Chapter 8

Phe opens the door.

I am greeted by a sight I didn’t expect. More than a dozen people.

Never being the social butterfly like my brother. I slowly back out of the room so fast I am unsure if anyone other than Phe and an older man who looks like him noticed.

I hear Phe say something to them but I’m not sure what as I an still freaking out a little.

Phe’s pov

We walk into the room where my family is waiting to meet Amber. Still not aware she is my mate, apart from my father.

He seems to watch her enter, but the rest don’t notice my small mate at first.

At least not until she pulls her hand from mine and rushes out of the room.

They all wore questioning expressions finally noticing my little disappearing blur.

“Be right back,” I say and disappear behind her before anyone can say anything.

Outside of the room I find her stood up against the wall.

“What’s wrong, my love?” I ask worried that I have done something worry.

“There is so many people…” She almost whispers.

“Is that what’s wrong? Are you worried?”

“Yes. I am not very good with large groups of people.”

I wrap my arms around her and bring her closer to me.

“Don’t worry, love. They are all my family and you’re now too,” I tell her trying my best to make her feel better.

Her eyes widen as she pulls her head back slightly from me to look at my face.

All I can do is stare at them beautiful blue eyes.

“All of them?”

“Yes. My mother and father and siblings. Some of them have mates but you will meet them another time.”

“Your siblings? All eleven?” I can’t help but smile at her expression.

Before I can say anything a voice cut in first, “Twelve to be exact.” I turn my head still with Amber in my arms and see Koya.

She looks between me and Amber unsurely walking over closer. Stopping right next to us. I’m guessing she spotted the marks on mine and Amber necks because I notice a shocked expression cross her face but it is replaced by a grin and a high pitch squeal.

Amber quickly put her hands over her ears.

“This is really good,” She squeals throwing her arms around both me and Amber.

“Do you have to squeal in my ear?” Amber mumble, but Koya doesn’t seem to notice.

“I was wondering where you had been all this time. I thought maybe he had eaten you or something,” My sister teases pulling back to arms length to look at us.

“I’ve always wanted a little sister.”

I laugh, “You have five sisters.”

She frowns and waves her hand dismissively. “They’re all older and taller.” She looks down at my tiny mate from her six foot height.

“So pretty,” She began twisting a loose strand of Amber’s hair around her finger playfully. You wouldn’t believe she is a grown woman sometimes.

“Koya. That’s enough,” The voice of my father echoes from the doorway.

“I wasn’t doing anything,” My sister whines letting go of the hair she was playing with.

“Just go back and sit with the others while I speak to these two for a moment.”

She doesn’t seem to be happy but does what he told her anyway.

Amber’s pov

Koya is harmless enough, but it doesn’t make her any less intimidating.

The older man from before who looks like Phe is now standing with me and Phe in the corridor.

“Hello, Amber. I am Kiy. Koya’s and Phe’s father and Ren’s mate,” He introduces himself with a kind smile.

“Hello,” I mumble back shyly, me and Phe now standing side by side.

I take his hand and nervously rub my fingers on it.

Both men seem to notice. “There is no need to worry or fear, my love,” Phe tells me again, but it still doesn’t eliminate me fears.

“There really isn’t,” Kiy speaks this time. “I am aware of you being mates and give my blessing, as will thee others.”

“I am sorry, Sir.”

Kiy looks at me oddly.

“It is a term of respect,” Phe tells his dad.

I heard some of the crew call Phe ‘Sir,’ maybe it has a different meaning.

“I insist you call me, Kiy or if you are not uncomfortable with it, father. I know you have no other family, other than we. I would be pleased if you would call me father.”

Phe looks pleased and smiles.

“Other than we?” I ask.

“Yes, now you are mated, you are my daughter.” I know it is the tattoo that told him because he is looking straight at it.

“I congratulate you, son and Amber, both. Golden marks indicate a strong bond. It is not often seen, most marks are tan colour which is still good. As are all bonds, but gold is only for bonds which are deeper than any normal bond,” He tells us.

I’m not sure what he means but it sounds good.

“Does that mean he won’t dump me on some random planet and run off?” I joke, but they take me seriously.

“I would never…” Phe looks hurt at the suggestion.

“I was only joking,” I say lowly, only feeling more stupid and shy than before.

Maybe I should just have stayed in our room or become a hermit. I am sure they could bring USB drives to me and I come sort them out.

God, I hate people. Why? Because they all think I’m weird. If I speak I normally say the wrong things or if I do something it is the wrong thing.

That is one of the main reasons I never went out to clubs with my brother and why I am shy.

“That’s okay then. Either way, you would not be left behind. As family we stay together, little one,” Kiy says and pats my shoulder.

At least it isn’t my head.

“I am not little, I am average. You are just all giants,” I defend making them both chuckle.

“Is that true or are you just trying to make yourself feel better?” Phe teases me.

“It’s true… more or less. It’s actually five foot five, but I am only a few inches off and five-nine for men… At least in my species. Of course, there are always the exceptions some people are much smaller and some taller.” I have to stop myself from rambling.

“That’s small. Your men’s is our females average, but they never get more than an inch or two smaller than that and males average at six foot four. I am just lucky to be slightly taller,” Phe tells me.

“Great. So I am the size of a child,” I grumble.

