Chapter 42

Hales pov

Six weeks later and everything seemed to have fallen into place.

Kat was living with us probably. All his things were at ours – aka Dexter house.

Kat has become like a father figure to Matrix, helping him with his reading, writing and finishing school online.

Matrix also works a few days a week at Cammie’s store.

The women love him and are ready to steal him away. But Matrix insists he wants to stay with us.

Hunter, on the other hand, is banned from the store and the bedroom.

We don’t buy her chew toys. She isn’t interested. She only likes toys, I mean, adult toys.

We tried to stop her but it’s pointless.

Matrix and I still haven’t said I love you. But I do and I am certain he does too.

He barely leaves my side. Not that I mind.

He and the guys have kissed, even Kat. But neither Kat or Matrix seems ready for anything more with the guys.

Matrix was more deeply affected by the attack than he likes to say. But he is so cuddly and I make love to him and the guys most days.

Me and the guys spoke about us all on one of other rare times alone, without Matrix. Christmas is only a week away and we are going to our families for Christmas.

I have told my parents the truth, that I’m dating four men. They were just happy I wasn’t dating Nate anymore. They hate him. I had no idea.

They didn’t even ask who I was dating. It’s crazy. I had no idea my parents were so open minded.

But Kaden and Dexter told their parents they were dating me. So if they don’t know they will soon since they are all close friends.

Kat’s parents know thanks to his sister. They only live the town next to my parents, so we’d get to see them all.

Normally we have the dinner separately and in the afternoon mine, Dexter’s and Kaden’s family get together.

This year we are all dining together, Kat’s family as well.

We leave in a few days.

The only thing is they don’t know I’m pregnant.

I actually have my twelve week scan today. It is to make sure the baby’s grew and developing properly and give me a due date. Though I already know my due date, early July.

Anyway… When we were talking we decided to officially invite Matrix to be a real husband, not just a lover or toy.

The guys love him as much as I do. He is such a sweet heart. He reminds me of Kat but a lot more innocent and childlike almost.

But first the scan then we’d go home and talk.

One quick note, I haven’t seen or spoken to Nate in weeks. I am starting to think he has gone. He hasn’t even been to the club.

To be honest, I kind of hope he’s been been hurt or worse.

Dr Peters poured the gel on my quickly expanding abdomen and ran the wand across it.

The guys all smile brightly a hammering beat fills the room.

“I just have to take some measurements and then we’ll have a proper look.”

The guys didn’t seem to mind. They were just happy to be there. Dexter stood beside me, holding my hand.

“The first of many, my Princess bride,” He whispered making me smile.

I still don’t remember why I even choose to stay with Nate over him. He is beautiful inside and out. He has proved himself dozens of times over.

Whereas, Nate was attractive, but a little of a dick, even then.

Several minutes in…

“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask you to remove your pants.”

I frown and he shakes his head. “Don’t worry, nothing is wrong. I just need to use a vaginal ultrasound wand to get a better look of something.”

Despite what he said, I was worried and knew the rest were too.

It was uncomfortable but not painful.

Another few minutes later…

“I’m sorry if I made you worry, Hayley. I assure you nothing is wrong. But I did, however, find a second baby.”

“Twins?” I asked surprised.

“Not exactly.” He turned the screen to us. Using the external wand he showed us our baby.

“This is yours original pregnancy.”

It was a tiny little baby, arms, legs, everything.

Everyone was in awe.

Then he changed to the vaginal wand.

“This is the second baby.”

It looked like a kidney bean.

“It’s deformed?” Dexter asked worried and the doctor quickly shook his head.

“No. To be honest, I have never seen this before. At least, not in person. It is extremely rare. But you have become pregnant again.”

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“The first baby is twelve weeks, whereas the second is only six weeks.”

“She is pregnant with another baby? One of ours?” Kaden and the rest all looked excited.

“Yes, she can find out who’s. But I since you are in a loving relationship I wouldn’t recommend dna testing until the baby is born.”

“We don’t mind, we’ll love it all the same.”

They already saw themselves as Bea’s dads. I knew the second would be the same.

The rest of the appointment was filled with explanation and excitement.

I’ll likely have one early but the doctor was certain both would make it.

They were careful with me before, but I knew now it would only get worst.

