Chapter 37

Kaden’s pov

Getting Matrix and the tiny dog in the hotel was the easy part.

The boy placed him on top of some of the clothes in a box Dexter carried into the hotel. We left the other boxes in the car, only taking a few bits he needed.

Thankfully, no one noticed the dog hidden in the box and we were able to get into our room without a problem.

After ordering room service and eating dinner inside our room, even Hunter had a rare streak though it had to be cut up into small pieces before the tiny dog could eat it.

Watching both Matrix and Hales eat was one of the most erotic sights.

Both were moaning and humming with every bite of the luxurious food. Hales, because she was always hungry since becoming pregnant and Matrix, because I just don’t think he ever eats enough.

In all honestly I don’t think any of us males at the time didn’t have an erection by the end. Even Matrix did, though he discreetly tried to adjust it and hide it when he went into the bathroom with her to get ready for the club tonight.

I don’t know what they took inside to change into, but I did see she had him take a box the some of his cosplay things into the bathroom.

Yes, cosplay, girl’s cosplay to be precise.

Matrix explained to us earlier, he was not transgender, but he did enjoy dressing in women’s clothing sometimes, especially cosplay.

To be honest, I had no idea what cosplay was and he had to explain it. He told me it was basically where people dress up or their favorite game, movie, TV or another type of famous character.

His favorite to dress up as was manga, Lolita type characters.

Kat, Dex and I all dress in the same type of clothing as yesterday and waiting for the other two to come back out and join us. Dexter was sat on the bed with the dog on his lap stroking it. It was really funny, the tiny thing had taken a great liking to Dexter. She was alright with the rest of us too, but if we tried to touch her or Dexter while she was with him she would growl at us.

Instead, Kat was sat with me on the other side of the bed. He had his head on my lap. Dexter had mumbled and complained about the dog but seemed more than happy at the moment.

“When we get back home, I’m going to take you to buy some sexy panties and I want to buy some clothes that show off Hayley’s sexy stomach.”

I could tell Dexter wasn’t keen on the idea, but Kat just hummed in agreement as I stroked his hair.

“Such a good, pretty Kitty Kat,” I use Hales name for him.

“You look sexy. Now get you butt out there or I’ll bite you,” Hayley’s raised voice could be heard as she opened the door. But we couldn’t see either of them from where we were.

The guys and I chuckled, but there was no sound from the other room for a second.

“Really? I shouldn’t be surprised really but still…”

He had us all curious about his box from under his bed. I couldn’t wait to find out what is inside. I am pretty sure it’s sexual things by the way he blushed when asked about it.

A moan sounded followed by a slapping sound and a squeak. “Come on, sexy pup. Let’s go see Daddy and the boys. Come, beautiful. We both look amazing.”

I guess he was feeling shy.

“I let you choose my clothes. Now move your backside Missy or I’m using you pretty c*ck as a lead.”

Us guy shared a smile. She has such a way about her.

A moment later the pair walks into the room.

All three of us sit up and give them both a good look over.

They both looked stunning.

Matrix was dressed in a sexy little Lolita navy blue schoolgirl type dress with white collar and cuffs and buttons going down to the waist. He had over the white knee socks and a pair of black… I think I hear someone call them Mary Jane shoes.

His normally sweepy hair was now brushed into a more feminine bob and he wore a matching bow now in his hair. Some makeup, but not much, just enough to make him look like a pretty girl.

“You look beautiful, you both do,” I told them standing up from the bed.

Hales was dressed in a small one-piece outfit which was made to look like a mini tux, with a tailcoat and a bow tie. It had a bikini cut, showing off her sexy legs, on which she wore a pair of white fishnets and a pair of black pumps.

Her hair was combed back into some sort of bun thing and she had little to no makeup, only mascara, and pink lip gloss from what I could see.

She wore her collar and Matrix had a plain black leather collar like Kat and Dexter. I really need to get them better ones.

“F*ck, between the group of you, I doubt my erection will ever subside,” I adjust my growing length. Moving it to point up and tucking in under on waistband so it wasn’t too noticeable.

By this point, everyone is standing and ready to leave.

“You two are so sexy,” Dexter reaches to touch them, but Kat pulls him by the back of his shorts.

“They’ll punish you, remember?” He warns in a sweet tone.

