Chapter 39

I didn’t know what was happening. Kat snatched Hunter from the women and looked ready to hit her. I moved beside him, then if need be, I can pull him back.

He passed the dog to a relieved looking Matrix and took Hales hand in his.

His whole demeanor had changed.

Gone was our sweet, caring, submissive Kat and in his place a cold, angry looking man. Still with his obvious protective side, as could be seen by the way he held Hales, he could pass for a dom if it wasn’t for his clothes.

But his wasn’t the only demeanor change. “My oh, my…” The woman eyed Kat up openly.

“Candy cane, how you’ve grown.”

“What the hell are you doing out and here?!” Kat snapped. We had a good amount of attention now.

“I don’t know who you are but Kat obvious doesn’t want you here. So leave!”

She glanced at me and looked me up and down before doing the same to Kaden when he stepped in front of us and made us all step away. But Kat seemed more reluctant.

“I’m a member of this club and haven’t done anything wrong. So I think I’ll stay thanks, honey bee.”

I really disliked how she looked at my guys. The most were at Matrix, she couldn’t get enough of him.

“Bloody Mitchell!” I heard Kaden curse just as David walked over, joining us.

“Is there a problem here?”

“No problem, I was just about to ask if I can borrow Cherry,” She indicated to Matrix and he tensed, Hales pulled him closer to her side. I was stood on her other side and reached over to touch his hand to let him know nothing would happen.

“Hell no!” Hales stated.

“I would be happy to pay?”

What the hell? We don’t run a f*cking whorehouse!

Before any of us could speak she spoke again.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to the rest of you. I am Mistress Tilly.”

The name sounded familiar but I couldn’t remember where from.

Hales sent a questioning look to Kat, he gave her a quick nod in reply whatever the question was and the next thing I know Hales is breaking free of mine and Matrix’s hold and shot at the woman.

It happened so fast, one moment she was stood in front of the taller woman, the next the woman was on the ground with a bloody nose.

“Hell! I think you broke my nose.”

“You dirty, ugly b!tch!” Hales growled now being held between Kat and me. We now had all eyes on us.

“I wouldn’t sell a dog to you let alone a person,” She spat. “You best get the hell out of my club because the next time I see you, I’m going to slit your damn throat!”

I have never seen her this angry before, ever.

A bouncer came over and helped the woman up and began to escort her out of the club.

“And don’t bother trying to come back,” Hales called. “You are no longer a member. We do not accept paedophiles and child slave traders in here.”

Everyone heard that and looked at the woman in disgust.

It was only then it clicked in mine and Kaden’s head.

“That was…?” He asked Kat and he nodded, his expression angry yet pleased.

She was the mistress who stole him to a man to be raped for years.

Now I wanted to go beat her myself.

“I have never hit a woman but she could be the exception,” Kaden glares at the woman until she disappears completely.

“Is that true?” David asked Hales, “What you said?”

“Yes,” She nodded.

“She was in prison for sex with a minor, adding in the abduction and abuse of a minor. Not to mention possessing indecent images of children. She should be still inside, but I guess she got out early. She is on the sex-offenders register too.”

Kaden growled and turned around looking around as if searching for someone. But finally stopped when his eyes landed on the man he wanted.

Mitchell gulped seeing Kaden and David march over. We followed behind them.

“Tell me, Mitchell,” Kaden say coldly. “Did you actually do anything you were meant to?”

“I brought in custom,” The ex-manager replied nervously.

“THE ANSWER IS NO! ONE THING YOU WERE MEANT TO DO TO PROTECT NOT JUST US BUT EVERYONE IN THE CLUB AND YOU COULDN’T DO IT!” Kaden yelled beyond anger. Normally we left this kind of talks for the office, but this wasn’t normal.

“Tell me,” Kaden asked quieter, rubbing his temples. “Did you run a check on any members that you accepted?”

Whenever we accept a new member, we automatically run a check on the sex-offenders register not only to reject the pedos but also to make sure we didn’t accept anyone who likes to get too rough with their sub or not take no for an answer. It was for the protection of all.

If for some reason it came back positive they would automatically be kicked out and have the membership revoked for life.

It isn’t good for business to be associated with that kind of sh!t.

Mitchell said nothing.

“F*ck sake! The only reason I am allowing you to stay a member of this club and I am not beating you is because I want my money back. But…” Kaden moved in front of his face. “Try to cross me or get away without doing so and I will make sure it is the last thing you ever do!”

Hell, he is hot when he’s mad.

He turned back to David and whispered about running a check on the members in question and gave him permission to hire an assistant if the load was too much.

But then turned back to us, walking the short distance and stopping in front of Hales.

“I do believe you have owned a punishment, my little Bunny, for teasing me earlier.”

“Eh,” She groaned. “I thought you had forgotten.”

