Chapter 35

Hales pov

I broke free of Dexter’s arms and rushed into the bedroom just in time to see Kat start to punch the rapist. Kaden was trying to stop him from killing the guy and the victim lay in the bed faced down still shaking and crying. His trousers pulled down at the back.

I walked over and moved the cover on the bed to cover his exposed skin.

My fears were confirmed upon entering the room. I sat on the edge of the bed beside him and noticed him move back as if scared.

By this point, Kaden was holding Kat back from the man unconscious on the floor and Dexter was on the phone, I guess to the police.

“It’s alright, pup,” I say in a soft, soothing tone. “Mummy is here.” I reached out and brushed the back of his hair with my hand.

“Mummy?” His voice is inaudible to anyone else in the room but me. Slowly he turned his face to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy, with one showing the start of a black eye.
His cheeks wet and his lip split.

“Yes. I’m here. We’ll protect you baby boy,” I reach out and hug him against me when he all but throws himself at me.

“Hunter… Is she alright? He… He kicked him,” He strutted.
“Hunter?” That’s when we noticed the scratching inside the Closet. Dexter, who had finished on the phone, opened the door and the moment he did, a small white ball of fur ran out growling. Went for the man on the floor as, but stopped and came to his master when he called his name.

I was surprised the tiny thing could get up. But he did and went straight to Matrix, who picked him up and hugged him against him like a stuffed bear. But still remained huddled against me, hiccupping and silently sobbing.

We stayed like that for a long time, thankfully no one said anything and the guy didn’t wake up. He must have hit him hard.

Soon the police came and arrested the man I now know as Tyler for breaking and entering, but nothing more because Matrix was too scared to press charges. But the officers took photos and evidence they could from the small flat before leaving. They told him that if he changed his mind that it is best to come before the day is over so they could collect evidence from his body and so on.

Tyler woke up just in time to be hauled out, he rambled incoherently about only the Lord knows. His face was pretty messed up, but the two dog bites on his leg and arm were probably his worst injuries.

The officer said that under the circumstances Kat wouldn’t be arrested and they would make sure Tyler didn’t try to press charges against him. The officer had said something that stuck out in my brain, “Too many… Most men that are raped, assaulted and never come forward because of fear or embarrassment. Meaning scum like Tyler are free to do as they like and get away with it.”

“Do you want to pack your things or should we?” Kaden asked once the last of the police had left.

Matrix peaked back at him confused. “W…Why do I need to pack?” He stuttered.
“Do you accept Hales as your mistress, not only today but the foreseeable future?” He took a quick glance at me then the others as if asking their permission.

“You don’t mind? You accept this?” He asked his voice still full of emotion from earlier.
“Yes,” Dexter replied. “He would never offer is we weren’t all on board.”

“I’m going to tell you a few things before you decide,” Kaden cuts in. I am still holding my younger friend and stroking his arm comforting him. “Dexter, Kat and I are her husbands – maybe not officially… Yet, but nothing will change the fact she is ours. But saying that, I do not deny the fact that there is a possibility that in the future things may develop between you and her. But you must remember we are part of her too.”
“You… You mean I could maybe be an official partner, like you guys in the future?” He stuttered.
“Possibly, if things develop beyond friendship. I know you find her sexually attractive.” He blushed and looked down at the dog, but said nothing.

“And she thinks the same of you,” He glanced at me shyly surprised but quickly again looked down.

“I think in all honestly we all find you attractive. But our feelings for each other are deeper than pure want, lust. That is why I am offering friendship first and then we will see how things develop. Yes, she will be your dominant if you accept. She will be able to punish you and so on, sexual things… We will see how things are at the time. But you must remember, no one will touch you unless you want to be touched. We will never force you like that man,” He spat the word, man. “Not that he could really be classed as that. As I told Hales, a dominant isn’t only to control you, he has to know your needs, care for you, and protect you. A dominant will never hurt unless you ask for it specifically.”

“I accept. I want you to be my dominant,” Matrix said quietly. I tightened my arms around him and placed a single kiss on his forehead. “Thank you, pup. You made the right choice joining our family.”
“Family?” He asked hopefully.
“Yes, my sweet little pup. Even if we are just friends, you are still part our family.” I look down at his dog. “What is your baby called?”

“Her name is Hunter because I found her as a stray when my parents kicked me out.” He looked down at her and stroked her head as he spoke. “I lived on the streets with her until I got a part-time job at Kimmie’s and she let me use this place. Hunter used to kill anything, rats or whatever pests came our way and I would feed us. We needed each other and she stayed will me since.”

“How long were you on the streets?”
“Only about a year, my parents kicked me out when I was seventeen. They made sure to spread the word that I was a heven so no one would help me. So I hitched a ride and came here. I lived on the streets until I came across the diner. The owner was looking for help and one thing leads to another and I was given the flat.”

“Your parents don’t deserve you or any child,” Kat said lowly. He was mad, but not at Matrix.

“Yes, but you have us now. So I’ll ask again, are you packing or us?”

Matrix looked confused at Kaden. “We live cities away. We would rarely see you. You are moving in with us. Plus you need some looking after and protecting from that b@stard if you really insist on not pressing charges.”

