Chapter 36

After cleaning his split lip with some antiseptic. I began to run a bath.

“You’ll feel better after a bath. I did…” That was somewhat true.

I turned back from the bath to look at him. “You were attacked too?”

I think back to what I said and realize.

Crap. I can’t believe I did that.

“Yes. Get in the bath, baby and I’ll tell you… If you want to hear?” He’s going to find out at some point. So why not be honest from the start?

“Will… Will you join me? I just want you to hold me… If that’s alright?” He asks nervously.

I nod and remove my clothes as does he.

“You really are my Mistress, my mummy now? This isn’t a dream?” He asks hopefully.

I step into the small bath, but big enough for both of us.

“Why don’t you climb in?” I indicate to the space between my legs. No, nothing sexual, just sitting.

“Come for a hug and find out.”

He quickly, but steadily climbed in and sat in the space between my legs, leaned back and held me.

“Thank you, mummy. I like you a lot and the others. I am glad you are my first dom.”

“You’ve never been collared?”

“No, I’ve been with them but never collared.” I don’t know why but that surprised me.

“Can you tell me what happened to you?”

I sighed and drew my arms around him, letting his back press against my front.

“Will I not hurt the baby, laying like this?” He pulled back a little worried.

“No. It is alright, your weight is barely touching me.” He didn’t seem convinced.

“Do you not want hugs?” I ask when he refuses to lay back again.

He nodded slowly pulling his piercings. “Yes, but I hurt him.”

Him? So, Dexter says it’s a girl, Matrix, a boy. We’ll see.

“Get up a second and I will sit in front of you. If that’s alright with you? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, that is alright.” He stood up and we swapped places. I sat between his legs and he nervously let his arms circle my waist just below my breasts.

“Is this alright?”

I smile and lean against.

“Yes. This is perfect.”

He had a little bit of a semi on digging in my back, but after what happened I doubt very much it meant anything. It would just because he had a naked body pressed against him.

I went on to tell him about me, Kaden and Dexter and when we were young. About our weddings and then meeting Nate. Literally everything – even how Dexter and Kaden got together. He listened his expression changing with the mood of the story.

I told about my lesbian experience and then recently bumping into her. His length hardened further against my back. But it soon softened when I hit to the party, the drugging, the rape, Nate and the girl I thought was my friend.

He held me and we both cried.

“But I forgave him. It was Nate’s fault for drugging him. I know that and in all honesty I love him, I always have. I was scared of him, but that fear is going. That is why he agreed to be my submissive because he knew his dominant side would remind me. Then I met Kat…” I smiled remembering.

“Like you heard, he was kidnaped and abused for years, but he got out.” I knew Kat wouldn’t mind me telling him. “He couldn’t be with anyone, trust anyone other than his family after that,” I told him about Cammie and Tiger and how he ended up with us.

“The most amazing part is he was in love with me already, he had been for a while, you see…” I turn my face to see his reaction. “He is my college tutor.” His eyes widen, “And you didn’t know?”

I shook my head. “I never recognized he before because he is completely dominant in the classroom. His hair is combed back, he wears suits and glasses. He is sexy still but looks completely different.”

He was stunned but wasn’t more upset about the other things I told him.

“The baby is from when…?” He guessed correctly.

“Yes. But it doesn’t change anything. I still love him or her and so do the guys. Do you know that it was Dexter’s first time with a woman?”

“No way.”

“Yes. He had never had full sex with a woman before only her blowing or tossing him. Same goes for Kaden. The only difference is I got to give Kaden an experience he’ll remember for all the right reasons. Dexter on the other hand…” I trail off and more tears escape my eyes.

He holds and rocks me silently in the tepid water.

“Do you hurt?” I finally block the silence minutes later.

“Your bum, I mean…”

“Not too much.” I sensed embarrassment in his tone.

“What is it? You can tell me anything you know? We are family now.” He smiled but still seemed shy.

“Well… I was… I mean…”

“It’s alright I won’t judge.”

“I was really excited after… Seeing you and the guy’s scene last night and so…” He pulled on his piercing nervously. “I spent hours last night and this morning…” He glanced at my face then looked down. “I jerked myself off and played with my ass… Then… Then Tyler came…” His eyes began to water. “I quickly got dressed and went to the door, but I was still…”

“Lubricated?” He nodded sadly.

“It is my fault. I shouldn’t have touched myself and then maybe he wouldn’t-“

I press my finger to his lips effectively cutting him off. “Don’t even think about finishing that,” I warn. “You are not to blame. He is a f*cked up sh!t. His whole family is. That b!tch should never of let him near you. But you have us now and I will look after you.” I lean my head back against his shoulder and go to kiss his cheek, but he had turned his head at the same time and I ended up kissing his lips. He winced as I caught his cut. “Oh, crap! I am sorry, pup. I meant to kiss your cheek.”