I was just thankful my sickness wasn’t as bad. But if I am only six weeks with one, I hope that doesn’t mean the sickness will come back.

“Matrix, we need to sit down and have a chat,” Kaden said once we got home.

Matrix looked down, his eyes brimming with tears, but I saw it.

“You want me to go?” He assumed wrong.

Quickly breaking free of Dexter and Kat’s arms, I drew mine around Matrix.

“No, I love you. I want you to stay.”
He looked up at me surprised and said in a weak voice, “I love you too. So much. But you are having another baby, you won’t want me hanging around forever.”

“Silly boy,” Kaden slaps his backside.

“We want you to be her husband too, another dad for the children.”

“After all little Lily could be your baby. I have have sex with all of you.” I come up with the name on the spot. Though we don’t no the genders yet, it suits them.

His eyes widened as though he hadn’t realised before.

“My baby?”

“Yes. But even if it isn’t, you’ll still be their father.”

“You really don’t mind?” He looks to the other guys.

“I was jealous of you at first, but now you’re like my little brother,” Kat tells him making him grin.

“Yes. You’re a cutey,” Dexter agrees.

“We all love and care for you. We are a family,” Kaden tells him.

“But I still don’t like your dog,” Dexter adds making him laugh.

“We want you to come home with us for Christmas, meet our families. Hunter can come too as long as she’ll get on with another dog.”

He quickly agreed but I could tell he wasn’t sure about Hunter.

I’ve seen her start fights with rottweilers. She isn’t scared of anything.

Dexter’s parents have a husky. But he is harmless and gay if the way he only humps male dogs is anything to go by.

Dexter’s parents tried to have their dog, Pickle, breed a bitch next door. But he wasn’t interested in her. He was all over her brother though.

“Then we best check we have everything.”


If I thought the guys were protective before, that was nothing.

It has gotten so bad that I am being made to go to class extra early and leave late so the corridors won’t be busy.

Then normally I am greeted by Dexter, Matrix and Kaden.

Kat can’t be seen to favor me.

That being said, he did have sex with me on his desk the yesterday. Pregnancy has made me so horny, I just want it all the time.

But that was the last day of college for the year and today we are heard to our hometown.

Kaden and Kat drove while the rest of us rested.

It wasn’t a long drive, but we left early and had a late night. We were at the club making sure everything was arranged for while we were away.

Cammie and Tiger – Kat’s sister Tash – had left yesterday.

The first day we are going to my parents first, Dexter and Kaden’s parents would be there too.

Apparently they spoke and all know we are dating.

I want to tell them I’m pregnant. I would have gone to Kat’s parents but Tiger has a big mouth. She told them the moment she got home. Cammie assured me she was being punished.

But anyway, they now know not only am I pregnant with Dexter’s child but also a second.

According to Cammie they are beyond happy. They didn’t think Kat would ever find anyone after everything that happened.

We coming upto the town when Matrix awoke from his nap.

He looked out of the window confused and then his eyes widened.

“Please tell me we aren’t going to Kasbridge?” He snuggled next to me, Dexter was on my other side with Kaden driving and Kat in the passengers side.

“Yes, why, baby? Is something wrong?”

He snuggled in closer to me. “That’s my home town. My family live there.”

We all understand instantly.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you won’t even see them,” I assure him.

“Where did your family live?” Dexter asked him and I glare at him knowing it’s a sensitive subject.

“What? I’m only asking.”

“It’s okay. They live on Columbus Road, next to the church. My mother said it was a perfect house because it was close to God and would keep us free from sin,” He said rolling his eyes.

“They kicked me out for what I did with a neighbour. But they are blind to the shit Marvin does.”

Marvin is his twin brother. Yes, twin. But he sounds like a douche like Nate from what Matrix has told us. He is the only reason his parents found out he was gay.

He has another brother a couple of years younger. They had been close. But he hadn’t spoken to any of them since leaving.

“Our parents live on Brocklesby street,” I tell him. It was the next street. “But don’t worry. If you see them we’ll protect you.”

Kat nods, looking back at us. “We’ll be with you, you’ll be fine.”

I watch as a smile appears on Matrix’s face. He really loves his Kat big brother.

“But I would kind of like to see me little brother.”

It’s Christmas, who knows what will happen.


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