Chapter 38

Hales pov

I am stood so close to Matrix that his erection was poking through his dress and between my thighs.

“You’re really beautiful, you know?” I said softly, reaching up and touching his snake bites. I was obsessed with each of his piercings. I had always wanted some but I never had the courage.

His breath hitched up and his eyes fell on my lips. That was the only sign I needed.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. I swear I felt him shiver at my touch and groan.

Was that bad?

The kiss was like none I had ever had before and not only because his multiple piercings.

It was shy, gentle, so sweet and innocent. I wanted to deepen the kiss but didn’t want to rush him.

I remember how I was after everything. Though I am getting so much better, I still sometimes feel a little anxious, especially around other men, but strangely not with Dexter.

“Come on, pretty pup.” I take his hand in mine, not wanting to lease him this time. He was dressed far too pretty to be lead around that way.

He places his hand on mine, his cheeks a pretty pink color.

Kaden took his second hand and together we walked into the main bar area and ignoring everyone’s looks he lead us to the back office.

More than a few people looked at the dog and us with a curious expression, but none said a word.

I noticed today – unlike the previous night – everyone was a lot happier, playing, talking and laughing. Compared to yesterday the atmosphere was completely different. There was also a hell of a lot more people than yesterday, even before the kick out and a lot of unfamiliar faces looking our way.

“A lot of the regulars were avoiding the club, but the words out and they’re back,” Kaden said as if reading my mind.

But then stopped abruptly in the middle of the hall. Without a word he released my hand, took something from his pocket and passed it to me.

Leaning in he whispered to me, “You know what to do.”

I look in my hand and smile at what I see, before turning my little pup.

“Matrix… My beautiful girl,” His cheeks noticeably change color and he glances down shyly, nibbling and pulling on the snake bites with his teeth.

“Stop!” I lift his chin to look at me.

He instantly did as I asked and looked at me unsure, almost worried.

“Don’t worry, pretty pup,” I whisper into his ear and bit his lobe earning a pussy wetting groan.

“Puppy, I am not going to do a whole speech. We spoke about it all earlier. All I want to know…” I held up the collar in front of him. It was the same as the guys, but with a small silver butterfly either side of the hoop. “Do you still want to be my baby boy… Girl?”

“Yes!” He replied quickly, I couldn’t help but give him a smug grin. “I want you… To be my mummy.”

I fasten the collar around his neck and peck his lip.

“Now you are officially mummy’s girl.”

“Thank you, mummy. I am a lucky sub to have been accepted and invited by you and your gentlemen.”

“Come on, pretty pup.” I smiled taking his hand again in mine. “Let’s get a drink.”

Kaden stopped me. “Head to the office. I’ll put an order in at the bar and have it brought to us. What do you want?”


Thirty-five minutes later…

The five of us and David were sat in a second office just in and to the side of the entrance. It was where we were vetting possible new members. I was on Kaden’s lap with David sat one side of us on another chair and Matrix on another. Dexter and Kat sat at our feet together and not to mention Hunter, curled up to… Well, you can guess.

The vetting was going much faster than expected. Most of the time they only had to ask them one question ‘Why do you want to join?’ before they rejected them.

Most seemed to think it was some kind of sex or whore house thanks to the ex-manager. Some thought to be a dominant meant not showing women respect, aka me. They were always kicked out, even if they did know a reputable dominant.

More than a few weren’t happy about being rejected, but thankfully David had hired a couple of extra bouncers for the next week or so, just to help out. And they were.

I learned that most clubs like ours don’t have such a vetting practice, but the clubs didn’t become such a success by letting anyone in.

Kaden even mentioned possibly buying ‘The Dominion,’ which is a club close to our home town which was being sold for some personal reason. It is in a prime location and we haven’t got any clubs in the area. So both Kaden and Dexter were eager to check it out.

Christmas holidays is only a short time away. So I guess we’ll head there then.

“What can I do to become a member? I’ll do anything.” The person batted their lashes and popped a couple of fingers in their mouth before retching.

Okay, this guy was pretty gross but he had answered the questions well enough for a subordinate.

“You can have a temporary pass. That means Master David, and bouncers will be keeping an eye on you. Your pass will be reviewed in a couple of weeks and you will either be kicked out or given full membership.” The man’s eyes light up with excitement as my daddy spoke.