“But I can’t leave. My job…”
“You don’t need them. But if you insist on having a job,” Dexter looked to Kat and as if reading his mind Kat added, “My sister and her Mistress own a store and they are looking for help. You can work there.” Since he got with me, he hasn’t had time for the store.

“No, buts. Now tell me what is yours.”
Matrix seemed reluctant. “You won’t have to worry about a place to stay. Honestly, you will always be safe with me. I will always make sure you have a place to stay, even if you decide you want to part ways,” I reassure him.

“The blanket, dog things and my clothes and stuff in the closet and draws. The rest is the owners.”
“Have you got any bags, cases?” He shakes his head.

“Not to worry. I’ll sort something out.” Kaden pulls out his phone and steps out of the room and out of the flat.

“I am alright to bring Hunter? She is a good girl, she just doesn’t like mean people.”

Dexter smiled, “She can come, but if she damages any of my stuff we’ll be having dog pie.”
“She won’t. She’s-“
“Shh, pup, he’s joking. He loves dogs.”

“I do. But anyway, what I really want to know is what’s the deal with that guy?”
“I… I’m ashamed.”
“Don’t be ashamed, no shame, no secrets. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours?” I knew he would find out sooner or later, so decided this was a good way to get information out of him.

It took a minute or two before he finally started talking.
“It started a few months after I moved in. Tyler is Kimmie’s – the diner owner’s son. He found out about me like men and going to the club. He also overheard me tell his mum about what happened with my parents. Since then he has been trying to force me to do stuff, threatening to kick me out and have me fired if I don’t. He knew I didn’t want to be on the streets again. I reluctantly agree to give him head or hand jobs once in a while to get him off my back. But this weekend… Today… I told him I couldn’t, that I-” Before he could finish we heard the front door open and yelling before the person entered the bedroom.

Hunter growled as the older woman entered the bedroom yelling something about her son. But she stopped when she saw me. The woman – who looked in her late fifties to early sixties – froze in place when she saw Kat.

“Kate-Lynn, I should have guessed that that piece of sh!t was one of your f*ck ups,” He growled bitterly. “So, Kimmie? I would change my name too. But better yet you should have aborted the sh!ts when you found out you were pregnant. Saved the whole world two sicker paedophile rapists.”

We all listened shocked at Kat outburst. I hadn’t expected something like that from him, I doubt any of us had.

“You know each other?” I was surprised to hear Matrix ask quietly and nervously. He was still hugged up against me. When the woman looked at him, his hands fisted at my shirt and looked down. He looked afraid of her, but that is not surprising considering how she entered the flat.
“It’s alright, baby,” I whispered to him and tightened around him not caring at how close he was to my chest. Not that he seemed to notice.

“Who is this to you, Kat?” Dexter asked in a very dominant tone.
“She is Tilly-Ann’s mother.” We all looked confused. The woman stood awkwardly saying nothing.
“Her daughter groomed me and then sold me to a pedophile where he kept me prisoner for three years.” He didn’t have to finish the sentence, but I knew it was more for Matrix’s benefit than ours.

Matrix’s lip started quivering and his eyes welled up with new tears.

He is such a sweetheart. How come I spend so much of my life blind to the sweet guys and spend it with a cheating ass instead. Then all the good guys turn up at once.

Kaden stepped in an expression that scared even me though it wasn’t directed at me. Without asking or paying any attention to the woman, Kat came over to the bed and sat on the edge beside me. He leans in and nuzzles my cheek, needing some attention after the confirmation. My men liked to act strong, but they all needed to know I still loved them once in a while. Even Kaden.

“Leave,” Kaden said to the woman coldly. “This maybe your flat, but if you stay here, I cannot guarantee your safety,” His words threatening. “Matrix will be out in an hour and then you can do what you want with the place. If I see your son again, it will be the last.” He didn’t need to say anything else. The woman left, but not before giving Kat a look of pity.

“I am so proud of you, my beautiful Kitty Kat.” I lick his cheek playfully only instead of cringing back he turned his head and stuck his tongue out, catching my tongue and licking it in return. Before pulling, giving me a cheeky grin and turning his attention to Matrix still cuddled to me.

“I still think you should report him,” He sighed. “But we aren’t going to force you.” He reaches out and turns Matrix’s face gently. “That needs cleaning up.” Kat keeps surprising me today. “I’ll take care of him. You guys start packing his stuff up. If that’s alright with you guys?” They all nod in agreement and Matrix silently agreed.

I noticed a small pile of clothes on the side table. “Are these clean, baby?” He nods again and I move to take a clean change of clothes for him. “Is it alright if they start packing your things?”
He starts pulling on his piercings with his teeth. “Stop stressing, baby. We’re your family now.”

He stays silent for a moment before replying. “Alright, but… I have…” “Don’t worry, pup,” Dexter said using the nickname I gave him. “We won’t judge,” He said guessing.
Kat rose from the bed and I did the same. Matrix was reluctant to put Hunter down but had too. Shuffling, he somehow managed to pull up his pants before exiting the bed. Then, holding his clothes in one hand and taking his in the other we exit the room to the small bathroom, closing the door behind us.



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