Chapter 1

I lay with my eyes closed.

I feel coldness all around me, a coldness I have never felt or wanted to ever again.

I am laid on a hard surface, which makes my bones ache.

I try to remember where I am or the least what happened last night whilst still keeping my eyes firmly closed.

I see through my eyelids that it is bright and I’m not in the mood to be blinded.

My head hurts like I have been drinking all week.

I know opening my eyes to the bright like would most likely make me lose my stomach and I want to keep that from happening.

I can’t seem to remember leaving the lab.

I quickly remember the lock down and blackness and nothing after that.

And now here I am on a cold hard surface.

A thought quickly runs through my head.

The morgue.

Crap, it all made sense suddenly.

But I not dead.

Do they think I am?

Were they going to bury me alive?

I hear footsteps and know I have no choice but to open my eyes if I don’t want to cut open or buried alive.

There is a strange noise echoing though the room.

I sit myself up and rub my eyes, ready to open them.

I open my eyes, but quickly close them again.

The light is brighter than I expected. But I have to try again.

I slowly open and close my eyes, until they have adjusted to the light. I look out of where I am sat.

I am not on a morgue slab like I first thought. I am in something that wouldn’t looked out of place in a Star Trek episode.

Now I think about it, it looks like a future style coffin or cryogenic unit or something, but that’s enough of my nonsense thoughts.

I have to figure out where I am.

I look up, I am definitely not in a morgue.

Well, not any kind of morgue I have seen anyway.

The room is completely empty other than the object I am in.

The walls are all silver with small signs of rust in places.

If I didn’t know any better I would think I am in some kind of storage hold.

I feel as though I was being watched.

I search the room again with my eyes, making sure not the miss anything.

I crane my neck awkwardly to look behind me.

I notice something or someone out of the corner of my eye, but I would have to either speak to the person or get up.

I wasn’t sure if I could do either at this moment, but I have to try.

I try to speak but all that came out sounded more like a hiccup.

I decide to clear my throat and try again. This time I manage to speak, but it sounds more like baby talk.

Total nonsense.

‘I guess I have no choice but to try and stand,’ I think to myself.

At least my voice works in my head.

The object I am in has high sides, so I would have to stand up inside first before getting out. If this is not a coffin this is a design floor I should probably speak to them about.

I place my hands on the side and push myself up until I am on my knees.

‘Hurrah! Half way and still up right,’ I cheer myself on internally.

I am starting to get annoyed.

Surely the person in the room could see me moving. Why aren’t they helping me?

After a few seconds and I have pushed myself the rest of the way to my feet and stand up straight.

I give myself praise, but now it is time for the hard part. I have no idea how I am going to do this.

I lean forward and place one hand on the edge again, but this time I also try to throw my leg over the edge too.

‘Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea,’ I repeat in my head over and over as I do it.

I should have listened, because as soon as my leg got on the other side I lost my footing and began to fall forward.

I quickly move my arms up to my face for protection, close my eyes and grit my teeth and prepare for the pain.

Counting as a way of distracting myself. ‘One, two, three, and four….’ I stop when I realize it is taking way too long, I should have hit it already.

I open my eyes slowly and notice not only am I not on the floor, but I have come to stop mid-air and something is holding me.

I glance back, it isn’t something but someone who is holding me in place. I can only see their body, I can’t crane my neck enough to see their face.

But by what I can see, I am pretty sure it is a male.

I decide to try and speak again “Th… Thank you,” I manage to say, much too my joy.

“Cayam ee ya?” A male voice coming from above me says.

‘Just great, just my luck!’ I think.

I was never any good at foreign languages in school, but I am pretty sure that is no language I have ever heard before.

I find his hands with mine and indicate to place me down.

He seems to understand and does as I asked.

After being placed on my feet I dust myself off.

I look from the feet upwards at the man who is now in front of me.

He appears to be wearing a one piece style suit of which I have never seen before – similar to a jumpsuit or a onesie.

He is dressed completely dark silver which is made out of a shinny material.

On his feet are matching boots in even darker silver.

Having made it all the way up to his neck and still not seen his face, I inhale a deep breath.

I make it up to my saviour’s face and am shocked by what I see….

I stare mouth a jar at the man in front of me.

This man is hotness its self.

He has model good looks, with plump pink but masculine lips, almost deathly white skin, piercing eyes the strangest colour of gold and mid-length jet black hair which seems to lie perfectly in place.

