Chapter 43

I haven’t been home since the summer, I was meant to come home sooner but after everything…

But anyway…

Driving down past Matrix’s parents house I recognise it straight away.

“I remember you, you were one of the adorable twins.” At least they were when they were little. One was sweet, the other was a brat.

“You remember me?” He blushed.

The Dawson girls parents were very religious too, but not quite as bad as his.

Mine, on the other hand, weren’t in the slightest. Matrix’s parents hated them going anywhere near us. Which is why we only sae them for a distance.

“Hey, didn’t you used to date one of the Dawson girls?” I ask remembering how one of the sisters always hung around one of the twins. I would speak to the girls once in a while and when I did one – I think her name was Jenny – would always speak about her crush. To be honest, I’d more than often tune it out, so I couldn’t remember if it was him or his brother.

He furrowed his brows. “Jenny? No way. We were friends but that’s all.” Maybe I misunderstood.

The car pulled in front of my house and Matrix’s eyes widened.

“You’re that Hayley.”

I was the confused one now.

He blushed. “Sorry. I just mean you were really popular. All the guys I knew had crushes on you.”

“This is the first I’m hearing this,” I admit. But I was faltered.

“They can look but nothing else. Because I have the only guys I want.”

Before we were even out of the car, the door opened and both mine and Dexter’s sisters ran out of the house.

Reese is Dexter’s seventeen year old sister but has always been like my own. Even in the difficult times with him. Then there is Lisa. She is only six and was a complete surprise. My parents actually thought my mum was going through the change until the doctor came back with a positive pregnancy test.

And my mum was on the pill. She was a welcome miracle. Everyone adores her. Through Nate was never very keen on her. He said she was too clingy and whiney.

What the hell did he expect?! I rarely saw her because of school and she is still a baby.

Now I think back, I think he was jealous of the attention I gave her. Thinking back, there was a lot I didn’t like about him. He was a jerk.

Then there was Louise. She is technically Reese’s girlfriend, male to female transgender, she lives with Reese and Dexter’s folks since hers couldn’t accept her.

But Dexter always calls her his sister. She even legally changed her surname to Williams to match her girlfriend.

She is adorable, I love her. I love them all.

Climbing out of the car, I am immediately engulfed in a hug.

“I missed you. Why you not come earlier?” Lisa whined clinging to my waist best the tiny girl can.

Before I had a chance to answer she let go and to the house yelling, “Mama, mama, they here!”

Louise and Reese moved in and hugged me between them.

“It’s about time you and Dexter got together,” Louise told me quietly.
“Yes. He has a box of ‘Hayley things’ under his bed at home that no one is allowed to touch,” His sister told me. I looked back to see everyone slowly getting out of the car.

Dexter and Kaden walked over first and greeted the girls with a hug.

“I can’t believe she’s dating you too. I always thought you’d end up marrying yourself,” Reese joked with her cousin. It is a joke among our families that Kaden is vain and in love with himself, that’s why he never dates.

It sounds a little cruel now I think about it, but it is only made in jest.

“Why you little…?!” Kaden grabbed her, tickling her sides.

I smiled, leaving the four alone, I walked around the other side of the car to see Kat comforting Matrix.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I ask the teenager quietly and hug the pair.

“He’s worried. He thinks your parents will hate him because his.” I understand his feelings since most in town don’t like them. They are more than a little entitled because ‘Jesus is on their side.’ It pretty crazy. But my parents wouldn’t judge him because parents are cunts.

“I love you and they will. Both of you,” I assured them, kissing them in turn.

“Come on, babies. Come meet the others.”

I took their hands and walk them around the car to the others.

“Girls,” I say getting their attention. “This is Dorian and Matrix,” I introduce them using Kat’s real name at his request. “Hi,” Both girls said smile. But as their eyes went to Matrix their expression changed. They looked shocked.

“Matrix!” Louise ran at him, clinging to him.

“L..L..Louie?” He asked and for the first time I put it all together.

I knew our parents didn’t like her’s but had no any idea who they were until now.

“It’s Louise now,” She grinned and Reese came over hugging him too.

“Wow, this is…” We were all surprised but it was good to see him so happy.

Our parents all exit the house and greeted us. But were more distracted by watching the siblings reunite. Kaden’s father, Joey, other hand, was staring at me. More precisely, my little bump.

“How far along are you?” He asked mischievously. This seemed to gain everyone’s attention, everyone.

Dozens of eyes stared at me making me super nervous. Which is crazy since I’m literally had sex in front of more people.

“Are you pregnant?” My dad asked in shock. I’m not big but it was clear to see I am.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” My mom asked. She tried to ask more but my dad spoke first.

“Let’s head inside.”

A short time later and we are in the house and Hunter is in the backyard.

“How far alone are you?” Louise asked more happy than I have ever seen her. I remember her now I think back. She was a tiny little boy who always followed around the sweet twin.

