Chapter 2

Last thing I remember is a strange sexy man licking my face.

Here I am again waking up in a strange place.

But at least this time it feels like I am on a soft bed and not in ‘my box’ so that’s one step up.

I still am laying with my eyes closed, too scared to open them to see if what happened earlier was a dream or not.

Well, I am alive and not in pain, so that has to be a good sign, right?

As I lay on the comfortable bed I listen to the sounds around me.

Unlike the previous room it is not silent.

There are sounds of machines buzzing, people walking around and a few other sounds which I can’t identify.

“So what you are telling me is that she just fell?” I hear a female voice I haven’t heard before say.

“Yes, that’s correct,” A male voice replies.

There is a sigh, “Why do I not believe you?” There is concern in the female voice this time.

I stop listening after that.

‘Maybe it was a dream. Maybe I am still at work.’ I begin to think.

I lay there in the same spot thinking for a while before deciding to face the music.

I take a breath and hold it as I opens my eyes.

The room is brightly lit. I close my eyes and move my hand up to my eyes.

“She’s waking,” The male voice says quickly.

I hear footsteps as I try to open my eyes again.

“Dim the lights slightly,” The female orders the male.

I feel a presence next to me.

“It is okay to open your eyes now,” The female tells me.

With my hand still over my eyes, I open them slowly.

True to her word the lights are much dimmer.

I hear a squeak and a new female voice say, “Yes, it worked.”

“So it seems.”

I look next me, to where the first woman’s voice was coming from.

I blink my eyes a few times to focus and move my hand.

“Thank you,” I tell her.

The women look to be in her forties, with similar features to Jet.

I am still unsure whether earlier was a dream or not, but seeing this woman I think probably not.

“How are you feeling?” She asks me.

I look down and notice I am dressed in a plain white gown,

I hadn’t noticed when I had woken up in the first time, so I not sure if I have been changed or not.

I look back up to her. “Um, yeah, I’m alright… I think. Was I wearing this before?” I ask her pointing to the gown.

“No, we had to change you to check you over”

“Who is we?” I ask.

“Myself and my daughter,” She points to a younger woman standing behind her.

“Hello, my name is Koya,” The younger looking woman says excitedly.

“And my name is Ren,” The first woman says with a closed lip smile.

Both women are beautiful. I feel like a frump next to them.

I have natural platinum blonde hair which hit just below my shoulders. Sounds nice, but I always hated it growing up.

I have olive skin, which gave me a natural looking tan year round.

Big blue eyes and rose red lips.

My family and friends would always say I was beautiful and a body to die for, but I have always had very bad confidence and never believed a word.

I thought they were saying it was to get me out and meeting people.

When I was out or at work I would wear baggy clothes and glasses to hide myself and hope not to be noticed.

But not much chance of hiding now, dress in a thin white gown, which seems to cling to my body no matter what I do.

I am about to say something when I hear someone clear their throat.

“And that is my son, Phe,” She points behind me.

I turn my head to and come face to face with the guy from earlier.

“Hello,” He says nervously.

“Um, I got to go,” I say trying to get up.

“Go? Where?” Ren asks.


“Don’t you know where you are?” Asks Koya.

Ren hushes her.

“What does she mean? Where am I?” I ask forgetting for a second the crazy person behind me.

Someone places a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t think we are where you think?” A male voice tells me.

I turn to see it was Phe – Jet’s real name.

I flinch away, “Don’t touch me!”

He drops his hand and looks at me hurt.

“Phe?” Ren questions.

I move back and watch the exchange between the pair, hoping that nothing will happen and trying to think what to do next.

“What did you do?” Koya adds.

Phe sighs and looks at me and knows he has to tell them.

Phe’s pov

My mother and sister are both looking at me accusingly and rightly so.

I did after all scared the girl half to death and then lied about it to cover for myself.

“I might have unintentionally scared her a little,” I confess.

“What does that mean?” My mother asks giving me a stern look.

I gulp and look at my sister who is trying her best not to smile at my discomfort.

I decide to explain. “I was about to bring her to you just after she woke up, but for some reason she got scared and tried to run…”

I am interrupted by Koya.

“Why did you get scared?” She asks the girl.

The girl looks around nervously and looks to my mother for reassurance.

“It is okay, you can tell us.”

“I don’t want to sound offensive, but it’s not every day you meet an alien species.”

Her words not only surprise me, but also my mother and sister.

“How did you find out?” My mother inquires.

The girl still seems nervous but hides it well.

“Well, the teeth and tongues were major points.”

“How do you mean?” Koya looks confused.

“Well, she only has one tongue and her teeth are more flattened,” Mother explains.

She looks to the girl, seeing her confusion she explains, “I saw when I was treating you.”

She nods to say she understood and continues. “Plus, there was other things.” She pauses and thinks.

“He spoke different before. How is it that I can understand him now?”

“You are not the first alien we have encountered, but you are the first of your kind we have. We have a special chip that we inject into the blood stream and it helps the brain translate alien languages,” Mother explains.

“Oh, okay…”

“What else did he do?” Koya looks at her and asks.

“Well, after I tried to run away he caught me and I started to cry…”

Koya interrupts again. “Cry? What’s that?”

“Really? You don’t know?”

“No, what is it?” Mother replies.

“It is when water fall from your eyes. It happens normally after a strong emotional situation. Normally when you are sad or scared,” She explains.

“Truly? That is great. Can you show me?” Koya asks excitedly.

My mother glares at her and Koya backs away apologising.

“It’s okay. You can maybe show us another time if that is alright?” Mother asks secretly hoping.

The girl smiles shyly and nods.

“Continue with your story.”

She look at me as she speaks and I cannot help but stare at those beautiful blue eyes like nothing I have ever seen before.

“As I was saying I began to cry as I was turned to face him. He noticed my tears and took one onto his finger. He look at it and smelled it before placing it in his mouth and tasting it.”

Koya looks at me amused, while my mother continued listening.

“After that he took his finger back out and smiled at me. Now I think back I sound a bit stupid, but at the time it was quite scary. He took a step closer until he was right in my face and then proceeded to lick all my tears from my face. I was afraid, I know now or I hope at least that I was overreacting, but I had just found out what he was and I thought he was going to kill or eat me or something. I guess, I panicked and fainted and then woke up here,” She finishes explaining.

“You licked her face?” Koya asks her voice full of amusement.

I shrug, “I am sorry, I did not mean to scare you,” I tell the girl honestly.

She looks at me and smiles shyly, but I can tell I still scare her.

“You must forgive my son. He is socially inept,” My mother smiles.

The girl and my sister laugh.

While I just stand and say nothing, whilst still watching the girl.

“What is your name?” I finally ask.

“Amber,” She told me with a smile.

“That is a beautiful name, I have never heard it before,” I say making my mother grin knowingly.

“Thank you,” She runs her hand through her almost white hair before asking again

“How did I get here?”


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