But that isn’t all, there is something I can’t quite put my finger on.

Before long I realize I am staring at him and him at me.

I straighten myself up and clear my throat before talking again.

“Um…Hello…” I nervously say, trying my best not to stutter. “Where exactly am I?”

The man watches me closely as I speak, but keeps his face expressionless.

I wait for a reply for what seems like forever, but it never comes.

Through pressed lips and gritted teeth, “Not only have I woken up God knows where, but now the only person here doesn’t seem to want to communicate with me!” I mumble to myself under my breath, looking off to the side.

I let out a long sigh and start to walk around the room.

I notice from the corner of my eye the man following me with his eyes.

I walk up to a strange looking alcove and randomly start pressing buttons, not caring what will happen.

In a flash ‘Jet’ as I have decided to call him because of his hair – or at least until I find out his real name – appears beside me and pulls my hand away stopping me.

He has a slight panicked look in his eyes as he checks to see what I have done. But soon sighs, I guess finding nothing wrong.

Tapping my foot, I glare at Jet and purse my lips.

He releases my arm which he has only just noticed he is still holding, leaving the beginnings of a bruise in its place.

He notices this and looks from my face to my arm and back as if to say ‘What is that?’

I roll my eyes, “Well, if you are going to go around yanking on my arm what you expect!” I exclaim annoyed.

Jet runs a finger over the spot causing me to wince.

“Yan nar,” He tells me in the foreign language and looks into my eyes with sorrow.

“I’m guessing that means sorry,” I say harshly looking him in the face.

I sigh, “It’s okay, just don’t do it again,” I say more slowly this time.

He seems to understand me. He nods his head before walking away and motioning for me to follow him.

I stare at him, not sure whether to follow this strange but beautiful man.

But having little to no choice I do as told and follow his.

He stops in front of a seemingly normal wall and places his hand on a small square shaped screen.

I watch interested as the screen scans his hand and beeps. “Chibur,” Jet talks into the screen.

I watch in amazement as the wall opens up revealing a corridor.

Jet turns to me and sees my expression, which seems to amuse him. For the first he gives me a big open lip smile, showing me all his teeth.

Don’t get me wrong, his smile only makes him more handsome, but his teeth…

No, they aren’t rotten nor are they broken.

They are porcelain white and in perfect shape.

I stared wide eyed at his teeth.

From what I can see the molar are the same as mine, the premolars similar but with a slight point.

But both his canines and incisors were deadly pointed and look like they could easily rip through my arm if needed.

His smile drops and he places a hand on my shoulder after noticing my shocked expression.

I am still watching his mouth closely when he speaks to me.

“Ki ham yer.”

Call me a wimp but what I see next scares me.

As he opens and closes his mouth I see this tongue move to pronounce the words.

He has two tongues.

Not one split in half like a snake or one of those crazy people who decide to have it surgically altered.

No, he literally has two tongues, from what I can see – which isn’t much – it looks as though one is on the bottom – like normal – but there is also a second hidden in the roof of his mouth, but visible when he speaks.

“Why… What are you?” I say scared.

Being in the industry I am, I half want the walk up to him and open his mouth with my hands to see what is inside.

But the rational part of me just wants to run away.

He takes a step closer to me and put his hand out, but I side step him and shoot for the newly opened door.

I only get several feet before I am caught in his grasp.

Jet turns me around to face him.

Tear quickly start to fall as panic takes over.

“Please let me go,” I beg in tears.

He looks at me worried and touches my cheek, catching a tear on his finger.

He pulls his hand away and examines the drop with his eyes, before bringing it up to his nose and smelling it.

Still shocked, panicked and crying, I watch as Jet places his finger into his mouth and tastes my tear.

He pulls the finger back out and smiles at me again.

“Don’t freak out,” I repeat to myself quietly, as he leans in closer to my face.

My body stiffens as he runs both of his tongues down either side of my face collecting the tears before pulling away and licking his lips.

If I wasn’t scared before I am now.

All I can think is ‘God, he is tasting me! He is going to eat me.’

Starting to panic, I begin to hyperventilate.

Feeling Jet’s arms move around me, I close my eyes and try to calm myself, with no such luck.

I don’t notice anything else around me as I start to feel light headed and fall to my knees before passing out.


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