She is so happy to see her brother.

“Do you know who the father is?” My dad asked.

My parents, Dexter’s and Kaden’s were all there waiting.

I’m little surprised how well they are taking all my recent news, my men and the pregnancy.

“Well, Bea is thirteen weeks and Dexter is the biological father and Lily is seven weeks. But any of them could be her biological father.”

Our families looked confused.
“But it doesn’t matter because we’ll be raising them as all our children.”

“It really could be any of theirs but it doesn’t matter.”

They all took it so well. I was pleased but surprised. Lisa ended up asleep on the couch asleep watching some princess movie.

It was then the real talk started. Since technically Reese and Louise were almost adults they were allow to hear.

“How did this all happen?” All our parents were curious.

We had already come up with the official story. I don’t want them thinking bad of Dexter so choose to keep what happened a secret.

“I was at a party and discovered Nate was cheating.” I made out I wanted to finish with him anyway because I didn’t feel much if anything for him. It wasn’t a complete lie.

“I never did like him. Always trying to separate you from everyone, even as a child.” My parents hated him. But put up with him for me.

“Anyway, at that same party Dexter and I huge out and well…” I point to my bump. Everyone smiled.

“Kaden and Dexter were an item so…”

“What?” Everyone seemed to ask at once.

“Since when?”

“Years,” Kaden answered nonchalantly. “But anyway, we both loved Hayley and always have.”

Everyone knew Dexter liked me but everyone, except Kaden’s parents, seemed surprised that Kaden did too.

“As for Kat… I mean Dorian, that’s kind of complicated.”

“Another case of a man loving Hayley but her not noticing,” Kaden says.

“I’m going to be honest with you,” Kat surprises me by speaking up. He is confident like his professor persona.

“She met me in my sister and her girlfriend’s store. It sells sex aids, bondage gear and such like.”

I felt more than a little embarrassed but everyone was listening intently.

“I am a submissive. My sister is a submissive and her girlfriend a dominant. I was in a nonsexual sub-dom relationship with her girlfriend.”

He told them about already knowing me and happily accepting when he was loaned to me.

I expected questions. Nothing so far.

“I already loved her and happily accepted when she asked me to join them in a romantic relationship.” He’s not the best at wording things.

“But I have a day job and my sub persona is completely different in attitude and dress.”

“He’s my professor. No one at college knows. We are keeping it quiet until I finish.”

They all agree it’s for the best because it could mess up both his job and my degree.

“What about Matrix? How did you meet him?” Reese asked excited to hear the story.

“I thought you were gay? Weren’t you kicked out for having sex with dad’s boyfriend?”

Matrix looked confused. “Dad’s boyfriend? I was sleeping with Clint, he actually seduced me.”

“Yes. Didn’t you know, he’s dad’s boyfriend. Mom pretends they are just best buddies but they are involved. Dad was jealous, that’s why you were kicked out.”

We were all surprised to here this.

“Mom and Marvin are blind if they don’t know by now.”

This angered me more than I could express.

Holding Matrix’s hand, he let me know he was alright.

“It was best I left. It was hard but I met Hunter and she kept me company until I met Hayley and the guys.”

“We met at one of our clubs and just clicked,” Kaden added.

“I prefer men, but do like women. And I love Hayley and the guys. They are the best family you could ask for.”

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Marvin will be so jealous. He always had the biggest crush on you, Hayley.”

“He was the bratty twin, right?” Louise nodded.

“He has a douchebag beard now. He looks like a proper creeper. Oh and he’s dating Jenny Dawson,” Reese tells us.

“Only because Jenny liked you.”

“Jenny, no, we were just friends. She was like a sister.”

We all ended up talking happily. My parents and theirs were really accepting. It wasn’t until I mentioned we were going to view a club to see about buying it that I discovered why.

My parents, Kaden’s and Dexter’s are all regulars at the club. Yes, they practice BDSM. I am more than a little surprised.

And they were surprised to learn Kaden’s clubs were BDSM. They always assumed they were nightclubs, bars, dancing. But had never been to them since they weren’t local.

But they have heard of them, not realising it was theirs and planned to visiting them in the future.

“Alright. Just warn me when you go.”

“Yes, Hales is a really exhibitionist,” Dexter said grinning.

My face turned red with embarrassment and Kaden hit his arm causing Dexter to wince.

“I’m just going to the store,” I said quickly excusing myself.

Matrix, Louise, Reese and Kat left with me. Kaden nodded letting me know Dexter would be punished for embarrassing me.

I love my family, but I’d rather they didn’t know everything about me and my sex life.

We decide to take a walk together to the local store to get candies and rice cakes. I’ve had the biggest craving for them today. I don’t even like them. But the babies do.

We ended up pushing a cart full of goodies around.

Matrix was bent down behind the cart picking me the last pack of rice cakes off the bottom shelf when a couple of familiar faces approached us.


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