“Ha,” He chuckled. “No. That was a good punch earlier. But that was very dangerous. What if you hadn’t knocked her down and she hurt you or the baby?”

Eyes full of tears, she looked down sadly and held her stomach, “I’m sorry, Kay,” She didn’t address him correctly, but he didn’t seem to care.

“Don’t cry, Bunny,” He drew her into his arms. “I just want to protect you.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“I love you. Don’t ever forget it.”

Hales pov

The rest of the night consisted of me being stripped naked, strapped to a table and teased for over an hour with ice cubes, heated oils and made to wear a butt plug for the rest of the night.

I never got a sexual release but Kat and Kaden did cum on me and Dexter licked it off. Apparently Dexter wasn’t obedient enough to be allowed to cum and Matrix was allowed to sit back and watch until he was ready to join in.

By the end of the night, I was so exhausted that I had to literally be carried out of the club.

Again the guys sneaked Hunter into the hotel.

Kaden had a single bed moved to our room for the night for Matrix, knowing he probably wouldn’t be comfortable with the guys pressed up against him.

But during one of my night time toilet trips – something which was happening a lot more recently – I heard him sniffling, so when I exited the bathroom, I walked over to him. He was curled up in a ball, his face damp and eyes closed tightly, hugging his legs.

The guys were all asleep on the large bed with Hunter on the end.

As if sensing my presence his eyes snapped open. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark but when he did, I pressed my finger to my lips and indicated for him to move over a little.

He did what I asked without question and I climbed into the small bed beside him. He was in boxers and I was naked, but none of that mattered.

“It’s okay, Matrix, I’ve got you,” I whispered drawing my arms around him. He tensed for a second, but then quickly hugged me back and with his head on my shoulder, he sodded onto my chest.

We didn’t say anything because it wasn’t necessary. I was here for him and that was enough for now.

And that is the position we fell asleep in.


“They look so beautiful don’t you think?” I heard someone whisper and another person hum in agreement.

“Yes, but we have to wake them up for breakfast,” Kaden’s unmistakable voice said.

It was then I smelled something delicious and I pried my eyes open.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Kat greeted leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. Dexter and Kaden did the same.

“I’m sorry, Princess, we didn’t mean to wake you like that.”

“It’s okay,” I said groggily. “I’m hungry anyway.”

“You scared us when we woke up alone,” Kaden said seriously.

“Sorry, Matrix…” They seemed to understand what I wanted to say and nodded.

“It’s okay, bunny, we understand.”

“We’ll let you wake up sleeping beauty,” Dexter nodded to Matrix. “You join us on the balcony in a couple of minutes.” They all kissed me again before leaving us alone.

I turned my head to sleeping beauty and he was that in the true sense of the word.

His lips were parted slightly, he looked so peaceful.

Without a second thought, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

His eyes snapped out, but when he saw it was me he instantly began to kiss me back.

“You kiss so good, Hales,” He moaned into my mouth and before long I was straddling his lap and dry humping his erection through his boxers. He looked at me for permission to touch my breast.

“You can do whatever you want, sexy.”

He blushed and timidly stroked his fingers down and around my chest. It was painfully teasing.

“Let me lay on my back and it will be easier for you,” I told him and he stopped long enough for us switch positions before he began kissing my jaw, neck, collar bone, chest, and breasts. He swirled his tongue around my n!pple, he sucked it briefly before heading further south.

He paused at on stomach, giving my small bump a kiss. I think I fell in love with him a little at that moment.

Heading further down, he paused and looked up for permission. I smiled and nodded.

He placed gentle kisses all over my shaved genitals. I love how gentle and loving he is with me.

Soon enough he began gently nipping and sucking on my folds. A moan escaped my lips and then a louder one when his tongue swiped over my nub. His dual piercings intensified each move, making me quiver beneath him.

“Matrix… Oh yes!” I exclaimed clinging to the bed. This only encouraged him.

After last night’s teasing it wasn’t long before I reached my peak.

“Matrix!” I screamed tipping my head back and closing my eyes.

He lapped at my folds as I slowly came down.

“That never gets old.”

Both of us stop and look at the door to see the other three men watching.

“I… I am sorry, Daddy,” Matrix said bowing his head in submission. It was kind of heartbreaking. It was clear he thought he was going to be punished for touching me.

“Why, pup?” Kaden asked unsurely.

I sat up stroking Matrix’s hair out of his face.

“You had permission from Hales, correct?”


“And did you enjoy it?”

He glanced out at his boxers and blushed. There was a large damp patch. “Yes, I love playing with her.”

“Then you have nothing to be sorry for,” Kaden assured him. “Now, you two get your sexy butts out here so we can eat.”

“We need to get you and Bea fed,” Dexter said walking over, touching my stomach and then helping me from the bed. Kat came over with a silk robe and helped me into it while Kaden held out again to help Matrix from the bed.

“Let’s go eat, my darlings.”


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