Chapter 40

“Damn dog!” Dexter grumbled because every time he kissed me Hunter would growl or paw at his leg. The thing was obsessed. It’s amusing but quickly growing annoying.

We were now back home, and Matrix was in love with the house. Kat had to reluctantly go to college for a meeting with the Dean. Kaden went to the club to check things over and somewhere else he wouldn’t tell us. While Dexter has an afternoon class but is dropping Matrix and me off at Satin n’ Silk – Cammie’s shop first.

He wasn’t happy about leaving us alone and wanted to take the day off, but I assured him we would be fine. We were going to spend the afternoon with Cammie and Tiger. This seemed to relieve him a bit, but he still wasn’t happy.

Today we were dressed in more casual clothes – jeans and a top. Matrix was dressed as a boy again. He had been sticking very close to my side since the incident at the hotel.

“Cammie, take care of my girls,” Dexter gave her a warning the moment we stepped through the door. No hellos or thank yous, just the warning.

“I’ll be back in a couple of hours to pick them up. If they want anything, charge it to our account, and I’ll settle up later.”

Cammie stared at him blankly with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Yes, master, anything else you wish?” She asked sarcastically.

He ignored her and leaned down, picking me up in his arms making Hunter growl. I chuckled hearing Matrix tell her off.

“I love you, my little princess bride,” He kissed my lips. “I won’t be too long. Take care of yourself and our baby,” He reached down and rubbed my small stomach.
“I love you too, my prince.” He gave me a bright, toothy smile before turning to Matrix and Hunter.

“Take care of Hales,” He said brushing the younger boy’s hair back as a sign of affection. He couldn’t do too much because he was still slightly nervous.

“Always.” This made Dexter pleased.

Finally, he looked to Hunter.

“And you…” She yapped and wagged her tail. “Go find a doggy boyfriend.” She continued to pant and looked as if she was smiling, but then follow him as he made a move to leave.

“No. You are staying here.”

Cammie sniggered, and he said goodbye to me again before leaving.

“Hello gorgeous,” She walked over and hugged me.
“Well, care to introduce me to your new friend, Hales?” She moved to in front of Matrix.
She was taller than him – high-heels or not.

“Mistress Cammie, this is Matrix aka pup. Matrix, this is Mistress Cammie. She is the woman I told you about…” He said a shy hello and she looked him over.

“Hello, Pup.” She turned to me. “He’s a cute one. Are we creating a Reverse Harem?” She asked amused but something was in her eye, and I could tell she was worried about how this would affect Kat.

I looked around. “Where’s Tiger?”

“She’s in the back,” She said nothing about me changing the subject.

A minute later we had introduced him and Hunter to both women, and I stood back watching him look around while I spoke quietly to the women.

“To answer your previous question, no, I’m not – creating a Reverse Harem,” I said seeing Tiger’s confusion. “I never intended to take another man on but…” I tell them everything that happened – from the club becoming a dive to Kat’s ex and of course Matrix, but I had his permission beforehand.

“We discussed it and decided he should join us,” I explain. “We aren’t rushing into anything with him. We told him we can see how it goes if he ever wants to leave he can.”

The women were ready to go and kill Tyler and Tilly, but I stopped them. Instead, we spent a nice time speaking and looking through the stuff in the store. They adored Matrix and Hunter and were happy to have him come work for them.

But Hunter would have to be kept out back – partly because it wasn’t a good look for the shop to have a dog running around but mainly because she loves to chew on the vibrators.

Ha. She had chewed three before we left.

That reminds me, I must tell Dexter to keep his trousers firmly on around her that is if he wants to keep his manhood safe.


It was almost time for Dexter to leave and Matrix, Hunter and I had decided to surprise him by coming to meet him.

With Hunter sat in a bag, we smuggled him into the Uni and headed down to the hall to wait for Dexter. We would go to find Kat afterwards. I wasn’t sure if he was still here or in a meeting.

I had fallen asleep in the car, and Kat had left before I woke up. So I never got a chance to ask how long he’d be. Matrix had told me how he’d kissed my mouth and stomach before he left.

He loved how sweet the guys were with me. But Matrix was really sweet himself.

I hadn’t noticed until Cammie pointed it out, but he kept coming over to me – when I was speaking quietly with the girls, and he was looking at toys – every few minutes he would come over and ask me if I was alright and he’d press a hand to my stomach while hugging me.

