Chapter 7

Amber’s pov

“I’m sorry,” He says whispering softly.

I’m not sure what to expect but I’m not scared. I don’t know how or why, but even though I have only been awake and known him less than a day I already have very strong feelings for him.
Does him feel the same? I hoped so.

Phe’s thrusts become harder and faster. Stopping suddenly he exhales a loud moan, his eyes close but then open again almost instantly.

His manhood pulses deep inside me and his thick sticky seed flows up towards my womb.

Staring at me with deep lust and something I can’t read, I notice his eyes were no longer their normal golden colour but were now glowing green.

Pain… Indescribable pain.

I can’t hold back a scream as the strange pain spreads throughout my whole body.

“Shh, my love,” Phe who is still inside me coos, placing kisses all over my face.

“It will be over soon.”

I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. The pain began to fade, but then burning and tiredness take over.

Then blackness.

But not before faintly hearing, “I love you.”

Phe’s pov

Amber passed out. I am worried but heard it does0 happen sometimes during the first joining. It’s all to do with the bond completing.

Flipping us over so she was on top of me, I have to keep my manhood inside her until she wakes up and I am sure it is completed.

Whilst she remains unconscious I just watch her and wait.

I really don’t know what I would do if it didn’t take or I lost her.

I wrap my arms tightly around her and close my eyes, enjoying breathing in her beautiful scent.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing know I feel her small frame moving on top of me.

Her hips grinding against mine, my manhood hard inside her.

Opening my eyes she is looking down on me, her eyes now more metallic blue than the flat blue they were before.

“Do you feel it?” She asks.

“Yes,” I smile. The bond is complete and we are forever linked.

She now has a small golden tattoo mark on her neck, barely visible unless you are looking for it. I know will have the same mark on me, it is the way of mates.

Now would be the point where a female of my species would push the man out and they would close off until the next heat.

But not her. Not that I am complaining.

Amber’s pov

When I woke up my body felt like it was pulsing.

A strong arm around me and the most complete feeling inside me. And not just between my legs.

I open my eyes and without waking him, sit myself up on him.

Every colour is more vivid, I feel happier than I have been ever.

There is so many new feelings and things running around my body it is hard to describe.

All I know is that he is now and forever will be apart of me and my life.

Straddling his waist my legs begin to cramp.

Careful not to wake Phe I lift myself up, shifted my legs and then sit back down without thinking.

“Oh my…” I moan feeling his meat pump back inside me.

How the hell did I forgot that was there? It’s the size of a tree trunk.

Call me a pervert, but I can’t stop myself. I begin to rock myself back and forth.

Soon he is awake and we proceed to make love again.

“Did you mean it?” I ask as we lay on his bed afterwards spooning as he places kisses along the back of my neck.

I love laying like this. It feels as though we have always been together.

“Mean what?” He asks not stopping kissing me.

“I heard you just before I passed out earlier, after your release. You said ‘I love you.’ Did you mean it?”

“With my entire being… I love you,” He answers still kissing.

A smile takes over my face.

Maybe it is too soon. I don’t know. Maybe it is the mate thing or love at first sight but all I know is that…

“I love you too,” He stops kissing me and turns me over to face him. I notice his eyes are golden again.

He is wearing a huge smile, “I didn’t expect you to feel it this soon, but I am glad you do,” He kisses my mouth.

My stomach growls

He pulls back and looks at my stomach strangely.

“It happened when I am hungry,” I explain. Moment to think and… “How long has it been since we ate last?” My stomach feel as though my throat has been cut.

He looks at a mental type hollow circle with a pendent rocking in the center.

“Two cycles… So about thirty hours in your time,” He learned Human timekeeping from one of the memory cards. If only it was that easy for me to learn things.

My eyes widen, “So long? Where did the time go?” I think out loud.

“Between the first joining, sleeping and again,” He smirks, who knew aliens smirked. “The time adds up, my love,” He kisses me once more before standing up taking me with him.

He carries me naked bridal style back through to the dining area. Not caring that we are naked he sat me on a chair and orders us more food and drink. I don’t know what happened to the food we left here before but I am guessing they zapped it away or something.

I must of drunk a gallon of Oud Juice and ate a ton of food.

After an awkward conversation Phe – not to mention the part where he wanted to go in with me – he finally showed me to the bathroom.

“Call me when you are finished,” He made sure to tell me as I left him waiting outside the bedroom door.

The toilet is surprisingly similar to humans so doesn’t take much working out.

But the rest of the room not so much.

“I’m done,” I call not sure how to wash my hands. He came in less than a second later, explains a small panel and how you place your hands in the small sink below it would either give you water – Normal plain water – or this strange energy called Pivrin which would clean my skin.

There is a shower type thing which does the same thing. It also dispensed different alien soaps and creams.

Phe took great pleasure in showing me how it works and even helped me use it. Making sure he was the one to wash me because and I quote, “I want to memorise every part of you.” And he even let me wash him.

I even discovered that his species are called the Poyun and they have met other alien species but we didn’t go into any detail.

He is really shocked but happy to find out that my feminine area never closes up like his species. I can see us spending a lot of our time in his bedroom.