Kaden had his hand on my stomach the whole time, almost as if he was protecting the baby inside.

“Thank you, sir. I promise you won’t regret it.”

That was one of only a few people we had let in so far. All on temporary passes. Membership was given after you had proven yourself.

Did I mention the hooker from yesterday even tried to join?

No? Well, she did and they sent her away without question. The doormen were told to do the same with any of the known whores who the old manager used to let sell their trade here.

As for the man whose friend I sent away when we first arrive… He was actually an alright guy, just needed to learn patience. David decided to give him a chance but refused his friend when the man asked. After all, I had already rejected him.

After a while, I got a little bored and before long found my eyes closing.


Matrix’s pov

Once Mistress Hales had fallen asleep, Master Kaden had Kat and Dexter take her to one of the private rooms in the back. I have never been in one because they are only used by VIPs but I heard they have a large bed and such like in. The pair would stay with her until she woke up. Hunter had tried to follow Dexter, but I stopped her.

I would have loved to have gone too, hugged her as she slept. But Master Kaden hadn’t told me to go. So I stayed in my seat and waited for him. Yes, Mistress Hales is my official Dominant but Master Kaden was her Dom, so kind of made him mine when she wasn’t here.

That was all about an hour or so ago and both he and Master David looked like they were getting angry with the influx of undesirables trying to get membership in the club.

“No more!” My Daddy called to the bouncers just outside the room. “We are not seeing any more people tonight. Send them away.”

I knew without looking there was a good amount of people left waiting and out of them, at least, ninety percent would be rejected.

“Yes, sir.”

“What now?” The club manager asked Daddy.

“I want a drink.” He stood up and held out his hand for me.

I stood up and took it with Hunter’s lead in my other hand.

“Good girl.” I smiled at his praise, making sure to not look at him nor Master David without permission.

I tuned out as we walked and they talked business. I had to keep a special eye on Hunter. She was acting a little insane the last few days, humping random things, animals, and people as if she were a boy.

We were stood at the bar, the two dominates ordering drinks for us and the others in the back.

This was unusual, why wasn’t Hunter pulling me?

I glanced down at the lead to see her empty collar.

She had done this a few times in the past, wriggle free of it. She normally never went far.

But the club was packed and she could have easily had been stolen, lost or worse hurt.

Half in a panic I slip my hand free of Master Kaden’s without another thought.

She was my lifeline and my family, all I have had since first becoming homeless a couple of years before. She protected and fed me and me, her. I would do anything to protect her.

“Hunter?” I called while crouching down and looking around. I flash of white caught my eye about twenty feet away. I stood up and waded through the people. Doing my best not the bang into someone. The last thing I needed was an angry Dom yelling at me.

“Hunter!” I sped up in the direction of her bark, stopping in kitted out in PVC. Black thigh boots, fishnets, suspenders and a PVC mini dress.

I know better than to look the obvious dom in the face, but I saw enough to know I have never seen her before but she seemed strangely familiar.

The little part of her face I did see – her smirk – I knew that if I asked for him back, she would make me pay in one way or another.

If I didn’t have a mistress I might be tempted to ask for her to give my dog back, the one she was now holding.

But instead, I got to my feet and with my head down and I back up to the bar.

“Matrix!” Daddy scolded. “Where did you go?”

He grasped my chin and brought my face up to look at his.

His anger vanished as he noticed my water filled eyes.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, pup. Tell Daddy what’s wrong?” He asked softly.

“I’m sorry, daddy. Hunter ran off, so I chased her. But a woman has her,” I whimpered and his eyes narrowed.

“Show me this woman and I will get Hunter back for you.”


Dexter’s pov

“Are you sure you don’t need more sleep, princess?” She started and I corrected myself.

“I mean mummy,” I grinned and she shook her head hiding a small grin of her own.

“I am fine, Horsey. Let’s go find the others.”

I frowned at the stupid nickname, but silently walk beside her and Kat on her other side.

I am really starting to care for him a lot. I can see why Hales fell for him.

I even understand why she likes Matrix. Though his dog is another thing.

“What the fuck is that b!tch doing here?!” Both mine and Hales head snapped to Kat.

It wasn’t often – if ever – we heard him speak like that.

“What’s wrong, Kat?” Our eyes followed his.

“Hell no!”


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