Much to my surprise he just laughed. “It’s alright. At least we will remember our first kiss.”

His eyes close tightly and his face turned a bright red realizing what he said.

“I agree. But I promise to give you a much better one when your lip is healed.” His eyes pop open just in time to see me grab the clean cloth and soap. “Now…” I twisted around to face him. “Let mummy clean you.”


Dexter’s pov

Kaden had driven the car here and collected several empty boxes from the club for us to use to pack up Matrix’s things. While we packed up his stuff – something I didn’t expect to do today, but strangely happy too – Hales helps him clean up and Hunter sits watching us from the bed. I am sure she thinks we are up to something bad. For a small dog, she is damn scary.

Once we have emptied the cupboard – which held some very interesting things – we searched the rest of the flat for things that might be his. Well, all but the bathroom.

“Where are they? They have been so long. Maybe she has fallen over and hurt herself and he is too scared to come and get us…” Kaden laughs at Kat’s panicking and draws his arms around his shoulder.

“They are fine, Kat,” He reassures him.

Me on the other hand, my brain wanders…

Lord, what I wouldn’t do to see Kat topping the equally sexy Kaden right now.

NO! Now is not the place. Bad Dexter, Bad! Think horrible things… Think Susan Boyle naked…

I internally shiver in disgust. That thought is enough to kill any man’s erection.

“Maybe I should go and check,” I offer thankfully for the distraction from these two.

Before they answer, I hear knocking on the door.

Opening it I realize my mistake.

“Hales,” I all but whine see her sat in the bath facing Matrix. Both their naked skin soapy and she was washing his hair and pulling it together into the air, causing it to stick up.

“I came in here to be distracted not more turned on.”

They both turned to me with the same innocent expression causing me to groan. I leave the room mumbling to myself. “Between the four of you I am never going to stop having a hard on. Damn sexy people.” But they most of heard because I heard her laugh and Matrix ask her quickly, “He isn’t angry at me?”

I pause and turn back to them. “No, I’m not. You are far too cute to be angry at.” His face turned a perfect shade of pink and I left the room smiling.

“Have you been tormenting them?” Kaden’s steps up behind me and his arms circle my waist.

“No. They, me,” I grumbled and sank into his arms.

Kat walked past us, peeked into the bathroom and walked out again groaning. “Why does she have to be so perfect?”

I glance down forgetting my earlier words and see a swell in his trousers.

“Let me help you with that…” I go to drop to my knees, but my partner behind me stops me.

“Behave,” Kat whined surprising us both. “Now is not the time. Though I would love to take you in my mouth right now. Promise later.”

“Grrr.” I looked down to see Hunter humping my foot. Our previous lust forgot they both began to laugh. “Matrix,” I called trying to shake the dog off my foot without hurting her. It wasn’t working.

“Yes?” He called back.

“You sure Hunter’s a girl?”

“Yes… Why?”

The guys laughed harder. “No reason.”

“Yeah, sure, no reason,” Kaden mocks. “Expect Dex seems to have a new girlfriend.”

I heard what sounded like wet footsteps and saw a damp Matrix, now rinsed with a towel around him. He looked cute. His mouth gaped and he looked mortified when he saw his dog attached to my foot, still going at it like a champ.

Both Kaden and Kat were now stood side by side almost p!ssing themselves laughing and Hales appeared in the doorway – also in a towel- and began giggling too.


“Oh my God! Hunter!” Matrix exclaimed prieing the dog off my leg and picking her up. “How many times have I got to tell you,” I spoke to the tiny dog. “You are a girl, not a boy. You cannot go around humping other dogs, people or things!” This only made the guys laugh harder.

“She reminds me of you, Dex,” Hales said through laughs. “Remember the sleepovers when we were little and you used to rub yourself against-“

It was my turn to turn red.

“I was only young,” I cut her off hoping she wouldn’t say anything.

“Hang on…” Kaden stands back up smirking. “I haven’t heard this story. Go ahead bunny.”

“Give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll tell you,” She disappeared back into the bathroom dragging Matrix – still holding the dog – behind her.

“I am sorry, Master Dexter,” He said before disappearing. I heard Hales telling him to call me ‘Dexter or Dex,’ but he sounded reluctant to do so. I guess he has heard of my normally dominant self.

Kaden spent the next few minutes trying to get me to tell him, but I refused and hoped, prayed I could convince her not to tell. She came out finally with her damp brown hair hanging loosely over her shoulder, no makeup and her old clothes on, but she looked perfect.