“But a very pretty child…”

I glare at him. He just smiles and licks my cheek. Weird, but Kiy reactions tells me it is the norm, so I say nothing.

“Stop teasing the poor girl,” A new voice comes from behind us.

“Ren, my love,” Kiy beams at seeing his wife… Mate.

He wraps his arm around her and the pair stand in front of us.

“I would like you to meet our new daughter.” I have already met her, but alright…

Her eyes widen and she gasps, “Is this true, Phe?” I’m not sure if that is a good voice or not, but it scared the crap out of me, making me tighten my grip on his hand.

He pulls me in closer and whispers not to be scared. I might sound wimpy too most, but they are an alien race. I have no idea what they will do.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” She moves beside me and hugs me.

“I am sorry. I overreacted,” I say honestly.

“It is to be expected under the circumstances,” She says releasing me but staying close, as the other two did she looks at our necks, trying to find something and smiles when she does.

“Why didn’t you tell me she was your mate?” She scolds her son, then looks to me.

“I am happy and proud to call you my daughter.” Another short hug before pulling back again.

“You will call me mother,” It isn’t a question, more of an order.

I nod. I am honestly more scared of his mother than father, which surprises me. Mainly because she is dark haired angelic looking woman and he is a older carbon copy of his son.

“Let’s introduce you to the others,” She says excitedly.

Literally dragging me by my hand back into the room I ran out of earlier.

Phe walks close behind us, with his father.

“Mother be careful you’ll break her,” He calls, sounding more like a whine.

What am I a doll?

Ha, yes, a sex doll.

All eyes are on me when we enter the room.

I need a box or something to hide in.

Sadly ‘mother’ won’t allow me to hide. She has her arm around my shoulders, stopping me from escaping.

Looking around I finally notice how much alike they all looked. It is kind of creepy. If it wasn’t for some of them having cheetah like spot – like what Phe has on his back – on their necks, hands and side of their face then it would be hard, if not impossible to tell the difference.

Koya is easy to tell. She is the smallest of the women and the one who looks like she is going to be bouncing anytime.

“Amber,” She says almost as though singing.

Phe and ‘father’ are soon with us in the room.

“Mother, why are you dragging the poor girl around?” One of the men asks.

“This is Amber, the girl we found on the planet,” Ren introduces me.

I feel a hand take mine. I don’t even have to look to know who it is, the warmth I feel is enough to tell me who it is.

The heat of everyone’s eyes on me makes me feel as though I might melt into a puddle at any moment now.

“She’s so tiny,” The younger shorter looking version of Phe cooed as though I am a baby.

He sounds almost like a male version of Koya.

I want to frown or glare at him, but I manage to fight it back and keep a blank expression.

“She has pretty coloured eyes and hair,” A woman says.

“Is she a Junior?” I have no idea what that means.

As if reading my mind Phe whispers, “Child,” To me.

“How old is she?”

“Where has she been for the last couple of days?”

The questions kept coming.

They are speaking to their mother as though I am dumb or not here, but are all looking at me.

Thankfully ‘father’ cuts them off before I can snap.

“I am sure if you ask her she will answer your questions.”

I look at him and silently thank him. He smiles in return, as though to say ‘No problem.’

“She can speak?” Says the first guy.

They all look at him incredulously. “Of course she can speak, you idiot,” Someone says.

“I didn’t know. Maybe she couldn’t…” He mumbles.

“You are so dumb,” Phe shakes his head in disbelief.

“Take a seat,” Ren says finally letting me go.

Not surprisingly she sat beside her husband and Phe drags me to sit in the only seats that are left that just so happen to be beside Koya.

Fun, fun. She went straight to playing with a loose strand of my hair.

I think I am more of a playful novelty for her.

I don’t ask. As long as they don’t eat me that is good. Only half joking.

“I love your hair. It is so pretty,” She says reaching to free the rest.

“Leave her alone now, Koya” Phe warns.

She pouts, “But she doesn’t mind,” She looks to me. “Do you?”

“I’ll take it down and let you play with it later,” I say hoping that is enough.

She grins. “Deal.” She lets go of my hair and sits back.

Phe being the most sweetest person I know, leans over and tidies my hair back behind my ear.

He is so breath taking. I loose focus on where I am and by the way he is stroking my cheek and looking in my eyes, I’m not the only one.

I feeling someone nudge my shoulder. I turn my head and see Koya grinning knowingly.

Not to mention the many other eyes of every other person in the room is on us.

Some with knowing looks, most unsure.

“How about I start by introducing you…” Ren began pointing to different people and reading off names.

I know I won’t remember most of them but I will try.

“From oldest to youngest,” She began. “Tou, Ley,” Two men sat next to each other. “Yikka, Foima,” Two women both sat near their parents.

“Joln and Phe the next in age,” They are on a chairs near us.

“Phlepa,” Another woman who looks a lot like her mother.

“Riyon, Roan, they are twins,” They are twin brothers sat beside their older sister Phlepa.

“Ondus, Majoi and Koya you already know,” The three sisters are all sat in close proximity.

“And finally the baby of the family, Lenime,” She points to the same man from earlier who said I am tiny and who just so happen to be sitting on the other side of Phe.

“Hello,” I say nervously making most of them smile.


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