Chapter 44

Jenny Dawson and Marvin Michaels.

Reese was right, he is a real creeper.

He has much shorter hair than his brother and has this weird thing I wouldn’t even class as a beard. It looked like some one had used a marker pen to draw a line along his jaw and around his mouth. It was so incredibly thin, it looked ridiculous. He was dressed very prepy, as was she. Only she looked cute. He was learing at me like a complete creep.

“Hayley, you’re back
“Hayley, you’re back. It’s been so long.” She hugged me like I was an old friend. When really I was just the girl she always talked at and hung around.

Marvin didn’t even acknowledge his sister or her girlfriend at first.

But Jenny said hello to them, not noticing Matrix knelt nervous behind the cart. Only then did Marvin mumble an hello.

“I heard you broke up with Nate and are dating Dexter or Kaden now,” She said glancing at Kat.

“He is a jerk,” Marvin mumbled not looking away from me. I don’t know he is talking about.

“Yes, Nate is a jackass,” I reply and he smirks. He looks like Matrix. But I am not attracted to him in the slightest.

“But I have new men now,” I say smiling. “This is Dorian,” I introduce Kat. “And…” I hold my hand for my Pup. He takes it but is clearly nervous. “Matrix you already know.”

Both Jenny and Marvin stare in shock before she tries to push me aside to get to him. Only when she did Matrix pulled me against him and everyone, even her boyfriend seemed to be glaring at her.

“Don’t you dare touch her,” Matrix snapped at his old best friend before the very angry Kat had a chance.

“I…” She looked to her boyfriend who narrowed shock his head. “Not cool, Jenny.”

She huffed and puffed which her arms folded across her chest.

“Retarded cunt!”
“What are you? Ten?”

“Marvin, your brothers are bullying me,” She whined.

“Fuck you, cunt!” Louise snapped.

Ignoring his girlfriend and the others, all but me and his twin, Marvin looked between us. “I thought you liked guys?” He glaced seeing his brother’s hand on my small bump.

“I like both.” “Then why didn’t you date me?” Jenny asked but we ignored her. She is much more irritating than I remember. Matrix’s expression tells me he felt the same.

Kat looked ready to punch the couple, especially Jenny.

“I don’t know. But he sure loves getting pussy,” I say causally with a smile. She looked shocked and I looked to Matrix who is blushing but smile. I steal a kiss, nipping his lip and making him moan.

Feeling arms move around us, we both glance back and Kat presses his lips to ours.

Hearing a gasp I turn unsurprised that it is Jenny.

“As you can see, we are very happy together, Me, Matrix, Dorian, Dexter and Kaden, all one happy family, sharing a bed and fucking one another.” The teen couple with us giggle and I am pleased to see Jenny’s stunned reaction. But, again, unsurprisingly, Marvin is still learing.

“Now if you excuse us, we have to get home.”

“I will come and see you,” Marvin said with the same expression.

“I’d rather you’d not,” I began to say but I don’t think he heard me since his bitch was whining.
Something about him and his brother ignoring her. I wasn’t listening. He rolled his eyes and shot me a learing smile before taking her hand and dragging the brat away.

“Come on, my darlings, let’s get this done before we bump into them again.”

We are almost done so we get out of there quickly and end up laughing all the way home.

“Hayley has another boyfriend,” Reese says in a singsong voice when we enter the back room where everyone was sat speaking.

“No way!” I say quickly making all who was at the store with me happy. “He makes my skin crawl,” I say in disgust. This especially pleases Matrix.

“Who?” Kaden asks curiously.

“We saw Marvin, Matrix’s twin. Imagine Matrix with a pencil thin beard, greased back short hair, preppy clothes and way too confident in himself. With a constant learing expression.”

“He wants to be Hayley’s new boyfriend,” Reese says grinning. She loves making her cousin and brother angry.

Louise chimed in and nodded. “He’s coming around later.”