“Remember what I said,” Matrix stepped in placing Hunter on the floor with a warning.

His hair was combed back out of his face and now I really looked I could see it was pretty long, ending just below his ears.

“You look cute with your hair like that,” Kaden said what I was thinking.

“I thought, right?” Hales said and turned to Matrix, “See I told you.”

I am pretty sure he didn’t want his hair like that by the look on his face.

“Let’s finish this packing, so we can get out of here and eat.”

Kaden stood up, got behind her and stopped her moving. “No way, pretty bunny.” His arms circled her and he placed a kiss beside her ear. “F*ck. I love you so much and promise we’ll feed you and baby soon. But first tell me what Dex used to do.”

“Please don’t, princess. I’m your prince. Remember the pact?”

This peeked Kaden’s and the other guy’s interest more though they didn’t say anything I could tell by their expression.

“Pact? I thought I was part of you gang too? Now you have to tell me.” Kaden pretended to be hurt.

She looked at me with a smile. “Fine. But only because we promised no secrets.”

I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

Everyone sat on the bed, Kaden with her on his lap, stroking her stomach with a content expression on his face.

“One time when we were little we saw the dogs humping, remember?”

Kaden grinned and nodded. “Yeah. You were crying because you thought he was trying to kill her. But then Dex’s mum explained about babies.” I remember it clearly, we were six, almost seven.

“Well after that…” A blush rose on her cheeks. “When we had a sleepover… When you were asleep on the camp bed…”

“Kaden by this point was ten/eleven and our parents didn’t think it was right for him to share a bed with us during sleepovers, so he had to sleep on a camp bed on the floor. But it didn’t stop him from sleeping with us still anyway,” I explained seeing Kat and Matrix’s confusion.

“I woke up with Dex humping me.”


“He didn’t put himself inside me or anything, we didn’t realize it was needed at the time. His mum didn’t go into much detail.”

“So let me get this straight, little Dexter was rubbing his baby wee wee on your…?” Kaden asked not hiding his amusement very well.

“I was six!”

“On my butt,” She replied ignoring me. “He said that he wanted to do like the dogs did so we can have babies too. I didn’t mind, he was only rubbing against me, so I agreed. It became our thing to do, but no babies came.”

Kaden couldn’t hold it anymore, he burst out laughing.

“You can’t say nothing Hales, you used to hump teddies until you decided I was a better choice,” I say sticking my tongue out childishly.

“And you are the one who had to look between my legs every day to make sure there was no baby,” She said back smirking.

“But you thought your cl!t was a baby pen!s until you were five and your Kaden’s dad told you girls don’t have them.”

Kaden laughed harder, “I remember that. You cried so much until my mum told you girls were better because they have babies.”

“Lord. I can only guess what would have happened if you hadn’t of moved when you did,” Kat said amused.

“We would probably have half a dozen children already and be married,” I say loving the idea of what could have been.

“Yes. I’m sure my folks would have loved that, pregnant at twelve,” She commented sarcastically.

“You started you periods at twelve? That’s a bit young isn’t it?”

“Great period talk,” Kaden mumbled.

“No, I started a few months after you moved.”


“That’s enough blood talk. We need to finish packing,” Kaden announced. I found it amusing that the big dom didn’t like talking about blood.

“We packed what was in the cupboard, drawers and the other bits we found around the flat. But we need you to go over and make sure we haven’t missed anything because we aren’t coming back.”

“Did you look under the bed?” The teenager asked quietly.

“No… Why?” Kaden asked suspiciously. The boy blushed, “It’s where I keep my toys.”

He moved to his knees, reached under the bed and pulled out a large plastic box.

I can only imagine what’s inside. Hales box was tiny compared and she had at least half a dozen different toys, including plugs, vibrators and such like.

So what must he have in there for it to be so large?

“What on earth do you have in there?” Kat asked surprised at the size of the container.

“I want to know too. But we need to finish packing. You will show us later or when you are ready.

Your things are still yours and you still have a say it what happens,” Kaden said wanting to make him feel comfortable.

“Thank you, Master Kaden.”

“Unless we are at the club or I say otherwise, you can call me Kaden. Dexter, Dexter, and so on…”

Matrix smiled and nodded.

“Come on, baby. Let’s place that near the door and check the rest of this place.”

I took the box from him and doing the carrying instead. He was only a slim boy, we will definitely have to fatten him up and work out a program for him to follow. But not too much exercise, just enough to keep him from getting too fat. He won’t want to be too muscular if he wants to fit in them pretty little dress we packed.


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