Dexter smiles in return and leans over, pressing his lips to Kat’s in a sweet, gentle kiss. “Thank you, Kat. You are beautiful too.”

I walk behind Hales and my arms circle her waist and place kisses on her jaw as she watches the pair together.

Dexter stroked the side of Kat’s face and he leaned in for more.

I am glad he is becoming more comfortable with us. Though I doubt he will let us top him anytime soon or ever. But that doesn’t matter. We care for him anyway. Him topping us is another thing. I don’t know when it will happen, but I’m sure it will.

F*ck, I love our little family.

I am the daddy, Hales, our wife and the mummy. And the guys, the perfect lovers, friends, family and father to our children.

I know that the fact that there are so many men in our group probably makes us seem like we care more for men than women. But that isn’t true.

None of this would work without Hales, she is our soul, our glue.

I love her so damn much it hurts. If anything ever happened to her, I think we all would die. I even think Matrix is coming to care for her a lot despite our short time together.

I would do anything to make her happy and if that means sharing her with a dozen men so be it. But I would prefer it stay as we are now.

I am not sure what is going to happen with Matrix. But I am pretty sure by the end of the week he, her and us all will be wanting more of this cute little twink.

“That’s enough guys. It’s time to go.”

I take a large backpack which contained some of our clothes and hold it out to Dexter. “Grab Hunter and put him in.”

It was a lot of messing about but what else could we do? The hotel didn’t accept animals inside. We couldn’t risk leaving her alone. Plus she needed a potty break.

As if on cue the small dog tried to climb up his leg.

“She sure knows who her boyfriend is,” I joke as he picked up the small dog and slipped her inside the bag.

“Shut u-” Again Kat saved him, placing his hand over his mouth.

“We are good boys,” He reminded him. Humour sparkled in Dexter’s eyes.

“Yuck!” Kat cried and pulled his not damp hand away from a proud looking Dexter.

“Mummy, he drooled on me,” He whined walking over to Hales with his hand held out. It was the first time I heard him call her that. But she mustn’t have minded because she gave him a bright smile.

“He is a bad boy. I think he deserves punishment, especially after you tried to help him. Don’t you agree, handsome Kitty Kat?”

He gave her a pouty frown but nodded. She took his outreached hand and dried it with her own before placing a kiss on it.

He watched her adoringly. It was as though she had hung the moon and the stars in his eyes. He loves her so much. Just as much as Dexter and I do.

“All better?” He grinned and nodded. He looked much younger than his twenty-six years in moments like this.

“Now, will you piggyback me, Kat? My legs feel a little tired.” She hadn’t even finished asking before he was on his knees for her to jump on.

“Are you alright, bunny? We can stay here if you are too tired,” I worried the hard day had taken it out of her and the baby. The last thing I want to do is risk her health and our child.

“I’m fine. Really.” She looked to Matrix when to me as if asking me a question silently. I smiled and looked to Matrix.

“Hold my hand pretty lady?” He blushes and looks to Hales for permission like a good sub, after all she is his official dom.

“It’s alright, pup. You can take daddy’s hand. But only if you want,” She made sure to add. She was now on Kat’s back with her chin resting on his shoulder. He had a smile that reminded me of a gallant steed.

The more I look at him, the more I know I am falling for him and he has no clue.

A small hand slipped into mine only moments later. I looked down to see Matrix’s hand in mine. It was much smaller and softer than mine and the guys, but not as small and soft as Hales.

“Do you want a jacket, bunny?” I ask not wanting her to be uncomfortable as we walk through the hotel and to the club.

“No, I’m alright. Kat’s keeping me warm.” With only his vest and shorts on, a lot of his and her skin was touching. Kat’s smiles proudly and nods. “I’ll keep our girls warm.”

I smiled back, “I was actually kind of hoping for a boy, a big brother for all the little sisters he’s going to have.”

He looked thoughtfully and nodded agreeing.

“Alright, now we’re ready, let’s go.”

We left the room together, Dexter holding the bag in both his hands to keep the poor dog inside. On the ride down in the elevator we were alone and saw no one, but the moment we stepped out and entered the hotel foyar several people turned to look at us.

There was a group of elderly couples giving us funny looks. But one man, in particular, caught my attention.