“Like hell he is!” Kaden snapped.

Our parents listening looking amused.

“I really wouldn’t worry too much Jenny was with him at the store. Clinging to him.”

“Still annoying?” Dexter asked curiously.

I nod my head. “She’s one of those people you would just never get bored of kicking.”

Both Louise and Matrix laugh out loud.

It was really cute.

A minute later Lisa popped her head in the room, she stared a moment before walking inside clearly just having woken up.

“Mama, Kaden needs poopy juice,” She told our mum innocently.

This made everyone but Kaden, Kat, Matrix and my sister laugh out loud.

But I could see Kaden fighting a smile and my sister looked confused.

“Prune juice for constipation,” I tell Kat and Matrix who are now amused too.


I love Matrix. When I first met him I didn’t think it was possible. But I do and seeing him playing dolls with my sister only makes me love him more.

“He is a real sweetheart,” Lindsey -Dexter’s mum – said to me as I stood watching the pair. He is so innocent, so kind. I don’t understand how anyone could hurt him.

“He is,” I agree.

“You are a dominant, aren’t you?” I feel a bit embarrassed speaking to her about this but nod. “Mostly. But sub to Kaden.”

She chuckled and nodded. “A dom like his dad.” She wasn’t shy about sharing. My parents are switch, she is a dom, as is Kaden’s dad.

“I admire you. I know a lot of people in a relation like yours but most are to worried to admit it. I have never been serious with mutiple men like you but I have had other subs. Only casually though.” It was a strange conversation to have with the woman who had basically been my second mum, but I’m open to talking about it, within reason.

I mean, I don’t want to tell her all my intimate details.

Leaving Dexter, Louise, Reese and Lisa in front room playing with toys – yes, they are all kids at heart – I join the others in the back room.

“Matrix is playing with the others,” I tell the others, sitting on Kat’s lap. I know he is feeling a little nervous around our parents, even if he isn’t saying it.

“Dorian, you look really familiar. Have you ever been to ‘the Dominion’ before?” My mum asked Kat. Our other parents nodded, thinking the same.

“No. But I went briefly to ‘Blackout’ as a teenager.” Blackout is a BDSM club long since closed.

“Candy cane,” Lindsey said quietly. Everything turned sombre very quickly.

“He doesn’t like that name,” Kaden tells her.

An awkward silence before our parents began to apologise to him. Turns out they went to the club when Kat had. They hadn’t been involved with him, but had seen him around.

“We all thought that there was something odd about Tilly. But we had no idea,” My dad said.

“I know it isn’t any help to you now, but we are a lot more observant now. We always watch over younger members of the club,” Joey, Kaden’s dad said to Kat.

“That’s good. Our clubs have very strict rules and everyone has a background check done before membership is granted. No one under eighteen or with any form of sexual abuse or violent record.”

Our parents were pleased to hear this. “That’s good. Rules are far to lax.”

We spoke more about the clubs, with them even saying they’d come to visit us.

As long as we get warning I don’t mind too much. The last thing I want is for my parents to see me taking it every which way.

“Mama! Help!” We all jumped up hearing Lisa’s panicked voice.

Following her voice to the back yard, we find Reese in tears laughing, Louise trying to comfort my sister hugging her, but holding back a smile and Matrix looking embarrassed.

“I am so sorry,” He said before our eyes all moved to Pickle – Dexter’s parents Husky – knotted to Hunter, who is dragging the male dog by their knotted body.

“Mama, help! They are dying!” She screamed scared.

“Good luck, mum,” I said amused as she carried my sister into the house.

“Yeah, we should have seen this happening. Hunter is a little dominatix.” Kaden told them about her dildo obsession.

“She really likes Dexter. She gets so angry if anyone touches him,” I tell them amused.

Dexter groans and looks embarrassed.

Our dads all laugh out loud.

“Ever fancied owning a dog, dad?”


More coming soon.


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