And right now, we are stood together outside the lecture hall, him by my side, one arm around my shoulders and the other hand on my stomach, rubbing circles absentmindedly with a smile.

He wasn’t the girl like he was last night at the club, he was now a hot young guy – a hot protective guy. Even though I am his mistress, he made it clear that he had to protect me and keep me close when we left the shop. I didn’t mind, it was nice. As for Hunter, she was tired from concurring all those evil toys and was now sleeping in the satchel bag.

Soon the door was opening, and students were filling out. Most paid no mind to us, but a few gave us curious looks.

I smiled noticing the person we were waiting for finally come out. Only he didn’t notice us, he was glaring at the floor with a tense jaw. “Sexy,” I called when it looked like he was going to pass us.

His head snapped up and in a second all the tension was gone, being replaced by a huge smile.

“Princess,” He breathed out my nickname, sounding incredibly hot and not just to me if the lustily looks from some of his female classmates were anything to go by.

In a flicker, his lips were on mine. But only for a second before he knelt down and rested his forehead against my ribs with a heavy sigh.

“Hello Bea,” He whispered to my stomach while more than a few people watched. Some of the girls looking envious or glaring at me.

“Yes. He is speaking to our baby! Get the f*ck over it and p!ss off! He’s mine cunts!”
“Hales!” He looked up at me surprised but amused.

“What? I’ve had sex with you in front of people at the club. So now you’re mine. These cunts need to know as well,” I stated still glaring at them, thankfully most had taken the hint. But a few guys stuck around to watch and chatting about something I couldn’t hear and didn’t care about.

He chuckled and stood up. “I love you too, my princess bride, so much.” He kissed my lips again before turning to Matrix.

“Hello, Matrix.”
“Hiya, Dexter,” He said back.
“I’ve been looking after Hales.”

“So I see,” Dexter said with a grin.
“Thank you, baby.” He took Matrix’s hand and kissed the back -not caring what anyone thought – making the teenager blush.

“Want to check if Kat’s still here?”
“You read my mind.”

A minute later we were walking down the corridor, I stood between the pair and Matrix taking him all about Hunter’s new obsession.

Coming out of a closet, hair messy, clothes ruffled and doing up his fly was Nate.

Eh, great.

A dark haired girl – sweet looking, probably a Freshman – followed him out and the pair kissed.
Internally I thanked God. Maybe he had actually forgotten the crazy stuff he was saying the other day at the club.

But no such luck. The moment he saw me he pushed the girl away, called her a slut and said – loud enough for me to hear – that he wasn’t interested, he had a girlfriend.

He does?

The poor girl looked confused. “But you said you loved me? I give you my virginity!”
In the closet? Not the most romantic.

He leaned in and whispered something I couldn’t hear.

‘You are best off without him,’ I wanted to tell her, but she disappeared crying all too fast.

“Hiya love. Sorry, you had to see that, I’ve told everyone I’m taken.”

I stared at him with the same confused expression as Matrix – who had no idea who he was.

“Good for you. Well, I’ll be sure to tell your girlfriend I saw you coming out of the closet with you nob hanging out.” I tried to pass him, dragging Dexter along so he didn’t punch him. But Nate walked around in front of us.

“Come on, Hayley. I love you, I wouldn’t cheat on you.”

I scoffed. “The correct term is ‘you would never not cheat on me,'” I corrected him.
“That’s not true,” He tried to say.
“Nate, do you have any idea how much I despise you?” I snapped, unable to hold back.
“I gave everything to you. I would have done anything. How did you repay me? You cheated on me with anyone which moved.”

“I didn’t-“
“Do not lie to me! Even after what you have done to me and what you said to me at the club the other day, you still can’t keep it in your pants. And don’t try to lie, I saw you kiss her and your c0ck hanging out. But do you know what…” I paused and smiled. He smiled and stepped closer obviously misreading the moment.

“I don’t care. Yes, I loved you, but I don’t think I ever was in love with you. It has always been Dexter, he was always my husband since the first time he asked me to marry him.”

I remember when we were little, even before we started school he was already planning our wedding. Dexter places a loving kiss on the top of my head. “My princess bride,” He whispered, and Nate all but growled. “She is mine, Williams!” He used his surname.

“I was her first, I claimed her. She is carrying my child.”

