan.

“I hope he isn’t mad about us dropping in,” I think out loud as we walk the short distance to the cafe.

Dexter wanted to drive me because I’m pregnant. But Kat told him that it is good for me and the child to exercise, as long as not much.

Kaden agreed and so did Dexter, reluctantly.

But he made sure to walk with his arm around my waist as if I might fall. It was sweet but annoying. Kat and Kaden were close to my other side, but not too close because they could see Dexter’s codling was annoying me a little. Though he seems oblivious.

The guys were talking about returning home and collecting the last of Kat’s bits from his sister’s and Cammie’s place. We had got some before, but there was still a few bits left.

“Not feeling sick today, my love?” Kat asked as we drew closer to our destination.

“I feel good today. Maybe a little achy, my b00bs are feeling sore. But I’m alright. Thank you for asking. How are you, my handsome feline?”

We were all dressed in everyday clothes. The guys in a t-shirt or sweater and jeans and trainers. I was in a mid-sleeve, pink skater dress and black sketches with a silver flower pattern on the outer sides. I honestly didn’t care if it looked odd or unfashionable. It was comfortable and being pregnant, it was hard to ever feel that it tight clothes. My hair was pulled back and I had only mascara and lip-gloss on.

“I am happy. I have my dream girl, a baby on the way and two men who are growing on me,” Kat replied, grinning at me.

“Gee, thanks. I love you too man,” Kaden joked. “Don’t worry, Kat. My offers still out there if you want a blowie,” Dexter said winking from beside me.

Kat blushed staying quiet. “I totally love watching licking each other yesterday, very erotic.”

Kaden nodded in agreement. “It made me hard, I just wanted to bend Dex over and plow into his ass while he blew Kat.”

“Umm, nice image.”

“Let’s not talk about it. It’s making me hard.” I glanced down to see the beginnings of a tent in Kaden’s pants. “That’s how you should be all the time, Daddy,” I say with a smirk. “I love seeing you like that. It makes me think of you shooting inside me and filling me up.” He groans.

“Oh look, the diner,” I say casually making Dexter snigger.

“You are so being punished tonight, bunny. I’ll teach you not to tease.”

“Oh, but daddy,” I pout. “I was just telling you how much I want your baby inside me too.”

His expression softened slightly, but then he shook his head and smirked. “You are a bad girl. You almost had me then. You are still being punished. But tonight I want to try something a little different.” I didn’t know if I liked the sound of that, but I know they would never hurt me.

I was about to suggest we head inside the diner and ask where the door to the flat is when we heard a dog yelp around the corner, down the alley next to the place.

“What the…?” Kat mumbled and headed in the direction closing followed by Kaden. I followed with Dexter, but he kept me back, just in case.

As we go deeper into the alley, we noticed a door ajar, the sound of a whimpering came from inside. As well as a raised threatening voice, there was a smaller familiar voice pleading and not in a good way.

Then I realized who it belonged too. “I think that’s-” I didn’t get time to finish. The pair were already heading inside.


Kat’s pov

It doesn’t matter who it is. I don’t care if I know the person or not.

All that matters is the person was in trouble.

How did I know it wasn’t the type of pleas like at the club, the type where they say no but mean yes?

Well, that is easy. The tone. The pain, fear in the person’s voice. It wasn’t like the lust or what I would hear in the club. The person cries were full of terror.

They were scared.

“I’ve got your back.” I noticed for the first time Kaden was entering the building with me.

I like him. He’s a good guy.

Walking up a narrow set of stairs which lead to another open door.

Why were they open? As I got closer, that question was answered.

“It looks like the door was kicked in,” Kaden whispered to me so not to alert the people to our presences. The lock on the door was broken and splintered.

He gestured with his hand to stay quiet and follow his lead.

Upon entering the small flat we saw things knocked over, what looked like smashed cups or something.

“Please stop. I don’t want it. I won’t tell.” The plea was cut off by a crack.

“When has that ever mattered?” The smug voice said. “I like it when you struggle.” Another sob followed. “Same deal as normal, tell anyone and you’ll not only be homeless, but jobless and no one will believe you. Everyone knows what you are. Even your folks, that why I’m all you got. So unless you want that and not to mention your mutt dead, I would keep the hell quiet.”

The sobbed and screams muffled and we burst through the one closed door to find a large man with his manhood out trying to push it in the backside of a small lad. He had the lad pinned faced down on the bed, his hand around the boy’s neck holding his face into a pillow, with his second hand aiming his piece. He didn’t even notice us enter. “Shut up. I know you’ll like-” His words were cut off abruptly when I launched myself at the man just as he pushed into the lad. I knocked him off and straddling his waist before berating him with my fists to his face, repeatedly.

“You sick b@stard, he said no!” The guy was unconscious after the first punch, but I continued until Kaden pulled me off. He held my back to his chest, his arms around my middle pinning down my arms.

“He is safe now, Kat. You’re safe.”


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