A man at least in his late sixties eyeing up Matrix and Hayley lustfully as a lot of were my pretty wife. But this man paid special attention to Matrix.

To anyone who didn’t know him he would simply look like a flat chested young teen girl and it was obvious that is what the man thought.

Revolt filled my stomach. He was old enough to be his grandfather, he probably had grandchildren his age.

Thankfully, Matrix was thee perfect sub and kept his eyes on the ground, not wishing to make eye contact without his master’s say so.

We left the building without a word being said by anyone and walked over to our parked car. Once there Dexter removed Hunter from the bag and handed Matrix the lead.

He then placed the bag in the car, locked the car back up and took my one free hand before we headed the short distance to Mistress Hales.

Growing closer the club, it became clear we were going to have to do a lot of vetting for new members tonight. The line outside was longer than before. So long in fact that I could see the line from the hotel though I didn’t realize it was for the club until a while later.

Walking straight past the queue and to the club in the same formation as before.

More lustful looks from both the men and women and more than a few comments and wolf whistles. Kat’s expression turned cold but softened as Hales stroked the top of his chest and whispered God-knows-what into his ear, all the time with her head still rested on his shoulder.

Coming to the front Marcus and Ronan were on the door again. They were telling the waiting people they were not allowed into without membership and the normal speech about having to wait for the owner.

Once we were back home, David would be vetting new members, but tonight I would teach or remind him what I expect before we leave.

“Good evening, Sirs, Ladies,” Both men greeted us, remaining professional.

“Hello,” Hales greeted happily with a slight wave making their lips quirk into a smile.

“Letting in more fcking people. This is a fcking joke,” I heard a man say behind me. But I choose to ignore it because I could understand his annoyance.

“Give us fifteen,” I tell the pair letting them know we would be ready to vet soon.

They silently nodded and step side to let us and a couple of other members who just turned up.

“THAT’S IT! THEY ARE EVEN LETTING DOGS BEFORE US!” The friend of the previous man waiting exclaimed. “I demand-“

“Don’t let him in,” Hales calls back cutting him off. “He’s too short-tempered.”

I didn’t bother stopping her because I completely agreed. He was acting nothing like a submissive and a dominant has to be able to control himself as much as his or her sub.

We entered the building with the man yelling, but again I ignored him.

“Good, Steed,” Hales patted Kat’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Let me down, Kat. You did a good job,” She asked once we were inside.

He seemed reluctant but did as ask.

“Thank you, my beautiful, handsome, Kitty Kat,” She stood on her tip toes and placed kisses on his lips between each word.

“I so f*cking love you, you perfect man,” She almost growled out wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her.

Dexter moved his body closer to me, affect by the hot scene in front of us and I felt Matrix’s hand twitch in mine. Looking down at him, my lips quirked into a smile seeing him trying to reposition his stiff length which was tenting his pretty dress.

“You like that, pup?” I use Hales nickname for him gaining his attention. “You like watching Hales, don’t you?”

He looks at me shyly and blushes, but nods his head, “Yes, sir… Daddy,” He corrects himself.

“Kat, put mummy down,” I chuckled seeing him almost taking her against the wall.

“Sorry, Sir, Mummy,” He put her back down. She looked slightly flustered. “I got carried away.”

“It’s alright, Kat. You are my favorite feline, you can carry me away whenever you want,” She said taking a lease from around his neck in her hand and then doing the same to Dexter.

He gave her a wanton look and wasn’t disappointed. She pressed her lips to his in a loving embrace.

“I love you, princess bride… I mean Mistress, or can I call you mummy too?”

She smiled and stroked his cheek. “You can, Horsey.” He groaned at the name and placing another kiss on his lips. Only this time I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted them.

I took both heads and pressed my lips to theirs, joining in their kiss. They both moan as my tongue joins theirs.

A dog’s bark made me remember that we had a job to do and I reluctantly pulled back.

“Shh, Hunter. He isn’t yours.”

I almost fall over laughing seeing the thing white ball of fluff giving me and Hales evils.

“I’m sorry, she is a little crazy recently.”

“It’s alright, baby,” Hales reassure him. I leaned in and whispered quietly in her ear, low enough for only her to hear. “Don’t miss him out.”

I pulled back and gave her a secret smile.

“Come on, boys,” She held Kat and Dexter’s leases in one hand and walked closer to Matrix.


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