I wanted to correct him, but Dexter had enough.
“P!ss off, Nate. She is mine and so is the baby!”

Matrix pulled me back just as fists started flying.

“Stop!” I cried, trying to break free Matrix held me back.

Hearing the chaos, two large male lecturers ran from one of the side rooms and broke the pair apart, dragging them into the room, Matrix, and I followed.

“What in the hell is going on here?” I noticed for the first time one of the men was the dean and the second… Dressed in a white button-down shirt, tweed jacket, brown trousers and loafers with glasses and slicked back hair, Kat aka Mr. West looked every bit the sexy nerd.

Hell, my pussy is getting wet just looking at him.

I wonder if he’d play teacher and naughty school girl with me later?

Focus Hayley!

“Neither of you speaking?” The Dean stared at the pair. Both Nate and Dexter were a little disheveled, but neither had visible marks.

“It was just a play fight,” Nate said with a smile. One thing you could say about him was that he is a great liar. He looked to Dexter as if to agree.

“Yes. Play fight…” Dexter put on his best fake smile, and it seemed to be enough to convince the Dean.

“Haven’t you boys grew out that yet?!” He exclaimed and gave them a sermon about fighting, then made sure to tell them they got off with it this time, but not the next.

Once he was done, the older man looked at me. “I’m here to speak to Mr. West,” I didn’t really lie.

He nodded took Kat to one side, said a few things and left us alone.

Nate was still hanging around. “You can go now,” Kat said in a cold tone to Nate.

“I’ll wait for you outside, love,” He said to me, glancing at Matrix and Dexter as if waiting for them to leave.

“Don’t bother. I have my boyfriends to get me home safely to Kaden,” I said knowing how much he despised the man.

He looked ready to say something but looked at Kat watching him coldly and stopped.

“Fine. I’ll see you later, we can talk about you moving in with me.” He left.

“What the hell? Has he not listened to anything I just said?!” Dexter growled.

“Are you okay, Dexter? Are you hurt?” I worried and looked over him.

“I’m good. That pussy hits like a little girl,” He said smugly.

“What happened?” We all turned to Kat.

Our eyes are connected, and he smiled, sitting in his chair and patting his lap for me to sit.


Dexter’s pov

Kat was obviously not happy about hearing what Nate said and seemed even angrier that my ex-friend would even attempt to touch Hales and hit me.

Hmm, I love that he is being so caring about me too.

“She’s asleep.”

I move closer and kneel in front of the pair.

“I read pregnancy makes you tired, especially the first trimester.”
“You have been reading up too?” Kat asked with a small smile.
“Of course. She pregnant with our baby,” I spoke happily excited about our first child.

It is like a dream come true, having a child with the woman I love and Kaden too. It had quite literally been a dream of mine since I first started off with him. But one I never thought would come true. I thought she was too blind to Nate’s charms. But now I realize what Kaden had told me many times before that I should have spoken to Hales and told her about the real Nate. Maybe then we could have started our relationship off how it should have been.

All that being said, I wouldn’t change how things were for the world. I am genuinely happier than I have ever been before. I have the man and woman of my dreams – literally – but also Kat. I am really starting to care for him a lot in this short time. I don’t think it would be the same without him.

Even Matrix is growing on me, though Hunter… I am not so keen on.

“It’s a lot more complicated than I thought,” He said, and I nodded in agreement. He must have been reading up too.

“Yep, I thought it was just getting pregnant, be sick, get bigger and give birth,” I say honestly.

“Ha, yeah. There is so much to it, we have to take care of her properly, make sure she eats right.”

Hunter yapped as if to remind us she was here.

“Matrix, I forgot you were there.” I frown when I notice how far away he was stood – near the door.
“Why you stood so far away?” He shrugged. He looked nervous but kept glancing at Hales every now and then.

I actually really liked that he cared so much for her. I had to admit, he was pretty cute – I wouldn’t say no.

“Come here a moment.” He seemed reluctant, maybe nervous, but did as I asked.

He stopped a few feet away from me.

“I want you to be comfortable with us.” I walked over stopping beside him and took one of his hands in mine. “We aren’t going to do anything you do not want.” I pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.

“Come on, let’s take our girl home.”

I let go of his hand and picked Hales from Kat’s lap because a tutor can’t be seen carrying out his sleeping student.


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