“Can I join with you again?” His voice husky as we stand naked and soapy in the shower with his erection digging in my hip.

“Ask me again but this time replace join with make love,” I tell him not liking how joining sounds.

“Can I make love with you again, Amber?” His voice more husky than the last time.

“What would you have done if I closed like your species or didn’t want to again.”

“I would respect that and wait until the time came round,” He answers gently.

Is it bad that his answer only made me want to fuck him more?

I jump up and wrap my legs around him. “Please, Phe… Put it inside me.” He got a sexy smirk and grabbing my hips, he places me gently on his throbbing hard cock. Gripping under my bottom he slowly moves me up and down on his tent pole until we both explode in pleasure together. A lot of kissing later, we finally rinse our bodies off. The shower has a blow dry thing, we don’t need towels. Phe insists on rubbing lotions in our bodies and we get out of the shower. He gave me some special mouthwash that you swirl around your mouth for a minute then spit it out. It is their way of cleaning their teeth and it works really well.

Finally finish he led me back into the bedroom, went in a cupboard I didn’t notice at the side of the room and brought out a hair brush. He brushes my hair, ties it back loosely because I hate it going in my face and he even had new clothing ready for me.

“I ordered it the same way I did the food,” He explains.

It is the same type of one piece jumpsuit design as he and the others all wear but much smaller to fit my tiny frame, it is a lighter silver colour than his and has matching boots. All which I wear with nothing else. The jumpsuit had built in breast support.

“How did you get the sizes right?” I ask him once he has helped me dress.

“The ship has software which scans your body and works in out. You were scanned when you were in the shower,” He says pulling on his own dark silver jumpsuit on.

“This place will take a lot of getting used to… Is this your permanent residence or do you live on a planet somewhere?”

As soon as the sentence came out of my mouth I couldn’t help but think about how much I sound a cold caller or something.

“Most of the crew live on board, but some head to the home planet to visit family. Most of my family is on board or on similar vessels. So if anything we just visit other ships. But yes, I live on board. We live on board. This is mine and your room now.” He wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me against him.

“What are we doing now? I have to help Kora with those things at some point,” I ask him.

“I know. I have had my com off, so she wouldn’t harass us,” Speaking into my hair.

“But unless my father has told them which I doubt, she and the rest of the crew are probably worried that something happen,” I can hear humor in his voice.

“Maybe they thi… Ooh my…” I exclaim as he placed a kiss on my neck, sending heat and sparks of lust throughout my whole body.

“How did you do that?” I ask breathlessly.

“This?” He touches the same point on my neck with his finger making me moan.


“It is our mark,” He says as if it is obvious.


He turn me around in his arms. “See this…” He points to a golden tattoo mark on his neck I hadn’t noticed before. “This is our mark. You have one the same. We both get the same one once the joining is complete,” He explains. “It is a mark indicating we are fully joined mates.” He leans down and kiss mine again. “Forever.”

“You need to stop that,” I moan as his kisses send heat to my core.


“Because you are making me want you again… If you know what I mean…”

His eyes darkened with lust. “What’s the problem with that?”

“I am too sore down there to it again.”

His expression changes from lust to worry.

“Don’t worry. It is normal the first time or if you make love with a giant…” I look down and up again with a smirk.

“Well, my little love, this giant is ready whenever you are again,” He says in a husky voice.

“I will have my mother give you something to help you heal faster. I don’t like the idea of you in pain,” He tells rather than asking, taking my hand in his, then leading me out of the room and towards the exit.

I suddenly have the urge to skip, swing our held hands and sing ‘Off to see the wizard.’ But somehow managed to stop myself. Now is not the time to submit him to my God damn awful singing voice.

Before I know it we are back in the corridor outside his… Our quarters.

Unlike the last time, this time we pass several people.

All who greeted Phe as ‘Sir’ and look at me with a blank expression I can’t read.

Stepping into the lift Phe turns and faces me, “Don’t worry about anyone, my love. I will by your side all the time,” He says as thougu sensing my nerves.

“Thank you, Phe. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

He smiles greatly, “You will never have to find out.” And kisses my hand just as the doors opens.

“First we will call in the Medical bay. I will get you a safe pill to help you healing and then we will go to meet my parents and siblings. They are expecting us…”

“Siblings? As in more than one?”

He smiles at my worried tone. “There is no need to worry.”

We are soon back in the room I woke up in and first met Koya and his mother. No one is inside, but Phe seems to know what he is doing and soon hands me a small capsule full of liquid. “Take this and you will be well soon,” He says passing me the pill and a small glass of pink liquid.

It looks like the stuff the dentist gives you, but thankfully doesn’t taste like it.

He watches me intently as I take the pill. “All gone?” I nod. “Yep. All gone. ”

He smile and kisses my head. He must really like kissing and touching me because he has barely let me go for more than a minute at a time. Not that I mind. After all I am effectively his wife now and he is my husband.

I can’t help but smile at the thought and again we leave the room hand in hand. This time are walking in the opposite direction passing more people who again only greeted him with a respectable ‘Sir.’ Finally coming to a stop outside of a strangely regal looking door.

“This is it,” He announces. “Time to meet your new family.”

I take a deep breath and the doors open…


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